Rime priming effects in spoken word recognition Are they really due to the rime?
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Experimental psychology., 2024, 70 (6), pp.336-343
Journal articles
Does a mismatch on the accentual pattern of French words affect the magnitude of the repetition priming effect? An ERP investigation
Sophie Dufour
Amandine Michelas
Journal articles
On the perception of stress position by French listeners: An EEG investigation
Outhmane Rassili
Amandine Michelas
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
Phonological neighbors cooperate during spoken-sentence processing: Evidence from a nonword detection task
Sophie Dufour
Colas Fournet
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
On the relative weight of pitch and durational cues in the perception of accentuation by French listeners
Amandine Michelas
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
Phrase frequency does not modulate transposed-word effects in the visual and auditory modalities
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, inPress
Journal articles
When phonological neighbors cooperate during spoken sentence processing
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Frequency effects in the auditory grammatical decision task
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Boris New
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
When facilitation becomes inhibition: effects of modality and lexicality on transposed-phoneme priming
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Does accentual variation in the pronunciation of French words influence their recognition? It depends on the ear of presentation
Outhmane Rassili
Amandine Michelas
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
Effects of consonant-vowel status on transposed-phoneme priming
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Lucie Fléchard
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Transposed-word effects in speeded grammatical decisions to sequences of spoken words
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Phonological abstraction before lexical access: New evidence from rime priming
Sophie Dufour
Lucie Fléchard
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
Does emotional prosody affect word recognition in French?
Caterina Petrone
Antonenko Arina
Sophie Dufour
Proceedings of Speech Prosody, 2022
Journal articles
When you hear /baksɛt/ do you think /baskɛt/? Evidence for transposed-phoneme effect with multisyllabic words.
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Grainger
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 2022, 48, pp.98-107. ⟨10.1037/xlm0000978⟩
Journal articles
Investigating the locus of transposed-phoneme effects using cross-modal priming
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Do you want /ʃoloka/ on a /bistɔk/? On the scope of transposed-phoneme effects with non-adjacent phonemes
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Mirault
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
When native contrasts are perceived as non-native: the role of the ear of presentation in the discrimination of accentual contrasts
Amandine Michelas
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
The Same Ultra-Rapid Parallel Brain Dynamics Underpin the Production and Perception of Speech
Amie Fairs
Amandine Michelas
Sophie Dufour
Kristof Strijkers
Journal articles
The influence of word frequency on the transposed-phoneme priming effect
Dufour Sophie
Grainger Jonathan
Journal articles
Does the brain recruit the same word representations across language production and perception? A registered report MEG study.
Amie Fairs
Xenia Dmitrieva
Valérie C Chanoine
Benjamin Morillon
Amandine Michelas
Cortex, 2020
Journal articles
Mapping vowel sounds onto phonemic categories in two regional varieties of French: An ERP study
Jonathan Bucci
Coriandre Emmanuel Vilain
Noël Nguyen
Jean-Luc Schwartz
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
Are Prosodic Variants Stored in the French Mental Lexicon?
Amandine Michelas
Sophie Dufour
Experimental Psychology, 2019, 66 (6), pp.393-401
Journal articles
The processing of dialectal variants: Further insight from French
Sophie Dufour
Yu-Ying Chuang
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
Phoneme‐Order Encoding During Spoken Word Recognition: A Priming Investigation
Sophie Dufour
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Temporary ambiguity in whispered word recognition: a semantic priming study
Sophie Dufour
Yohann Meynadier
Journal articles
On French listeners’ ability to use stress during spoken word processing
Amandine Michelas
Nuria Esteve-Gibert
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
Does talker-specific information influence lexical competition? Evidence from phonological priming
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
On the locus of talker-specificity effects in spoken word recognition: an ERP study with dichotic priming
Sophie Dufour
Dierdre Bolger
Stéphanie Massol
Phillip J. Holcomb
Jonathan Grainger
Journal articles
Does orthographic training on a phonemic contrast absent in the listener's dialect influence word recognition?
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Chotiga Pattamadilok
Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Inhibitory phonetic priming: Where does the effect come from?
Sophie Dufour
Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2016, pp.180-196
Journal articles
How deaf are French speakers to stress?
Amandine Michelas
Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder
Daniele Schoen
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
Perceptual Evaluation of Dysphonic Voices: Can a Training Protocol Lead to the Development of Perceptual Categories?
Alain Ghio
Sophie Dufour
Aude Wengler
Gilles Pouchoulin
Joana Revis
Journal articles
Contributions expérimentales à l'élaboration d'un protocole robuste d'évaluation perceptive des troubles de la voix et de la parole
Alain Ghio
Sophie Dufour
Gilles Pouchoulin
Joana Revis
Danièle Robert
Revue PAROLE, 2014, pp.85-101
Journal articles
Psychologie cognitive du langage
François-Xavier Alario
Sophie Dufour
Chotiga Pattamadilok
Lettre des Neurosciences, 2014, 46, pp.9-10
Journal articles
Access to talker-specific representations is dependent on word frequency
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
The perception of the French /s/-/S/ contrast in early Creole-French bilinguals
Sophie Dufour
Sibylle Kriegel
Muhsina Alleesaib
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
To what extent do we hear phonemic contrasts in a non-native regional variety? Tracking the dynamics of perceptual processing with EEG
Sophie Dufour
Angèle Brunellière
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
How much imitation is there in a shadowing task?
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Journal articles
Tracking the time course of word frequency effects in auditory word recognition with event-related potentials
Sophie Dufour
Angèle Brunellière
Ulrich Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Does Imitation Facilitate Word Recognition in a Non-Native Regional Accent?
Noël Nguyen
Sophie Dufour
Angèle Brunellière
Journal articles
Mise au point et évaluation d'un protocole d'apprentissage de jugement perceptif de la sévérité de dysphonies sur de la parole naturelle
Alain Ghio
Sophie Dufour
Maud Rouaze
Valérie Bokanowski
Gilles Pouchoulin
Revue de Laryngologie Otologie Rhinologie, 2011, 132 (1), pp.19-27
Journal articles
Regional differences in the listener's phonemic inventory affect semantic processing: A mismatch negativity (MMN) study
Angèle Brunellière
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Brain and Language, 2011, 117, pp.45-51
Journal articles
Does training on a phonemic contrast absent in the listener's dialect influence word recognition?
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Phonological neighbourhood effects in French spoken-word recognition
Dufour Sophie
Ulrich Frauenfelder
Journal articles
Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence for the impact of regional variation on phoneme perception
Angèle Brunellière
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Ulrich Hans Frauenfelder
Cognition, 2009, 111, pp.390-396
Journal articles
Orthographic Influences in Spoken-Word Recognition: The Consistency effect in Semantic and Gender-Categorization Tasks
Ronald Peereman
S. Dufour
J. S. Burt
Journal articles
Competition effects in phonological priming: the role of mismatch position between primes and targets.
Sophie Dufour
Ronald Peereman
Journal articles
Phonological priming in auditory word recognition: When both controlled and automatic processes are responsible for the effects.
Sophie Dufour
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology / Revue canadienne de psychologie expérimentale, 2008, 62 (1), pp.33-41. ⟨10.1037/1196-1961.62.1.33⟩
Journal articles
L'influence de la langue maternelle sur les capacités de l'auditeur dans la perception de la parole
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Travaux interdisciplinaires du Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 2008, 27, pp.38-49
Journal articles
Inhibitory priming in auditory word recognition: Is it really the product of response biases?
S. Dufour
Ulrich Frauenfelder
Ronald Peereman
Current Psychology Letters/Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2007, 2, pp.22
Journal articles
The perception of phonemic contrasts in a non-native dialect
Sophie Dufour
Noël Nguyen
Ulrich Frauenfelder
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2007, 121 (4), pp.EL131-EL136. ⟨10.1121/1.2710742⟩
Journal articles
L’activation et la sélection lexicales lors de la reconnaissance des mots parlés : modèles théoriques et données expérimentales
Sophie Dufour
Uli Frauenfelder
L'Année psychologique, 2007, 107 (01), pp.87
Journal articles
Phonological priming in auditory word recognition : Initial overlap facilitation effect varies as a function of target word frequency
S. Dufour
Ronald Peereman
Current Psychology Letters/Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2004, 14, pp.3
Journal articles
Inhibitory priming effects in auditory word recognition: when the target’s competitors conflict with the prime word
Dufour Sophie
Ronald Peereman
Cognition, 2003, 88, pp.B33-B44
Journal articles
Lexical competition in phonological priming: Assessing the role of phonological match and mismatch lengths between primes and targets
Dufour Sophie
Ronald Peereman
Memory & Cognition, 2003, 8 (31), pp.1271-1283
Journal articles
Un correctif aux notations phonétiques de la base de données Lexique
Ronald Peereman
Sophie Dufour
Journal articles
VoCoLex : une base de données lexicales sur les similarités phonologiques entre les mots français
Sophie Dufour
R. Peereman
C. Pallier
Monique Radeau
Journal articles