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Pierre Depaz

Lecturer of Interactive Media - NYU Berlin
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Algorithmes entre objets et médiums : étude des traces d’un matériau numérique

Pierre Depaz , Nadja Gaudillière-Jami
Sciences du Design, 2024, n° 19 (1), pp.124-141. ⟨10.3917/sdd.019.0124⟩
Journal articles hal-04887849v1
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Shaping Vectors: Discipline and Control in Word Embeddings

Pierre Depaz
A Peer-Reviewed Journal About, 2024, 13 (1), pp.90-104. ⟨10.7146/aprja.v13i1.151234⟩
Journal articles hal-04823890v1
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Commons-Based Memories: Programming Practices and Large Language Models

Pierre Depaz
Memory Studies Review, inPress, 1 (2), pp.1-18. ⟨10.1163/29498902-202400018⟩
Journal articles hal-04796876v1
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Critiques protocolaires d'Internet: comparaison des projets IPFS et SecureScuttleButt

Pierre Depaz
Tic&société, inPress, Vol. 18, N° 1, pp.90-118. ⟨10.4000/12nsg⟩
Journal articles hal-04421591v1
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Discursive Strategies in Style Guides Negotiation on GitHub

Pierre Depaz
Recherches en sciences sociales sur Internet/Social science research on the Internet, 2022, 11, ⟨10.4000/reset.3425⟩
Journal articles hal-04366323v1
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L'agit-prop à l'ère 2.0: les campagnes du collectif Kazeboon dans l’Égypte en Révolution

Pauline Donizeau , Pierre Depaz
Cahiers Interdisciplinaires de la Recherche en Communication AudioVisuelle , 2018, 27
Journal articles hal-04276991v1

L’agit-prop à l’ère 2.0: les campagnes du collectif Kazeboon dans l’Égypte en Révolution

Pauline Donizeau , Pierre Depaz
Cahiers Interdisciplinaires de la Recherche en Communication AudioVisuelle , 2018, 27
Journal articles hal-04854160v1
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Discussing the world through algorithms

Pierre Depaz
Philosophy of Computer Games, Oct 2015, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-04272821v1
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Defining Games as Art

Pierre Depaz
DiGRA 2014, DiGRA, Aug 2014, Salt Lake City (Utah), United States
Conference papers hal-04272815v1
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Introduction of player fiction in digital sports simulations: Player fantasy in FIFA 13

Pierre Depaz
Standing Conference on Organisational Symbolism, Jul 2013, Utrecht (Netherlands), Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04229430v1
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Stylistique de la recherche linguistique en IA: de LISP à GPT-3

Pierre Depaz
Créativités artificielles – La littérature et l'art à l'heure de l'intelligence artificielle, 2023, 978-2-37896-262-3
Book sections hal-04366633v1
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The Multiple Layers of Information Communication Technologies and Their Use in Urban Public Space

Pierre Depaz , Nicolas Grefenstette
EMERGENT TECHNOLOGIES: NEW MEDIA AND URBAN LIFE, Common Ground, pp.240, 2020, 978-1-86335-219-2
Book sections hal-04276876v1
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Computer Simulations as Political Manifestos

Pierre Depaz
Games and Politics, Goethe-Institute, 2016
Book sections hal-04276949v1