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Réjane Roure

Roure Réjane-Professeur d'Archéologie-Protohistoire-Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3-Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes (UMR5140)
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• **CURRENTPOSITION(S)** 2018-2026 Director of the lab "Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes" (UMR5140 2022- Full Professor 2006–2022 Associate Professor University Paul-Valery Montpellier, Departement of Archaeology and Art History, France 2011–2024 Member of the Laboratory of Excellence “Archimede” (ANR-11-LABX-0032-01) 2022-2025 Co-director of the "défi-clé Sciences du Passé" granted by the Region Occitanie • **SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS** 2018 2015–2016 Supervision of one post-doc researcher of the Labex Archimede (Veronica Cicolani) 2015–2016 Scientific expert for the master thesis of Peter Gosnell; Archmat (Erasmus Mundus Master in Archaeological Materials Science ; University of Avignon and the land of Vaucluse) 2010–2015 co-supervision of 2 PhD current students (Elsa Ciesielski, Anouk Mathieu) 2013–2014 Supervision of the thesis of Cécile Moulin, Lyon 2 University, with C. Abadie-Reynal 2006–2015 Supervision of 20 students’ master thesis, University Paul-Valery Montpellier, Departement of Archaeology and Art History, France • **TEACHING ACTIVITIES** 2015–2016 Part-time as research member at the CNRS: 96h as Associate Professor University Paul-Valery Montpellier, Departement of Archaeology and Art History, France UMR 5140 Archaeology of Mediterranean societies 2006–2015 Associate Professor: 192h each year. I teach all levels of undergraduate and postgraduate students, from first to five year at University (bachelor’s degree and master thesis) University Paul-Valery Montpellier, Departement of Archaeology and Art History, France • **ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS** 2015 Co-organisation of the meeting « Le multilinguisme dans la Méditerranée antique », 5-6 november 2015, Montpellier, 50 participants 2013 Co-director of **37th International Congress of AFEAF** (French Association for the Study of Iron Age), *Les Gaulois au fil de l’eau* (*Gauls and water*), 8-11 may 2013, Montpellier; 320 participants; published in 2015 2011 Coordinator of the **planning committee for the international colloquium** “Contacts and Acculturation in the Western Mediterranean Sea Region. Tribute to Michel Bats,” in Hyères-les-Palmiers (Var, France) from 15 to 18 September 2011; 120 participants; published • **FUNDED PROJECTS AND RESEARCH DIRECTION** 2009–2012 **Coordinator** of the ANR (**National Agency for Research**) project **PRISME** for “young researchers” (**ANR-09-JCJC-0143-01**): Ritual and Symbolic Practices in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea Region, 8th-1st Centuries BC, assembling an international team of 42 researchers; amount: 120 000 € ([]( 2002–2017 Director of excavation campaigns at Le Cailar (Gard, France) 2014–2015 **Co-director** with Eric Perrin-Saminadayar of the projet « Le multilinguisme dans la Méditerranée antique » de la MSH-Montpellier 2014-2015 **Coordinator** for the **funded project** « Funerary practices in east Languedoc : necropolis Sizen-Vigne at Beaucaire » (Labex Archimede ANR-11-LABX-0032-01) 2011 **Scientific curator** of the exhibit “Des Rites et des Hommes” at the Lattes Museum of Archaeology (8 July 2011 – 8 January 2012), displaying more than 170 pieces from the Provence, Languedoc, Catalonia and Valence areas (Spain) 2007–2009 **Director of thematic survey campaign** (geophysical survey and limited excavations) at the archaeological site at Espeyran (Saint-Gilles-du-Gard) 2003–2005 **Director** of the French Ministry of Culture's Collective Research Project about protohistoric, shore-based trading posts in the Eastern Languedoc region (Lattes, Le Cailar, Espeyran) 2006–2008 Participation in the SWP (Scientific Work Package) on *Contacts and technological exchanges between Greeks and native people along the frontier of Greek settlement territories (8th-2nd Centuries BC)*, scientific supervisor: H. Tréziny, Centre Camille Jullian, MMSH, Aix-en-Provence as part of the **RAMSES II Project of the European Commission** (6th PCRD, “Memories, Conflicts and Exchanges,” SWP 3.2. *The circulation of technological models*) • **INSTITUTIONALRESPONSIBILITIES** 2012–2019 Member of the Scientific and Technic Committeefor the Labex ARCHIMEDE(Montpellier 3 University; ANR-11-LABX-0032-01), as coordinator for the scientific research about « Représentations – la Mort, les Morts, les Rites » 2012–2016 **Elected member**of the **Scientific Council**of the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier 2012–2015 Manager of Bachelor's degrees in Art History and Archaeology (cursus Archaeology) 2011–2014 **Team Director**: “Mediterranean Prehistory and Protohistory” at the joint research unit “Archaeology of Mediterranean Societies” (UMR5140), assembling 58 people (26 researchers, 12 PhD Students, 20 affiliated researchers). • **COMMISSIONS OF TRUST** Since 2008 Appointed to the **review committee** and the **editorial board** for the interregional journal ***Documents d’Archéologie Méridionale*** (main journal for Iron Age Archaeology in the South of France) 2014–2017 Member of the Scientific Council for “L’Agora des Savoirs” (Montpellier Métropole) 2011–2016 Appointed to the **Scientific Council for the archaeological site of *Lattara* – Henri Prades Museum** (publicity of dig site and reorganization of museum collections) 2010 Member of the **Scientific Council** for the 34th Congress of AFEAF at Aschaffenburg (Germany) • **MEMBERSHIPSOFSCIENTIFICSOCIETIES** Since 2007 Elected **board member** of the **AFEAF** (French Association for the Study of the Iron Age), assembling all the specialists of that period for annual meetings; coordinator ofthe **research blog** []( • **MAJOR COLLABORATIONS** 2002–2016 Assistant Project for the **excavation campaigns** at **Olbia de Provence** (Hyères, Var, France), directed by Michel Bats (researcher in CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research), UMR (Mixed Research Unit) 5140) 2015–2016 Member of the French Ministry of Culture's **Collective Research Project** on « Les lieux de culte en Gaule du Sud (IIe s. av. J.-C.-IVe s. ap. J.-C.) » coordinated by Sandrine Boularot (PR UPVM3) 2013–2015 Member of the **european project ArCAFE** (Archéologie et Culture de l’Age du Fer en Europe), programme « Culture » 2007-2013 ; **scientific advisory board** (UMR5140) 2011–2012 Member of the **MSH-**Montpellier-financed project: “Cultural contact in the Classical Mediterranean realm: identity stereotypes and construction of urban and peri-urban spaces” 2015–2017 Collaboration in the PhD project with the **University of Chicago** (Martin Doppelt) on isotopic analysis • **EDUCATION** 2004 PhD in Art History and Archaeology, specialization in Classical Art and Archaeology supervised by Annie-France Laurens, professor of Classical Archaeology at the University Paul-Valery Montpellier: “Mediterranean Gaul and the Greeks: historiographical approach to Hellenisation during the 20th century”, *summa cum laude*, highest honours 2000 Master's degree in Classical Civilizations and the Middle Ages 1999 First-year Master's degree in Classical Philology 1998 First-year Master's degree in Ancient History 1996–1999 Bachelor's degrees in Classical Philology, History, Art History and Archaeology URL for web site: <>

Domaines de recherche


Protohistoire/âge du Fer céramologie Pratiques rituelles Celtes Grecs Historiographie échanges


Image document

Ancient genomes from present-day France unveil 7,000 years of its demographic history

Samantha Brunel , E. Andrew Andrew Bennett , Laurent Cardin , Damien Garraud , Hélène Barrand Emam
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117 (23), pp.12791-12798. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1918034117⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03039135v1