Early-Middle Pleistocene Transition vegetation and climate in the Western Mediterranean: insights into hominin occupation in Western Europe.
Maé Catrain
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Vincent Lebreton
Séverine Fauquette
Peyron Odile
AASP, Jun 2024, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Schémas climatique contrasté de la Méditerrannée centrale durant l'Holocène à partir de données pollinique.
Léa d'Oliveira
Sébastien Joannin
Guillemette Menot
Marion Blache
Mary Robles
Q14, Feb 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Paleo-environmental data and climate reconstruction on 4-3 millennia in South Caucasus.
Sébastien Joannin
KurAgan final meeting, Apr 2024, Nice, France
Conference papers
Biosignatures and processes of precipitation/accumulation and diagenesis in microbialites of Lake Sevan (Armenia, South Caucasus)
Claude Colombié
Ara Avagyan
Julie Hartz
Sébastien Joannin
Lilit Sahakyan
19ème Congrès Français de Sédimentologie, Nov 2024, Lille, France
Conference papers
Steppe sustainability in a changing world.
Sébastien Joannin
Giulio Palumbi
Claude Colombié
Vincent Ollivier
Peyron Odile
EAA, Aug 2024, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Vegetation and climate change during MIS 35-19 (~1.2 - 0.75 Ma) in Western Mediterranean (Alboran Sea): new insights to understand the late hominin occupation in Western Europe?
Maé Catrain
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Vincent Lebreton
Séverine Fauquette
Peyron Odile
MedpalynoS, Jul 2024, Salamanca, Spain
Conference papers
Contrasted climate patterns during the Holocene in the central Mediterranean inferred from pollen data.
Léa d'Oliveira
Sébastien Joannin
Guillemette Menot
Marion Blache
Mary Robles
AASP, Jun 2024, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
50,000 years of vegetation and climate records in the archaeological contexts of the Caucasus.
Sébastien Joannin
Peyron Odile
Vincent Ollivier
Mid-term TransCause ERC project conference, May 2024, Toledo (Spain), Spain
Conference papers
Agro-pastoral landscape fire suppression in the steppes of the Bronze and Iron Age southern Caucasus.
Amy Cromartie
Lori Khatchadourian
Guillemette Menot
Peyron Odile
Smith A
EAA, Aug 2024, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Vegetation, climate changes and Human practices during the last 15,999 years recorded at Laka Matese, in Italy
Mary Robles
Elisabeta Brugiapaglia
Peyron Odile
Guillemette Menot
Stéphane Guédron
Q14, Feb 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Understanding the environmental context of the first human occupation of Western Europe during MIS 35-19 from marine pollen record.
Maé Catrain
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Vincent Lebreton
Séverine Fauquette
Peyron Odile
EAA, Aug 2024, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
First paleoecological reconstructions of the Holocene from continental sedimentary archives of Azeibaidjan
Sébastien Joannin
Bayramova S
Lucas Dugerdil
Safarov Rafic
I Muradi
Caspian Basin in Transition Conference, Jun 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan
Conference papers
Quaternary vegetation and climate in the Lesser Caucasus, an up-date
Sébastien Joannin
Amy Cromartie
Society for American Archaeology Conference, Mar 2023, Portland, United States
Conference papers
Entangled Biodiversity: Human and Environmental Dynamics in the Mountain Steppes of Armenia
Amy Cromartie
Sébastien Joannin
Society for American Archaeology Conference, Mar 2023, Portland, United States
Conference papers
First paleoclimate calibrations for pollen transfer functions and biomarkers (brGDGTs) covering the Caspian sea to Arid Central Asian area
Lucas Dugerdil
Sébastien Joannin
Odile Peyron
Dilfuza Egamberdieva
S Bayramova
INQUA, Jul 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
Contrasted climate patterns during the Holocene in the central Mediterranean inferred from pollen data
Léa D’oliveira
Sébastien Joannin
Guillemette Ménot
Marion Blache
Robles Mary
INQUA, Jul 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
The Entanglement of Landscape: Fire, Climate, and Agro-Pastoralism in the Bronze and Iron Age South Caucasus
Amy Cromartie
Odile Peyron
Guillemette Ménot
Erwan Messager
Lucas Dugerdil
INQUA, Jul 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
5,000 Years of Vegetation Dynamics: Pollen Analysis of Gravity Sediment Cores in Small Sevan Lake, Armenia
Kristina Sahakyan
Sébastien Joannin
Torsten Haberzettl
Marie-Luise Adolph
Lilit Sahakyan
IRN Caucase, Dec 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Early Holocene vegetation development on islands of proglacial Lake Ojibway in northwestern Québec
Marianne Vogel
Hugo Asselin
Adam A Ali
Cécile Latapy
Sabrina Leclercq
INQUA, Jul 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
A new combination of automated detection and classification of Mediterranean pollen grains from annual pollen traps
Betty Gimenez
Odile Peyron
Celine Devaux
Sébastien Joannin
Doris Barboni
INQUA, Jul 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
5,000 years of environmental change and anthropogenic impact deduced from gravity sediment cores from Lake Sevan, Armenia
Torsten Haberzettl
M.L. Adolph
U Amelung
Ara Avagyan
K Friese
INQUA, Jul 2023, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
Holocene climate in Northern Urals (Komi Republic, Russia): a multi-proxy approach based on pollen and brGDGTs
Chéïma Barhoumi
Sébastien Joannin
Adam Ali
Guillemette Ménot
Yulia Golubeva
Conference papers
Kalavan: first pollen record from the Late Holocene forest environment in the Lesser Caucasus
Sébastien Joannin
IRN Caucase, Dec 2022, Aix en Provence, France
Conference papers
Islands of proglacial lake Ojibway acted as outposts favoring postglacial forest migration in northwestern Québec
Marianne Vogel
Adam Ali
Sébastien Joannin
Yves Bergeron
Hugo Asselin
Conference papers
Problems and Solutions: brGDGTs distributions and calibrations for semi-arid environments and application to the wetlands of the Southern Caucasus.
Amy Cromartie
Mary Robles
Sébastien Joannin
Lucas Dugerdil
Odile Peyron
Conference papers
Climate changes during the Lateglacial in South Europe: new insights based on pollen and brGDGTs of Lake Matese in Italy
Mary Robles
Odile Peyron
Guillemette Ménot
Elisabetta Brugiapaglia
Sabine Wulf
Conference papers
Automatic detection and classification of Mediterranean pollen grains: application to the wild and domesticated grapevine.
Betty Gimenez
Odile Peyron
Celine Devaux
Sébastien Joannin
Doris Barboni
MedPalynoS, Sep 2022, Paestum, Italy
Conference papers
Temperature, Precipitation, Vegetation, and Human Controls on brGDGTs in soils from a semi-arid altitudinal transect from the Republic of Armenia
Amy Cromartie
Guillemette Ménot
Mary Robles
Lucas Dugerdil
Salomé Ansanay-Alex
AGU, Dec 2022, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Holocene vegetation development on islands of proglacial Lake Ojibway in northwestern Québec
Marianne Vogel
Hugo Asselin
Sébastien Joannin
Yves Bergeron
Sabrina Leclercq
IRN Cold Forest, Oct 2022, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Holocene Fires and Mountain Communities in the Grasslands of Armenia
Amy Cromartie
Cheima Barhoumi
Guillemette Ménot
Erwan Messager
Odile Peyron
GMPCA, May 2022, Chambery, France
Conference papers
Pleistocene-Holocene environments, and climate and human impacts in the South Caucasus
Sébastien Joannin
The Caucasus Through Time Network, Jul 2022, Web conference, France
Conference papers
Sustainable Holocene landscape use in the Armenian highlands: insight from pollen and reveals models.
Amy Cromartie
Odile Peyron
Guillemette Menot
Erwan Messager
David Etienne
MedPalynoS, Sep 2021, Modena, Italy
Conference papers
Sociétés, Changements Climatiques et Environnementaux Rapides (SoCCER): des volcans aux rives du lac Sevan (Arménie), vers une approche eurasiatique
Sébastien C Joannin
Vincent Ollivier
Journée Restitution de l'Appel d'Offre interne 2018, Nov 2021, aix en provence, France
Conference papers
Palynologie et paléoécologie végétale de forêts boréales
Sébastien Joannin
International Research Network on Cold Forests, Nov 2021, Rouyn Noranda, Canada
Conference papers
Impact of climate changes on vegetation and human societies in the South Caucasus (Vanevan, Armenia): a multiproxy approach including pollen, NPPs and brGDGTs.
Robles Mary
Odile Peyron
Elisabeta Brugiapaglia
Guillemette Menot
Lucas Dugerdil
IRN WIT, Nov 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Contrasted climate patterns during the Late Glacial and Holocene in Italy reconstructed from pollen data.
Marion Blache
Robles Mary
Sébastien Joannin
Elisabeta Brugiapaglia
Guillemette Menot
MedPalynoS, Sep 2021, Modena, Italy
Conference papers
Formation and early diagenesis of cold and freshwater terrestrial carbonates (lake Sevan, Armenia)
Claude Colombié
Noémie Bosc
Sébastien Joannin
Agathe Martignier
Mathieu Schuster
International Online Workshop on Lake Sevan, Dec 2021, Greifswald, Germany
Conference papers
Formation and early diagenesis of cold and freshwater terrestrial carbonates (lake Sevan, Armenia)
Claude Colombié
Noémie Bosc
Sebastien Joannin
Agathe Martignier
Mathieu Schuster
27e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, SGF, CNRS, Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon ou l’étude de la Terre, des planètes et de l’environnement, Nov 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Wildfires and human communities in Bronze and Iron Age, Armenia: A macro-charcoal and paleo-temperature (BrGDGTs) reconstruction.
Amy Cromartie
Chéima Barhoumi
Guillemette Menot
Erwan Messager
Odile Peyron
SAA, Apr 2021, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Lucas Dugerdil
Guillemette Ménot
Odile Peyron
Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot
Anne-Lise Develle
Conference papers
Past variations of Lake Sevan (Armenia, lesser Caucasus): documenting climate triggers for the Near East and delivering insights for a sustainable management
Sebastien Joannin
Claude Colombié
Conference papers
Vegetation, human practices and climate changes during the last 15000 years recorded at lake Matese, in Italy.
Robles Mary
Odile Peyron
Sébastien Joannin
Guillemette Menot
B Paura
MedpalynoS, Sep 2021, Modena, Italy
Conference papers
Holocene environment and human impact in the South Caucasus.
Sebastien Joannin
ANSO ATES (Association for Trans-Eurasia Exchange and Silk-Road Civilization Development), Jan 2021, Beijing, China
Conference papers
Mongolian dryland paleoenvironment and paleoclimate issues : calibrations and applicability of GDGT and pollen reconstructions over the Late Holocene.
Lucas Dugerdil
Sébastien Joannin
Odile Peyron
Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot
Boris Vannière
Conference papers
The human and climate drivers of Holocene grassland fires in the South Caucasus: A macro-charcoal, brGDGTs, and pollen reconstruction
Amy Cromartie
Chéïma Barhoumi
Lucas Dugerdil
Guillemette Ménot
Odile Peyron
Conference papers
brGDGTs and isotopic records for Lake Ayrag: implications for climate, vegetation and human impact history of the Mongolian Plateau.
Lucas Dugerdil
Guillemette Ménot
Odile Peyron
Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot
Anne-Lise Develle
Conference papers
Holocene vegetation, climate and human impact in steppes around Lake Sevan (Armenia) based on a multiproxy approach: Pollen, NPPs and brGDGTs
Mary Robles
Odile Peyron
Elisabetta Brugiapaglia
Guillemette Ménot
Lucas Dugerdil
Conference papers
A multi-proxy (pollen, NPPs, macro-charcoal, XRF, brGDGTs) investigation of resilience in socio-ecological systems in the Bronze and Iron Age South Caucasus.
Amy Cromartie
Guillemette Menot
Odile Peyron
Lucas Dugerdil
Robles Mary
IRN WIT, Nov 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Holocene fire history of the southern Lake Baikal region
Marianne Vogel
Chéïma Barhoumi
Hanane Limani
Sébastien Joannin
Odile Peyron
Conference papers
Multi-proxy and multi-method Mongolian late Holocene climate and environment reconstructions from Lake Ayrag.
Lucas Dugerdil
Guillemette Menot
Odile Peyron
Isabelle Jouffroy-Bapicot
Anne-Lise Develle
MedPalynoS, Sep 2021, Modena, Italy
Conference papers
Lake Sevan: the missing link for climate reconstruction across Eurasia
Sébastien Joannin
R. Badalyan
L. Beck
O. Bellier
F. Bouchette
International Online Workshop on Lake Sevan, Dec 2021, Greifswald, Germany
Conference papers
Holocene climate in Northern Urals (Komi Republic, Russia): a multi-proxy approach based on pollen and brGDGTs.
Chéima Barhoumi
Sébastien Joannin
A.A. Ali
Guillemette Menot
Yulia Golubeva
EGU, May 2020, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Impact of climate change on steppe environments around Lake Sevan in Armenia during the Holocene.
Robles Mary
Odile Peyron
Guillemette Menot
Elisabetta Brugiapaglia
Vincent Ollivier
EGU, May 2020, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
The Role of Humans and Climate in the Process of Steppe Formation in the High-Mountain Region of Armenia.
Amy Cromartie
Claire Blanchet
Chéima Barhoumi
Erwan Messager
Odile Peyron
MEDPALYNO, Jul 2019, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Vegetation dynamics, human impact and climate influences around the Lake Sevan in Armenia.
Robles Mary
Elisabetta Brugiapaglia
Odile Peyron
Guillemette Ménot
Vincent Ollivier
MEDPALYNO,Bordeaux, France., Jul 2019, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Early Holocene environment and climate in the South Caucasus
Sébastien Joannin
Erwan Messager
The Neolithization processes of the Caucasus, Dec 2019, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Disentangling palynological and sedimentological signals in the Quaternary sedimentary succession of Lake Ohrid (Balkan peninsula).
Adele Bertini
Laura Sadori
N. Combourieu-Nebout
Timme Donders
Sébastien Joannin
IAS, Sep 2019, Roma, Italy
Conference papers
Post-landslide forest recolonization: a paleoecological view from a 4000 yrs old case-study.
Sebastien Joannin
Vincent Ollivier
Olivier Bellier
Christine Chataigner
Petros Tozalakyan
MEDPALYNO, Jul 2019, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Holocene fire history and dynamic of vegetation in Komi Republic, Urals region, in Russia.
Chéima Barhoumi
Odile Peyron
Sébastien Joannin
Dmitry Subetto
Alexander Kryshen
8th International Conference on Forest Fire Research, Socio Economic Issues, Nov 2018, Coimbra, Portugal
Conference papers
The Early Holocene in Armenia and in Georgia: climate, vegetation and the rhythm of the Neolithic expansion.
Erwan Messager
C. Hamon
Sébastien Joannin
Bertille Lyonnet
Chantal Leroyer
Colloquium Armenia at the Crossroads, Nov 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers
La storia della vegetazione degli ultimi 500 mila anni attraverso lo studio pollinico del Lago di Ocrida (FYROM/Albania).
A Masi
Laura Sadori
Adele Bertini
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Timme Donders
Workshop IODP-Italia “Lo stato delle proposte di perforazione nell’area mediterranea”, Scientific Drilling in the Mediterranean Sea, Jul 2018, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Upper Holocene vegetation history from the Kalavan Red Lake in Armenia
Sebastien Joannin
Vincent Ollivier
Olivier Bellier
Petros Tozalakyan
Arkady Karakhanyan
Ancient Armenia at the crossroads, B. PERELLO; R. BADALYAN; K. MELIKSETIAN, Nov 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Holocene fire history and vegetation dynamic in Komi Republic, Urals region, Russia.
Chéima Barhoumi
Odile Peyron
Sébastien Joannin
Dmitry Subetto
Alexander Kryshen
PACE (Prehistoric Adaptations to Cold Environments), Jan 2018, Nice, France
Conference papers
Climate of Abandonment: Contextualizing environmental change and abandonment events during the Early Bronze and Late Iron Age on the Tsaghkahovit Plain, Armenia.
Amy Cromartie
Sébastien Joannin
Claire Blanchet
Chéima Barhoumi
Colloquium Armenia at the Crossroads, Nov 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Lake Ohrid: The history of forest biodiversity and hydrological variations from Europe’s oldest lake.
Timme Donders
Laura Sadori
Konstantinos Panagiotopoulos
Adele Bertini
Andreas Koutsodendris
EGU, Vienna., Apr 2018, Vienna, Austria
Conference papers
Lateglacial-Holocene abrupt vegetation changes at Lago Trifoglietti in Calabria, Southern Italy: The setting of ecosystems in a refugial zone.
Sébastien Joannin
Jacques-Louis de Beaulieu
E Brugiapaglia
Frédéric Guiter
Gianni Zanchetta
EPPC, 12-17 August, Dublin, Ireland., Aug 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Biotic response to centennial-scale climate variability in Northwest Africa: Were there Holocene analogues for current Cedrus atlantica dieback?
William Fletcher
Jennifer Campbell
Sébastien Joannin
Philip J. Hughes
Steffen Mischke
PAGES, 5th Open Science Meeting, May 2017, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers
The delayed expansion of forests in Southern Caucasus
Erwann Messager
Sébastien Joannin
Chantal Leroyer
Adam A. Ali
Odile Peyron
PAGES, 5th Open Science Meeting, May 2017, Zaragoza, Spain
Conference papers
Centennial-scale vegetation and fire dynamics in the Middle Atlas, Morocco during the last 12,000 years.
W. Fletcher
J.F.E Campbell
Sébastien Joannin
MEDPALYNO, Sep 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
A 500 000 yrs paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic record from the Balkans inferred from Lake Ohrid pollen data.
Odile Peyron
Simon Goring
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
Laura Sadori
Adele Bertini
MEDPALYNO, Sep 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Morphogénèse et paléoenvironnements quaternaires en Arménie (Petit Caucase) : une analyse multiproxies.
Paul Roiron
Vincent Ollivier
Samuel Nahapetyan
Ivan Gabrielyan
Jean-Jacques Cornée
Q7, Feb 2010, besancon, France
Conference papers
Les changements dans la végétation à l'Holocène au Lac du Ledro (Trentino, Italy).
Sébastien Joannin
Boris Vannière
Didier Galop
Michel Magny
Adrian Gilli
Q7, Feb 2010, besancon, France
Conference papers
Early Pleistocene climate cycles in continental deposits of the Lesser Caucasus of Armenia inferred from palynology, magnetostratigraphy, and 40Ar/39Ar dating.
Sébastien Joannin
Jean-Jacques Cornée
Philippe Münch
Michel Fornari
Iuliana Vasiliev
EGU Eurasian Climate and Tectonics, May 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
An Early Pleistocene 190 kyr pollen record from the ODP Site 976, Western Mediterranean region.
Sébastien Joannin
Nathalie Combourieu-Nebout
EGU Climate response to orbital forcing, May 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Holocene vegetation changes through Lac Ledro sediments (Trentino, Italy).
Sébastien Joannin
Boris Vannière
Didier Galop
Michel Magny
Adrian Gilli
EGU Natural and anthropogenic environmental change as evidenced in high-resolution continental archives (co-listed), May 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Stratigraphical constraints and paleoenvironmental changes from 1240 to 900 ky in the Montalbano Jonico section (Basilicata, Southern Italy).
Neri Ciaranfi
L. Capotondi
Paola Di Leo
Angela Girone
Sébastien Joannin
AIQUA, Feb 2010, Bari, Italy
Conference papers
Astronomical calibration of Mediterranean Montalbano Jonico land section and implication for δ18O, calcareous nannofossil and tephra records at the Mid-Pleistocene Revolution.
Neri Ciaranfi
Fabrizio Lirer
N. Pelosi
L. J. Lourens
Patrizia Maiorano
EGU, Apr 2009, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Les changements dans la végétation à l'Holocène au Lac du Ledro (Trentino, Italy).
Sébastien Joannin
Boris Vannière
Didier Galop
Michel Magny
Adrian Gilli
APLF, Jun 2009, Lille, France
Conference papers
Environments and societies of small Caucasus (Armenia) in the light of the Quaternary climatic changes and landscape mutations.
Vincent Ollivier
Samuel Nahapetyan
Paul Roiron
Ivan Gabrielyan
Jean-Jacques Cornée
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Mar 2009, Copenhague, Denmark
Conference papers
Global and local climatic cycles recorded by vegetation in the Mediterranean region during the Early-Middle Pleistocene transition.
Sébastien Joannin
J.P. Suc
12ème IPC (International Palynological Congress), Aug 2008, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers
Connections with volcanism, fluvio-lacustrine environments, glaciations effects, travertine formations and human occupations during the Pleistocene in Armenia (Lesser Caucasus).
Vincent Ollivier
Samuel Nahapetyan
Paul Roiron
Ivan Gabrielyan
Jean-Jacques Cornée
Colloque International organisé au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Nov 2008, Paris, France
Conference papers
Quaternary geomorphological dynamics in Armenia: connections with volcanism, fluvio-lacustrine environments, glaciations effects and travertine formation.
Vincent Ollivier
Samuel Nahapetyan
Paul Roiron
Ivan Gabrielyan
Jean-Jacques Cornée
4ème ILIC (International Limnogeology Congress), Jul 2007, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine landscapes in Armenia by multiproxy studies: geomorphology, K/Ar chronology, paleomagnetism, leaf flora and pollen analysis.
Paul Roiron
Ivan Gabrielyan
Sébastien Joannin
Samuel Nahapetyan
Vincent Ollivier
4ème ILIC (International Limnogeology Congress), Jul 2007, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Changements climatiques en milieu continental sur le pourtour nord-méditerranéen (Italie, Grèce) au Pléistocène inférieur-moyen.
Sébastien Joannin
5ème congrès international de l'INQUA (International Union for Quaternary Research), Mar 2006, Paris, France
Conference papers
Archéologie et sismicité, programmes de recherche en Arménie.
Paul Roiron
Vincent Ollivier
Ivan Gabrielyan
Samuel Nahapetyan
Jean-Jacques Cornée
Recherches sur les Paléoenvironnements arméniens Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée (MOM), May 2006, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Climatic changes during the Early Pleistocene : continental and marine responses in central Mediterranean (Italy).
Sébastien Joannin
19ème symposium international de l'APLF (Association des Palynologues de Langue Française), Oct 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers
La sezione-tipo dello Ioniano, nuova unità cronostratigrafica del Pleistocene.
Neri Ciaranfi
M. Brilli
Angela Girone
Sébastien Joannin
Patrizia Maiorano
Workshop pre-congresso "La stratigrafia in Italia oggi" de Spoleto, May 2005, Spoleto, Italy
Conference papers
Climatic control of sedimentological sequence in early-middle Pleistocene of Tsampika (Rhodos Island, Greece).
Sébastien Joannin
32ème congrès international de l'IGC (International Geological Congress), Aug 2004, Florence, Italy
Conference papers