Robert Pansu
Senior Reseacher at LuMIn UMR9024 du CNRS.
Current affiliations
- 1039881
**Subject of research**
Solid state fluorescence ; Crystal Nucleation ; Microfluidic; Kinetics ; Spectroscopy;
**Curriculum Vitae**
**Legal Status :**
Born in 1958 March , 9th. Maried, three children.
**Titles :**
Agrégation de Sciences Physiques, June 1981
Physical Chemistry PhD, May 1988
**Formation :**
Lycée Louis le Grand Classes Préparatoires, Sept.1975-1977
ENS Saint Cloud, June 1977-1982
Université Paris Sud, 1983-1988
Post-Doctoral stay : IMS Okasaki, July 1988-Sept.1989
**Position :**
ENS Saint Cloud, June 1977-1982
Research Associate 2, 1983
Research Associate 1, 1989
Senior Researcher 2, 2001
We have developed a fluorescence lifetime imaging device (FLIM) under microscope. We count individual photons with a resolution of 50ps and 1024x1024. We can make video FLIM at a rate of 1000 image/second. With a probing laser, an excitation laser and a microfluidic mixing device we can study, photo-, thermo-, electro-, induced reactions after mixing. The molecules and the phases are characterized by their lifetime.
We apply this to the development of sensing nanoparticles, indeed if the exciton is free in a particle, that particle can be quenched by a single target. On the reverse, for lightening application localized excitons are preferred.
We claim that luminescence decays can be described by a Perrin Poisson model. The complexity of the decay is due to the distribution of the quenchers around the exciton but mainly to the small number of these quenchers. Any detection method with a high dynamic range can detect the small fraction of the excitons free of any quenching. This gives access to the number of quenchers independently of their quenching rate.
We are currently studying the nucleation and growth inside a microfluidic device induced by a laser. We shall observe the first nanoseconds of the birth of a crystal.
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Recording the birth of a AIE crystal20th International Conference on Luminescence – ICL’2023, Goldner,Philippe, Aug 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Non-Photochemical Laser-induced nucleation of glycineSKD 2018, Jun 2018, Bajina Bašta, Serbia
Conference papers
Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation (NPLIN)WORKSHOP Spectroscopy tools for halide perovksitesGDR HPéro, Chimie Paris-Tech, Nov 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Non Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation: past, present and futureSerbian Crystallographic Meeting, Jun 2017, Vrsac, Serbia
Conference papers
Neutron/gamma discrimination enhancement: plastic scintillators high dose irradiation and recovery timeANIMMA 2017 – Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications, Jun 2017, Liège, Belgium. pp.01011, ⟨10.1051/epjconf/201817001011⟩
Conference papers
Observation of the Nucleation of an Aggregation Induced Emission (AIE) Molecule in a Microfluidic System by Fluorescence Lifetime Video (FLIM)28th International Conference on Photochemistry (ICP 2017), Jul 2017, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Non-Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation. Use fluorescence to probe the aggregation processXIXth International Krutyn Summer School - "Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE): Phenomenon, Principle and Application", May 2016, Krutyn, Poland
Conference papers
Polymorphism Control of DBDCS in a Microfluidic System and Characterization by its Fluorescent LifetimeJournées Technologiques Cristech, Oct 2016, Autrans, France
Conference papers
New insight in the Non Photochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation mechanism. An experimental and theoretical combined approachCRISTECH, Oct 2016, Autrans, France
Conference papers
Détection d’explosifs nitroaromatiques par des films fluorescents non-poreux de dérivés d’oligophenyleneethynylèneMatériaux 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Study and understanding of n/γ discrimination processes in organic plastic scintillatorsProc. SPIE 8710, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIV, Apr 2013, Baltimore, MD, United States. pp.87101F, ⟨10.1117/12.2011330⟩
Conference papers
Intrinsic evaluation of n/γ discrimination in organic plastic scintillators2013 3rd International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation, Measurement Methods and their Applications (ANIMMA), Jun 2013, Marseille, France. pp.06727919, ⟨10.1109/ANIMMA.2013.6727919⟩
Conference papers
Confined nucleation and growth of organic nanocrystals in sol-gel matrices for biophotonics16th conference on composite nano Engineering (ICCE-16), Jul 2008, Kunming, China
Conference papers
Fluorescence des cristaux moléculairesNanohybride IV, Jun 2007, Bastia, France
Conference papers
Solid-state fluorescence of new Bodipy derivatives: development of molecular nanosensorsInternational Conférence on Photochemistry 2007, Jul 2007, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers
Photo dégradation et photo toxicité des sondes fluorescentes en cellules vivantesMiFoBio2006, Sep 2006, La Grande Motte, France
Conference papers
Intensity and fluorescence lifetime imaging of organic crystals9th Inernational Conference on Methods and Applications of Fluorescence (MAF9), Sep 2005, Libonne, Portugal
Conference papers
Effect of size and light power on the fluorescence yield of rubrene nanocrystalsMasuhara, Hiroshi;Kawata,Satoshi. Nanophotonics: Integrating Photochemistry, Optics, and Nano/Bio Materials Studies, Elsevier, pp.89-102, 2004
Book sections
Fluorescent Organic Nanocrystals for Producing BiosensorsFrance, Patent n° : WO 2008/145875. 2008
Precipitation via liquid-liquid phase séparationPhotography. Cachan, France. 2016
Supercontinuum laser in microscopy2016