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Pierre Ramet

Pierre RAMET - Responsable du département SATANAS (Supports et Algorithms pour les Applications Numériques Hautes Performances)
Affiliations actuelles
  • 259761
  • 104751
  • 3102
  • 440172
  • 1124391
Identifiants chercheurs


Ma problématique de recherche concerne les problèmes du calcul haute performance, en particulier l'algèbre linéaire creuse. Je développe la bibliothèque PaStiX ([]( "PaStiX")) qui implémente un solveur direct creux haute performance. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
My interests span high-performance computing, focusing on sparse linear algebra. I am the developer of PaStiX ([]( "PaStiX")), a high-performance sparse direct solver. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Domaines de recherche

Informatique [cs] Analyse numérique [math.NA]


Sparse Linear Algebra Parallel Algorithms Scientific Computing



Toward parallel scalable linear solvers suited for large scale hierarchical parallel platforms

Emmanuel Agullo , Mathieu Faverge , Luc Giraud , Abdou Guermouche , Pierre Ramet
World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Jul 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Communication dans un congrès hal-00987110v1

A Non Overlapping Parallel Domain Decomposition Method Applied to The Simplified Transport Equations

Maxime Barrault , Bruno Lathuilière , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
International Conference on Mathematics, Computational Methods & Reactor Physics, 2009, New-York, United States
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346020v1

A domain decomposition method applied to the simplified transport equations

Maxime Barrault , Bruno Lathuilière , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
IEEE 11th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2008, Sao Paulo, Brazil. pp.91--97
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346022v1

A domain decomposition method for the resolution of an eigenvalue problem in neutron physics

Maxime Barrault , Bruno Lathuilière , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing (IMACS), 2008, Lille, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346021v1

A Domain Decomposition Method Applied to Large Eigenvalue Problems in Neutron Physics

Maxime Barrault , Bruno Lathuilière , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'08, 2008, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346025v1

Efficient solution technique for low Mach number compressible multiphase problems

Benjamin Braconnier , Boniface Nkonga , Mickael Papin , Pierre Ramet , Mario Ricchiuto
PMAA'06, 2006, Rennes, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346608v1

On finding approximate supernodes for an efficient ILU(k) factorization

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'06, 2006, Rennes, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346617v1

Partitioning and Blocking Issues for a Parallel Incomplete Factorization

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PARA'06, 2006, Umea, Sweden. pp.929--937
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346624v1

Blocking Issues for an Efficient Parallel Block ILU Preconditioner

Pascal Hénon , Francois Pellegrini , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
International SIAM Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Large Sparse Matrix Problems In Scientific And Industrial Applications, 2005, Atlanta, United States
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346621v1

On using an hybrid MPI-Thread programming for the implementation of a parallel sparse direct solver on a network of SMP nodes

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
Sixth International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Workshop HPC Linear Algebra, 2005, Poznan, Poland. pp.1050--1057
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346610v1

A Blockwise Algorithm for Parallel Incomplete Cholesky Factorization

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'04, 2004, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346616v1

Applying parallel direct solver skills to build robust and highly performant preconditioners

Pascal Hénon , Francois Pellegrini , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman , Yousef Saad
PARA'04, 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.601--619
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346623v1

Using of the High Performance Sparse Solver PaStiX for the Complex Multiscale 3D Simulations performed by the FluidBox Fluid Mechanics Software

Pascal Hénon , Boniface Nkonga , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'04, 2004, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346607v1

High Performance Complete and Incomplete Factorizations for Very Large Sparse Systems by using Scotch and PaStiX softwares

Pascal Hénon , Francois Pellegrini , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman , Yousef Saad
Eleventh SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2004, San Francisco, United States
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346622v1

Efficient algorithms for direct resolution of large sparse system on clusters of SMP nodes

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, 2003, Williamsburg, United States
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346609v1

Asymptotically optimal algorithm for Laplace task graphs on heterogeneous platforms

Olivier Beaumont , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
Fifth International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Workshop HeteroPar, 2003, Czestochowa, Poland. pp.880--887
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346587v1

Towards High Performance Hybrid Direct-Iterative Solvers for Large Sparse Systems

Pascal Hénon , Francois Pellegrini , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
International SIAM Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Large Sparse Matrix Problems In Scientific And Industrial Applications, 2003, Napa Valley, United States
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346620v1

Parallel factorization of very large sparse SPD systems on a network of SMP nodes

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'02, 2002, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346605v1

Modélisation de pipelines hétérogènes

Olivier Beaumont , Vincent Boudet , Frédéric Desprez , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
GRID'2002, 2002, Aussois, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346586v1

PaStiX: A Parallel Direct Solver for Sparse SPD Matrices based on Efficient Static Scheduling and Memory Managment

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
Tenth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2001, Portsmouth, United States
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346598v1

Algèbre Linéaire Creuse Hautes Performances : Application à la Mécanique des Structures

David Goudin , Pascal Hénon , Francois Pellegrini , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
iHPerf'2000, 2000, Aussois, France
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346604v1

Description of the EMILIO Software Processing Chain and Application to Structural Mechanics

David Goudin , Pascal Hénon , Francois Pellegrini , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'2K, 2000, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346601v1

PaStiX: A Parallel Sparse Direct Solver Based on a Static Scheduling for Mixed 1D/2D Block Distributions

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
Irregular'2000 workshop of IPDPS, 2000, Cancun, Mexico. pp.519-525
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346594v1

PaStiX: A High-Performance Parallel Direct Solver for Sparse Symmetric Definite Systems

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
PMAA'2K, 2000, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346600v1

A Mapping and Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Fan-In Numerical Factorization

Pascal Hénon , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
EuroPar'99, 1999, Toulouse, France. pp.1059-1067
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346593v1

Optimisation des Communications et Régulation de Charge pour la Résolution par Méthode Directe de Grands Systèmes Linéaires Creux

Patrick Amestoy , Frédéric Desprez , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
ICaRE'97, 1997, Aussois, France. pp.467-488
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346472v1

Optimal Grain Size Computation for Pipelined Algorithms

Frédéric Desprez , Pierre Ramet , Jean Roman
Euro-Par'96, 1996, Lyon, France. pp.165-172
Communication dans un congrès inria-00346485v1