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pierre adenot

Publications de Pierre G. ADENOT
Affiliations actuelles
Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL pierre-adenot

Domaines de recherche




Heterochromatin as a pluripotency marker: Exploring H3K27me3 dynamic at pericentromeric heterochromatin in mouse peri-implantation embryos

Mélanie Pailles , Vincent Brochard , Martine Chebrout , Pierre Adenot , Alice Jouneau
FSSCR 3rd Annual Meeting, French Society for Stem Cell Research. FRA., Nov 2019, Lyon, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02475154v1

Contrasting epigenetic landscapes of heterochromatin in mouse pluripotent cells

Alice Jouneau , Matteo Tosolini , Vincent Brochard , Pierre Adenot , Martine Chebrout
Labex Revive: 6th Annual Consortium Meeting, Regenerative Biology & Medicine (REVIVE). FRA., 2017, Gouvieux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-02786605v1
Image document

Contrasted regulation of pericentromeric hetero chromatin in mouse ground naive and primed pluripotent stem cells

Matteo Tosolini , Vincent Brochard , Pierre Adenot , Martine Chebrout , Grillo Giacomo
France-Japan Epigenetics Workshop 2017, Nov 2017, Paris, France. , 2017
Poster de conférence hal-02786601v1

The different states of mouse in vitro pluripotency adopt diverse epigenetic programs to tightly control heterochromatin regions

Matteo Tosolini , Vincent V. Brochard , Martine M. Chebrout , Pierre Adenot , Luc Jouneau
ISSCR 2016 "The Global Stem Cell Event", Jun 2016, San Francisco, Californie, United States. , 639 p., 2016, ISSCR 2016 "The Global Stem Cell Event"
Poster de conférence hal-02741330v1