The kinematic significance of subglacial bedforms and their use in palaeo-glaciological reconstructions
Jean Vérité
Édouard Ravier
Olivier Bourgeois
Stéphane Pochat
Paul Bessin
Journal articles
Variations in hydraulic efficiency of the subglacial drainage landsystem control surging and streaming regimes of outlet glaciers
Édouard Ravier
Thomas Lelandais
Jean Vérité
Olivier Bourgeois
Journal articles
Conceptual model for the formation of bedforms along subglacial meltwater corridors (SMCs) by variable ice‐water‐bed interactions
Jean Vérité
Stephen Livingstone
Edouard Ravier
Isabelle Mcmartin
Janet Campbell
Journal articles
Formation of ribbed bedforms below shear margins and lobes of palaeo-ice streams
Jean Vérité
E. Ravier
Olivier Bourgeois
Stéphane Pochat
Thomas Lelandais
Journal articles
The milankovitch fingerprint on the distribution and thickness of bedding-parallel veins (beef) in source rocks
E. Ravier
Mathieu Martinez
Pierre Pellenard
Alain Zanella
Lucie Tupinier
Journal articles
Sedimentology and U-Pb dating of Carboniferous to Permian continental series of the northern Massif Central (France): Local palaeogeographic evolution and larger scale correlations
Céline Ducassou
Mathilde Mercuzot
Sylvie Bourquin
Camille Rossignol
P. Pellenard
Journal articles
Modelled subglacial floods and tunnel valleys control the life cycle of transitory ice streams
Thomas Lelandais
E. Ravier
Stéphane Pochat
Olivier Bourgeois
Christopher Clark
Journal articles
Experimental modeling of pressurized subglacial water flow: Implications for tunnel valley formation
Thomas Lelandais
Régis Mourgues
Edouard Ravier
Stéphane Pochat
Pierre Strzerzynski
Journal articles
A kinematic unifying theory of microstructures in subglacial tills
J. Menzies
J. J. M. van Der Meer
E. Ravier
Journal articles
Does porewater or meltwater control tunnel valley genesis? Case studies from the Hirnantian of Morocco.
Edouard Ravier
Jean-François Buoncristiani
John Menzies
Michel Guiraud
Sylvain Clerc
Journal articles
Micro- to macro-scale internal structures, diagenesis and petrophysical evolution of injectite networks in the Vocontian Basin (France): implications for fluid flow.
Edouard Ravier
Michel Guiraud
Arthur Guillien
Emmanuelle Vennin
Jean-François Buoncristiani
Journal articles
Clastic injection dynamics during ice front oscillations: A case example from Sólheimajökull (Iceland).
Edouard Ravier
Jean-François Buoncristiani
John Menzies
Michel Guiraud
Eric Portier
Journal articles
Sedimentological and deformational criteria for discriminating subglaciofluvial deposits from subaqueous ice-contact fan deposits: a Pleistocene example (Ireland).
Edouard Ravier
Jean-François Buoncristiani
Sylvain Clerc
Michel Guiraud
John Menzies
Journal articles
Porewater pressure control on subglacial soft sediment remobilization and tunnel valley formation: a case study from the Alnif tunnel valley (Morocco).
Edouard Ravier
Jean-François Buoncristiani
Michel Guiraud
John Menzies
Sylvain Clerc
Journal articles