Marie-France Robbe
Interpretation with the Europlexus code of the MARA8 experiment simulating a hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident2nd Student Conference of the American Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society, Apr 2002, Penn State University, United States
Conference papers
Evaluation of the influence of various parameters on a clay barrier resaturation in isothermal conditionsEurop ean Congress on Computational Metho ds in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Numerical interpretation of the MARA 10 test simulating a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in a mock-up schematizing a reactorInternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers
A pipe-model to assess the hydrodynamic effects of a blowdown in a 4-loop PWRICONE8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.ICONE-8156
Conference papers
Description of the MARS small scale replica of a Fast Breeder Reactor and of the numerical models used to simulate a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in the test-facilityInternational colloquium in mechanics of solids, fluids, structures and interactions, Aug 2000, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp.725-734
Conference papers
Validation of the Core Disruptive Accident constitutive law of the Castem-Plexus code on the Mara8 testNha Trang'2000 International Colloquium, Aug 2000, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp 735-744
Conference papers
Numerical simulation of a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in the MARA8 mock-up with the CASTEM-PLEXUS computer codeInternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers
Estimation of the mechanical consequences of a steam explosion with a local approach - Thermalhydraulic and mechanical linked computationsInternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers
Scoping calculations of an in-vessel steam explosion. Castem-Plexus computationsICONE8- 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ASME, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.ICONE-8203
Conference papers
Bibliographic synthesis of the experimental and numerical German and French research programs concerning slug impactICONE 8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 2000, Baltimore (MA), United States. pp.8751
Conference papers
Assessment of the hydrodynamic loads due to a LOCA in a 3-loop PWR. Castem-Plexus computationsICONE8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ASME, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.ICONE-8199
Conference papers
Comparison of a Core Disruptive Accident simulation with the MARS experimental testInternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers
Assessment of a clay barrier resaturation in isothermal conditionsICONE 8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.8269
Conference papers
Hydrodynamic consequences of a LOCA in a 4-loop PWREuropean Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Computation of the MARS test simulating a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in a small scale replica of a Fast Breeder ReactorInternational Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers
Qualification of the numerical simulation of a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident on the MARA 10 test-facilityNha Trang 2000 International Colloquium, Aug 2000, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp 746-755
Conference papers
Bibliographic review of the computer codes and experiments dealing with steam explosion in EuropeEuropean Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
CASTEM-PLEXUS: un logiciel de dynamique rapide pour évaluer l'integrité des structures en cas d'accidentINSTRUC 4 - 4e Conférence INSTRUC, Prévision et estimation de la durée de vie des structures mécaniques, Nov 1999, Courbevoie, France. pp.224-233
Conference papers
A porosity model to represent the influence of structures on a fluid flow - Application to a hypothetical core disruptive accidentICONE 7 - 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 1999, Tokyo, Japan. pp.ICONE-7819
Conference papers
A porosity method to model the internal structures of a reactor vessel15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT 15), Aug 1999, Seoul, South Korea
Conference papers
Hydrodynamic Loads on a PWR Primary Circuit due to a LOCA - Pipe Computations with the CASTEM-PLEXUS CodeSMIRT 15 - 15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Aug 1999, Seoul, South Korea. pp.J05/4, 199-206
Conference papers
A steam explosion assessment by thermalhydraulic and mechanical linked computations14e International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Aug 1997, Lyon, France. pp.323-330
Conference papers
Screening calculations on the vessel lower head behaviour due to an in-vessel steam explosionSMIRT 14 - 14th International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Aug 1997, Lyon, France. pp.451-458
Conference papers
EasyMSI: a competitive software tool for the interpretation of Mass Spectrometry Imaging datasetsCongrès français de spectrométrie de masse et d'analyse protéomique (SMAP 2011), Sep 2011, Avignon, France
Conference poster
Mass Spectrometry Imaging visualization tools developed during the Computis European projectCongrès français de spectrométrie de masse et d'analyse protéomique (SMAP 2011), Sep 2011, Avignon, France. Book of abstracts of SMAP 2011
Conference poster