Pierre Thérouanne
#### Maître de conférences en psychologie cognitive et ergonomie / Associate professeur in Cognitive psychology and Ergonomics
I completed a Bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master’s degree in cognitive psychology from the Université of Montpellier. I presented my **doctoral thesis in Psychology** supervised by Guy Denhière at the Université of Aix-Marseille in 2000. At this time, my main research topic was the psychology of language, and I particularly attempted to understand the way people represent and process words having several meanings. I then pursued my teaching and research activities as a lecturer at Université Paris 13.
I am an associate Professor since 2003 in the **Department of Psychology** and in the [Laboratoire d'Anthropologie et de Psychologie Cliniques, cognitives et Sociales (LAPCOS)](https://univ-cotedazur.fr/lapcos) at **Université Côte d’Azur** in Nice. **My research interests have gradually moved from the psychology of language to cognitive ergonomics**. In general, ergonomics is the study of interactions between people and elements of their environment to improve both human well-being and system performance. Cognitive ergonomics deals in particular with the way people exchange information with their environment. My research activities deal with **usability, accessibility and acceptability of digital technologies.** My main current interest is acceptability; the use – or intention to use – of technologies is determined by many factors (e.g., perceived utility, ease of use, social norms, etc.). With several colleagues and students from many fields – ergonomics, social psychology, sociology, sport science, and economics -, we are currently studying the acceptability of different kinds of devices such as social robots, nudges, and technology-based physical activities.
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Le sentiment de contrôle dans l'attribution d'états mentaux et l'acceptabilité des robots sociaux13ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale, ADRIPS 2020, 2020, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference poster
Ambiguity advantage in word recognitionXVth Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Aug 2007, Marseille, France. 2007
Conference poster
Interhemispheric processing in ambiguous word recognition2nd Meeting of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, 2006, Toulouse, France. 2006
Conference poster
Acceptabilité sociale des robots sociaux : utile et suffisante à la prise de décision ?Alcantara, Christophe; Charest, Francine; Lavigne, Alain; Saglietto, Laurence. L’acceptabilité sociale : Enjeux de société et controverses scientifiques, IMT Mines Alès, 2023, 978-2-38542-121-2
Book sections
Mental Workload and Technostress at Work. Which Perspectives and Theoretical Frameworks Can Help Us Understand Both Phenomena Together?Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Mental Workload, Human Physiology, and Human Energy, pp.14-30, 2020, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-49044-7_2⟩
Book sections
L'accessibilité des interfaces informatiques pour les déficients visuelsJérôme Dinet et Christian Bastien. L'ergonomie des objets et environnements physiques et numériques, Hermes - Sciences Lavoisier, pp.279-304, 2011
Book sections
Rôle des indices visuels et sémantiques dans les cartes conceptuelles lors de la recherche d'information[Rapport de recherche] Université de Poitiers. 2006, pp.2-24
Effet du contexte lexical sur l'accès à la signification des homographes polarisésPsychologie. Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2000. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩