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Pierre Thérouanne



#### Maître de conférences en psychologie cognitive et ergonomie / Associate professeur in Cognitive psychology and Ergonomics I completed a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master’s degree in cognitive psychology from the Université of Montpellier. I presented my **doctoral thesis in Psychology** supervised by Guy Denhière at the Université of Aix-Marseille in 2000. At this time, my main research topic was the psychology of language, and I particularly attempted to understand the way people represent and process words having several meanings. I then pursued my teaching and research activities as a lecturer at Université Paris 13. I am an associate Professor since 2003 in the **Department of Psychology** and in the [Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Psychologie Cliniques, cognitives et Sociales (LAPCOS)]( at **Université Côte d’Azur** in Nice. **My research interests have gradually moved from the psychology of language to cognitive ergonomics**. In general, ergonomics is the study of interactions between people and elements of their environment to improve both human well-being and system performance. Cognitive ergonomics deals in particular with the way people exchange information with their environment. My research activities deal with **usability, accessibility and acceptability of digital technologies.** My main current interest is acceptability; the use – or intention to use – of technologies is determined by many factors (e.g., perceived utility, ease of use, social norms, etc.). With several colleagues and students from many fields – ergonomics, social psychology, sociology, sport science, and economics -, we are currently studying the acceptability of different kinds of devices such as social robots, nudges, and technology-based physical activities.


The Acceptability of Technology-Based Physical Activity Interventions in Postbariatric Surgery Women: Insights From Qualitative Analysis Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model

Pierre Thérouanne , Meggy Hayotte , Florent Halgand , Fabienne d'Arripe-Longueville
JMIR Human Factors, 2023, 10, pp.e42178. ⟨10.2196/42178⟩
Journal articles hal-04047326v1
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Development and validation of a social robot anthropomorphism scale (SRA) in a french sample

Dayle David , Meggy Hayotte , Pierre Thérouanne , Fabienne d'Arripe-Longueville , Isabelle Milhabet
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2022, 162, pp.102802. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102802⟩
Journal articles hal-03609583v1
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The acceptability of social robots: A scoping review of the recent literature

Dayle David , Pierre Thérouanne , Isabelle Milhabet
Computers in Human Behavior, 2022, 137, pp.107419. ⟨10.1016/j.chb.2022.107419⟩
Journal articles hal-04047339v1

Acceptability of technology-based physical activity intervention profiles and their motivational factors in obesity care: a latent profile transition analysis

Meggy Hayotte , Guillaume Martinent , Véronique Nègre , Pierre Thérouanne , Fabienne D’arripe-Longueville
International Journal of Obesity, 2021, ⟨10.1038/s41366-021-00813-6⟩
Journal articles hal-03206414v1
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Acquisition and maintenance of disgust reactions in an OCD analogue sample: Efficiency of extinction strategies through a counter-conditioning procedure

Caroline Novara , Cindy Lebrun , Alexandra Macgregor , Bruno Vivet , Pierre Thérouanne
PLoS ONE, 2021, 16 (7), pp.e0254592. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0254592⟩
Journal articles hal-03286699v1
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Effects of technology-based physical activity interventions for women after bariatric surgery: study protocol for a three-arm randomised controlled trial

Meggy Hayotte , Antonio Iannelli , Véronique Nègre , Christian Pradier , Pierre Thérouanne
BMJ Open, 2021, 11 (7), pp.e046184. ⟨10.1136/bmjopen-2020-046184⟩
Journal articles hal-03346869v1
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The French eHealth Acceptability Scale Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 Model: Instrument Validation Study

Meggy Hayotte , Pierre Thérouanne , Laura Gray , Karine Corrion , Fabienne d'Arripe-Longueville
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2020, ⟨10.2196/16520⟩
Journal articles hal-02543889v1
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Web accessibility: Filtering redundant and irrelevant information improves website usability for blind users

Stéphanie Giraud , Pierre Thérouanne , Dirk D Steiner
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2018, 111, pp.23 - 35. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhcs.2017.10.011⟩
Journal articles hal-01731012v1
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Normes d'association libre et fréquences relatives des acceptions pour 162 mots homonymes

Pierre Thérouanne , Guy Denhière
L'Année psychologique, 2004, 104, pp.537-595
Journal articles hal-01731057v1
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Les modèles vectoriels de la mémoire sémantique : description, validation et perspectives

Cédrick Bellissens , Pierre Thérouanne , Guy Denhière
Le Langage et l'Homme, 2004, 39 (101-122)
Journal articles hal-01733925v1
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Effet du contexte lexical sur l'accès à la signification d'homographes

Pierre Thérouanne , Guy Denhière
L'Année psychologique, 2002, 102 (1), pp.31-63. ⟨10.3406/psy.2002.29581⟩
Journal articles hal-01515815v1

TRIROBOTfr : Les interactions Humain-Robot renforcent-elles les stéréotypes culturels ? Application du « biais du TIReur » aux rOBOTs dans un contexte Français

Isabelle Milhabet , Pierre Thérouanne , Dayle David
8e Journée thématique - Axe 1 - Dialoguer entre disciplines : enjeux, atouts, obstacles, Académie 5 - Homme, Idées et Milieux; MSHS Sud-Est, Dec 2023, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-04510176v1
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Développement et validation d’une échelle d’anthropomorphisme des robots sociaux

Dayle David , Meggy Hayotte , Pierre Thérouanne , Fabienne d'Arripe-Longueville , Isabelle Milhabet
Actes du Onzième colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique EPIQUE 2021, Jul 2021, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-03516984v1
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Conséquences du manque de contrôle sur l’acceptabilité des robots sociaux

Dayle David , Isabelle Milhabet , Pierre Thérouanne
15ème édition du Colloque des Jeunes Chercheur.euses, CJC 2121, Jun 2021, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-03517055v1
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Le rôle du contrôle dans l'acceptabilité a priori d'une voiture automatisée

Sara Escaich , Pierre Thérouanne
Neuvième Colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique, 2017, Dijon, France. pp.176-179
Conference papers hal-01732020v1
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Conceptualization of a technical solution for web navigation of visually impaired people

Stéphanie Giraud , Pierre Thérouanne , Dirk D. Steiner
27ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine., Oct 2015, Toulouse, France. pp.w3, ⟨10.1145/2820619.2825004⟩
Conference papers hal-01219068v1
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Accessibility of Rich Internet Applications for blind people: A study to identify the main problems and solutions

Stéphanie Giraud , Teresa Colombi , Aurore Russo , Pierre Thérouanne
9th ACM SIGCHI Italian Chapter International Conference, Sep 2011, Alghero, France. pp.163-166, ⟨10.1145/2037296.2037335⟩
Conference papers hal-01731047v1
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Role of lexico-syntactic and prosodic cues in spoken comprehension of enumerations in sighted and blind adults

Stéphanie Giraud , Pierre Thérouanne
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse (MAD 2010), Mar 2010, Moissac, France. pp.164-173
Conference papers hal-01732141v1
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L'utilisation des moteurs de recherche par les jeunes : Impact des connaissances du domaine et des connaissances procédurales sur les stratégies d'exploration visuelle

Jerome Dinet , Bruno de Cara , Pierre Thérouanne , Lucile Chanquoy , Jean-François Rouet
7ème Colloque International TICE'2010, Dec 2010, Nancy, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers halshs-00544918v1
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La recherche d'information sur Internet par les jeunes usagers : acquisition et développement de stratégies

Bruno de Cara , Pierre Thérouanne , Lucile Chanquoy , Laurent Dumercy , Chloé Lacoste
EPIQUE 2009, 2009, Nice, France. pp.149-156
Conference papers hal-01360224v1
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Modeling collaborative construction of an answer by contextual graphs

Patrick Brézillon , Véronique Drai-Zerbib , Pierre Thérouanne , Thierry Baccino
IPMU - The 11th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Jul 2006, Paris, France. pp.1086-1092
Conference papers hal-01732246v1
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Homograph processing in single-word context

Guy Denhière , Pierre Thérouanne
Psychonomics, Nov 2000, New Orleans, United States. pp.15
Conference papers hal-01740221v1
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Time course study of single-word context effects: Evidence from activation of homograph meaning

Pierre Thérouanne , Guy Denhière
CogSci'98, 1998, Madison, United States
Conference papers hal-01740129v1
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Le sentiment de contrôle dans l'attribution d'états mentaux et l'acceptabilité des robots sociaux

Dayle David , Pierre Thérouanne , Georges Schadron
13ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale, ADRIPS 2020, 2020, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference poster hal-03517106v1
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Ambiguity advantage in word recognition

Pierre Thérouanne , Maude Las Dit Peisson , Jessica Roth
XVth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Aug 2007, Marseille, France. 2007
Conference poster hal-01740010v1
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Interhemispheric processing in ambiguous word recognition

Audrey Deudon , Sylvane Faure , Pierre Thérouanne
2nd Meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, 2006, Toulouse, France. 2006
Conference poster hal-01740070v1

Acceptabilité sociale des robots sociaux : utile et suffisante à la prise de décision ?

Dayle David , Isabelle Milhabet , Pierre Thérouanne
Alcantara, Christophe; Charest, Francine; Lavigne, Alain; Saglietto, Laurence. L’acceptabilité sociale : Enjeux de société et controverses scientifiques, IMT Mines Alès, 2023, 978-2-38542-121-2
Book sections hal-04612877v1

Mental Workload and Technostress at Work. Which Perspectives and Theoretical Frameworks Can Help Us Understand Both Phenomena Together?

José Manuel Castillo , Edith Galy , Pierre Thérouanne
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Mental Workload, Human Physiology, and Human Energy, pp.14-30, 2020, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-49044-7_2⟩
Book sections hal-03263457v1

L'accessibilité des interfaces informatiques pour les déficients visuels

Stéphanie Giraud , Gérard Uzan , Pierre Thérouanne
Jérôme Dinet et Christian Bastien. L'ergonomie des objets et environnements physiques et numériques, Hermes - Sciences Lavoisier, pp.279-304, 2011
Book sections hal-01731086v1