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Sabine Levi



Convergence of adenosine and GABA signaling for synapse stabilization during development

Sabine Lévi
8th European synapse meeting ESM2022, Oct 20-21 2022,, Oct 2022, Coimbra, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03973979v1

Convergence of adenosine and GABA signaling for synapse stabilization during development.

Sabine Lévi
BrainConf "Synaptic plasticity", Bordeaux Neurocampus, Sep 2022, Bordeaux (France), France
Conference papers hal-03973983v1

La signalization WNK: un régulateur clé à la synapse inhibitrice et une nouvelle cible dans l’épilepsie

Sabine Lévi
LFCE/FFRE colloquium, LFCE/FFRE, Oct 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-03973999v1

Non-canonical role of NKCC1 in neurons by regulating KCC2 function

Erwan Pol , Marion Russeau , Christophe Piesse , Sabine Lévi , Nicolas Pietrancosta
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies ( FENS ) Forum, FENS, Jul 2022, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-03974174v1

Rôle de l’adenosine dans la formation des synapses au cours du développement.

Sabine Lévi
French Purine Club, Nov 2022, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-03973976v1

Regulation of the GABAergic synapse by the WNK pathway

Zaha Merlaud , Marion Russeau , Juliette Gouhier , Xavier Marques , Sabine Lévi
Satellite Meeting of the FENS Forum 2022: The Neuroarcheology of brain disorders and GABA signals, FENS, Jul 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03974004v1

A2ar signalling regulates synaptogenesis in the developing brain.

Sabine Lévi
Neurofrance virtual meeting, Société des Neurosciences Françaises, May 2021, colloque virtuel international, France
Conference papers hal-03973993v1

A2AR signalling regulates synaptogenesis in the developing brain.

Sabine Lévi
Webinar on post-translational modifications in neuronal physiology and brain disorders, Humanitas University, Jul 2021, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-03973990v1

Unveiling the effects of caffeine in adult neurogenesis and synaptogenesis

Jb Moreira , Ma Vink , Rs Rodrigues , Am Sebastião , Sabine Lévi
XIV Annual CAML PhD Students’ Meeting, May 2021, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers hal-03976307v1

Tuning of GABAergic synaptic plasticity by Cl- second messenger signaling pathway

Sabine Lévi
Cajal course on Advanced Techniques for Synapse Biology, Cajal course, Bordeaux School of Neuroscience, Oct 2019, Bordeaux (France), France
Conference papers hal-03974023v1

A2AR signalling regulates synaptogenesis in the developing brain.

Sabine Lévi
1st European Purine meeting, 1st European Purine meeting, Sep 2019, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Spain
Conference papers hal-03973995v1

Tuning of synaptic inhibition by the second messenger Cl-

Sabine Lévi
ISN-ASN meeting, ISN-ASN, Aug 2019, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers hal-03973996v1

Adenosine signalling regulates inhibitory synaptogenesis in the hippocampus

Sabine Lévi
Purines 2018 International meeting, Jun 2018, Foz de Iguaçu, Brazil
Conference papers hal-03973997v1

Opposite effects of neuronal and glial A2A receptors on glutamatergic synapse remodeling during synaptogenesis

Jessica Pressey , Floriane Louboutin , Marion Russeau , Emily Faivre , Claire Montmasson
FENS, Jul 2022, PARIS, France
Conference poster hal-03974149v1

Neuronal adenosine A2A receptor overexpression exacerbates memory deficits and synaptic loss in an amyloidogenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

D. Blum , V. Gomez-Murcia , V. K. Carvalho , C. Montmasson , Ac. Meriaux
FENS, Jul 2022, PARIS, France
Conference poster hal-03974166v1

Unravelling caffeine influence on adult neurogenesis and behavior

João Baptista Moreira , Joana Mateus , Marit Vink , Maria Sebastião Ana , Sabine Lévi
ISN/APSN, Aug 2022, Honolulu, United States
Conference poster hal-03974045v1

The caffeinated brain: understanding caffeine influence on adult neurogenesis and behavior

Jb Moreira , Jm Mateus , Ma Vink , Am Sebastião , Sabine Lévi
3rd Annual Meeting EpiEpiNet, Sep 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference poster hal-03976302v1

Regulation of the GABAergic synapse by the WNK pathway

Zaha Merlaud , Marion Russeau , Juliette Gouhier , Xavier Marques , Sabine Lévi
FENS, Jul 2022, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-03974039v1

The role of the wnk/spak pathway at hippocampal gabaergic synapses

Zaha Merlaud , Maelys Tostain , Marion Russeau , Juliette Gouhier , Sabine Lévi
8th European synapse meeting ESM2022, Oct 2022, Coimbra, Portugal
Conference poster hal-03974029v1

The caffeinated brain: understanding caffeine influence on adult neurogenesis and behavior

Jb Moreira , Jm Mateus , Ma Vink , Am Sebastião , Sabine Lévi
XV Annual CAML PhD Students’ Meeting 2022, May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference poster hal-03976304v1

The neurogenic potential of caffeine: an in vitro study using the neurosphere assay

Jb Moreira , Ma Vink , Rs Rodrigues , Am Sebastião , Sabine Lévi
3rd Annual Meeting EpiEpiNet, Sep 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference poster hal-03976303v1

The role of the WNK/SPAK pathway at hippocampal gabaergic synapses

Zaha Merlaud , Maelys Tostain , Marion Russeau , Juliette Gouhier , Sabine Lévi
BrainConf "Synaptic plasticity", Sep 2022, Bordeaux (France), France
Conference poster hal-03974037v1

Opposite regulation of glutamatergic synapse remodeling by neuronal and glial A2AR during synaptogenesis

C. Montmasson , J. Pressey , F. Louboutin , M. Russeau , E. Faivre
2nd Lil N’ doC Day, Feb 2022, Lille (France), France
Conference poster hal-03974278v1

Unveiling the effects of caffeine in adult neurogenesis and synaptogenesis

B. Moreira J. , A. Vink M. , S. Rodrigues R. , M. Sebastião A. , Sabine Lévi
XIV Annual CAML PhD Students’ Meeting, May 2021, Lisbon (virtual event), Portugal
Conference poster hal-03974257v1

Neuronal upregulation of adenosine a2a receptors exacerbates memory deficits in mouse models of alzheimer's disease

David Blum , K. Gomez-Murcia , Carvalho K. , M. Dumoulin , Faivre E.
AD/PD virtual meeting, Sep 2021, virtual meeting, France
Conference poster hal-03974273v1

Major contribution of adenosine signaling in glutamatergic synapse remodeling during synaptogenesis

C Montmasson , M Russeau , I Moutkine , E Faivre , K Carvalho
Neurofrance virtual meeting, May 2021, Neurofrance virtual meeting, France
Conference poster hal-03974179v1

Characterizing the effects of caffeine in an in vitro model of postnatal neurogenesis

Ma Vink , Rs Rodrigues , Am Sebastião , Sabine Lévi , Lv Lopes
XVII Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Neuroscience, Dec 2021, Coimbra, Portugal
Conference poster hal-03976305v1

Major contribution of adenosine signalling in synaptic remodeling during post-natal development

Claire Montmasson , David Blum , Sabine Lévi
1stLil N’ doC Day, Mar 2021, Lille (France), France
Conference poster hal-03974263v1

Influence of GABAA receptor opened, desensitized and closed states on its synaptic diffusion. FENS 2020

Zaha Merlaud , Xavier Marques , Marion Russeau , Sabine Lévi
FENS, Jul 2020, Virtual forum, France
Conference poster hal-03980307v1

Role of the WNK-SPAK-OSR1 signaling pathway in neuronal chloride homeostasis and in epilepsy

Etienne Côme , Jinwei Zhang , Xavier Marques , Juliette Hadchouel , K. Kahle Kristopher
FENS, Jul 2020, Virtual forum, France
Conference poster hal-03974196v1

Molecular crowding as a determinant for the stability of synapses

Marianne Renner , Sabine Lévi
FENS, Jul 2020, Virtual forum, France
Conference poster hal-03974186v1

Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates synaptic plasticity and behavior in P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice Kjara

S. Pilch , Martinez Audrey , Johan-Till Pougnet , Evelyne Doudnikoff , Anne-Emilie Allain
Jacques Monod conference, May 2019, Roscoff, France
Conference poster hal-03976297v1

Role of the WNK-SPAK-OSR1 signaling pathway in neuronal chloride homeostasis and in epilepsy

Sabine Lévi , Etienne Côme , Jinwei Zhang , Xavier Marques , Juliette Hadchouel
Neurofrance, May 2019, Marseille, France
Conference poster hal-03974206v1

Neuronal adenosine A2A receptor overexpression exacerbates Tau-related memory deficits in a model of Tauopathy

Marie Pietrowski , Xavier Marques , Victoria Gomez-Murcia , Aude Deleau , Mariana Temido-Ferreira
GDR Mémoire, May 2019, Marseille, France
Conference poster hal-03976299v1

Neuronal adenosine A2A receptor overexpression exacerbates tau pathology-associated memory deficits.

Marie Pietrowski , Xavier Marques , Victoria Gomez-Murcia , Aude Deleau , J. Hansen
Purines 2019, Sep 2019, Saint Jacques de Compostelle, Spain
Conference poster hal-03976300v1

Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates synaptic plasticity and behavior in P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice Kjara

S. Pilch , Martinez Audrey , Johan-Till Pougnet , Evelyne Doudnikoff , Anne-Emilie Allain
2019 SFN, Oct 2019, Chicago, United States
Conference poster hal-03976298v1

Influence of the open, closed or desensitized states of the GABAA receptor on its membrane dynamics and accumulation at inhibitory synapses

Marianne Renner , Zaha Merlaud , Xavier Marques , Marion Russeau , Imane Moutkine
Conférences Jacques Monod, May 2019, Roscoff, France, France
Conference poster hal-03974247v1

Caffeine exposure during hippocampal synaptogenesis alters network circuitry and hippocampal-dependent memory

Jessica Pressey , Ferran Gomez Castro , Marie Goutierre , Jean-Christophe Poncer , Sabine Lévi
Gordon Research Conference on synaptic inhibition, Jun 2017, Les Diablerets Conference Center in les Diablerets, Switzerland
Conference poster hal-03974236v1

Adenosine A2A receptors stabilizes inhibitory synapses during development

Ferran Gomez-Castro , Stefania Zappettini , Jessica Pressey , Paula Canas , Marion Russeau
ISN-ESN meeting, Aug 2017, PARIS, France
Conference poster hal-03974242v1

Caffeine exposure during hippocampal synaptogenesis alters network circuitry and hippocampal-dependent memory. Annual meeting of the international Society for neurosciences

Jessica Pressey , Ferran Gomez Castro , Marie Goutierre , Marion Russeau , Jean Christophe Poncer
Annual meeting of the international Society for neurosciences, Nov 2017, Washignton, United States
Conference poster hal-03974210v1

Adenosine A2A receptor: a coincidence detector to stabilize/eliminate inhibitory synapses during development

Stefania Zappettini , Ferran Gomez-Castro , Carla Silva , Jessica Pressey , Marion Russeau
Annual meeting of the international Society for neurosciences, Nov 2017, Washignton DC, United States
Conference poster hal-03974217v1

Caffeine exposure during the period of synaptogenesis alters hippocampal circuitry and related functions

Jessica Pressey , Ferran Gomez Castro , Marie Goutierre , Jean-Christophe Poncer , Sabine Lévi
ISN-ESN meeting, Aug 2017, PARIS, France
Conference poster hal-03974238v1

Adenosine signalling regulates synaptogenesis in the hippocampus in vivo

Sabine Lévi , Jessica Pressey , Ferran Gomez Castro , Marie Goutierre , Jean-Christophe Poncer
Journées de l’ENP, Feb 2017, PARIS, France
Conference poster hal-03974230v1

Adenosine signalling regulates synaptogenesis in the hippocampus in vivo

Jessica Pressey , Ferran Gomez Castro , Marie Goutierre , Jean Christophe Poncer , Sabine Lévi
Neurofrance, May 2017, Bordeaux (France), France
Conference poster hal-03974224v1

Adenosine A2A receptors stabilizes inhibitory synapses during development

Ferran Gomez-Castro , Stefania Zappettini , Jessica Pressey , Paula Canas , Marion Russeau
Neurofrance, May 2017, Bordeaux (France), France
Conference poster hal-03974221v1

Neuronal A2A receptor exacerbates synapse loss and memory deficits in APP/PS1 mice

Victoria Gomez-Murcia , Agathe Launay , Kévin Carvalho , Anaëlle Burgard , Céline Meriaux
Brain - A Journal of Neurology , 2024, 147 (8), pp.2691-2705. ⟨10.1093/brain/awae113⟩
Journal articles hal-04714476v1

NKCC1 and KCC2 Chloride Transporters Have Different Membrane Dynamics on the Surface of Hippocampal Neurons

Erwan Pol , Etienne Côme , Zaha Merlaud , Juliette Gouhier , Marion Russeau
Cells, 2023, 12 (19), pp.2363. ⟨10.3390/cells12192363⟩
Journal articles hal-04241734v1
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Lateral Diffusion of NKCC1 Contributes to Chloride Homeostasis in Neurons and Is Rapidly Regulated by the WNK Signaling Pathway

Etienne Côme , Simon Blachier , Juliette Gouhier , Marion Russeau , Sabine Lévi
Cells, 2023, 12 (3), pp.464. ⟨10.3390/cells12030464⟩
Journal articles hal-03973953v1
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5-HT1A and 5-HT2B receptor interaction and co-clustering regulate serotonergic neuron excitability

Amina Benhadda , Célia Delhaye , Imane Moutkine , Xavier Marques , Marion Russeau
iScience, 2023, 26 (8), pp.107401. ⟨10.1016/j.isci.2023.107401⟩
Journal articles hal-04196168v1
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Introducing Diinamic, a flexible and robust method for clustering analysis in single-molecule localization microscopy

Anne-Lise Paupiah , Xavier Marques , Zaha Merlaud , Marion Russeau , Sabine Levi
Biological Imaging, 2023, 3, pp.e14. ⟨10.1017/S2633903X23000156⟩
Journal articles hal-04194138v1
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Comment le cerveau se débarrasse des synapses surnuméraires au cours du développement

Sabine Lévi , Christophe Bernard
Médecine/Sciences, 2022, 38 (6-7), pp.511-513. ⟨10.1051/medsci/2022076⟩
Journal articles hal-03810392v1
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Conformational state-dependent regulation of GABAA receptor diffusion and subsynaptic domains

Zaha Merlaud , Xavier Marques , Marion Russeau , Ursula Saade , Maelys Tostain
iScience, 2022, 25 (11), ⟨10.1016/j.isci.2022.105467⟩
Journal articles hal-03858323v1
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Gephyrin interacts with the K-Cl co-transporter KCC2 to regulate its surface expression and function in cortical neurons

Sana Al Awabdh , Florian Donneger , Marie Goutierre , Martial Séveno , Oana Vigy
Journal of Neuroscience, inPress, 42 (2), pp.166-182. ⟨10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2926-20.2021⟩
Journal articles inserm-03381756v1

Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates anxiety and memory in P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice

Eléonore Bertin , Thomas Deluc , Kjara Pilch , Audrey Martinez , Johan-Till Pougnet
Molecular Psychiatry, 2021, 26 (2), pp.629-644. ⟨10.1038/s41380-019-0641-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03871377v1
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Convergence of adenosine and GABA signaling for synapse stabilization during development

Ferran Gomez-Castro , Stefania Zappettini , Jessica C Pressey , Carla G Silva , Marion Russeau
Science, 2021, 374 (6568), ⟨10.1126/science.abk2055⟩
Journal articles hal-03418981v1
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Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates anxiety and memory in P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice

Eléonore Bertin , Thomas Deluc , Kjara Pilch , Audrey Martinez , Johan-Till Pougnet
Molecular Psychiatry, 2021, 26 (2), 629-644 Epub 2020 Jan 8. ⟨10.1038/s41380-019-0641-8⟩
Journal articles hal-02438455v1
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Serotonin 2B Receptor by Interacting with NMDA Receptor and CIPP Protein Complex May Control Structural Plasticity at Glutamatergic Synapses

Amina Benhadda , Emily Quentin , Imane Moutkine , Benjamin Chanrion , Marion Russeau
ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2021, 12 (7), pp.1133-1149. ⟨10.1021/acschemneuro.0c00638⟩
Journal articles hal-03176117v1
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KCC2 membrane diffusion tunes neuronal chloride homeostasis

Etienne Côme , Xavier Marques , Jean Christophe Poncer , Sabine Lévi
Neuropharmacology, 2020, Mobility and trafficking of neuronal membrane proteins, ⟨10.1016/j.neuropharm.2019.03.014⟩
Journal articles hal-02415465v1
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Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates anxiety and memory in 3 P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice

Eléonore Bertin , Thomas Deluc , Estelle Toulmé , Kjara S Pilch , Audrey Martinez
Molecular Psychiatry, 2020, ⟨10.1038/s41380-019-0641-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03003954v1
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Reciprocal Regulation of KCC2 Trafficking and Synaptic Activity

Etienne Come , Martin Heubl , Eric J Schwartz , Jean Christophe Poncer , Sabine Lévi
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2019, 13, pp.48. ⟨10.3389/fncel.2019.00048⟩
Journal articles hal-02055795v1
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Reciprocal Regulation of KCC2 Trafficking and Synaptic Activity

Etienne Côme , Martin Heubl , Eric J Schwartz , Jean Christophe Poncer , Sabine Lévi
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2019, 13, pp.48. ⟨10.3389/fncel.2019.00048⟩
Journal articles inserm-03131994v1
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Exacerbation of C1q dysregulation, synaptic loss and memory deficits in tau pathology linked to neuronal adenosine A2A receptor

Kevin Carvalho , Emilie Faivre , Marie Pietrowski , Xavier Marques , Victoria Gomez-Murcia
Brain - A Journal of Neurology , 2019, 142 (11), pp.3636-3654. ⟨10.1093/brain/awz288⟩
Journal articles inserm-02350065v1
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Activity-dependent inhibitory synapse scaling is determined by gephyrin phosphorylation and subsequent regulation of GABAA receptor diffusion

Sereina Battaglia , Marianne Renner , Marion Russeau , Etienne Côme , K. Tyagarajan Shiva
Journal articles hal-03977654v1
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A Simple and Powerful Analysis of Lateral Subdiffusion Using Single Particle Tracking

Marianne Renner , Lili Wang , Sabine Lévi , Laetitia Hennekinne , Antoine Triller
Biophysical Journal, 2017, 113 (11), pp.2452-2463. ⟨10.1016/j.bpj.2017.09.017⟩
Journal articles hal-01668742v1
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Associations of the Intellectual Disability Gene MYT1L with Helix–Loop–Helix Gene Expression, Hippocampus Volume and Hippocampus Activation During Memory Retrieval

Agnieszka Kepa , Lourdes Martinez Medina , Susanne Erk , Deepak P Srivastava , Alinda Fernandes
Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017, 42 (13), pp.2516-2526. ⟨10.1038/npp.2017.91⟩
Journal articles pasteur-01967213v1

GABAA receptor dependent synaptic inhibition rapidly tunes KCC2 activity via the Cl−-sensitive WNK1 kinase

Martin Heubl , Jinwei Zhang , Jessica Pressey , Sana Al Awabdh , Marianne Renner
Nature Communications, 2017, 8 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41467-017-01749-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01921222v1

Benzodiazepine ligands rapidly influence GABAA receptor diffusion and clustering at hippocampal inhibitory synapses

Sabine Lévi , Nicolas Le Roux , Emmanuel Eugène , Jean Christophe Poncer
Neuropharmacology, 2015, 88, pp.199 - 208. ⟨10.1016/j.neuropharm.2014.06.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01921358v1
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Bidirectional Control of Synaptic GABAAR Clustering by Glutamate and Calcium

Hiroko Bannai , Fumihiro Niwa , Mark w. Sherwood , Amulya nidhi Shrivastava , Misa Arizono
Cell Reports, 2015, 13 (12), pp.2768-2780. ⟨10.1016/j.celrep.2015.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01261295v1

The 22nd Ion Channel Meeting, September 2011, France

Jean-Marc Goaillard , Laurent Groc , Sabine Lévi , Massimo Mantegazza , Fabrice Matifat
Channels, 2014, 6 (3), pp.149-153. ⟨10.4161/chan.20795⟩
Journal articles hal-02277638v1

The 22nd ion channel meeting, september 2011, france.

Jean-Marc Goaillard , Laurent Groc , Sabine Lévi , Massimo Mantegazza , Fabrice Matifat
Channels, 2012, 6 (3), pp.149-53. ⟨10.4161/chan.20795⟩
Journal articles hal-00854546v1

Diffusion dynamics of glycine receptors revealed by single quantum dot tracking

Maxime Dahan , Sabine Lévi , Camilla Luccardini , Phillipe Rostaing , Béatrice Riveau
Science, 2003, 302, pp.442
Journal articles hal-00002449v1
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Dynamic control of the inhibitory synaptic transmission

Sabine Lévi
Neurobiologie. Sorbone Université, 2012
Accreditation to supervise research tel-03974297v1