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Pierre FAURE



Rôle de la disponibilité des composés aromatiques polycycliques de sols historiquement contaminés dans la réponse écotoxique d’organismes terrestres

Imane Aabbar , Coralie Biache , C. Cossu-Leguille , Clément Bojic , Catherine Lorgeoux
ResMO 2024 Matière Organique, Environnement & Société, Mar 2024, Semur-en-Auxois, France
Conference papers hal-04729695v1

Effect of PAC (PAH & Polar-PAC) availability on terrestrial organisms’ ecotoxicity

Imane Aabbar , Coralie Biache , C. Cossu-Leguille , Clément Bojic , Catherine Lorgeoux
SETAC EUROPE 33RD ANNUAL MEETING, Apr 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-04271332v1
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Petroleum System Strategy Applied to Geothermal Fields: the Case of the Pechelbronn Sub-Basin (France)

Tchang-Tchong Laurie , Raymond Michels , Laurent Beccaletto , Claire Bossennec , Catherine Lorgeoux
IMOG 2023, Sep 2023, Montpelllier (France), France. pp.1-2, ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.202333098⟩
Conference papers hal-04475756v1

New lysimetric experiments to assess the effect of water table-level variations on the fate of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants (LNAPL) in soils in the climate change context

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Stéfan Colombano , Anne-Julie Tinet , Constantin Oltean
Goldschmidt 2023, European Association of Geochemistry; Geochemical Society, Jul 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04197673v1

Unsealing of urban soils: scientific knowledge is essential for optimizing practices

C. Schwartz , Véronique Beaujouan , Adeline Bulot , Jean-Noël Consalès , Robin Dagois
12th Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic and Mining Areas, Sep 2023, Santiago De Compostela, Spain
Conference papers hal-04233442v1

Energy transition in a petroleum rich area: the case study of the Pechelbronn sub-basin

Tchang-Tchong Laurie , Raymond Michels , Laurent Beccaletto , Claire Bossennec , Catherine Lorgeoux
DEEPSURF 2022 - Energy and ecological transition conference, Oct 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-04475751v1

How climate change could affect our contaminated soils and groundwater tables: example of light petroleum contaminants (LNAPLs)

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Constantin Oltean
DEEPSURF 2022, Oct 2022, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03844145v1

Traitement par oxydation chimique (permanganate de potassium) de sols contaminés par des CAP (16HAP/CAP-O,-N,-S) : Impact de la dose en oxydant

Imane Aabbar , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure
FROG V, Jul 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03798174v1

New experimentations to assess the effect of groundwater level fluctuations on light petroleum contaminants (LNAPLs) mobilization in contaminated soils and groundwaters in the climate change context

Amélie Cavelan , Stéfan Colombano , Hossein Davarzani , Jacques Deparis , Catherine Lorgeoux
Intersol 2022, Jun 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03752664v1

Une approche expérimentale pour évaluer l’effet des variations du niveau des nappes phréatiques sur la remobilisation des contaminants pétroliers (LNAPLs) en contexte de changements climatiques.

Amélie Cavelan , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Jacques Deparis
FROG V, Jul 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03752762v1

Impact of groundwater table level variations on petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants (LNAPL) remobilization processes in the climate change context: an experimental approach.

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Stéfan Colombano , Anne-Julie Tinet , Constantin Oltéan
2022 Goldschmidt Conference, Geochemical society; European Association of Geochemistry, Jul 2022, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, United States
Conference papers hal-03752981v1


Jacques Pironon , Odile Barres , Philippe de Donato , Pierre Faure , Aurelien Randi
Decarbonization in the European Union and New Paradigm for the Development of Fuel & Energy Complex in Russia, Aug 2021, KAZAN, Russia
Conference papers hal-03455364v1
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How Do the Groundwater Level Fluctuations May Affect the Remobilization of Lnapls?

Amélie Cavelan , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Jacques Deparis
30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021), Sep 2021, Montpellier, France. pp.1-2, ⟨10.3997/2214-4609.202134017⟩
Conference papers hal-03352369v1

Impact of groundwater level variations induced by climate change on the mobilization of light refined petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants (LNAPLs)

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Stéfan Colombano , Noële Enjelvin , Hossein Davarzani
EGU General Assembly 2021, Apr 2021, Online, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4081⟩
Conference papers hal-03214290v1

Les hydrocarbures comme marqueurs des transferts entre les compartiments géologiques profonds et la zone critique. Le cas du secteur de Pechelbronn.

Laurie Tchang-Tchong , Raymond Michels , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03588054v1
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Evaluation of eroded mesozoic formations on Northern Alsace (France) using organic geochemistry and basin thermal modelling

Tchang-Tchong Laurie , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Eric C. Gaucher , Raymond Michels
30th International meeting on Organic Geochemistry - IMOG 2021, Sep 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-03429711v1

Impact des fluctuations du niveau d'une nappe phréatique induites par les changements climatiques sur la remobilisation des hydrocarbures pétroliers raffinés légers (LNAPLs)

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Stéfan Colombano , Noële Enjelvin , Hossein Davarzani
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03587976v1

Les hydrocarbures comme marqueurs des transferts entre les compartiments géologiques profonds et la zone critique. Le cas du secteur de Pechelbronn

Tchang-Tchong Laurie , Raymond Michels , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux
27ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03435490v1

New experimentations about the effect of groundwater fluctuations on the multiphase mobilization of LNAPL contaminants: assessment and monitoring

Amélie Cavelan , Stefan Colombano , Hossein Davarzani , Jacques Deparis , Catherine Lorgeoux
AquaConSoil 2021, Stichting Deltares, Jun 2021, Online, Netherlands. pp.123
Conference papers hal-03268877v1

Estimation of the thickness of eroded Mesozoic formations in the Pechelbronn area (Alsace) using basin thermal modelling and organic geochemistry

Tchang-Tchong Laurie , Raymond Michels , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux
Deepsurf International Conference, Oct 2021, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03435529v1

Microbial communities and hydrocarbon biodegradation in land sea continuum

Elise Châtillon , Robert Duran , François Rigal , Christine Cagnon , Catherine Lorgeoux
SETAC, May 2020, Virtual Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers hal-03145357v1

Impact of the soil mineralogy on the contamination and the microbial communities during lab-scale bioremediation of petroleum-contaminated soil

Axel Lebreton , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Aurélie Cébron , Thierry Beguiristain
Aquaconsoil, May 2019, Anvers, Belgium
Conference papers hal-03177579v1

Traitement des sols pollués aux hydrocarbures par biopiles simples ou végétalisées Comparaison de performances, paramètres de suivi et de dimensionnement

Anouk Barrere , Sébastien Kaskassian , Nathalie Montigny , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux
4es Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites & sols pollués 2019 - ADEME, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03232101v1

Comparative studies of several oxidants for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PAH and Polar PACs) degradation from DNAPL contaminated sub-soils : Batch and column experiments

Clotilde Johansson , Philippe Bataillard , Antoine Joubert , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux
26th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC), Sep 2019, Örebro, Sweden
Conference papers hal-03216501v1

Impact of the mineralogy on petroleum‐contaminated soil combining mineral and organic geochemistry and microbiology approaches

Axel Lebreton , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Aurélie Cébron , Thierry Beguiristain
Euroclay, Jul 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03177541v1

Improving our knowledge on Polar PAC mobilization and transfer in water from polluted soils by batch, laboratory and lysimeter column experiments

Pierre Faure , Marine Boulangé , Catherine Lorgeoux , Coralie Biache , Michel Julien
26th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounts (ISPAC), Sep 2019, Örebro, Sweden
Conference papers hal-03216494v1
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Les composés aromatiques polycycliques oxygénés (CAP-O) dans les sols et les eaux souterraines : Comportement sur site atelier

Julien Michel , Fabrice Richez , Marine Boulange , Catherine Lorgeoux , Fabrice Golfier
4èmes Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites et sols pollués, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers ineris-03319928v1

Essais de thermodésorption réalisés au laboratoire pour approcher la disponibilité des hydrocarbures aliphatiques dans les sols : approche exploratoire et perspectives dans le cadre d’essais de traitement de sols

Pierre Faure , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Barrere Anouk , Sébastien Kaskassian
Intersol, Mar 2019, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-03177592v1

Oxidation of PAHs and their by-products (Polar PACs) in the saturated zone of DNAPL-contaminated sub-soils: Batch and column experiments

Clotilde Johansson , Philippe Bataillard , Antoine Joubert , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux
Aquaconsoil, May 2019, Anvers, Belgium
Conference papers hal-03177566v1

Measuring PAH availability in contaminated soils with thermodesorption coupled to molecular analyses

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Stéfan Colombano , Pierre Faure
26th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC), Sep 2019, Örebro, Sweden
Conference papers hal-03216506v1

Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques : signature géochimique des sols industriels et urbains (Projet PACHA)

Olivia Bertrand , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Cécile Grosbois , Laurence Mansuy-Huault
4es Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites & sols pollués 2019 - ADEME, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03231660v1

Oxydation des CAP (HAP et CAP Polaires) par des ferrates, en zone saturée d’un sol pollué au DNAPL(Projet BIOXYVAL)

Clotilde Johansson , Philippe Bataillard , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Antoine Joubert
4es Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites & sols pollués 2019 - ADEME, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03232104v1
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Mobilisation et transfert des Composés Aromatiques Polycycliques (CAP) dans les sols historiquement contaminés par des goudrons de houille : Expérimentations au laboratoire et in situ

Marine Boulange , Catherine Lorgeoux , Coralie Biache , Julien Michel , Raymond Michels
4èmes Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites et sols pollués, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers ineris-03319931v1

Long term fate of multi−contamination within the context of natural attenuation and climatic conditions: a collaborative study in TERENO and GISFI lysimeters

Corinne Leyval , Thierry Beguiristain , Noële Enjelvin , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux
TERENO International Conference, Oct 2018, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-03178142v1

Oxidation of PAHs and their By−products (Polar PACs) in the Saturated Zone of DNAPL−contaminated Sub−soils

Clotilde Johansson , Antoine Joubert , Pierre Faure , Coralie Biache , Philippe Bataillard
Contaminated Site Management in Europe (CSME), Oct 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03178178v1

Thermodesorption coupled with molecular analyses as a new approach to estimate bio− and chemo−availability of PAHs in contaminated soils

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Stefan Colombano , Pierre Faure
Contaminated Site Management in Europe - CSME, Oct 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03178160v1

Mobilization and transfer of PAC (Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds): laboratory and lysimeter column experiments

Marine Boulangé , Lucie Maurice , Catherine Lorgeoux , Coralie Biache , Noële Enjelvin
TERENO International Conference, Oct 2018, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-03178125v1

Polar PAC (Polycyclic Aromatic Compound) Mobilization And Transfer In Water From Coal Tar Contaminated Soils: From Batch To Lysimeter Column Expériments

Marine Boulangé , Catherine Lorgeoux , Coralie Biache , Pierre Faure , Julien Michel
Contaminated Site Management in Europe (CSME), Oct 2018, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03178167v1

Influence des phases minérales des sols sur l’évolution d’une contamination pétrolière en contexte d’atténuation naturelle

Axel Lebreton , Coralie Biache , Thierry Beguiristain , Catherine Lorgeoux , R. Michels
4éme congrès du Réseau Matières Organiques "La matière organique dans tous ses états", Feb 2018, Trégastel, France
Conference papers hal-03216521v1

Thermal method as a new approach to link organic pollutant availability and reactivity in contaminated soils

Coralie Biache , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada
Aquaconsoil, Jun 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03216530v1
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Lead and Zinc status evolution during pedogenesis in a 100 years old Technosol

Samuel Coussy , Sylvain Grangeon , Philippe Bataillard , Robin Dagois , Christophe Schwartz
SUITMA, May 2017, Moscou, Russia
Conference papers hal-01492009v1

Polar PAC (Polycyclic Aromatic Compound) mobilization and transfer in water in coal tar contaminated soils

Marine Boulange , Catherine Lorgeoux , Julien Michel , Raymond Michels , Pierre Faure
14. International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources (AquaConSoil 2017), Jun 2017, Lyon, France. pp.331
Conference papers ineris-01853494v1

Natural attenuation of petroleum contamination in forest ecosystems: role of pedological and biological (microorganisms, flora and fauna) characteristics – the CONPET project

Coralie Biache , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , A. Auclerc , Thierry Beguiristain
Aquaconsoil - 14th International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, Jun 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03178186v1

Apport d’un soutien thermique modéré pour augmenter l’efficacité de l’oxydation chimique de sols lourdement contaminés par des HAP

Bérénice Ranc , Pierre Faure , Véronique Croze , Catherine Lorgeoux , Marie-Odile Simonnot
16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés - SFGP 2017, Jul 2017, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03613204v1

A fast and new method to quantify PAHs in contaminated soils based on flash-pyrolysis coupled with molecular analysis

C. Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Stéfan Colombano , Pierre Faure
21th international symposium on analytical and applied pyrolysis, May 2016, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03142666v1
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Effect of remediation treatments on Polar PACs in soils : degradation vs. formation

Stéfan Colombano , Sitraka Andriatsihoarana , Salma Ouali , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux
International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds conference, ISPAC 2015, Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01188563v1

A new, fast, clean and easy way to predict organic contaminant availability using thermodesorption – gas chromatography – mass spectrometry/flame ionization (Td-GC-MS/FID)

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Stéfan Colombano , Pierre Faure
Aquaconsoil, Jun 2015, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers hal-03216903v1

LORVER project: production chain of biomass for industrial purposes from former sites and materials

Marie-Odile Simonnot , Sophie Guimont , Appoline Auclerc , Rémi Baldo , Thierry Béguiristain
AquaConSoil 2015: 13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, Jun 2015, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers hal-04263798v1
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Polar polycyclic aromatic compounds (polar PACs) occurence and origin : issues and requirements for future investigations

Bruno Lemiere , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Alain Saada
International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds conference, ISPAC 2015, Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01188531v1

Lorver project: production chain of biomass for industrial purposes from former sites and materials

Damien Blaudez , Sophie Guimont , Appoline Auclerc , Rémi Baldo , Thierry Béguiristain
6th European Bioremediation Conference, Jun 2015, Chania, Greece
Conference papers hal-04263799v1

Parameters controlling oxygenated polycyclic aromatic compounds mobilization in pah contaminated soils

Marine Boulange , Catherine Lorgeoux , Julien Michel , Raymond Michels , Pierre Faure
25. International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 2015), Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers ineris-01855102v1

Link between matrix retention properties and thermal behavior of organic compounds during thermodesorption: Case of PAH/mineral associations

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Alain Saada , Pierre Faure
25th ISPAC, Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-03216654v1

LORVER, filière de production de biomasse végétale à usage industriel à partir de sites et matériaux délaissés

Marie-Odile Simonnot , Sophie Guimont , Appoline Auclerc , Rémi Baldo , Thierry Béguiristain
3ème Journées sites et sol pollués de l’ADEME, Nov 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04263806v1
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Compréhension des mécanismes de mobilisation et de transfert de CAP oxygénés dans les eaux souterraines et les sols

Marine Boulange , Sitraka Andriatsihoarana , Catherine Lorgeoux , Lise Lucas , Raymond Michels
3. Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites et sols pollués, Nov 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers ineris-01862487v1

Occurrence of Polar Polycyclic Aromatic compounds at contaminated sites

Staffan Lundstedt , Mats Tysklind , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Bruno Lemiere
NORDROCS 2014 - 5th Joint Nordic Meeting on Remediation of Contaminated Sites, Sep 2014, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01188591v1

LORVER project: production chain of biomass for industrial purposes from former sites and materials

Marie-Odile Simonnot , Sophie Guimont , Appoline Auclerc , Rémi Baldo , Thierry Béguiristain
7th Sino-French Workshop on Soil Pollution and Remediation, Nov 2014, Guangzhou, China
Conference papers hal-04263795v1

Effect of the injection of a gas mixture (CO2 + O-2) onto residual hydrocarbons in a depleted oil reservoir: experiments and modelling

Claire Pacini , Pranay Morajkar , Pierre Faure , Valérie Burklé-Vitzthum , Aurélien Randi
12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL TECHNOLOGIES, GHGT-12, 2014, Austin, United States. pp.7830-7835, ⟨10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.817⟩
Conference papers hal-01276651v1
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Influence de facteurs abiotiques sur le statut de polluants organiques résiduels de terres contaminées

Robin Dagois , Pierre Faure , Philippe Bataillard , Céline Blanc , Samuel Coussy
3. Rencontres Nationales de la Recherche sur les Sites et Sols Pollués, Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie (ADEME). FRA., Nov 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02742704v1
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ORP-assisted phytoremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated sediments

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , Joan Dupuy , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont
12. International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management (AquaConsoil), Apr 2013, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-02746121v1
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Early pedogenesis of a Technosol developing on iron industry deposits

Hermine Huot , Marie-Odile Simonnot , Françoise F. Watteau , Philippe Marion , Jacques Yvon
7. International Conference of the Working Group on Soils in Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas (SUITMA) of International Union of Soil Sciences, Sep 2013, Torun, Poland. 14 p
Conference papers hal-02746294v1

Organic contaminants repartition in granulodensimetric classes from a former coking plant soil: available, extractable and trapped PAH

Audrey Pernot , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , Pierre Faure
12. International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Groundwater-Soil-Systems and Water Resource Management (AquaConsoil), Apr 2013, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers hal-02744883v1

Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (Oxy-PAC) Occurrence at French Sites: Known Issues and Strategy for Investigations

Bruno Lemiere , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Elke Fries , Stéfan Colombano
International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 2013), Sep 2013, Corvallis, OR, United States. pp.P43
Conference papers hal-00872343v1

New tools for a better understanding of the dissolved organic matter composition: successive water extractions and successive water/solvent extractions

Ogier Hanser , Coralie Biache , Stéphane Parant , Catherine Lorgeoux , R. Michels
The 24th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Sep 2013, Corvallis, United States
Conference papers hal-03216925v1

A new tool to determine the PAC availability in contaminated matrices: thermogravimetry coupled with gas chromatography – mass spectrometry

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Pierre Faure
The 24th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, Sep 2013, Corvallis, United States
Conference papers hal-03216939v1

Influence of mineral phases on PAH transformation during air oxidation of contaminated soils

Coralie Biache , Olivier Kouadio , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure
The 24th International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compound, Sep 2013, Corvallis, United States
Conference papers hal-03216932v1

Degradation of organic pollutants in ancient coking plant soils: reactive minerals effects during air oxidation

Pierre Faure , Coralie Biache , Olivier Kouadio , Catherine Lorgeoux
Interfaces Against Pollution Conference, Jun 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-03216946v1

Fate and impact of the multi-contamination (PAHs, Heavy Metals) of an industrial soil under natural and plant assisted attenuation and the same soil after remediation

Corinne Leyval , Aurélie Cébron , Cécile Caupert , Pascale Bauda , Thierry Beguiristain
The international conference 2012.Contaminated Site Management in Europe CSME. Sustainable Approaches to Remediation of Contaminated Land in Europe SARCLE, Oct 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-02748737v1

Biological diversity and function of a multi-contaminated (PAHs, heavy metals) industrial soil under natural and plant assisted attenuation and the same soil after remediation

Corinne Leyval , Pascale Bauda , Thierry Beguiristain , Cécile Caupert , Aurélie Cébron
6. International Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas (SUITMA 6), Oct 2011, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-02745306v1

Nature et répartition des micropolluants organiques lors de la remobilisation d'un sédiment fortement contaminé

Laurent Jeanneau , P. Faure , Emilie Jardé
Congrès National RESMO, Jan 2009, Sainte Maxime, France
Conference papers insu-00577987v1

Etude in situ et à long terme du devenir et des conséquences environnementales de la multipollution d’un sol

Corinne Leyval , Thierry Beguiristain , Philippe Bertin , Coralie Biache , Aurélie Cébron
2. Rencontres Nationales de la Recherche sur les Sites et Sols Pollués. Pollutions locales et diffuses, Oct 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02757367v1

Stabilité de la matière organique de sols de cokerie : Impacts de la desorption thermique sur la composition de la MO et sur la répartition des métaux

Coralie Biache , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , Pierre Faure , Colette Munier-Lamy , Corinne Leyval
Séminaire Matière Organique et Environnement, Jan 2009, Sainte-Maxime, France
Conference papers hal-03216981v1
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Etude in situ et à long terme du devenir et des conséquences environnementales de la multipollution d’un sol

Corinne Leyval , Christophe Barnier , Thierry Beguiristain , Pascale Bauda , Philippe Bertin
10. Journées d'Etude des Sols, May 2009, Strasbourg, France. 400 p
Conference papers hal-02757364v1

Gestion d’une terre traitée par bioremédiation : diagnostic in situ

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont , Jean-Christophe Renat , Jean-Claude Sétier
2. Rencontres Nationales de la Recherche sur les Sites et Sols Pollués. Pollutions locales et diffuses, Oct 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02753229v1

Suivi in situ de l’écodynamique de pollutions mixtes (hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques, métaux) dans la rhizosphère

Corinne Leyval , Thierry Beguiristain , Coralie Biache , Aurélie Cébron , Pierre Faure
22. Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Apr 2008, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-02755444v1

Nature and repartition of organic micropolluants during the mobilization of highly contaminates sediments

L. Jeanneau , P. Faure , Emilie Jardé
Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Apr 2008, Nancy, France. 1 p
Conference papers insu-00374154v1

Assessment of a bioremediation process for hydrocarbons polluted soil

Jean-Claude Sétier , Jean-Louis Pornain , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont
9. SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, and Environment in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). USA., Apr 2008, Nice, France. ⟨10.2118/111936-MS⟩
Conference papers hal-01486392v1

Natural attenuation on a field site contaminated with PAH and heavy metals: fate of pollutants and their toxicity, plant growth and microbial functional diversity

Corinne Leyval , Thierry Beguiristain , Coralie Biache , Aurélie Cébron , Pierre Faure
ConSoil 2008: 10th International Conference on Soil-Water System, Jun 2008, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-02752058v1

Strategy assessment for dealing with heavily polluted soils: from treatment to re-use

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Jean-Christophe Renat , Jean-Claude Sétier , Christophe Schwartz
4. International Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas, Oct 2007, Nanjing, China
Conference papers hal-01486371v1
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Caractérisation et dynamique des métaux lourds dans les sédiments de deux ouvrages d'infiltration des eaux pluviales : approche expérimentale et modélisation

C. Delolme , B. Béchet , L. Février , M. Floriani , P. Faure
Novatech 2007 - 6ème Conférence sur les techniques et stratégies durables pour la gestion des eaux urbaines par temps de pluie / Sixth International Conference on Sustainable Techniques and Strategies in Urban Water Management, Jun 2007, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03248693v1

Impact de l’oxydation abiotique sur des sols bruts ou préalablement traités issus d’anciennes cokeries : Evolution du compartiment organique

Coralie Biache , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , Colette Munier-Lamy , Pierre Faure
Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Dec 2006, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-03216993v1

Alteration processes of organic matter from khushaym matruck site (Jjordan).

M. Elie , P. Faure , L. Martinez , I. Suarez-Luiz
International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 2005, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00022341v1

Use of biomarker isomerisation ratios in estimating paleo thermicity and erosion : limitations and applications to the Paris basin.

C. Ménétrier , M. Elie , A. Le Solleuz , L. Martinez , P. Faure
22nd IMOG, 2005, Séville, Spain
Conference papers hal-00022556v1

Experimental investigations of colloids and Eu(II)/Ni(II) adsorption properties of the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone from Bure (France).

R. Michels , P. Faure , M. Elie , Gilles F Montavon , M. Azouazi
2nd International Meeting Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 2005, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00022756v1

Pentacyclic triterpanes and 2-alkanols : indicators of fossil organic matter oxidation in argillaceous matrixes.

P. Faure , M. Elie , Ch. Peiffert
International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 2005, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00022346v1

Processes involved in the alteration of organic matter from khushaym matruck site (Jjordan).

M. Elie , P. Faure , L. Martinez , I. Suarez-Luiz
International Meeting, Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 2005, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00022337v1

Role of container materials on polycyclic aromatic compound (PAC) concentrations in aqueous phase: implication for aquatic ecotoxicity determination

Imane Aabbar , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure , C. Cossu-Leguille , Céline Simon
SETAC EUROPE 33RD ANNUAL MEETING, Apr 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Conference poster hal-04271344v1

Effect of PAC (PAH & Polar-PAC) availability on aquatic organisms’ ecotoxicity

Imane Aabbar , Coralie Biache , C. Cossu-Leguille , Céline Simon , Catherine Lorgeoux
AquaConSoil 2023, Sep 2023, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference poster hal-04271358v1
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Lysimetric experiments to characterize the multiphase mobilization of LNAPL in contaminated soils by a multi-method monitoring approach under controlled climatic scenarios

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Anne-Julie Tinet , Constantin Oltean , Catherine Lorgeoux
15th Annual International Conference on Porous Media (InterPore 2023), May 2023, Edimbourg, United Kingdom.
Conference poster hal-04197694v1

A new chemometrics preprocessing based on effective information truncation to handle matrix rank deficiencies as well as the effects of noise and light scattering in 3D excitation emission fluorescence matrices

Merzouk Haouchine , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure , M. Offroy
23ème Congrès de Chimiométrie, Jun 2022, Brest, France
Conference poster hal-03813719v1

Gérer la déficience du rang matriciel, le bruit et les interférences dans les matrices d’émission-excitation de fluorescence grâce à la chimiométrie : un nouvel algorithme appliqué à l’analyse des composés aromatiques polycycliques

Merzouk Haouchine , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure , M. Offroy
FROG V, Jul 2022, Rennes, France
Conference poster hal-03813356v1

Handle matrix rank deficiency, noise and interferences in 3D emission-excitation matrices using chemometrics: a new algorithm applied to the analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Merzouk Haouchine , Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure , M. Offroy
GFSV 2022, May 2022, Nivelles, Belgium
Conference poster hal-03813388v1
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A new experiment to assess the impact of groundwater table level variations on petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants remobilization (LNAPL) in the climate change context

Amélie Cavelan , Pierre Faure , Fabrice Golfier , Anne-Julie Tinet , Constantin Oltean
1st OZCAR TERENO International conference: Advancing critical zone science, Oct 2021, Strasbourg, France. , 1st OZCAR TERENO international conference: Advancing critical zone science : abstract book, 37, pp.240-241, 2021
Conference poster hal-03379715v1
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An investigation of the fate of petroleum contaminants (LNAPL) under fluctuating groundwater table levels induced by climate change

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Jacques Deparis
DEEPSURF International Conference 2021, Oct 2021, Nancy, France. , 2021
Conference poster hal-03445662v1
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Impact des fluctuations du niveau d’une nappe phréatique induites par les changements climatiques sur la remobilisation des hydrocarbures pétroliers raffinés légers (LNAPLs)

Amélie Cavelan , Fabrice Golfier , Stéfan Colombano , Noële Enjelvin , Hossein Davarzani
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre (RST), Nov 2021, Lyon, France. , 2021
Conference poster hal-03445696v1

MONIC - MONItoring des gaz et des Contaminants organiques de sites pollués en cours de remédiation

Pierre Faure , Pierre-Yves Arnould , Odile Barres , Philippe Bataillard , Coralie Biache
4es Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites & sols pollués 2019 - ADEME, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03232112v1

Lab-scale thermodesorption tests used to estimate the evolution of available aliphatic hydrocarbons in contaminated soils during pilot-scale remediation experiments

Coralie Biache , Pierre Faure , Catherine Lorgeoux , Anouk Barrere , Sébastien Kaskassian
Aquaconsoil, May 2019, Anvers, Belgium
Conference poster hal-03216676v1

Characterization of the macromolecular fractions of PAH contaminated soils using high-resolution mass spectrometry

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Pierre Faure
26th ISPAC, Sep 2019, Örebro, Sweden
Conference poster hal-03216669v1

Evolution of hydrocarbon contamination and microbial communities during lab-scale bioremediation of petroleum contaminated soil: Impact of the soil mineralogy

Pierre Faure , Axel Lebreton , Catherine Lorgeoux , Aurélie Cébron , Thierry Beguiristain
26th ISPAC, Sep 2019, Örebro, Sweden
Conference poster hal-03216666v1

Oxydation des Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAPs) et de leurs sous-produits par injection de ferrate de potassium dans la zone saturée

Clotilde Johansson , Philippe Bataillard , Coralie Biache , Stéfan Colombano , Jérôme Frayret
4éme congrès du Réseau Matières Organiques "La matière organique dans tous ses états", Feb 2018, Trégastel, France
Conference poster hal-03216698v1

Influence des phases minérales des sols sur l’évolution d’une contamination pétrolière en contexte d’atténuation naturelle

Axel Lebreton , Coralie Biache , Thierry Beguiristain , Catherine Lorgeoux , R. Michels
4ème réunion des chercheurs francophones en géochimie organique, Jul 2018, Villeurbanne, France
Conference poster hal-03216685v1

Diversité et activités des communautés microbiennes de sols forestiers impactés par des résurgences pétrolières naturelles

Aurélie Cébron , Thierry Beguiristain , K Rabiou Cholabomi , Delphine Catteloin , Catherine Lorgeoux
VIIIème Colloque AFEM, Oct 2017, Camaret-sur-mer, France
Conference poster hal-03145582v1

Climatic influence on PAH availibility in contrasting industrial technosols

Robin Dagois , Christophe Schwartz , Samuel Coussy , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéphanie Ouvrard
14. International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources (AquaConSoil), Jun 2017, Lyon, France. 2017
Conference poster hal-01624906v1

Natural petroleum seepages shapes the microbial community diversity and activities of a forest ecosystem

Aurélie Cébron , Thierry Beguiristain , K Rabiou Cholabomi , Delphine Catteloin , Catherine Lorgeoux
Ecotoxicomic 2017, 1st International Conference on Microbial Ecotoxicology, Nov 2017, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-03145401v1

Oxidation of PAHs and their by-products (polar PACs) in the saturated zone of DNAPL-contaminated sub-soils after pumping

Clotilde Johansson , Philippe Bataillard , Coralie Biache , Stéfan Colombano , Alain Dumestre
Aquaconsoil, Jun 2017, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-03216717v1

A new, quick, clean and easy way to measure PAH availability in contaminated soils using thermodesorption coupled with molecular analyses

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Stefan Colombano , Pierre Faure
21st International Symposium on Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, May 2016, Nancy, France
Conference poster hal-03142689v1

Climatic influence on mobility of organic contaminants in contrasted industrial Technosols – Case of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).

Robin Dagois , Christophe Schwartz , Samuel Coussy , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéphanie Ouvrard
International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC), Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France. 2015
Conference poster hal-01486441v1

Thermodesorption coupled with molecular analyses: A new tool to quantify PAH and measure their availability

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Stéfan Colombano , Alain Saada , Pierre Faure
25th ISPAC, Sep 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference poster hal-03216860v1

Prediction of climatic modalities occurrences in Technosols from former industrial activities to assess fate of organic pollutants – a global scale modeling approach

Robin Dagois , Pierre Faure , Samuel Coussy , Christophe Schwartz
8th International Conference of the Working Group on Soils in Urban, Industrial, Traffic and Mining Areas (SUITMA), of the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS), Sep 2015, Mexico, Mexico. 2015
Conference poster hal-01486461v1

LORVER project: production chain of biomass for industrial purposes from former sites and materials.

Marie-Odile Simonnot , Sophie Guimont , Apolline Auclerc , Rémi Baldo , Thierry Béguiristain
AquaConsoil 2015, Jun 2015, Copenhague, Denmark. 2015
Conference poster hal-01486484v1

Effect of climatic modalities on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) availability and attenuation in historically contaminated Technosols

Robin Dagois , Christophe Schwartz , Pierre Faure
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, Apr 2014, Vienne, Austria. 2014
Conference poster hal-01486463v1
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Disponibilité des contaminants organiques hydrocarbonés dans les sols : DECORES

Audrey Pernot , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , Pierre Faure , Delphine Derrien
3. Rencontres Nationales de la Recherche sur les Sites et Sols Pollués, Nov 2014, Paris, France. ADEME Editions, 2014, Recueil des résumés - Communications posters
Conference poster hal-01260995v1

Thermodesorption – gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (Td-GC-MS) as a new tool to measure organic contaminant availability

Coralie Biache , Catherine Lorgeoux , Alain Saada , Pierre Faure
The 10th SETAC Europe Special Science Symposium, Oct 2014, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference poster hal-03216862v1

LORVER project: production chain of biomass for industrial purposes from former sites and materials.

Marie-Odile Simonnot , Sophie Guimont , Apolline Auclerc , Rémi Baldo , Thierry Béguiristain
Contaminated Site Management in Europe (CSME) & Sustainable Approaches to Remediation of Contaminated Land in Europe (SARCLE), Oct 2014, Brussels, Belgium. 2014
Conference poster hal-01486481v1

Influence de l’évolution des sols du site de l’Union sur les phénomènes de mobilisation des polluants

Samuel Coussy , Robin Dagois , Céline Blanc , Philippe Bataillard , Pierre Faure
Gestion et requalification durable des sites et sols pollués : Expériences du Nord–Pas de Calais, Sep 2014, Villeneuve d'Asq, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01486462v1

Does fresh organic matter addition to an industrial soil have an impact on soil structure and on PAH concentration, repartition and availability?

Audrey Pernot , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , Pierre Faure
International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC), Sep 2013, Corvallis, United States. 2013
Conference poster hal-01267751v1

Impact of metabolites on the phytoremediation of hydrocarbons

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , Sabrina Aury , Pierre Faure , Thierry Beguiristain
9. International Conference on Phytotechnologies, Sep 2012, Hasselt, Belgium. 2012
Conference poster hal-02806074v1

Soil structure and organic matter repartition as controlling factors of PAH-type compounds availability in a former industrial soil

Audrey Pernot , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Leglize , Françoise F. Watteau , Pierre Faure
4. International Congress Eurosoil 2012 - Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment, Jul 2012, Bari, Italy. 2012, 4th International Congress. Eurosoil 2012. Soil Science for the Benefit of Mankind and Environment. Fiera del Levante, Bari Italy, 2-6 july 2012
Conference poster hal-02745866v1

Some experimental results on the influence of clay minerals on fossil organic matter transformation in soils and sediments

Coralie Biache , Thierry Ghislain , R. Michels , Pierre Faure
The 25th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep 2011, Interlaken, Switzerland
Conference poster hal-03216868v1

Are Technosols developing on former settling pond comparable to natural soils?

Hermine Huot , Marie-Odile Simonnot , François Bartoli , Philippe Marion , Philippe de Donato
6. International Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas (SUITMA 6), Oct 2011, Marrakech, Morocco. 2011
Conference poster hal-01189751v1

Lysimetric study for environmental impact assessment of a treated soil

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont , Jean-Christophe Renat , Christophe Schwartz
Ecotrons & Lysimeters, Mar 2010, Nancy, France. 2010
Conference poster hal-01486401v1

Lysimetric study for environmental impact assessment of a treated soil

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont , Jean-Christophe Renat , Jean-Claude Sétier
ConSoil 2010, Sep 2010, Salzbourg, Austria. 2010
Conference poster hal-02751855v1

Impacts de la desorption thermique sur la composition de la MO et sur la répartition des métaux de sols de cokerie. Cas des sols de Neuves-Maisons et de Homécourt

Coralie Biache , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , Pierre Faure , Colette Munier-Lamy , Corinne Leyval
Deuxièmes rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués : pollution locales et diffuses, Oct 2009, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03216870v1

Évaluation in situ du risque associé au transfert de matière organique d’un sol traité en bioremédiation

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont , Jean-Christophe Renat , Jean-Claude Sétier
Séminaire "Matières organiques et environnement", Jan 2009, Sainte Maxime, France. , 2009
Conference poster hal-02752550v1

Stabilité de la matière organique de sols de cokerie : Evolution du sol de la cokerie de Homécourt et de ses matériaux constitutifs isolés au cours d’oxydations expérimentales

Coralie Biache , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , Pierre Faure , R. Michels
Séminaire Matière Organique et Environnement, Jan 2009, Sainte-Maxime, France
Conference poster hal-03216884v1

Impact of experimental oxidation on a coking plant soil and its constituents

Coralie Biache , Pierre Faure , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , R. Michels
The 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep 2009, Brême, Germany
Conference poster hal-03216877v1

Suivi in situ de l’atténuation naturelle et de l’impact environnemental de polluants organiques (hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques) dans un sol de friche industrielle en présence ou non de végétation

Corinne Leyval , Thierry Béguiristain , Coralie Biache , Aurélie Cébron , Pierre Faure
Séminaire "Matières organiques et environnement", Jan 2009, Sainte Maxime, France. , Biogeochemistry, 106 (1), 2009, Biogeochemistry
Conference poster hal-01486375v1

Environmental impact and evolution of treated industrial soils: in situ lysimetric risk assessment

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont , Jean-Christophe Renat , Christophe Schwartz
5. International Conference on Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas (SUITMA), Sep 2009, New-York, United States. 2009
Conference poster hal-01486394v1

Etude de la stabilité de la matière organique de sols de cokerie en contexte d’atténuation naturelle : Oxydations expérimentales

Coralie Biache , Pierre Faure , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , Thierry Ghislain , R. Michels
Deuxièmes rencontres nationales de la Recherche sur les sites et sols pollués : pollution locales et diffuses, Oct 2009, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03216873v1

Lysimetric study of a treated soil for environmental risk assessment of the residual contamination

Stéphanie Ouvrard , Christophe Schwartz , Pierre Faure , Sophie Guimont , Jean-Christophe Renat
2. Lysimeter Workshop for Global Change Research: Biological Processes and the Environmental Fate of Pollutants, Apr 2008, Munich, Germany. 2008
Conference poster hal-01486372v1

Impact of an abiotic oxidation on untreated and treated soils from coking plant sites: evolution of the organic compartments

Coralie Biache , Laurence Mansuy-Huault , Colette Munier-Lamy , Pierre Faure
The 23rd International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep 2007, Torquay, United Kingdom
Conference poster hal-03216895v1

Bioremediation of soil contaminated by petroleum byproducts: evolution of organic contaminants and efficiency of the treatment

Pierre Faure , Aurélien Randi , Stéphanie Ouvrard , Jean-Christophe Renat , Jean-Claude Sétier
23. International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Sep 2007, Torquay, United Kingdom. , 2007
Conference poster hal-02752816v1

Experimental Investigations of Colloids and EU(III)/NI(II) Adsorption Properties of the Cavallova-Oxfordian Claystone from Bure (France)

R. Michels , P. Faure , M. Elie , Gilles F Montavon , M. Azouazi
Clays in Natural & Engineering Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Tours, France. 2005
Conference poster in2p3-00110698v1