Simon Enjalbert
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Towards artificial intelligence based rail driving assistance toolInternational Conference on Mobility, Artificial Intelligence and Health (MAIH2024), Cadi Ayyad University, FSTG & FSSM, Morocco, Nov 2024, Marrakesh, Morocco
Conference papers
Vers des outils d’aide à la conduite ferroviaire à base d’intelligence artificielle2ème congrès annuel de la SAGIP, Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique, May 2024, Villeurbane, France
Conference papers
Expectations of train drivers for innovative driving cabin15th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems HMS 2022, Sep 2022, San José, United States. p.144-149
Conference papers
Towards Tramway Safety by Managing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems depending on Grades of AutomationCTS 2021, 16th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Jun 2021, Lille, France. pp.227-232, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.06.027⟩
Conference papers
Human Machine Interface: A review for future applications in train drivingResource Efficient Vehicles Conference, Jun 2021, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Concepts and models about smart urban transport control systems for city resilience21st IFAC World Congress 2020, Jul 2020, Berlin, Germany. pp.10090-10095, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.2732⟩
Conference papers
On the Eco-driving Trajectory for Tramway System14th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems HMS 2019, Sep 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. pp.115-120, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.12.121⟩
Conference papers
Towards human-based industrial cyber-physical systemsIEEE Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), May 2018, St. Petersbourg, Russia. pp.615-620, ⟨10.1109/ICPHYS.2018.8390776⟩
Conference papers
Detecting the undetectable of human-machine interaction to improve rail resilienceThe Sixth International Human Factors Rail Conference, Nov 2017, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Eco-driving command for tram-driver system13th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Aug 2016, Kyoto, Japan. pp.444-449, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.616⟩
Conference papers
Nouveau système d’aide à l’éco-conduite adapté à l’homme pour réduire la consommation d’énergieJournée Régionale des Doctorants en Automatique (JRDA 2016), ED SPI-072; GRAISyHM, Jun 2016, Lille, France
Conference papers
Commande éco-énergétique d ’ un système conducteur tramway6èmes Journées doctorales du GDR MACS, JDMACS'15, Jun 2015, Bourges, France
Conference papers
Self-adaptive tramway driver's statebased system for an eco-energetic commandJournée Doctorale et de l’Innovation de Railenium, Railenium, Oct 2015, Lille, France
Conference papers
Commande éco-énergétique d’un système tramwayJournée doctorale de l’institut de recherche et technologique, Jan 2014, Valenciennes, France
Conference papers
Validation of a Unified Model of Driver Behaviour for Train Domain12th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Aug 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. pp.505-512, ⟨10.3182/20130811-5-US-2037.00014⟩
Conference papers
A State of the Art in Feedforward-Feedback Learning Control Systems for Human Errors Prediction18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Aug 2011, Milano, Italy. pp.7390-7395, ⟨10.3182/20110828-6-IT-1002.03483⟩
Conference papers
Toward an on-line and non-obtrusive workload assessment method11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Aug 2010, Valenciennes, France. pp.281-286, ⟨10.3182/20100831-4-FR-2021.00050⟩
Conference papers
Principes de résilience et processus d’apprentissage face à l’imprévuCIFA 2010 (Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique), Jun 2010, Nancy, France
Conference papers
How to Learn from the Resilience of Human-Machine Systems?11th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Human-Machine Systems, Aug 2010, Valenciennes, France. pp.374-379, ⟨10.3182/20100831-4-FR-2021.00066⟩
Conference papers
Human-machine systems resilience – Safety application28th European Annual Conference on Human Decision Making and Manual Control, Sep 2009, Reims, France
Conference papers
Perceptual errors – Application for train driver28th European Annual Conference on Human Decision-Making and Manual Control, Sep 2009, Reims, France
Conference papers
Autonomie ajustable et résilience pour une coopération Homme – RobotCIFA 2008 (Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique), Sep 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie
Conference papers
Validation par simulation distribuée de l’ordonnancement d’entreprises en réseauCIFA 2006 : Conférence internationale francophone d'automatique, May 2006, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Feasibility evaluation of multi-site scheduling by distributed simulation of workshops12th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, May 2006, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.591-596, ⟨10.3182/20060517-3-FR-2903.00302⟩
Conference papers
Evaluation de la faisabilité d’ordonnancement multi-site par simulation distribuée d’ateliers virtuelsMOSIM 2006 : Modélisation, optimisation et simulation des systèmes : défis et opportunités, Apr 2006, Rabat, Maroc
Conference papers
Evaluation de la performance des chaînes logistiques par simulation distribuéeJD-JN-MACS, Sep 2005, Lyon, France
Conference papers
A HLA federation of reactive production activity control for extended enterprise performance evaluation5th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Sep 2004, Noisy-le-Grand, France
Conference papers
Assessment of Transportation System ResilienceP. Carlo Cacciabue; Magnus Hjälmdahl; Andreas Luedtke; Costanza Riccioli. Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation, Springer Milan, pp.335-341, 2011, 978-88-470-1820-4. ⟨10.1007/978-88-470-1821-1_36⟩
Book sections
A driving assistance device for a railway vehicle, comprising progressive means for indicating instructionsFrance, Patent n° : FR3047717B1 (2020) ; EP3205552B1 (2020) ; US10086855B2 (2018). 2016
Méthode et outil de simulation distribuée pour l’accommodation de la conduite de réseaux d'entrepriseAutomatique / Robotique. Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse (INPT), 2006. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩