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Pramod Ranjan



Pramod Ranjan, a Hindi writer, critic and socio-political activist, is among those who have challenged the traditional way of looking at the culture, literature and politics of the downtrodden and the deprived people. His writings afford a fresh perspective on high-end science & technology and the power games related to it. Bahujan Sahitya Ki Prastavna (The case for Bahujan literature) and Bahujan Sahityetihas (Bahujan aspect of history of literature) – two books published under his editorship – supply a theoretical basis to the concept of Bahujan Literature. Mahishasur: Ek Jannayak (Mahishasur: A people's hero) and Mahishasur: Mithak Va Paramparayein (Mahishasur: myths and traditions) – also published under his editorship – made an alternative cultural vision the part of the wider discourse. Besides, he has edited three books in Hindi centred on EV Ramasamy Periyar - Jati Vyavastha Aur Pitrasatta (Caste system and patriarchy), Dharma Aur Vishwa Drishti (Religion and worldview) and Sacchi Ramayan (True Ramayana). The three books have gone a long way in introducing the Hindi reader to Periyar and his revolutionary ideas and movements. Ranjan's memoirs have been published under the title Shimla Diary. His articles have been translated into German and Swedish, besides Marathi, Punjabi and other Indian languages. The English translations of some of his books have also been published. They include The Case for Bahujan Literature, Mahishasur: A People's Hero, and Ambedkar and Ambedkarism: Foundation, Building Blocks and Relevance. Ranjan has had a long career in journalism. Besides ground reporting, he also edited many weekly newspapers and socio-political and literary magazines, which were quite popular and widely read at the time. He holds a doctorate from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi on "Question of liberation from caste in novels of non-Dwij Hindi litterateurs”. Currently, he teaches Hindi at the Rabindranath Tagore School of Language and Cultural Studies of Assam Central University. Pramod Ranjan can be contacted at:


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साहित्य की बहुजन अवधारणा और सत्ता

Pramod Ranjan
बया [baya], 2024, 19 (50), pp.177-179. ⟨10.31219/⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04564818v1
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पिछड़ी हुई हिंदी आलोचना बनाम हिंदी वैचारिकी

Pramod Ranjan
समयांतर [Samayantar], 2024, 56 (5), pp.37-39. ⟨10.17613/yc94-vh70⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04466746v2
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मणिपुर: धर्म की ऐतिहासिक प्रयोगशाला

Pramod Ranjan
समयांतर [Samayantar], 2024, 56 (4), pp.39-41. ⟨10.17613/s0h5-zc60⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04511882v1
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एक दशक की टॉप-सेलर पुस्तकें और बहुजन साहित्य

Pramod Ranjan
Hashiye ki awaj, 2024, 19 (4), pp.34-35. ⟨10.17613/yk5g-yw82⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04501787v1
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समाचार के लिए भुगतान: मेटा, कानून और स्वतंत्र पत्रकारिता में रस्साकशी

Pramod Ranjan
समयांतर [Samayantar], 2023, 55 (8), pp.35-38. ⟨10.17613/a035-hn46⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04224159v1
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मणिपुर हिंसा: परतों के भीतर कितनी परतें होती हैं?

Pramod Ranjan
हाशिए की आवाज, 2023, ⟨10.17613/rpgd-7745⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04188722v1
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मणिपुर हिंसा: इंटनेट पर प्रतिबंध के मायने

Pramod Ranjan
जन मीडिया, 2023, 12 (138), pp.15-19
Article dans une revue hal-04189609v2
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मणिपुर हिंसा 2023: हेड हंटर की वापसी और पूर्वोत्तर में औरतों की आजादी का मिथ

Pramod Ranjan
जनपथ, 2023, ⟨10.31219/⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04501493v1
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साहित्य का नया रास्ता

Pramod Ranjan
विपाशा, 2023, 39 (219), pp.84-88. ⟨10.17613/gmpr-6632⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04224148v1
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Social and Political Concerns of Lata Mangeshkar: An Ambedkarite Perspective

Pramod Ranjan
Contemporary Voice of Dalit, 2022, pp.2455328X2211390. ⟨10.1177/2455328X221139097⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03904837v1
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Covid: Glimpses of Indian political scene amid mayhem

Pramod Ranjan
Article dans une revue hal-03867364v1
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कोविड पश्चात् दुनिया और बहुजन कार्यकर्ताओं की जिम्मेदारी

Pramod Ranjan
अभिनव कदम, 2020, 24 (42), pp.255-266. ⟨10.17613/0chj-ya18⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04461565v1
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भय की महामारी

Pramod Ranjan
प्रतिमान, 2020, 8 (15), pp.10-68. ⟨10.31219/⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04466932v1
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पूर्वग्रह का मीडिया

Pramod Ranjan
जनसत्ता, 2014, pp.7. ⟨10.17613/5ymj-qg55⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04475748v1
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पार्टनर, तुम्हारी पॉलिटिक्स क्या है?

Pramod Ranjan
Forward press, 2014, Forward Press, 6 (2), pp.9-18. ⟨10.17613/ems8-t872⟩
Article dans une revue hprints-03723422v1
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Share on Back Benches: Caste Composition of Bihar’s Media

Pramod Ranjan
Forward press, 2011, 3 (6), pp.21-26. ⟨10.31235/⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03936825v1
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टिप्पणियों के खिलाफ एक लंबी टिप्पणी

Pramod Ranjan
Mandal Vichar, 2007, pp.23 - 25. ⟨10.17613/5dm6-ak52⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04534034v1
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Ambedkar and Ambedkarism: Foundation, Building Blocks and Relevance

Pramod Ranjan
2022, 9789356320222. ⟨10.17613/ff2n-1a87⟩
Ouvrages hal-03700564v1
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Samay Se Samvad: Janvikalp Sanchayita

Pramod Ranjan , Premkumar Mani , Reyazul Haque , Amartya Sen , Sudhir Chandra
2022, 978-93-92380-49-5
Ouvrages hal-03931761v1
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हिमाचल का साहित्यिक परिदृश्य: शिमला डायरी

Pramod Ranjan
2019, 9789387441385
Ouvrages hal-03853352v1
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Mahishasur: A People’s Hero

Pramod Ranjan , Premkumar Mani , Shibu Soren , Madhushree Mukerjee , Rajan Kumar
2017, 9788193258446
Ouvrages hal-03834426v1
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महिषासुर: एक जननायक

Pramod Ranjan , Premkumar Mani , Shibu Soren , Madhusree Mukerjee , Rajna Kumar
2017, 978-93-87441-00-2
Ouvrages hal-03749960v1
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हिंदी साहित्येतिहास का बहुजन पक्ष

Pramod Ranjan , Kishan Kaljayee , Gajanan Madhav , Sudhish Pachauri , Kamlesh Verma
, 2016
Ouvrages hal-03938954v1
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The Case For Bahujan Literature

Pramod Ranjan , Abhaykumar Dubey , Rajendraprasad Singh , Sharankumar Limbale , Rajendra Yadav
, 2016, 978-81-932584-5-3. ⟨10.17613/snam-j098⟩
Ouvrages hal-03752562v1
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बहुजन साहित्य की प्रस्तावना (हिंदी)

Pramod Ranjan , Abhay Kumar Dubey , Rajendraprasad Singh , Sharankumar Limbale , Rajendra Yadav
Ouvrages hal-03779378v1
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पेरियार के प्रतिनिधि विचार

Pramod Ranjan
2016, 978-81-932584-6-0
Ouvrages hal-03754779v1
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भगाणा की निर्भयाएं: दलित उत्पीड़न के अनवरत सिलसिले का दृष्टांत

Dusadh Hl , Pramod Ranjan , Yadav Jitendra
2014, 9788187618461. ⟨10.17613/8ajd-kf67⟩
Ouvrages hal-03939024v1
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किसकी पूजा कर रहे हैं बहुजन (महिषासुर: एक पुर्नपाठ)

Pramod Ranjan , Premkumar Mani , Ashwini Kumar Pankaj , Dilip Mandal , Jitendra Yadav
Ouvrages hal-03965994v1
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मीडिया में हिस्सेदारी

Pramod Ranjan , Mansuri Firoz , Yadav Santosh , Prasad Gajendra , Priyamvad Pranay
Ouvrages hal-03941066v1
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बाढ़ 2008: अनकही कहानी

Pramod Ranjan
Ouvrages hal-03939110v1
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Triveni Sangh in literature and the literature of Triveni Sangh

Pramod Ranjan
Rethinking Caste and Resistance in India, Murzban Jal, pp.167-187, 2023, 978-93-5002-751-6. ⟨10.17613/sbt2-c075⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-04463142v1
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राणा बनर्जी: नया नहीं इस जीवन में मरना

Pramod Ranjan
फिरे एशो राणा दा (कवि जननायक व सामाजिक-राजनीतिक कार्यकर्ता राणा बनर्जी की स्मृति में), अभियान संस्कृति मंच, pp.17-18, 2022, ⟨10.17613/w0z2-kb50⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-04487040v1
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एक सांस्कृतिक आंदोलन के चार साल

Pramod Ranjan , Ravi Prakash
महिषासुर: एक जननायक, 2017, 978-93-87441-00-2. ⟨10.17613/khsz-gw46⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03981357v1