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Richard Sempere

Identifiants chercheurs


Director of Research at CNRS: Oceanographer. Marine and atmospheric geochemist. 2021 Director of Aix-Marseille University 'Ocean Sciences Institute' 2012-2021 Director of the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (M I O), Aix Marseille University, CNRS, IRD, Univ. Toulon, France 2004-2012 Director of LMGEM laboratory, UMR 6117, Aix Marseille University, CNRS, France **Research interests:** * Exploration of sources and sinks of natural organic matter in aquatic environments. * The intersection of the carbon cycle and microbial communities under global change conditions. * Marine and atmospheric chemistry. Study of dissolved organic matter including sugars, dicarboxylic acids, phthalates, chromophoric organic matter. UV impact (photo-oxydation) on organic matter decomposition. Bacterial degradation of organic matter. Organic contaminants in atmospheric and aquatic systems. **1-Degrees** 1986, Master in Oceanography and Meteorology Paris Sorbonne University 1991, PhD in Oceanography, University of Perpignan, CNRS 1991-1993: Post-Doctoral study in Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan University), JSPS fellowship* **2-Professional experiences** 1994-: Permanent Position at CNRS, Aix Marseille University **3-Direction of 10 PhD DThesis. Author or co-author of 110 peer review papers.**
Director of Research at CNRS: Oceanographer. Marine and atmospheric geochemist. Two children (22 and 20) Currently: Director of Research at CNRS, Director of the Mediterranean Institute of Oceanography (M I O), Aix Marseille University, CNRS, IRD, Toulon University. **Research interests:** * Exploration of sources and sinks of natural organic matter in aquatic environments. * Plastic and additives in the Ocean. The intersection of the carbon cycle and microbial communities under global change conditions. * Marine and atmospheric chemistry. Study of dissolved organic matter including sugars, dicarboxylic acids, phthalates, chromophoric organic matter. UV impact (photo-oxydation) on organic matter decomposition. Bacterial degradation of organic matter. Organic contaminants in atmospheric and aquatic systems. **1-Degrees** · 2001, Habilitation for PhD direction (HDR), University Aix Marseille University · 1991, PhD in Oceanography, University of Perpignan, CNRS LSGM. · 1986, Master in Oceanography and Meteorology University of Paris Sorbonne University **2-Professional experiences** · 1987, Scientific national duty in the French Navy · 1988-1991: PhD (University of Perpignan), scholarship from the French Ministry for Research and Education · 1991-1993: Post-Doctoral study in Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan University), JSPS fellowship · 1993-1994: Post-Doctoral study in LMM, UPR CNRS 223, Aix Marseille University, CNRS fellowship · 1994-2001: Permanent Position as CR1 CNRS, LMM UPR CNRS 223, Aix Marseille University · 2003: Director of Research at CNRS 2ndclass · 2009: Director of Research at CNRS 1stclass · 2019: Director of Research at CNRS DRCE1 · 2004-2012: Director of the LMGEM laboratory (UMR CNRS 6117) · Since 2012: Director of M I O laboratory (UMR 7294, UM 110). CNRS, IRD, Aix Marseille University and Toulon University. M I O laboratory comprises 236 people. **3-Direction of students, post-docs researchers** ***12 (Doctor degree-PhD) students, 8 post-doctoral researchers and about 50 Master degree and others students.*** **4-National responsibilities** ***CNRS, IRD*** · 1997-1998: -Member of the national biogeochemistry equipment-working group for INSU/CNRS (CSOA) · 1998-2000: -President of the national biogeochemistry equipment committee (CSOA) · 2004-2007: Member of the CNRS national committee (section 19) · 2004-2007: Member of the CNRS national committee (section 46) · 2004-2007: Member of the CNRS/INSU scientific committee · 2008-2011: Member of the IRD national committee (CSS3) · Since 2017: Member of the French ANR committee · Member of the executive committee of the French Pole Mediterranee. **5-National-programmes** · Co-PI of the MERMEX ( since 2009 · Co-PI of the LEFE/CYBER UVECO1 program: 2003-2006. · Co-PI of the UVPACA program · CO-PI of Agence de l’eau projects: Blue Polut, CareMed · French knowledge national pivot of the European project Blue Med **6-International** · 2007-2015. Associate editor in Marine Chemistry. · Since 2007-Review editor of Aquatic Microbial Ecology and Marine Ecology Progress Series (Reviewer staff). · Partner of the JPI Ocean (European Union) research project PLASTOX (plastics and contaminants in seawater) and PERSEUS (FP7). · Associate member of the international SCOR working Group on new microbial concepts and methodology. Topic: “Microbial Pumping Processes of carbon in the ocean”. 2020-2022 PI of the JPI-Ocean research project, ANDROMEDA **7-Professional affiliations:** · Member, American Geophysical Society, 1994 to present · Member, American Limnology and Oceanography Association, 1998 to present · Member, European Geophysical Society, 2002 to present · Member, European Geophysical Society, 2002 to present **8-Cruise participation** · About 15 oceanographic cruises (Antarctic, Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, Mediterranean Sea).
