Ségolène Saulnier Copard
Étude morpho-sédimentaire de l'évolution des paléochenaux de la Loire au cours du Petit Âge GlaciaireJournées des Jeunes Géomorphologues, Jun 2024, Reims, France
Conference papers
Study of the impacts of the Little Ice Age period on the Loire River floodplain (France): contribution of the morpho-sedimentary approachEGU 2024, Apr 2024, Vienne, Austria. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16631⟩
Conference papers
Paleodust cycle in Europe during the last climate cycleEGU General Assembly, Apr 2023, Vienne (AUT), France. ⟨10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3449⟩
Conference papers
Long-term trajectory of an embankment fluvial system - The Loire River (France)10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Aug 2022, Coimbra, Portugal
Conference papers
Long-term trajectory of an embankment fluvial system – the Loire River (France)10th International Conference on Geomorphology, Sep 2022, Coimbra, Portugal. ⟨10.5194/icg2022-79⟩
Conference papers
Réponse de la ripisylve à l’évolution pluri-décennale du fleuve LoireEnjeux écologiques et sociétaux des hydrosystèmes : 20 ans de recherche dans le bassin de la Loire, Oct 2022, Orléans, France
Conference papers
A palaeoenvironmental sequence from the Araks valley region in Nakitchevan (south CaucasusObservations and retro-observations of the Caucasian socio-ecosystems, Nov 2022, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Millennial-timescale climate change over the last 800 kyrs evidenced by magnetic, colorimetric and ATR-FTIR data from the Suhia Kladenetz quarry loess-paleosol sequence (Pleven, Bulgaria)GeoMinKöln 2022 – the Annual Conference of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft (DMG – The German Mineralogical Society) and the Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung (DGGV – The German Geological Society), Sep 2022, Cologne, Germany
Conference papers
Analyse des interrelations entre crise hydrologique et fait urbain portuaire en Loire bourbonnaise et nivernaise depuis le Moyen Âge : nouvelles approches méthodologiquesDoctoriales en Sciences Sociales de l'eau, Sep 2021, Châteauroux, France
Conference papers
The kingdom of Tonga devastated by a megatsunami in the mid-15th centuryEGU-European Geophysical Union 2021, EGU, Apr 2021, Wien, Austria, Austria
Conference papers
Le marais de Chavannes : longue histoire d'un petit maraisCIST2020 - Population, temps, territoires, Collège international des sciences territoriales (CIST), Nov 2020, Paris-Aubervilliers, France. pp.210-215
Conference papers
Off-site environmental sequences around Aşıklı Höyük PPN site.(central Anatolia, Turkey)International Göbekli Tepe and Neolithic Age Settlements Congress, Harran University, Urfa (Turkey), Nov 2019, ŞANLIURFA, Turkey
Conference papers
Tephrochronology in south-Cappadocia (Turkey): first evidence of regular eruptions from LGM to Mid-Holocene and Roman period, and impacts/non-impacts on human settlements20th Congress of the International Union for quaternary research (INQUA), Jul 2019, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Palaeoenvironmental records in and around PPN Aşıklı site in the Melendiz Valley (Kızılkaya, Aksaray)TURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, AVRASYA, Istanbul Technic University, Istanbul, Turquie, May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Quantitative Holocene precipitation estimation based on palaeohydrological balance model (Simav Graben, West Anatolia).TURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, Istanbul, 2-5 Mai 2018, AVRASYA Institute, Istanbul Technic Unviersity (ITÜ), Department of Geology, May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
The Neolithization processes of the Caucasus: new archaeological and environmental evidence from Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan)18e congrès de l'UISPP:"Adaptation et durabilité des sociétés préhistoriques et protohistoriques face aux variations climatiques", Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Holocene pollen record from Simav Graben: vegetation and climate changeTURQUA, 8th Quaternary Symposium of Turkey, Istanbul Technic University, Istanbul, Turkey, May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference papers
Sediment records of lake level changes in the Simav Graben (western Turkey72th Symposium of Turkish Geology, Middle East Technic University (METU), Apr 2018, ANKARA, Turkey
Conference papers
The lower Loire river floodplain formation: a multi-scaled approach to characterize landforms, processes and drivers evolution on the long-term (last 10 milleniums) (Val d'Authion), France9th International Conference on Geomorphology (9th ICG), Nov 2017, New-Dheli, India. Abstract 638, THEME: S13 : FLUVIAL PROCESS AND LANDFORMS, pp.130-131, Book of Abstracts
Conference poster
Exploration des compositions isotopiques en magnésium des carbonates marins comme traceurs paléoenvironnementauxPaléontologie. Université de Lorraine, 2012. Français. ⟨NNT : 2012LORR0267⟩
Geomorphological and Palaeoenvironmental Setting of Asikli HoyükMihriban Özbaşaran; Güneş Duru; Mary Stiner. THE EARLY SETTLEMENT AT AŞIKLI HÖYÜK. Essays in Honor of Ufuk Esin, EGE YAYINLARI, pp.15-42, 2018, 978-605-9680-83-7
Book sections