Philippe Hugueney
Grape development revisited through the single-berry metabolomic clock paradigmOpen Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology - Open GPB, Jul 2024, Logrono La Riora, Spain. ⟨10.58233/CM69PEhY⟩
Conference papers
The grapevine single-berry clock, practical tools and outcomesOpen Conference on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology - Open GPB, Jul 2024, Logrono La Riora, Spain. ⟨10.58233/aleZezo4⟩
Conference papers
The Bacillus subtilis lipopeptide mycosubtilin primes defense mechanisms in wheat towards Zymoseptoria triticiICPP Satellite Symposium PlantBioRes 2023, Aug 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Hydroxycinnamic acid amide accumulation and PR-protein encoding gene expression are major responses of wheat during the early stages of powdery mildew infectionICPP Satellite Symposium Powdery Mildew, Aug 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Mycorrhizal fungi as biocontrol agents of septoria tritici blotch72nd International Symposium on Crop Protection., May 2021, Ghent (BE), Belgium
Conference papers
Screening of naturally occurring resistance inducers for biocontrol of two wheat leaf diseases: Septoria Tritici Blotch and powdery mildewPlant Bioprotech 2nd International Symposium on Plant Bioprotection Sciences & Technologies, Nov 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers
Combining genetic, high-throughput transcriptomic and biochemical approaches to identify methoxypyrazine biosynthetic genes9. International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology, Apr 2013, La Serena, Chile
Conference papers
La biosynthèse des arômes dans la baie de raisin1ère Rencontre du Nouveau Réseau Vigne et Vins Septentrional, Jul 2013, Colmar, France
Conference papers
Genetic determinism of the 'Muscat' flavour in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars9th International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology, Apr 2013, La Serena, Chile. pp.5, ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1157.14⟩
Conference papers
Genetic determinism of geraniol and linalool concentrations in grapevine berriesOeno 2011, Jun 2011, BORDEAUX, France
Conference papers
New insigth into the genetics of color in grape10. International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics, Aug 2010, Geneva, New-York, United States. pp.56 (Session orale O-36)
Conference papers
Parfum de roseJardins de France, 2003, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Genotyping by sequencing and genetic mapping of phenology-relevant and berry quality traits from two grapevine mapping populations12. International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics (ICGBG), Jul 2018, Bordeaux, France. 306 p., 2018, Abstract Book GBG 2018 – Bordeaux, France 15 – 20 July
Conference poster
Metabolic modifications in Arabidopsis plants induced by Turnip yellows virus and consequences on aphid behaviorConference, Insects, pathogens, and plant reprogramming: from effector molecules to ecology, Oct 2015, Tours, France. 2015
Conference poster
Résistance de la vigne au mildiou : Approche métabolomique sur 3 facteurs de résistance1ère Rencontre du Nouveau Réseau Vigne et Vins Septentrional, Jul 2013, Colmar, France. 2013
Conference poster
Comment créer une variété de type Muscat à partir du Riesling et du Gewurztraminer1ère Rencontre du Nouveau Réseau Vigne et Vins Septentrional, Jul 2013, Colmar, France. 2013
Conference poster
Genetic determinism of the Muscat flavour in grapevine varieties9. International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology, Apr 2013, La Serena, Chile. 2013
Conference poster
Approche métabolomique de la résistance de la vigne au mildiou7èmes Journées Scientifiques du Réseau Français de Métabolomique et Fluxomique, Jun 2013, Amiens, France. 2013
Conference poster
Functional genomics of aroma compounds biosynhtesis in grape berriesMacrowine "Macrovision of viticulture, wine making and markets", Jun 2012, Bordeaux, France. 2012
Conference poster
Criblage d’inducteurs de résistance d’origine naturelle pour le biocontrôle de maladies foliaires du blé : étude sur la septoriose et l’oïdium du bléPHLOEME, 2èmes biennales de la recherche et de l’innovation dans le domaine des céréales, Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, pp.279-280, 2020
Evolution of scent genesNatalia Dudareva; Eran Pichersky. Biology of plant volatiles, CRC press, 2020, 9781138316492. ⟨10.1201/9780429455612-14⟩
Book sections
Model Plants and Functional Genomic Approaches Applied to the Characterization of Genes Involved in Floral Scent BiosynthesisFloriculture, ornamental and plant biotechnology: advances and topical issue, 2006
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Variétés résistantes aux maladies. Le point sur les actions en cours du CIVB2019, pp.49-51
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