Supporting learner-to-learner interaction: linguistic and visual resources in a synchronous oral telecollaborative task
Shona Whyte
Ciara R. Wigham
International conference on additional language learning by young learners, Laslab, University of the Basque Country, Oct 2024, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Conference papers
“They say” makes good liars: a cross-linguistic investigation on evidentiality in language and deception.
Selma Berfin Tanış
Çağla Aydın
Amanda Edmonds
Ayberk Kaan Güneş
Şeyma Kalender
57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2024), Aug 2024, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Que disent de nous les accents et les intonations du langage ?
Philippe del Giudice
Katerina Palasis
Shona Whyte
Festival Trajectoires, Feb 2024, Carros, France
Conference papers
Sink or swim? Learner autonomy in synchronous oral telecollaboration from a task-based perspective
Ciara R. Wigham
Shona Whyte
EuroCALL 2024, Trnava University, Aug 2024, Trnava, Slovakia
Conference papers
Engaging authors with reviewer feedback
Alex Boulton
Shona Whyte
31st EUROCALL conference - CALL for all languages, European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL), Aug 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers
Ecological perspectives on the evaluation of co-constructed interactive virtual learning scenarios in primary school EFL.
Nathalie Younes
Margault Sacré
Ciara R. Wigham
Shona Whyte
43 ème session d'études de l'ADMEE Canada, Nov 2022, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Learner interaction in virtual learning scenarios for primary EFL
Shona Whyte
Ciara R. Wigham
Nathalie Younes
Cécile Redondo
EuroCALL 2022 : Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data, Aug 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers
Never the first time on the patient! L2 English in medical simulation training. ESP seminar: what theoretical frameworks for what teaching and research outcomes?
Shona Whyte
Rebecca Franklin-Landi
ESSE, Aug 2021, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Enseigner l'anglais à l'école primaire avec les technologies : Une revue des pratiques et des contextes
Nathalie Younes
Ciara R. Wigham
Shona Whyte
L'école primaire au 21e siècle, Oct 2021, Cergy, France
Conference papers
Reviewing in CALL Journals [Editor's workshop]
Bin Zou
Alex Boulton
Elke Nissen
Shona Whyte
David Barr
29th EUROCALL conference - CALL and Professionalisation, European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL), Aug 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
The dirty dozen: bridging gaps between la didactique des langues and second language studies in 12 key terms
Shona Whyte
AILA, Aug 2021, Groningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Technologies dans l'enseignement et pour la formation : les enseignants du supérieur en transition dans les projets CATAPULT et SHOUT4HE
Cédric Sarré
Shona Whyte
Colloque PERL, Université de Paris, Dec 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Some key terms in L2 studies and didactique des langues: acquisition, learning, and communicative competence.
Shona Whyte
PRELA Symposium on Cross-linguistic perspectives on second/foreign language education, Jun 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers
ESP and why it's not: learner motivation, teacher competence and indigenous assessment criteria
Shona Whyte
Valorizing Practice - Grounded Histories of Language Learning and Teaching, Nov 2019, Bremen, Germany
Conference papers
Bridging interlanguage pragmatics and second language teaching: from classroom research to classroom practice
Aïsha Siddiqa
Shona Whyte
Des langues étrangères pour tous : didactique et méthodologie, Sep 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Revisiting dictogloss for teaching formulaic sequences in EAP contexts: a set of replication studies in French higher education
Shona Whyte
Cédric Sarré
Rebecca Franklin-Landi
Noëlla Gaigeot
European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), Aug 2018, Brno, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Formulaic sequences in English for Academic Purposes and Second Language Acquisition: towards the characterisation of lexico-grammatical norms
Shona Whyte
Cédric Sarré
38e colloque du GERAS, Université Jean Moulin - Lyon 3, Mar 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Les frontières de la recherche sur l’enseignement-apprentissage de l’anglais de spécialité : pour une "didactique de l’ASP."
Cédric Sarré
Shona Whyte
37e colloque du GERAS, Université Paris 8, Mar 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Telecollaboration for language learning in secondary schools: promoting interaction in the EFL classroom via a blended teacher education course.
Shona Whyte
Linda Gijsen
New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: The Second Conference on Telecollaboration in University Education , Trinity College Dublin, Apr 2016, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
From 'war stories and romances' to research agenda: towards a model of ESP didactics
Shona Whyte
Cédric Sarré
European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), National University of Ireland, Aug 2016, Galway, Ireland
Conference papers
Transnational settings and multilingual approaches in Computer-Assisted Language Teacher Education.
Bianka Fuchs
Christine Schmider
Shona Whyte
Katja Zaki
Multilingual CALL: Multilingual Language Learning with Digital Media in Primary and Secondary Classrooms, , Université de Francfort, Feb 2016, Frankfurt, Germany
Conference papers
Former à l’intégration des technologies en classe de langue : vers un modèle multidimensionnel
Shona Whyte
Colloque Acedle, Jan 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Taking to task(s): Exploring task design by novice language teachers in technology-mediated and non-technological activities
Shona Whyte
XVII International CALL research conference, University Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain, and University of Antwerp, Belgium, Jul 2015, Tarragone, Spain
Conference papers
Quand tout le monde sera spécialiste : la place des langues dans l’enseignement secondaire
Shona Whyte
Journée d ’études « L'enseignement - apprentissage des langues de spécialité : quels invariants ? », GT DidASP du GERAS, ESPE de l’académie de Paris, CeLiSo EA 7332 (Université Paris - Sorbonne), Apr 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
The IWB for EFL in France: A Technological Innovation Framework
Shona Whyte
Digital literacies in and beyond the L2 classroom, Oct 2014, Université d'Arizona, United States
Conference papers
A developmental framework for teacher adoption of interactive technologies in the language classroom: a collaborative action research project in French schools
Shona Whyte
PL-CALL, Jun 2014, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers
Computer-assisted video communication in the primary EFL classroom: A German-French exchange
Euline Cutrim Schmid
Shona Whyte
2. Bundeskongress Englisch & Mehrsprachigkeit, 2014, Frankfort, Germany
Conference papers
Analysing target language interaction in IWB-mediated activities: from drills to tasks in state secondary EFL classes
Shona Whyte
Euline Cutrim Schmid
Gary Beauchamp
EuroCALL, 2014, Groningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Second language interaction with interactive technologies: the IWB in state school foreign language classrooms
Shona Whyte
Euline Cutrim Schmid
Gary Beauchamp
AILA, 2014, Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers
Course design for pre-service secondary school teachers: collaboration and reflection in a short, multilingual CALL course
Shona Whyte
EuroCALL, 2014, Groningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Applying labels in Teaching English for Specific Purposes: specialisation and domains of expertise
Shona Whyte
Atelier Anglais de Spécialité, Congrès de la SAES, May 2013, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Sharpening pencils in the digital age: classroom integration of interactive technologies to support learner autonomy
Shona Whyte
Education technologies & Language learner autonomy, 2013, Venise, Italy
Conference papers
Live communication using interactive technologies for young learners: a French-German EFL tandem task
Shona Whyte
Euline Cutrim Schmid
EuroCALL, 2013, Evora, Portugal
Conference papers
Les technologies interactives en classe de langue en Europe: un instrument de recherche pour analyser l’enseignement avec le TBI
Shona Whyte
Julie Alexander
Gary Beauchamp
CRELA (Cultures de recherche en linguistique appliquée), 2013, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Interaction and interactivity in technology-rich second language classrooms: the iTILT project in France
Shona Whyte
WorldCALL, Jul 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers
La visio-communication en langues vivantes : avantages pour l’apprentissage, repères pour l’enseignement
Shona Whyte
Echanges et jumelages numériques : enjeux et défis, 2013, Amiens, France
Conference papers
iTILT and SMARTVET: 2 EU projects to promote effective interactive whiteboard use in language and vocational education
Ton Koenraad
Shona Whyte
Euline Cutrim Schmid
EuroCALL, 2013, Evora, Portugal
Conference papers
Vidéo et visio : des outils de médiatisation de l’activité au service de la collaboration et de la formation
Shona Whyte
Données, analyses et finalités de la recherche en Apprentissage des langues médiatisé par les technologies (ALMT), 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Interactive Whiteboards in the EFL Classroom: Findings of the European Project iTILT
Euline Cutrim Schmid
Shona Whyte
Institute of English Studies Lecture Series, Leuphana Universität Lüneberg, 2013, Lüneberg, Germany
Conference papers
Learning to Use Interactive Technologies for Language Teaching: Video Diaries for Teacher Support in the iTILT Project
Shona Whyte
Julie Alexander
Atelier didactique, Congrès de la SAES, May 2013, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France
Conference papers
Perceptions of the IWB for second language teaching and learning: the iTILT project
Shona Whyte
Emily Hillier
Gary Beauchamp
Eurocall, Aug 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference papers
Curation and social networking for pre-service language teacher development
Shona Whyte
Eurocall, Aug 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference papers
Towards an effective transition framework - the use of interactive whiteboards in education settings: a European perspective from the iTILT project
Emily Hillier
Gary Beauchamp
Shona Whyte
BESA Conference 2012, British Educational Studies Association (BESA), Jun 2012, Hull, United Kingdom
Conference papers
La traduction en LEA : l'apport des TICE
Shona Whyte
Journée TICE et langues, Université d'Avignon (conférence invitée), 2011, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Developing and integrating teacher competences in language acquisition, pedagogy and technology
Shona Whyte
Formation et professionnalisation des enseignants de langues : évolution des contextes, des besoins et des dispositifs. Colloque international organisé par l'équipe FICEL du DILTEC (EA 2288), Nov 2011, CIEP, Sèvres, France
Conference papers
Designing IWB Resources for Language Teaching: the iTILT Project
Shona Whyte
Sanderin van Hazebrouck
Euline Cutrim Schmid
International Conference on ICT for Language Learning, Oct 2011, Florence, Italy
Conference papers
La place des nouvelles technologies dans la formation à l'enseignement de l'anglais à l'école primaire
Shona Whyte
Congrès annuel de la SAES, May 2011, Paris, France
Conference papers
Pre-service teachers' views on technology for teaching and learning foreign languages
Shona Whyte
EuroCALL CMC and Teaching Education SIG Annual Workshop, Apr 2011, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Web 2.0 tools for oral communication in English for international business
Shona Whyte
GERAS, 2010, Nice, France
Conference papers
Avantages d'un cours hybride de traduction anglaise avec tutorat pour un travail collaboratif en ligne. RANACLES, Nancy, novembre 2010
Shona Whyte
RANACLES, 2010, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Guess Who? Essayer de comprendre et de se faire comprendre en anglais langue seconde à l'école primaire
Shona Whyte
SAES, May 2009, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
La communication scientifique en langue étrangère : l'interprétation de la tâche
Shona Whyte
ACEDLE, Dec 2009, Lille, France
Conference papers
Let 'em click: Digital resources for primary EFL learners
Shona Whyte
IATEFL/British Council conference on innovations in teaching children and teenagers, Mar 2009, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
La communication scientifique : l'anglais pour doctorants en sciences humaines.
Shona Whyte
ACEDLE, Dec 2009, Lille, France
Conference papers