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Pierre Debs



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Power of the Crowd

Athanasios Batakis , Pierre Debs , Dorian Le Peutrec
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, 2022, 42 (12), pp.6063-6096. ⟨10.3934/dcds.2022138⟩
Journal articles hal-03481343v2
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Penalization of Galton-Watson processes

Romain Abraham , Pierre Debs
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2020, 130, pp.3095-3119
Journal articles hal-01744802v1
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Automatic choice of the threshold of a grain filter via Galton-Watson trees. Application to granite cracks detection

Romain Abraham , Maïtine Bergounioux , Pierre Debs
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2018, 6 (1), pp.50-69
Journal articles hal-01337551v2
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The number of generations entirely visited for recurrent random walks on random environment

Pierre Andreoletti , Pierre Debs
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2014, pp.518-538
Journal articles hal-00652801v1
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Spread of visited sites of a random walk along the generations of a branching process

Pierre Andreoletti , Pierre Debs
Electronic Journal of Probability, 2014, 19 (42), pp.1-22
Journal articles hal-00800339v3
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Penalisation of the symmetric random walk by several functions of the supremum

Pierre Debs
Markov Processes And Related Fields, 2012, 18, pp.651-680
Journal articles hal-00546159v1
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Pénalisation de la marche aléatoire standard par une fonction du maximum unilatère, du temps local en zéro et de la longueur des excursions.

Pierre Debs
Séminaire de Probabilités, 2009, pp.331-363
Journal articles hal-00136421v1
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Penalization for birth and death processes

Pierre Debs , Mihai Gradinaru
Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2008, 21 (3), pp.745-771. ⟨10.1007/s10959-007-0123-9⟩
Journal articles hal-00142589v1
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Pénalisations de marches aléatoires

Pierre Debs
Mathématiques [math]. Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1, 2007. Français. ⟨NNT : 2007NAN10091⟩
Theses tel-01748273v2