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pierre courtois



E-mail : [pierre.courtois \[at\]]( [Webpage CEE-M]( Researcher in economics at the Center for Environmental Economics in Montpellier (CEE-M), I performed a Ph.d under the supervision of Gilles Rotillon (U. of Paris X) and Simon Cowan (U. of Oxford). My research interests include conservation policies, biodiversity management, epidemics control, mobile public good and more broadly the analysis of problems related to cooperation and coordination for the production of global public goods. **Research themes** Environmental economics, Agricultural economics, Public Economics **Application domains and expertise** Biodiversity, biological invasions, conservation policy, mobile public goods **Keywords** Biodiversity, conservation policy, mobile public goods



Quelles politiques publiques pour favoriser des paysages agricoles multifonctionnels ?

Pierre Courtois , Mamadou Gueye , Vincent Martinet , Raphaële Préget , Jean-Michel Salles
Paysage, biodiversité fonctionnelle et santé des cultures, Editions Quae, pp.à Paraître, 2019, Sciences en Partage (Quae), à paraître
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-02788255v1