Riadh Lakhmi
### Scientific Biography :
#### Riadh Lakhmi obtained his PhD from the IMS Laboratory (Bordeaux) in October 2011. During his PhD, Riadh Lakhmi worked on the design, the processing and the characterization of cantilever sensors. Those last ones were used as microbalances for force sensing and chemical species detection in gas phase. After the PhD, he was part of an industrial transfer project in Bordeaux involving IMS laboratory, ISAE laboratory and the companies TEMEX ceramics and RESCOLL. The target of the project was to develop a fabrication process for piezoelectric micro-ceramics with high mechanical and piezoelectric properties. During his PhD, he was responsible for several practical works and tutorials in the following fields: Thermal Transfers, thermal machines, Chemical analysis techniques, Micro-assembling.
After 4 years (from 2013 and 2017) working as a computer engineer in the industry, he joined “Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne” in October 2017. He was hired to work as an associate professor in the department PTSI of the SPIN Center in order to develop sensors and multi-sensors systems able to detect chemical species in solid state or in gas phase. His teaching missions cover the following fields: Process Engineering, Physics, and Instrumentation.
### Education :
#### Ph.D. in Micro-electronics from Université de Bordeaux, France
M.Sc. entitled: “Inorganic matter synthesis and properties” - Université de Bordeaux, France
Engineer diploma from ENSCBP graduate school – Bordeaux, france
Bachelor in Physics and Chemistry, French “Classes préparatoires”, ENSCL – Lille, France
### Career :
#### Since 2018 Associate professor at "Ecole des Mines de Saint Etienne"
2014-2017 Computing engineer - Business Analyst / Testing
2013-2014 Programmer-analyst formation in mainframe environments
2012-2013 Research Engineer - Process / Materials
### Main Publications :
#### \[1\] R. Lakhmi, H. Debéda, M. Maglione, C. Lucat. Study of Screen-Printed PZT Cantilevers Both Self-Actuated and Self-Read-Out. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 11:311-320, 2014.
\[2\] H. Debéda, R. Lakhmi, P. Clément, E. Llobet, C.R. Zamarreño, F.J. Arregui, C. Lucat. Inorganic and organic screen-printed cantilever-based gas sensors. Sensors and Transducers, 173 (6):215-223, 2014.
\[3\] H. Debéda, R. Lakhmi, C. Lucat, I. Dufour. Use of the longitudinal mode of screen-printed piezoelectric cantilevers coated with PEUT for toluene detection. Comparison with silicon cantilevers. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Elsevier, 187:198-203, 2013.
\[4\] R. Lakhmi, H. Debéda, I. Dufour, C. Lucat. Force sensors based on screen-printed cantilevers. IEEE Sensors Journal, 10:1133-1137, 2010.