Learning common structures in a collection of networks. An application to food webs
Saint-Clair Chabert-Liddell
Pierre M Barbillon
Sophie Donnet
Journal articles
Pipecolate and taurine are rat urinary biomarkers for lysine and threonine deficiencies
Joanna Moro
Gaëtan Roisné-Hamelin
Nadezda Khodorova
Douglas Rutledge
Jean-Charles Martin
Journal articles
Efficient Bayesian automatic calibration of a functional-structural wheat model using an adaptive design and a metamodeling approach
Emmanuelle Blanc
Jérôme Enjalbert
Timothée Flutre
Pierre Barbillon
Journal articles
Sensitivity analysis of a crop metapopulation model
Baptiste Rouger
Isabelle Goldringer
Pierre M Barbillon
Anne Miramon
Abdel Kader Naino Jika
Journal articles
Modelling forest volume with small area estimation of forest inventory using GEDI footprints as auxiliary information
Shaohui Zhang
Cédric Vega
Christine Deleuze
Sylvie Durrieu
Pierre M Barbillon
Journal articles
Validation of a Computer Code for the Energy Consumption of a Building, with Application to Optimal Electric Bill Pricing
Merlin Keller
Guillaume Damblin
Alberto Pasanisi
Mathieu Schumann
Pierre Barbillon
Journal articles
Impact of the mesoscale structure of a bipartite ecological interaction network on its robustness through a probabilistic modeling
Saint-Clair Chabert-Liddell
Pierre M Barbillon
Sophie Donnet
Journal articles
Analyzing Stochastic Computer Models: A Review with Opportunities
Evan Baker
Pierre M Barbillon
Arindam Fadikar
Robert Gramacy
Radu Herbei
Journal articles
Characterizing the calibration domain of remote sensing models using convex hulls
Jean-Pierre Renaud
Ankit Sagar
Pierre Barbillon
Olivier Bouriaud
Christine Deleuze
Journal articles
missSBM: An R Package for Handling Missing Values in the Stochastic Block Model
Pierre M Barbillon
Julien Chiquet
Timothée Tabouy
Journal articles
Functional–Structural Plant Modeling Highlights How Diversity in Leaf Dimensions and Tillering Capability Could Promote the Efficiency of Wheat Cultivar Mixtures
Emmanuelle Blanc
Pierre M Barbillon
Christian Fournier
Christophe Lecarpentier
Christophe Pradal
Journal articles
A Stochastic Block Model Approach for the Analysis of Multilevel Networks: an Application to the Sociology of Organizations
Saint-Clair Chabert-Liddell
Pierre Barbillon
Sophie Donnet
Emmanuel Lazega
Journal articles
Epidemiologic network inference
Pierre Barbillon
Loic Schwaller
Stéphane Robin
Andrew Flachs
Glenn Davis Stone
Journal articles
Block models for generalized multipartite networks: Applications in ecology and ethnobiology
Avner Bar-Hen
Pierre M Barbillon
Sophie Donnet
Journal articles
Increased Susceptibility to Obesity and Glucose Intolerance in Adult Female Rats Programmed by High-Protein Diet during Gestation, But Not during Lactation
Caroline Desclée de Maredsous
Gabrielle Carlin
Annemarie Oosting
Corine Delteil
Dalila Azzout-Marniche
Journal articles
Variational Inference for Stochastic Block Models From Sampled Data
Timothée Tabouy
Pierre Barbillon
Julien Chiquet
Journal articles
Perinatal exposure of rats to a maternal diet with varying protein quantity and quality affects the risk of overweight in female adult offspring
Gabrielle Carlin
Catherine C. Chaumontet
François Blachier
Pierre M Barbillon
Nicolas N. Darcel
Journal articles
Patterns of amino acids intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality, independently of the sources of protein
Marion Tharrey
François Mariotti
Andrew Mashchak
Pierre Barbillon
Maud Delattre
Journal articles
Post-processing Multiensemble Temperature and Precipitation Forecasts Through an Exchangeable Normal-Gamma Model and Its Tobit Extension
Marie Courbariaux
Pierre Barbillon
Luc Perreault
Eric Parent
Journal articles
Sensitivity analysis of spatio-temporal models describing nitrogen transfers, transformations and losses at the landscape scale
Jordi Ferrer Savall
Damien Franqueville
Pierre Barbillon
Cyril Benhamou
Patrick Durand
Journal articles
WALTer: a three-dimensional wheat model to study competition for light through the prediction of tillering dynamics
Christophe Lecarpentier
Romain Barillot
Emmanuelle Blanc
Mariem Abichou
Isabelle Goldringer
Journal articles
Bayesian calibration of a numerical code for prediction
Mathieu Carmassi
Pierre M Barbillon
Matthieu Chiodetti
Merlin M. Keller
Éric É. Parent
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2019, 160 (1), pp.1-30
Journal articles
Maternal high-protein diet during pregnancy modifies rat offspring body weight and insulin signalling but not macronutrient preference in adulthood
Gabrielle Carlin
Catherine C. Chaumontet
Francois Blachier
Pierre M Barbillon
Nicolas Darcel
Journal articles
Patterns of plant and animal protein intake are strongly associated with cardiovascular mortality: the Adventist Health Study-2 cohort
Marion Tharrey
François Mariotti
Andrew Mashchak
Pierre M Barbillon
Maud Delattre
Journal articles
A clear trade-off exists between the theoretical efficiency and acceptability of dietary changes that improve nutrient adequacy during early pregnancy in French women: Combined data from simulated changes modeling and online assessment survey
Clélia Bianchi
Jean-François Huneau
Pierre Barbillon
Anne Lluch
Manon Egnell
Journal articles
Adaptive numerical designs for the calibration of computer codes
Guillaume Damblin
Pierre M Barbillon
Merlin Keller
Alberto Pasanisi
Éric Parent
Journal articles
Stochastic block-models for multiplex networks : An application to a multilevel network of researchers
Pierre Barbillon
Sophie Donnet
Emmanuel Lazega
Avner Bar-Hen
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A Statistics in Society, 2017, 180 (1), pp.295-314. ⟨10.1111/rssa.12193⟩
Journal articles
Parametric estimation of complex mixed models based on meta-model approach
Pierre Barbillon
Célia Barthélémy
Adeline Samson
Journal articles
Éditorial du numéro spécial : Expériences numériques, analyse d'incertitude et de sensibilité
Alberto Pasanisi
Pierre Barbillon
Bertrand Iooss
Hervé Monod
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2017, 158 (1), pp.1
Journal articles
Water flow probabilistic predictions based on a rainfall–runoff simulator: a two-regime model with variable selection
Marie Courbariaux
Pierre Barbillon
Éric Parent
Journal articles
Illuviation intensity and land use change: Quantification via micromorphological analysis
O. Sauzet,
Cécilia Cammas
P. Barbillon
M.-P. Etienne
D. Montagne
Journal articles
Effects of competition on collective learning in advice networks
Emmanuel Lazega
Avner Bar-Hen
Pierre Barbillon
Sophie Donnet
Journal articles
High-Protein Exposure during Gestation or Lactation or after Weaning Has a Period-Specific Signature on Rat Pup Weight, Adiposity, Food Intake, and Glucose Homeostasis up to 6 Weeks of Age
Caroline Desclee De Maredsous
Raish Oozeer
Pierre Barbillon
Tristan Mary-Huard
Corine Delteil
Journal articles
Interhousehold variability and its effects on seed circulation networks: a case study from northern Cameroon
Jean Wencélius
Matthieu Thomas
Pierre Barbillon
Eric Garine
Journal articles
Network impact on persistence in a finite population dynamic diffusion model: Application to an emergent seed exchange network
Pierre Barbillon
Mathieu Thomas
Isabelle Goldringer
Frédéric Hospital
Stéphane Robin
Journal articles
The satiating effects of eggs or cottage cheese are similar in healthy subjects despite differences in postprandial kinetics
Agnès Marsset-Baglieri
Gilles Fromentin
Francoise Nau
Gheorghe Airinei
Julien Piedcoq
Journal articles
A Network-Based Method to Detect Patterns of Local Crop Biodiversity: Validation at the Species and Infra-Species Levels CINVESTAV-IPN
Mathieu Thomas
Nicolas Verzelen
Pierre Barbillon
Oliver T. Coomes
Sophie Caillon
Journal articles
High protein diet during gestation influences female pups response to dietary challenge in adulthood
Caroline Desclee De Maredsous
Corine Delteil
Franois Blachier
Pierre Barbillon
Tristan Mary-Huard
FASEB Journal, 2014, 28 (1)
Journal articles
Approche décisionnelle bayésienne pour estimer une courbe de fragilité
Guillaume Damblin
Merlin Keller
Alberto Pasanisi
Pierre Barbillon
Éric Parent
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2014, 155 (3), pp.78-103
Journal articles
Bounding rare event probabilities in computer experiments
Yves Auffray
Pierre Barbillon
Jean-Michel Marin
Journal articles
Maximin design on non hypercube domains and kernel interpolation
Y. Auffray
P. Barbillon
J.-M. Marin
Statistics and Computing, 2012, 22 (3), pp.703-712
Journal articles
Maximin Design on non-hypercube domain and Kernel Interpolation
Yves Auffray
Pierre Barbillon
Jean-Michel Marin
Journal articles
Non linear methods for inverse statistical problems
Pierre Barbillon
Gilles Celeux
Agnès Grimaud
Yannick Lefebvre
Etienne de Rocquigny
Journal articles
Modèles réduits à partir d'expérience numériques
Yves Auffray
Pierre Barbillon
Jean-Michel Marin
Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 2011, 152 (1), pp.89-102
Journal articles
Non linear methods for Inverse Statistical Problems
Pierre Barbillon
Gilles Celeux
Agnès Grimaud
Yannick Lefebvre
Etienne Rocquigny (de)
Journal articles