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Selmin Nurcan



Consistency Requirements in Business Process Modeling: A thorough Overview

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan
Software and Systems Modeling, 2019, 18 (2), pp.1097-1115. ⟨10.1007/s10270-017-0629-2⟩
Journal articles hal-03966294v1

On Leveraging the Fruits of Research Efforts in the Arena of Business Process Modeling Formalisms: A Map-Driven Approach for Decision Making

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan , Sonia Ayachi
Software and Systems Modeling, 2019, First on line 16 august 2018. Printed issue 18(3) May 2019
Journal articles hal-03966328v1

Learning organization modelling patterns

Mijalce Santa , Selmin Nurcan
Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 2015, Knowledge Management Research & Practice Journal, ⟨10.1057/kmrp.2014.22⟩
Journal articles hal-01217612v1

Scheduling strategies for business process applications in Cloud environment

Kahina Bessai , Samir Youcef , Selmin Nurcan , Claude Godart , Ammar Oulamara
International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, 2014
Journal articles hal-00920341v1

Méthode automatisée de conception de scénarios d'évolution organisationnelle fondée sur les processus et les buts

Jacques Simonin , Selmin Nurcan , Judith Barrios
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2014, 19 (2), pp.9 - 33. ⟨10.3166/isi.19.2.9-33⟩
Journal articles hal-01056997v1

Key challenges for enabling agile BPM with social software

Giorgio Bruno , Frank Dengler , Ben Jennings , Rania Khalaf , Selmin Nurcan
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2011, 23 (4), pp.297- 326. ⟨10.1002/smr.523⟩
Journal articles hal-00662067v1

On the Way from Research Innovations to Practical Utility in Enterprise Architecture: The Build-Up Process

Islem Gmati , Irina Rychkova , Selmin Nurcan
International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design, 2010, 1 (3), pp.20-44. ⟨10.4018/jismd.2010070102⟩
Journal articles hal-00662873v1

Combining BPM and Social Software : Contradiction or Chance ?

Selim Erol , Michael Granitzer , Simone Happ , Sami Jantunen , Ben Jennings
Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, 2010, 22 (6-7), pp.449-476. ⟨10.1002/smr.460⟩
Journal articles hal-00662877v1

Constats et fondements pour des méthodes d'ingénierie de SI dirigée par les exigences de gouvernance

Bruno Claudepierre , Selmin Nurcan
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2008, 14 (4), pp.9-32
Journal articles hal-00706140v1

A benchmarking framework for methods to design flexible business processes

Feriel Daoudi , Selmin Nurcan
Software Process: Improvement and Practice Journal, 2007, pp.1
Journal articles hal-00706148v1

A Strategy Driven Business Process Modelling Approach

Selmin Nurcan , Anne Etien , Rim Samia Kaabi , Iyad Zoukar , Colette Rolland
Business Process Management Journal, 2005, pp.1
Journal articles hal-00706383v1

Intention Driven Modelling for Flexible Workflow Applications

Selmin Nurcan , Marc-Henri Edme
Software Process: Improvement and Practice Journal, 2005, pp.1
Journal articles hal-00706385v1

A multi-method for defining the organizational change

Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
Journal of Information and Software Technology, 2003, pp.61 - 82
Journal articles hal-00706491v1

Une méthode pour la définition de l'impact organisationnel du changement

Selmin Nurcan , Judith Barrios , Colette Rolland
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 2002, pp.1
Journal articles hal-00706996v1
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Contributions of Workflow to quality requirements

Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
Knowledge and Process Management: the Journal of Corporate Transformation, 2000, pp.1
Journal articles hal-00707094v1
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A Decision Making Pattern for Guiding the Enterprise Knowledge Development Process

Colette Rolland , Selmin Nurcan , Georges Grosz
Journal of Information and Software Technology, 2000, pp.313 - 331
Journal articles hal-00707096v1
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Enterprise Knowledge Development: the Process View

Colette Rolland , Selmin Nurcan , Georges Grosz
Information and Management Journal, 1999, pp.165 - 184
Journal articles hal-00707565v1

Analysis and design of co-operative work processes: a framework

Selmin Nurcan
Journal of Information and Software Technology, 1998, pp.143 - 156
Journal articles hal-00707667v1

L'apport du workflow dans une démarche qualité

Selmin Nurcan
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série ISI : Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 1996, pp.463 - 489
Journal articles hal-00708001v1

Analyse et conception de systèmes d'information coopératifs

Selmin Nurcan
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, 1996, pp.1287 - 1315
Journal articles hal-00708000v1

System Dynamics Applications in Emergency Department (ED) for Waiting Time Improvement for medical care

Stephane Copin , Selmin Nurcan , Tamim Hammadi
The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jul 2022, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers hal-03966602v1

Dynamic Business Modeling for Sustainability: Exploring a System Dynamics Perspective to Integrate Social Lifecycle Sustainability Assessment

Jing Lin , Clotilde Rohleder , Selmin Nurcan , Stephane Copin
Sixth International Conference on Green Communications, Computing and Technologies (GREEN 2021), Nov 2021, Athens, Greece
Conference papers hal-03963645v1

Loose Inter-Organizations Cooperation in Cloud Computing: Process Chunks Configuration using Microservices. 5 October 2020

Yosra Lassoued , Selmin Nurcan , Faïez Gargouri
SoEA4EE'2020 workshop @ EDOC'2020, Oct 2020, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-03966248v1
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Challenges of Integrating Social Lifecycle Sustainability Assessment into Product Lifecycle Management - State of the Art -

Jing Lin , Clotilde Rohleder , Selmin Nurcan
17th IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Jul 2020, Rapperswil, Switzerland. pp.500-513, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-62807-9_40⟩
Conference papers hal-03753099v1

Overlap-Driven Approach for the Conceptualization of Consistency Preserving Modeling Tools

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan
25th Americas Conference on Information Systems, (AMCIS 2019), Aug 2019, Cancún Mexico, Mexico
Conference papers hal-03966379v1

Process Chunks Selection in the Context of Loose Inter-Organizations Cooperation in Cloud Computing

Yosra Lassoued , Selmin Nurcan , Faïez Gargouri
European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS), 9-10 December 2019, Dec 2019, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Conference papers hal-03966348v1

System Dynamics Applications in Emergency Department for Waiting Time Improvement

Stephane Copin , Tamim Hammadi , Selmin Nurcan
The 36th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Aug 2018, Reykjavík, Iceland
Conference papers hal-03966577v1

Toward Generic Consistency Patterns in Multi-view Enterprise Modelling

Afef Awadid , Dominik Bork , Dimitris Karagiannis , Selmin Nurcan
The 25th European on Information Systems (ECIS'2018), Jun 2018, Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03966559v1

Flexibility in Business Process Modeling to deal with Context-Awareness in Business Process Reengineering Projects in Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling, LNBIP 318 Springer

Leila Jamel , Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
19th International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS'2018), Jun 2018, Tallinn, Estonia
Conference papers hal-03966546v1

Tool Support for the EKD Enterprise Modeling Method: Towards Managing Inter-View Consistency

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan
2d International Workshop on Practicing Open Enterprise Modelling within OMiLAB (PrOse) (POEM'2018), Oct 2018, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers hal-03966610v1
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Towards Assessing the Multi-view Modeling Capability of Enterprise Modeling Methods

Afef Awadid , Dominik Bork , Selmin Nurcan
11th IFIP Working Conference on The Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM), Oct 2018, Vienna, Austria. pp.351-361, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-02302-7_22⟩
Conference papers hal-02156462v1

Material Management in LCA Integrated PLM

Jing Lin , Clotilde Rohleder , Selmin Nurcan
IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Jun 2018, Stuttgart, Germany
Conference papers hal-03966568v1

Modeling Contextualized Flexible Cloud Workflow Services: An MDE based approach

Yosra Lassoued , Selmin Nurcan
11th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'2017), May 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03966676v1

Towards a Decision-Support System for Selecting the Appropriate Business Process Modeling Formalism: A Context-Aware Roadmap

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan , Sonia Ghannouchi
22d International Conference on Evaluation and Modeling Methods for System Analysis and Development (EMMSAD'2017), Jun 2017, Essen, Germany
Conference papers hal-03966680v1
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Towards enhancing business process modeling formalisms of EKD with consistency consideration

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan
The tenth IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) , Jun 2016, Grenoble, France. pp.1 - 12, ⟨10.1109/RCIS.2016.7549306⟩
Conference papers hal-01513002v1
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A Systematic Literature Review of Consistency Among Business Process Models

Afef Awadid , Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support, Jun 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia. pp.51 - 195, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-39429-9_12⟩
Conference papers hal-01513019v1

A Framework for Occupational Fraud Detection by Social Network Analysis

Sanni Lookman , Selmin Nurcan
27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Jun 2015, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers hal-01242541v1
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Towards a Generic Context Model for BPM

Oumaima Saidani , Colette Rolland , Selmin Nurcan
48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'2015), Jan 2015, Kauai, Hawaii,, United States. ⟨10.1109/HICSS.2015.494⟩
Conference papers hal-01217349v1

Atlas framework for enterprise modelling

Mijalce Santa , Selmin Nurcan
AIS-Journals Joint Author Workshop in conjunction with the 22d European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'2014), Jun 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel
Conference papers hal-01242542v1

Learning organization Atlas framework web tool

Mijalce Santa , Selmin Nurcan , Igor Terziev
22d European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS'2014), Jun 2014, Tel Aviv, Israel
Conference papers hal-01219644v1

Descriptive lightweight learning organization ontology

Santa Mijalce , Selmin Nurcan
New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies, Apr 2014, Funchal, Portugal. pp 183-189
Conference papers hal-01219640v1

Business process modeling: a multi-perspectives approaches integration variability

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
14th International Conference BPMDS,, Jun 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers hal-01219641v1

Business Process scheduling strategies in Cloud environments with fairness metrics

Kahina Bessai , Samir Youcef , Claude Godart , Selmin Nurcan , Ammar Oulamara
SCC - IEEE International Conference on Services Computing - 2013, Jun 2013, Santa Clara, United States. pp.519 - 526, ⟨10.1109/SCC.2013.94⟩
Conference papers hal-00920349v1
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Evolution organisationnelle fondée sur la cohérence des relations entre acteurs avec les buts métiers

Jacques Simonin , Selmin Nurcan , Judith Barrios
31e congrès Informatique des organisations et systèmes d'information et de décision (INFORSID 2013), May 2013, Paris, France. pp.225-240
Conference papers hal-00831621v1
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Modeling the creation of a Learning organization by using the Learning Organization Atlas Framework

Mijalce Santa , Selmin Nurcan
15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS'2013), Jul 2013, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-01227451v1

Weighted Alignment Measures of Enterprise Architecture Viewpoints

Jacques Simonin , Selmin Nurcan , Julie Gourmelen
Workshop on BUSiness/IT Alignment and Interoperability (BUSITAL'2012), Jun 2012, Gdansk, Poland. pp.592-599, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-31069-0_49⟩
Conference papers hal-00756936v1
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Bi-criteria workflow tasks allocation and scheduling in Cloud computing environments

Kahina Bessai , Samir Youcef , Ammar Oulamara , Claude Godart , Selmin Nurcan
IEEE, International Conference on Cloud Computing 2012, Jun 2012, Hawaii, United States. pp.638-645, ⟨10.1109/CLOUD.2012.83⟩
Conference papers hal-00751210v1

Business Process Compositions: Preserving k-soundness property

Kahina Bessai , Samir Youcef , Claude Godart , Selmin Nurcan
The 2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, Dec 2012, Guilin, China. pp.1-10
Conference papers hal-00763472v1
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Resources allocation and scheduling approaches for business process applications in Cloud contexts

Kahina Bessai , Samir Youcef , Ammar Oulamara , Claude Godart , Selmin Nurcan
CloudCom 2012 - 4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science, Dec 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-00751209v1
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Multi-objective resources allocation approaches for workflow applications in Cloud environments

Kahina Bessai , Samir Youcef , Ammar Oulamara , Claude Godart , Selmin Nurcan
OnTheMove Federated Conferences & Workshops, Sep 2012, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00751216v1

Towards Adaptability and Control for Knowledge-Intensive Business Processes: Declarative Configurable Process Specifications

Irina Rychkova , Selmin Nurcan
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS 2011), Jan 2011, Koloa, United States. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1109/HICSS.2011.452⟩
Conference papers hal-00662276v1
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Modeling the role variability in the MAP process model

Rebecca Deneckere , Irina Rychkova , Selmin Nurcan
RCIS, 2011, Guadeloupe, France. pp.180-188
Conference papers hal-00703641v1

The Old Therapy for the New Problem: Declarative Configurable Process Specifications for the Adaptive Case Management Support

Irina Rychkova , Selmin Nurcan
Business Process Management Workshops, Sep 2010, Hoboken, United States. pp.420-432, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-20511-8_39⟩
Conference papers hal-00663011v1
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A Systematic Method for the Intentional Modeling and Verification of Business Applications

Islem Gmati , Michele Missikoff , Selmin Nurcan
VII Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS Information technoogy and Innovation trend in Organization, Oct 2010, Naples, Italy. pp.628-649
Conference papers hal-00662948v1

Composition de Workflow-nets : condition de préservation de la k-soundness

Kahina Bessai , Selmin Nurcan
Ingénierie d'Entreprise et de Systèms d'Information, 2010, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706094v1

Return on Experience of the Implementation of a Business-IT alignment Approach: Theory and Practice

Islem Gmati , Irina Rychkova , Judith Barrios , Selmin Nurcan
5th International Workshop on Business/IT Alignment and Interoperability, Jun 2010, France. pp.76-90
Conference papers hal-00663008v1

Business Process Lines to deal with the Variability

Colette Rolland , Selmin Nurcan
System Sciences (HICSS), 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on, Jan 2010, Hawaii, United States. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1109/HICSS.2010.88⟩
Conference papers hal-00662895v1

Introduction to the Second International Workshop Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering, 2010, Brazil. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706093v1
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Semantic representation of context models: a framework for analyzing and understanding

Salma Najar , Oumaima Saidani , Manuele Kirsch Pinheiro , Carine Souveyet , Selmin Nurcan
1st Workshop on Context, Information and Ontologies (CIAO'09) - 6th European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2009), May 2009, Heraklion, Greece. pp.article No 6, ⟨10.1145/1552262.1552268⟩
Conference papers hal-00421946v1

Introduction to the Second International Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Business Process Management, Sep 2009, France. pp.197-199, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_18⟩
Conference papers hal-00663003v1

Augmenting BPM with Social Software

Rainer Schmidt , Selmin Nurcan
Business Process Management BPM 2009 International Workshops, Sep 2009, Ulm, Germany. pp.201-206, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12186-9_19⟩
Conference papers hal-00663004v1

Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering: Introduction

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference Workshops, Sep 2009, Auckland, New Zealand. pp.247-253, ⟨10.1109/EDOCW.2009.5331988⟩
Conference papers hal-00662999v1

ITGIM: An intention-driven approach for analyzing the IT Governance requirements

Bruno Claudepierre , Selmin Nurcan
Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modeling (RIGiM), Nov 2009, Gramado, Brazil. pp.275-285, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-04947-7_33⟩
Conference papers hal-00663512v1

Context-Awareness for Adequate Business Process Modelling

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Research Challenges in Information Science, 2009. RCIS 2009. Third International Conference on, Apr 2009, Fès, Morocco. pp.177-186, ⟨10.1109/RCIS.2009.5089281⟩
Conference papers hal-00663289v1

An actor-driven approach for business processes - How to take into account the environment of work?

Kahina Bessai , Selmin Nurcan
10th International Workshop, BPMDS 2009, and 14th International Conference, EMMSAD 2009, held at CAiSE 2009, Jun 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.187-196, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-01862-6_16⟩
Conference papers hal-00663507v1

Guider le choix d'un formalisme de modélisation de processus : Démarche multicritère basée sur les patrons

Kahina Bessai , Selmin Nurcan
Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, 2008, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706127v1

Introduction to the First International Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Introduction to the First International Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software (BPMS2 2008), Sep 2008, Milan, Italy. pp.647-648, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-00328-8_64⟩
Conference papers hal-00663465v1

A survey on the flexibility requirements related to business processes and modeling artifacts

Selmin Nurcan
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2008, United States. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706115v1

Meta-model Tailoring for Situation-aware Business Process Modelling

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Model Driven Information Systems Engineering: Enterprise, User and System Models, 2008, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706133v1

Meta-model Tailoring for Situation-aware Business Process Modelling

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Ingénierie d'Entreprise et de Systèmes d'Information, 2008, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706136v1

BPM and Social Software

Rainer Schmidt , Selmin Nurcan
BPM 2008 International Workshops, Sep 2008, Milan, Italy. pp.649-658, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-00328-8_65⟩
Conference papers hal-00663469v1

Context-aware Business Process Evaluation and Redesign

Kahina Bessai , Bruno Claudepierre , Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support, 2008, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706132v1

Conceptual Dependencies between two connected IT domains: Business/IS alignment and IT governance

Selmin Nurcan , Bruno Claudepierre , Islem Gmati
International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 2008, Morocco. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706117v1

Towards Situational Business Process Modelling

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering, 2008, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706118v1

Proposition d'un cadre de référence pour la gouvernance des SI

Bruno Claudepierre , Selmin Nurcan
Ingénierie et gestion des processus d'entreprise, 2007, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706217v1

Prise en Compte de l'utilisateur dans l'ingénierie des Processus Métier

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Prise en compte de l'utilisateur dans les systèmes d'information, 2007, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706209v1

Prise en Compte de l'aspect Décisionnel dans l'ingénierie et la Gestion des Processus d'Entreprise

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Ingénierie et gestion des processus d'entreprise, 2007, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706216v1

Towards Context Aware Business Process Modelling

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support, 2007, Norway. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706206v1

Business Process Modelling and Requirements for Flexibity

Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications, 2007, Portugal. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706192v1
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Un cadre de référence pour analyser les exigences d'alignement métier/système d'information

Islem Gmati , Selmin Nurcan
Ingénierie et gestion des processus d'entreprise, 2007, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706219v1

A Framework for Analising IT Governance Approaches

Bruno Claudepierre , Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2007, Portugal. pp.512 - 516
Conference papers hal-00706191v1

Multi-Level Delegation for Flexible Business Process Modeling

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Information Resources Management Association, 2007, Canada. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706153v1
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A Framework for Analyzing Business/Information System Alignment Requirements.

Islem Gmati , Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2007, Portugal. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706193v1

FORBAC : A Flexible Organisation and Role-Based Access Control Model for Secure Information Systems

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Advances in Information Systems, 2006, Tokelau. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706352v1

A Role-Based Approach for Modeling Flexible Business Processes

Oumaima Saidani , Selmin Nurcan
Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support, 2006, Luxembourg. pp.111 - 120
Conference papers hal-00706365v1
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A framework to evaluate methods' capacity to design flexible business processes

Feriel Daoudi , Selmin Nurcan
6th International Workshop on Business Process Modeling, 2006, Porto, Portugal. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1002/spip.308⟩
Conference papers hal-00708851v1

A framework for situating Business Process Engineering approaches: an illustration with ARIS and EKD-CMM

Selmin Nurcan , Zhichao Song
Information Resources Management Association, 2006, United States. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706344v1

A Comparative State-of-the-Art for Flexible Workflow Modeling

Selmin Nurcan , Aouatef Hicheur
Information Resources Management Association, 2005, United States. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706418v1

A Conceptual Framework for Intention Driven Flexible Workflow Modeling

Selmin Nurcan
Workshop on Business Process Modelling, Development, and Support, 2004, Latvia. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706481v1
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Business Process Modeling for developing Process Oriented IT Systems

Selmin Nurcan
Information Resources Management Association, 2004, United States. pp.1-14
Conference papers hal-00706454v1

Model Driven Architectures for Enterprise Information Systems

Judith Barrios , Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering, 2004, Latvia. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706450v1
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Process of Mapping between User Centric Concepts and Lyee Internal Concepts

Selmin Nurcan , Mohamed Ben Ayed , Colette Rolland
International Workshop on New Trends on Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SoMET), Sep 2003, Stockholm, Sweden. pp.1-17
Conference papers hal-00708888v1

Enterprise Knowledge and Information System Modelling in an Evolving Environment

Selmin Nurcan , Judith Barrios
Engineering Methods to Support Information Systems Evolution, 2003, Switzerland. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00706503v1

Une méthode pour la définition de l'impact organisationnel du changement

Selmin Nurcan , Judith Barrios , Colette Rolland
Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, 2002, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707005v1

MeDIC: A method engineering proposal for the analysis and representation of the organisational impact of change

Judith Barrios , Selmin Nurcan
International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, 2002, United States. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707000v1
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Intention based modelling of organisational change: an experience report

Colette Rolland , Pericles Loucopoulos , Vagelio Kavakli , Selmin Nurcan
Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, 1999, Germany. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707627v1
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Using EKD-CMM electronic guide book for managing change in organisations

Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, 1999, Japan. pp.105 - 123
Conference papers hal-00707574v1
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Change Process Modelling using the EKD - Change Management Method

Selmin Nurcan , Judith Barrios , Georges Grosz , Colette Rolland
European Conference on Information Systems, 1999, Denmark. pp.513 - 529
Conference papers hal-00707573v1

A framework for generic patterns dedicated to the management of change in the electricity supply industry

Colette Rolland , Pericles Loucopoulos , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1998, Austria. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707942v1

A framework for encapsulating best business practices for electricity supply industry into generic patterns

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Pericles Loucopoulos , Selmin Nurcan
IMACS International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, 1998, Greece. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707943v1

The ELEKTRA project : Enterprise Knowledge Modelling for change in the distribution unit of Public Power Corporation

Pericles Loucopoulos , V Kavakli , N Prekas , I Dimitromanolaki , N Yilmazturk
IMACS International Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, 1998, Greece. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707673v1

An electronic handbook for accessing domain specific generic patterns

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan , W Yue , Christophe Gnaho
IFIP WG 8.1 International Working Conference on IS in WWW, 1998, Switzerland. pp.89 - 111
Conference papers hal-00707949v1

Main concepts for cooperative work place analysis

Selmin Nurcan
IFIP World Computer Congress Telecooperation, 1998, Austria. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707945v1

Describing business processes with a guided use case approach

Selmin Nurcan , G. Grosz , Carine Souveyet
International Conference on Advanced information Systems Engineering (CAISE), 1998, Italy. pp.339-362
Conference papers hal-00673627v1

A Unified framework for modelling co-operative design processes and co-operative business processes

Colette Rolland , Selmin Nurcan , Georges Grosz
International Conference on System Sciences, 1998, United States. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00707938v1
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Meta-Modelling for cooperative processes

Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, 1997, France. pp.361 - 377
Conference papers hal-00707959v1

A meta-model for goal driven cooperative work process

Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
Many Facets of Process Engineering, 1997, Tunisia. pp.245 - 260
Conference papers hal-00707988v1
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Guiding the participative design process

Colette Rolland , Selmin Nurcan , Georges Grosz
Association for Information Systems, 1997, Etats-Unis, United States. pp.922 - 924
Conference papers hal-00707958v1

A method for Cooperative Information Systems Analysis and Design: CISAD

Selmin Nurcan
conference on the design of cooperative systems, 1996, France. pp.681 - 700
Conference papers hal-00708007v1

Defining ways-of-working for cooperative work processes

Selmin Nurcan , Christophe Gnaho , Colette Rolland
International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management, 1996, Switzerland. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00708002v1

Une méthode d'analyse et de conception pour les applications workflow

Selmin Nurcan , J.y Trolliet
Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision, 1995, France. pp.453 - 472
Conference papers hal-00708024v1
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A Framework for Occupational Fraud Detection by Social Network Analysis

Sanni Lookman , Selmin Nurcan
CAISE 2015 FORUM, Jun 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. , CEUR Vol-1367, CAiSE Forum 2015
Conference poster hal-01217355v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - 23d International Conference, BPMDS 2022 and 27th International Conference, EMMSAD 2022, held at CAiSE 2022, Leuven, Belgium, June 6-7, 2022, LNBIP 450 Springer.

Adriano Augusto , Asif Gill , Dominik Bork , Selmin Nurcan , Iris Reinhartz-Berger
Proceedings hal-03963788v1

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Information Systems and Platforms: Designing Complexity. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, January 2022

Rainer Schmidt , Rainer Alt , Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03966637v1

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Information Systems. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, January 2021

Rainer Schmidt , Rainer Alt , Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03966642v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - 22d International Conference, BPMDS 2021 and 26th International Conference, EMMSAD 2021, held at CAiSE 2021, Gold Coast, Australia, June 28-July 2, 2021, held virtually LNBIP 421 Springer.

Adriano Augusto , Asif Gill , Selmin Nurcan , Iris Reinhartz-Berger , Rainer Schmidt
Proceedings hal-03963285v1

CAISE'2021 Forum on Intelligent Information Systems, 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Gold Coast, Australia, June 28-July 2, 2021, held virtually LNBIP 424 Springer.

Selmin Nurcan , Axel Korthaus
Proceedings hal-03963596v1

Research Challenges in Information Science: 15th International Conference, RCIS 2021 Limassol, Cyprus, May 11–14, 2021 Proceedings

Samira Si-Said Cherfi , Anna Perini , Selmin Nurcan
15th International Conference, RCIS 2021, May 2021, Limassol, Cyprus. 415, Springer International Publishing, 2021, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-75018-3⟩
Proceedings hal-03621506v1

Actes du 39ème Congrès INFORSID. Dijon, France, June 1-4, 2021, held virtually.

Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03963617v1

Actes des ateliers du 39ème Congrès INFORSID. Dessinons ensemble le futur des systèmes d’information Dijon, France, June 1-4, 2021, held virtually.

Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03963625v1

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Information Systems. Proceedings of the 53d Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 7-10 January 2020

Rainer Schmidt , Rainer Alt , Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03966645v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - 21st International Conference, BPMDS 2020 and 25th International Conference, EMMSAD 2020, held at CAiSE 2020, Grenoble, France, June 8-9, 2020, held virtually LNBIP 387 Springer

Selmin Nurcan , Iris Reinhartz-Berger , Pnina Soffer , Jelena Zdravkovic
Proceedings hal-03963813v1

Proceedings of the IEEE 23d International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'2019), Paris, France, October 28-31, 2019

Si-Said Cherfi, Samira , Remco Dijkman , Selmin Nurcan
IEEE, 2019, 978-1-7281-2702-6
Proceedings hal-03966390v1

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Information Systems. Proceedings of the 52d Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 8-11 January 2019

Rainer Schmidt , Rainer Alt , Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03966649v1

Proceedings of the IEEE 22nd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC'2018), Stockholm, Sweden, October 16-19, 2018

Pontus Johnson , Selmin Nurcan , Robert Lagerström
Proceedings hal-03966624v1

Introduction to the Minitrack on Social Information Systems. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 January 2018

Rainer Schmidt , Rainer Alt , Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03966653v1

Perspectives in Business Informatics Research - 17th International Conference (BIR'2018), Stockholm, Sweden, September 24-26, 2018, LNBIP 330 Springer

Jelena Zdravkovic , Jānis Grabis , Janis Stirna , Selmin Nurcan
Proceedings hal-03966616v1

Joint Proceedings of the BIR 2018 Short Papers, Workshops and Doctoral Consortium co-located with 17th International Conference Perspectives in Business Informatics Research (BIR'2018), Stockholm, Sweden, September 24-26, 2018, CEUR Workshop proceedings

Jelena Zdravkovic , Jānis Grabis , Selmin Nurcan , Janis Stirna
Proceedings hal-03966621v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling - 18th International Conference, BPMDS 2017 and 22th International Conference, EMMSAD 2017, held at CAiSE 2017, Essen, Germany, June 12-13, 2017, LNBIP 287 Springer

Iris Reinhartz-Berger , Jens Gulden , Selmin Nurcan , Wided Guedria , Palash Bera
Proceedings hal-03966690v1

CAISE'2015 Doctoral Consortium CEUR proceedings

Selmin Nurcan , Peri Loucopoulos , Hans Weigand
27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Jun 2015, Stockholm, Sweden. , 2015
Proceedings hal-01217649v1

Information Systems Engineering in Complex Environments - CAiSE Forum 2014

Selmin Nurcan , Elias Pimenidis
CAiSE Forum 2014, Jun 2014, Thessaloniki,, Greece. LNBIP 204, Springer, 2015
Proceedings hal-01217647v1

CAISE'2011 Forum CEUR proceedings

Selmin Nurcan
2011, CEUR Vol. 734
Proceedings hal-01242544v1

Introduction to the Fourth International Workshop on Business Process Management and Social Software (BPMS2'11)

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
LNBIP 99, 2011, Proceedings of the BPM 2011 Workshops, LNBIP. Springer-Verlag
Proceedings hal-01242645v1

Deuxième Workshop Ingénierie et gestion des processus d'entreprise des GdR I3 et MACS

Khalid Benali , Christian Braesch , Selmin Nurcan , Hervé Pingaud , Michel Schneider
Sans éditeur commercial, 2005
Proceedings inria-00000576v1

Special Section of BPMDS'2020 on "Business process management meets data" in the International Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). Special Section of the 21st Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’20). Published online 13 april 2022. Printed issue 21(3) April 2022.

Pnina Soffer , Selmin Nurcan
Special issue hal-03963670v1

Special Section on Enterprise Computing – best papers presented in the 21st and 22nd IEEE EDOC 2017 and 2018 Conferences

Robert Lagerström , Georg Grossmann , Selmin Nurcan
Information Systems, 101, pp.01802, 2021, ⟨10.1016/⟩
Special issue hal-03963254v1

Special Section of BPMDS'2017 on "Enabling enabling business transformation by business process modeling, development and support" in the International Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM). Special Section of the 18th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’17). Published online 17 december 2019. Printed issue 19(3) May 2020

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Special issue hal-03963805v1

Special Issue Comprised of Selected Papers from the SoEA4EE Workshops 2013, 2014 and 2015 on "Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture on Enterprise Engineering" (IJISSS)

Selmin Nurcan
International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, 10 (3), 2018
Special issue hal-03966528v1

Special Issue of the 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2016), May 2018

Pnina Soffer , Selmin Nurcan
Information Systems, 74 (1), 2018
Special issue hal-03966504v1

Special Section on "Enabling value creation via business process modeling, development, and support". Special Section of the 16th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’15)

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Software and Systems Modeling, 17 (2), 2018
Special issue hal-03966515v1

Theme Section on "The human perspective in business processes" of the 15th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’14)

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
Software and Systems Modeling, 16 (3), 2017, Published online 7 december 2016. Printed issue 16(3) July 2017
Special issue hal-03966683v1

Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science. RCIS 2023. LNBIP 476. Springer

Selmin Nurcan , Andreas L. Opdahl , Haralambos Mouratidis , Aggeliki Tsohou
Books hal-04325135v1

Special Section of BPMDS'2012 on "Artefacts and processes for business process modelling and management". Special Section of the 13th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’12)

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
, Printed issue 14(3) July 2015, 2015, International Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
Books hal-01217646v1

Special Issue Comprised of Selected Papers from the SoEA4EE Workshops 2010, 2011 and 2012 on "Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture on Enterprise Engineering"

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
, 2015, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS)
Books hal-01217643v1

Special Section on "Coping with complexity in business processes".

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
, Special Section of the 14th Conference of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’13), 2015, International Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
Books hal-01217645v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling

Selmin Nurcan , Khalid Gaaloul , Rainer Schmidt , S. Guerreiro , Q. Ma
Springer, LNBIP 214, 2015, Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
Books hal-01217373v1

Special Issue of RCIS'2013 in IJISMD

Roel Wieringa , Selmin Nurcan
IGI Global, 5 (4), 2014, International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design
Books hal-01227401v1

CAISE'2014 Forum and Doctoral Consortium CEUR proceedings.

Selmin Nurcan , Elias Pimenidis , Oscar Pastor , Yannis Vassiliou
, Vol-1164, 2014, CAiSE-Forum-DC 2014 CEUR
Books hal-01227395v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling.

Selmin Nurcan , Eric Proper , Pnina Soffer , John Krogstie , Rainer Schmidt
Springer, LNBIP 175, 2014, Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
Books hal-01227391v1

IEEE Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2013)

Roel Wieringa , Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland , Jean-Louis Cavarero
, 2013
Books hal-01227453v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling

Selmin Nurcan , Eric Proper , Pnina Soffer , John Krogstie , Rainer Schmidt
Springer, 2013, LNBIP 147
Books hal-01227452v1

Special Issue on "Making BPM theories work in practice". Special Issue of the 12th Workshop of Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS’11)

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
IGI Global, 4 (2), 2013, International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD)
Books hal-01227454v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, BPMDS 2012 and 17th International Conference, EMMSAD 2012

Bider Ilia , Halpin Terry , Krogstie John , Selmin Nurcan
Springer, LNBIP 113, 2012
Books hal-01227673v1

Special Issue on Business Processes Life Cycle: design, deployment, operation and evaluation

Selmin Nurcan , R. Schmidt , I. Bider , G. Regev
International Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution (JSME), pp.1, 2012
Books hal-00708365v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference BPMDS and 16th International Conference EMMSAD at CAiSE 2012

Ilia Bider , Terry Halpin , John Krogstie , Selmin Nurcan , Erik Proper
Springer, 2012, LNBIP 113
Books hal-01227683v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, BPMDS 2012 and 17th International Conference, EMMSAD 2012

Bider Ilia , Halpin Terry , Krogstie John , Selmin Nurcan
Springer, LNBIP 113, 2012
Books hal-01227679v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, BPMDS 2012 and 17th International Conference, EMMSAD 2012

Bider Ilia , Halpin Terry , Krogstie John , Selmin Nurcan
Springer, LNBIP 113, 2012
Books hal-01227678v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference, BPMDS 2012 and 17th International Conference, EMMSAD 2012

Bider Ilia , Halpin Terry , Krogstie John , Selmin Nurcan
Springer, LNBIP 113, 2012
Books hal-01227677v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference BPMDS and 15th International Conference EMMSAD at CAiSE 2011.

T. Halpin , Selmin Nurcan , J. Krogstie , P. Soffer , E. Proper
Springer, LNBIP 81, 2011, Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling
Books hal-01242543v1

IS Olympics: Information Systems in a Diverse World, CAISE'11 Forum Post-Proceedings, Selected extended papers

Selmin Nurcan
Springer, pp.1, 2011
Books hal-00708367v1

Introduction to the Third International Workshop Service-oriented Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'2011)

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt
, 2011, Proceedings of EDOC 2011 IEEE Workshops and Short papers
Books hal-01242643v1

Special Issue on Drivers of Business Process Development: Business, IT, Compliance

Selmin Nurcan , Rainer Schmidt , Pnina Soffer , Roland Ukor
IGI-Global, pp.i-vi, 2011
Books hal-00706089v1

Modélisation d'entreprise et interopérabilité

Selmin Nurcan , Khalid Benali , Hervé Pingaud
Selmin Nurcan (Ed.); Khalid Benali (Ed.); Hervé Pingaud (Ed.). Lavoisier, 15/5, pp.140, 2010, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (ISI)
Books inria-00540352v1

Intentional Perspectives on Information Systems Engineering

Selmin Nurcan , Camille Salinesi , Carine Souveyet , Jolita Ralyte
Springer-Verlag, pp.471, 2010
Books hal-00662870v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling

Ilia Bider , Terry Halpin , John Krogstie , Selmin Nurcan , Erik H.A. Proper
Springer, pp.341, 2010, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-13051-9⟩
Books hal-00662864v1

Ingénierie d'entreprise et des systèmes d'information

Selmin Nurcan , Khalid Benali , Hervé Pingaud
Selmin Nurcan (Ed.); Khalid Benali (Ed.); Hervé Pingaud (Ed.). Lavoisier, 15/4, pp.164, 2010, Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information (ISI)
Books inria-00540235v1

Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling

Terry Halpin , John Krogstie , Selmin Nurcan , Erik H.A. Proper , Rainer Schmidt
Springer, pp.420, 2009, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-01862-6⟩
Books hal-00663126v1

Special Issue on Adequate Design of Business Processes and Support Systems: Reusability, Best Practices, Theory, ... - Are they the right answers?

Pnina Soffer , Rainer Schmidt , Selmin Nurcan , Ilia Bider
InderScience Publishers, pp.283, 2009
Books hal-00663153v1

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Model Driven Information Systems Engineering: Enterprise, User and System Models (MoDISE-EUS'08) held in conjunction with the CAiSE'08 Conference

Sophie Ebersold , Agnès Front , Philippe Lopistéguy , Selmin Nurcan , Xavier Franch
CEUR, pp.1-137, 2008
Books hal-00708058v1

Adaptation des processus d'entreprise

Éric Andonoff , Chihab Hanachi , Selmin Nurcan
L'adaptation dans tous ses états, Cépadues, 2012, Chapitre 3
Book sections hal-01227684v1

Management des systèmes d'information - 50 ans

Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
50 ans de l'IAE de Paris, 50 ans de management, Pearson, pp.1, 2006
Book sections hal-00706226v1

Coordination des actions organisationnelles et modélisation des processus

P Vidal , Selmin Nurcan
Frantz Rowe. Faire de la recherche en systèmes d'information, Vuibert, pp.1, 2002
Book sections hal-00706993v1

Lyee Project Technical Report TR2-2

Mohamed Ben Ayed , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00706990v1

Lyee Project Technical Report TR2-1

Mohamed Ben Ayed , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00706989v1

Lyee Project Scientific Report SC1

Selmin Nurcan , Mohamed Ben Ayed , Colette Rolland
Other publications hal-00707073v1

Development Using Lyee, a Case Study with LYEEALL

Camille Salinesi , Mohamed Ben Ayed , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00707091v1

Generic patterns for the ESI sector

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00707950v1

Approach to change process modelling

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00707952v1

The patterns model

Georges Grosz , Pericles Loucopoulos , Selmin Nurcan , Colette Rolland
Other publications hal-00707951v1

PPC Distribution Models

Pericles Loucopoulos , V Kavakli , N Prekas , Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz
Other publications hal-00707998v1

An overview of the PPC documents following a process approach

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00707996v1

Using the EKD approach : The modelling component

Pericles Loucopoulos , V Kavakli , N Prekas , Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz
Other publications hal-00707997v1

An introduction to the EKD process

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00707994v1

Walk through EKD models and process with an example : a bottom-up approach illustration

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00707995v1

Guiding the EKD process

Colette Rolland , Georges Grosz , Selmin Nurcan
Other publications hal-00708014v1
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Ingénierie et Architecture d’Entreprise et des Systèmes d’Information - Concepts, Fondements et Méthodes

Selmin Nurcan
Informatique [cs]. Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 2012
Accreditation to supervise research tel-01217637v1