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Marie-France Robbe



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Interpretation with the Europlexus code of the MARA8 experiment simulating a hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident

Marie-France Robbe , Michel Lepareux , Yves Cariou
2nd Student Conference of the American Nuclear Society, American Nuclear Society, Apr 2002, Penn State University, United States
Conference papers cea-03081905v1
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Evaluation of the influence of various parameters on a clay barrier resaturation in isothermal conditions

Marie-France Robbe , François Cany , Patrick Dangla , Thierry Lassabatère
Europ ean Congress on Computational Metho ds in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers cea-04177292v1
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Numerical interpretation of the MARA 10 test simulating a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in a mock-up schematizing a reactor

Marie-France Robbe , Jean-Yves Cariou , Eloi Treille , Michel Lepareux
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers cea-04177361v1
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A pipe-model to assess the hydrodynamic effects of a blowdown in a 4-loop PWR

Marie-France Robbe , Serguei Potapov
ICONE8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.ICONE-8156
Conference papers cea-04071507v1
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Description of the MARS small scale replica of a Fast Breeder Reactor and of the numerical models used to simulate a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in the test-facility

Marie-France Robbe , Yves Cariou , Michel Lepareux , Eloi Treille
International colloquium in mechanics of solids, fluids, structures and interactions, Aug 2000, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp.725-734
Conference papers cea-04071532v1
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Validation of the Core Disruptive Accident constitutive law of the Castem-Plexus code on the Mara8 test

Marie-France Robbe , Jean-Yves Cariou , Michel Lepareux , Eloi Treille
Nha Trang'2000 International Colloquium, Aug 2000, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp 735-744
Conference papers cea-04177275v1
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Numerical simulation of a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in the MARA8 mock-up with the CASTEM-PLEXUS computer code

Marie-France Robbe , Yves Cariou , Michel Lepareux , Eloi Treille
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers cea-04177465v1
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Estimation of the mechanical consequences of a steam explosion with a local approach - Thermalhydraulic and mechanical linked computations

Marie-France Robbe , Nicolas Vivien , Michel Valette , E. Berglas
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers cea-04177476v1
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Scoping calculations of an in-vessel steam explosion. Castem-Plexus computations

Marie-France Robbe , Michel Lepareux
ICONE8- 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ASME, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.ICONE-8203
Conference papers cea-04044400v1
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Bibliographic synthesis of the experimental and numerical German and French research programs concerning slug impact

Marie-France Robbe
ICONE 8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 2000, Baltimore (MA), United States. pp.8751
Conference papers cea-03956844v1
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Assessment of the hydrodynamic loads due to a LOCA in a 3-loop PWR. Castem-Plexus computations

Marie-France Robbe , Michel Lepareux , Christophe Trollat
ICONE8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ASME, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.ICONE-8199
Conference papers cea-04044567v1
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Comparison of a Core Disruptive Accident simulation with the MARS experimental test

Marie-France Robbe , Jean-Yves Cariou , Eloi Treille , Michel Lepareux
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers cea-04177342v1
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Assessment of a clay barrier resaturation in isothermal conditions

Marie-France Robbe , François Cany
ICONE 8 - 8th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 2000, Baltimore, United States. pp.8269
Conference papers cea-03956851v1
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Hydrodynamic consequences of a LOCA in a 4-loop PWR

Serguei Potapov , Marie-France Robbe , François Téphany
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers cea-04177324v1
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Computation of the MARS test simulating a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident in a small scale replica of a Fast Breeder Reactor

Marie-France Robbe , Jean-Yves Cariou , Michel Lepareux , Eloi Treille
International Conference on Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics 2000, Sep 2000, Liptovsky Jan, Slovakia
Conference papers cea-04177351v1
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Qualification of the numerical simulation of a Hypothetical Core Disruptive Accident on the MARA 10 test-facility

Marie-France Robbe , Yves Cariou , Eloi Treille , Michel Lepareux
Nha Trang 2000 International Colloquium, Aug 2000, Nha Trang, Vietnam. pp 746-755
Conference papers cea-04177269v1
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Bibliographic review of the computer codes and experiments dealing with steam explosion in Europe

Marie-France Robbe
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2000), Sep 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers cea-04177301v1
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CASTEM-PLEXUS: un logiciel de dynamique rapide pour évaluer l'integrité des structures en cas d'accident

Marie-France Robbe , Pascal Galon , Tamara Yuritzinn
INSTRUC 4 - 4e Conférence INSTRUC, Prévision et estimation de la durée de vie des structures mécaniques, Nov 1999, Courbevoie, France. pp.224-233
Conference papers cea-03956828v1
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A porosity model to represent the influence of structures on a fluid flow - Application to a hypothetical core disruptive accident

Marie-France Robbe , Fabienne Bliard
ICONE 7 - 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Apr 1999, Tokyo, Japan. pp.ICONE-7819
Conference papers cea-03121989v1
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A porosity method to model the internal structures of a reactor vessel

Marie-France Robbe
15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT 15), Aug 1999, Seoul, South Korea
Conference papers cea-03956736v1
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Hydrodynamic Loads on a PWR Primary Circuit due to a LOCA - Pipe Computations with the CASTEM-PLEXUS Code

Marie-France Robbe , Michel Lepareux , Christophe Trollat
SMIRT 15 - 15th International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Aug 1999, Seoul, South Korea. pp.J05/4, 199-206
Conference papers cea-03122148v1
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A steam explosion assessment by thermalhydraulic and mechanical linked computations

Nicolas Vivien , Marie-France Robbe , Michel Valette
14e International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Aug 1997, Lyon, France. pp.323-330
Conference papers cea-03119934v1
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Screening calculations on the vessel lower head behaviour due to an in-vessel steam explosion

Marie-France Robbe , Michel Lepareux , Nicolas Vivien , Gerard Cenerino
SMIRT 14 - 14th International Conference on Structural Mechanics In Reactor Technology, Aug 1997, Lyon, France. pp.451-458
Conference papers cea-03120015v1
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Putting residential flexibility management into action with pilot sites in Europe: From Mas2tering to DRIvE projects

Marie-France Robbe , Meritxell Vinyals , Stefan Lodeweyckx , Juan Manuel Espeche , Paul-Emmanuel Brun
Proceedings, 2018, 2 (15), pp.1130. ⟨10.3390/proceedings2151130⟩
Journal articles cea-03086637v1
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Mas²tering: business cases and technologies for low-voltage flexibility aggregation with prosumers and local energy communities Workshop

Thomas Messervey , Mario Sisinni , Juan Manuel Espeche , Zia Lennard , Meritxell Vinyals
Proceedings, 2017, Special Issue “Selected Papers from Sustainable Places 2017 (SP2017) Conference”, 1 (7), pp.1103. ⟨10.3390/proceedings1071103⟩
Journal articles cea-03086568v1
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Software tools of the Computis European project to process mass spectrometry images

Marie-France Robbe , Jean-Pierre Both , Brendan Prideaux , Ivo Klinkert , Vincent Picaud
European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2014, 20 (5), pp.351 - 360. ⟨10.1255/ejms.1293⟩
Journal articles cea-01669226v1
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BOOSTER: Development of a toolbox for triage of large groups of individuals exposed to radioactive material

Vincent Schoepff , Istvan Almasi , Khalil Amgarou , Frank Becker , Frédérick Carrel
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2014, 61 (4), pp.2210 - 2216. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2014.2311475⟩
Journal articles hal-01863369v1
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Projet européen BOOSTER : Comment trier les victimes après un incident radiologique ?

Marie-France Robbe , Mehdi Gmar , Vincent Schoepff
Revue Générale Nucléaire, 2013, 5, pp.106-107
Journal articles cea-03081842v1
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imzML - A common data format for the flexible exchange and processing of mass spectrometry imaging data.

Thorsten Schramm , Alfons Hester , Ivo Klinkert , Jean-Pierre Both , Ron M A Heeren
Journal of Proteomics, 2012, 75 (16), pp.5106-10. ⟨10.1016/j.jprot.2012.07.026⟩
Journal articles hal-00741330v1

EasyMSI: a competitive software tool for the interpretation of Mass Spectrometry Imaging datasets

Both Jean-Pierre , Vincent Picaud , Marie-France Robbe , Isabelle Espagnon
Congrès français de spectrométrie de masse et d'analyse protéomique (SMAP 2011), Sep 2011, Avignon, France
Conference poster cea-03086249v1
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Mass Spectrometry Imaging visualization tools developed during the Computis European project

Marie-France Robbe , Etienne A Thévenot , Markus Stoeckli , Alfons Hester , Andreas Roempp
Congrès français de spectrométrie de masse et d'analyse protéomique (SMAP 2011), Sep 2011, Avignon, France. Book of abstracts of SMAP 2011
Conference poster cea-03086461v1