Evaluation de la compétence immunitaire innée chez des veaux en période périnatale, en relation avec l’occurence de diarrhées
Sabine Riffault
Luc Jouneau
Denis Laloë
Aurélie Vinet
Rachel Lefebvre
Symposium du Club d'Immunologie et Vaccinologie Vétérinaires (CIVVet), May 2023, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Comparaison des signatures cytokiniques innées des compartiments pulmonaire et sanguin chez le veau
Cécile Ferret
Florence Carreras
Claire Chottin
Luc Jouneau
Sonia Lacroix-Lamandé
Symposium du Club d’Immunologie et Vaccinologie Vétérinaires (CIVVet), May 2023, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Identification de régions du génome et de gènes candidats associés au niveau de réponse immune innée de veaux Holstein
Pauline Martin
Luc Jouneau
Sébastien Taussat
Aurélie Vinet
Rachel Lefebvre
26èmes rencontres recherche ruminants, Idele-Inrae, Dec 2022, Paris, France. pp.187-190
Conference papers
Identification of genome regions and promising candidate genes linked to innate immune capacity on young Holstein calves
P Martin
S Fresco
L Jouneau
S Taussat
A Vinet
Conference papers
Efficacy of subunit BRSV vaccines in calves : towards a translational model for infant vaccination?
Sabine Riffault
7th European Veterinary Immunology Workshop (EVIW), European Veterinary Immunology Group (EVIG), Aug 2021, Virtual format, Serbia
Conference papers
Microbiota educates innate immune response to Toll-like receptors ligands and RSV infection in lung
Quentin Marquant
Daphné Lebreton
Carole Drajac
Elliot Mathieu
Marie-Louise Noordine
international congress ERS, European Respiratory Society, Oct 2019, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Bacteria isolated from lung as biotherapeutics in asthma.
Aude Remot
Jennifer Palomo
Alexandre David-Hachette
Elliot Mathieu
Delphyne Descamps
international congress ERS, European Respiratory Society, Sep 2019, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers
Driving immune responses with synthetic proteins - development of de novo designed immunogens to elicit respiratory syncytial virus neutralizing antibodies
Fabian Sesterhenn
Che Yang
Jaume Bonet
Marie Galloux
Xiaolin Wen
32nd Annual Symposium of the Protein-Society, Protein Society. USA. Beckman Coulter Inc, USA. Pall ForteBio, USA. Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), USA., Jul 2018, Boston, United States. pp.2
Conference papers
Preclinicalevaluation of anovel non-Invasive epicutaneous vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus
Pierre-Louis Hervé
Delphyne Descamps
Charlotte Deloizy
Veronique Dhelft
Daphne Laubreton
Annual Meeting of the American-Academy-of-Allergy-Asthma-and-Immunology, Mar 2017, Atlanta, Georgia. pp.1
Conference papers
Respiratory syncytial virus targets a fetally developed B cell population with regulatory functions which predicts disease severity
D. Zhivaki
S. Lemoine
M. -A Rameix-Welti
A. Lim
Delphyne Descamps
International Congress of Immunology (ICI), Aug 2016, Melbourne, Australia. pp.1
Conference papers
Impact of the development of the lung microbiota on neonatal immunity
Aude Remot
Marie-Louise M.-L. Noordine
Chantal C. Bridonneau
Delphyne Descamps
Sabine Riffault
20. Colloque du Club des Bactéries Lactiques, Jun 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
Lung neonatal responses to respiratory syncytial virus reveal deficiencies in dendritic cells and type I interferon in a mouse model of airway enhanced disease
Aude Remot
Luc Jouneau
Delphyne Descamps
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Stephan S. Bouet
8. Word Immune Regulation Meeting, Mar 2014, Davos, Switzerland
Conference papers
A novel proteic nano-platform for antigens: application to mucosal influenza vaccination.
Sabine Riffault
2eme séminaire du département de microbiologie de IRBA, 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
Adapting vaccine formulation to the neonatal context is required to obtain safe protection against the respiratory syncytial virus
Aude Remot
Xavier Roux
Catherine Dubuquoy
Julie Bernard
Mohammed Moudjou
European Congress of Immunology, Sep 2012, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. pp.727
Conference papers
Transcriptomic analysis of neonatal vs. adult lung early responses to RSV reveals key roles for DC and type I IFN in controlling immunopathologic imprinting.
Aude Remot
Luc Jouneau
Catherine Dubuquoy
Stephan Bouet
Jérôme Lecardonnel
Diversity and plasticity of DCs, Dec 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers
A novel proteic nano-platform for antigens: application to musocal influenza vaccination.
Mariam Raliou
Pierre-Louis Hervé
Christophe Chevalier
Christiane Bourdieu
Catherine Dubuquoy
Conference papers
Newborns are particularly prone to respiratory syncytial virus infection: why ? How to protect them ?
Aude Remot
Agnes A. Petit Camurdan
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Julie Bernard
Mohammed M. Moudjou
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2011, Fréjus, France. 130 p
Conference papers
Which immune lung features relate to the higher severity of respiratory syncytial virus infection in newborns?
Aude Remot
Sabine Riffault
Séminaire, Institute for Virology, University of veterinary medicine, Sep 2010, Hannovre, Germany
Conference papers
Vaccination of newborn mice with the nucleoprotein of human RSV confers viral protection but enhances pulmonary inflammation after challenge
Agnes A. Petit Camurdan
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Julie Bernard
Jean Francois J. F. Eleouet
Sabine Riffault
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2009, Port d'Albret, France
Conference papers
A New Subunit Vaccine Based on Nucleocapsid Protein Nanoparticles Confers Partial Protection in Calves Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Sabine Riffault
Gilles G. Meyer
Guillaume Durand
Marion Soulestin
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
3. European Veterinary Immunology Workshop EVIW, Sep 2009, Berlin, Germany. n.p
Conference papers
Protective role for Protease-Activated-Receptor-2 against Influenza virus Pathogenesis via an Interferon-Y dependent pathway
Khaled Khoufache
Fanny Le Bouder
Eric E. Morello
Fabrice Laurent
Sabine Riffault
Journées d'animation scientifique du Département Santé Animale, May 2009, Port d'Albret, France
Conference papers
Une nouvelle stratégie vaccinale contre le virus respiratoire syncytial, basée sur des assemblages nanoparticulaires de la protéine de nucléocapside
Sabine Riffault
Agnes A. Petit Camurdan
Xavier X. Roux
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Guillaume Durand
10. Journées Francophones de Virologie, Mar 2008, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells migrate in afferent skin and oro-nasal lymph
Florentina Pascale
Alexandre Courbet
Michel M. Bonneau
Violeta Niborski
Mathieu Epardaud
Réunion de la Société Française d'Immunologie et Club Francophone des Cellules Dendritiques, Jun 2008, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
Evaluation of a new respiratory syncytial virus vaccine candidate
Gilles G. Meyer
Martine Deplanche
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Marion Soulestin
Guillaume Durand
25. World Buiatrics Congress, Jul 2008, Budapest, Hungary. n.p
Conference papers
A New Subunit Vaccine Based on Nucleocapsid Protein Nanoparticles Confers Protection Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus
Sabine Riffault
Guillaume Durand
Marion Soulestin
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Martine Deplanche
Réunion du Club de Vaccinologie de la Société Française d'Immunologie, Nov 2008, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
Evaluation dans l'espèce cible d'une nouvelle stratégie vaccinale contre le virus respiratoire syncytial bovin, basée sur des assemblages nanoparticulaires de la protéine de nucléocapside
Sabine Riffault
Guillaume Durand
Marion Soulestin
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Nathalie Castagné
Journée d'Animation du Réseau Immunologie des Animaux Domestiques (IAD), Nov 2007, Montpellier, France. n.p
Conference papers
La vaccination nasale avec la nucléoprotéine du virus respiratoire syncytial confère une immunité protectrice contre une épreuve virale
Xavier X. Roux
Agnes A. Petit Camurdan
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Guillaume Durand
Nathalie Castagné
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département de Santé Animale, Jun 2007, Tours, France
Conference papers
Plasmacytoid DC migrate in afferent lymph Club Francophone des cellules dendritiques
Florentina Pascale
Alexandre Courbet
Michel M. Bonneau
Celine C. Urien
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Congrès annuel de la Société Française d'Immunologie (SFI), Nov 2007, Lyon, France. n.p
Conference papers
Type I interferon producing cells (ipc) can gain lymph nodes via the afferent lymphatic route
Florentina Pascale
Vanessa Contreras
Alexandre Courbet
Michel Bonneau
Stefan Chilmonczyk
13. International Congress of Immunology, Aug 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1 p
Conference papers
Mucosal vaccination with the nucleoprotein of respiratory syncytial virus confers protective immunity
Xavier Roux
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Nathalie Castagné
Julie Bernard
Jean Francois J. F. Eleouet
Congrès Européen d'Immunologie des Muqueuses (EMIG), Oct 2006, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
Natural Interferon (IFN) producing cells can reach lymph node via afferent lymph
Florentina Pascale
Alexandre Courbet
Michel M. Bonneau
Celine C. Urien
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
2. European Veterinary Immunology Workshop, Sep 2006, Paris, France. n.p
Conference papers
Etude des cellules dendritiques et macrophages du poumon : comparaison adultes nouveaux-nés
Xavier X. Roux
Catherine C. Dubuquoy
Bernard Charley
Sabine Riffault
Journées d'Animation Scientifique du Département de Santé Animale, May 2005, Batz-sur-Mer, France
Conference papers
Porcine innate and adaptative immune responses to influenza and coronavirus infections
Bernard Charley
Sabine Riffault
Kristien van Reeth
8. Conference of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Jun 2005, Hanoi, Vietnam. n.p
Conference papers
Particle-based DNA vaccination against Foot-and-Mouth disease is efficient in sheep
Violeta Niborski
Y. Li
C. Stirling
Fiona Brennan
A.M. Torché
Rencontres du Réseau français d'Immunologie des Animaux Domestiques (IAD), Oct 2005, Lyon, France. n.p
Conference papers
Etude des bases moléculaires de la spécificité d’espèce du VRS et essais de développement d’un modèle murin pour le VRS bovin
Jean Francois J. F. Eleouet
Nathalie Castagné
Eric E. Baranowski
Martine Deplanche
Gilles G. Meyer
Séminaire bilan du programme de recherche Zoonoses, Sep 2004, Nouzilly, France. n.p
Conference papers
Cellules sécrétrices d'IFN alpha dans le tissu lymphoïde associé à la muqueuse intestinale du porcelet infecté par le virus GET
Sabine Riffault
C. Carrat
M. Enache
K. van Reeth
M. Pensaert
Immunité muqueuse, Jun 1999, Toulouse, France
Conference papers