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Sophie Meuret

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Sophie Meuret Birth: 19/10/1989, Paris, France E-mail: ORCID: 0000-0001-8511-9972 Web: Date of birth: 19/10/1989 twitt: @meuret\_sophie **Research Summary** My research activities focus on the optical properties of nano-objects, which I study by combining experimental, instrumental and theoretical approaches. More specifically, I am interested in the study of nano-optical materials e.g. quantum wells, point defects in diamond or boron nitride, plasmonic and semiconductor nanostructures. The guiding thread of my research is based on understanding and exploiting the interaction of electrons (or light) with matter using light (or electrons). To do so, I have studied the optical properties of materials with cathodoluminescence (CL), using different types of scanning electron microscopes, with various characteristics ranging from nanometer spatial resolution to picosecond temporal resolution. My main contribution to this research field is the discovery of photon bunching by CL: under irradiation of an electron beam, semiconductors emit light by packets of photons. This phenomenon provides a unique tool for understanding electron-matter interactions, measuring the lifetimes associated with excited states at the nanoscale, and measuring the efficiency of electron excitation. As an independent researcher at CEMES, I am developing new time-resolved electron-based spectroscopy techniques for nano-optics using the unique electron microscope already available and in operation on site. These techniques and their applications to nano-optics are entirely new. **EDUCATION** 2012-2015 PhD in Physics, University Paris Saclay (France) Thesis: Intensity interferometry experiment in a scanning transmission electron microscope *Laboratory of Solid state physics* , University: *Paris Saclay* (*Orsay, France)* Advisor: Mathieu Kociak and Luiz Tizei **Keywords:** STEM, single-photon emitter, g(2) in CL, GaN-based heterostructure 2011-2012 Master in nanoscience and nanotechnology Engineering School: *Phelma (Grenoble, France)* 2011-2012 Master in Condensed Matter Physics University: *Joseph Fourier (Grenoble, France)* **CURRENT POSITION** Dec 2018 – CNRS Permanent Researcher (Chargé de Recherche) Laboratory: *CEMES-CNRS (Toulouse France)* **POSTDOCTORAL POSITION** 2016 – 2018 Post-doctorate – Albert Polman’s group Laboratory: *AMOLF (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)* **Keywords:** Time-resolved SEM, photoemission, ultra-fast blanker, TR-CL, g(2) in SEM **ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS** 2019-2022 Co-chair of QEM School (2022) in Quantitative Electron Microscopy 2019-2021 Member of Nano-Optics and Plasmonics Subcommittee of the OSA Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2021-2022 Sub-Committee Chair of the conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)


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Photon-Induced Near-Field Electron Microscopy of Nanostructured Metallic Films and Membranes

Sophie Meuret , Hugo Lourenço-Martins , Sébastien J. Weber , Florent Houdellier , Arnaud Arbouet
ACS photonics, 2024, 11 (3), pp.977-984. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01223⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04735567v1
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Photon Statistics of Incoherent Cathodoluminescence with Continuous and Pulsed Electron Beams

Magdalena Solà-Garcia , Kelly W Mauser , Matthias Liebtrau , Toon Coenen , Silke Christiansen
ACS photonics, 2021, 8 (3), pp.916 - 925. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.0c01939⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03437299v1
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Time-resolved cathodoluminescence in an ultrafast transmission electron microscope

Sophie Meuret , L. H. G. Tizei , F. Houdellier , S. Weber , Yves Auad
Applied Physics Letters, 2021, 119 (6), pp.062106. ⟨10.1063/5.0057861⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03325447v1
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Employing Cathodoluminescence for Nanothermometry and Thermal Transport Measurements in Semiconductor Nanowires

Kelly W Mauser , Magdalena Solà-Garcia , Matthias Liebtrau , Benjamin Damilano , Pierre-Marie Coulon
ACS Nano, 2021, 15 (7), pp.11385-11395. ⟨10.1021/acsnano.1c00850⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03418883v1
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Speeding up Nanoscience and Nanotechnology with Ultrafast Plasmonics

Nicolò Maccaferri , Sophie Meuret , Nikolay Kornienko , Deep Jariwala
Nano Letters, 2020, pp.5593 - 5596. ⟨10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02452⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03030569v1
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Spectromicroscopies électroniques : sonder les propriétés optiques de nanomatériaux avec des électrons rapides

Mathieu Kociak , Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei , Sophie Meuret , Hugo Lourenço-Martins , Odile Stephan
Photoniques, 2020, 102, pp.39 - 43. ⟨10.1051/photon/202010239⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03030634v1
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Observer la matière à l’échelle du nanomètre et de la femtoseconde : la microscopie électronique en transmission ultrarapide

Arnaud Arbouet , Florent Houdellier , Giuseppe Mario Caruso , Sophie Meuret , Mathieu Kociak
Photoniques, 2020, 102, pp.26 - 30. ⟨10.1051/photon/202010226⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03030625v1
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Probing Plasmon-NV 0 Coupling at the Nanometer Scale with Photons and Fast Electrons

Hugo Lourenco-Martins , Mathieu K Kociak , Sophie Meuret , François Treussart , Yih Hong Lee
ACS photonics, 2017, 5 (2), pp.324-328. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.7b01093⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02352554v1

Bright UV Single Photon Emission at Point Defects in h -BN

Romain Bourrellier , Sophie Meuret , Anna Tararan , Odile Stephan , Mathieu Kociak
Nano Letters, 2016, 16 (7), pp.4317-4321. ⟨10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01368⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02059626v1

InGaN nanowires with high InN molar fraction: growth, structural and optical properties

Xin Zhang , Hugo Lourenco-Martins , Sophie Meuret , Mathieu Kociak , Benedikt Haas
Nanotechnology, 2016, 27 (19), pp.195704. ⟨10.1088/0957-4484/27/19/195704⟩
Article dans une revue cea-01851934v1

Lifetime Measurements Well below the Optical Diffraction Limit

Sophie Meuret , Luiz Tizei , Thomas Auzelle , R. Songmuang , Bruno Daudin
ACS photonics, 2016, 3 (7), pp.1157-1163. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00212⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01981358v1

Extinction and Scattering Properties of High-Order Surface Plasmon Modes in Silver Nanoparticles Probed by Combined Spatially Resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy and Cathodoluminescence

Naohiko Kawasaki , Sophie Meuret , Raphaël Weil , Hugo Lourenco-Martins , Odile Stephan
ACS photonics, 2016, 3 (9), pp.1654-1661. ⟨10.1021/acsphotonics.6b00257⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02059630v1
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Photon Bunching in Cathodoluminescence

S. Meuret , L. h. g. Tizei , T. Cazimajou , R. Bourrellier , H. c. Chang
Physical Review Letters, 2015, 114 (19), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.197401⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02059627v1

Coloration and oxygen vacancies in wide band gap oxide semiconductors: Absorption at metallic nanoparticles induced by vacancy clustering - A case study on indium oxide

M. Albrecht , R. Schewski , K. Irmscher , Z. Galazka , T. Markurt
Journal of Applied Physics, 2014, 115 (5), ⟨10.1063/1.4863211⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04882808v1

Seeing and measuring in colours: Electron microscopy and spectroscopies applied to nano-optics

Mathieu Kociak , Odile Stéphan , Alexandre Gloter , Luiz F. Zagonel , Luiz H.G. Tizei
Comptes Rendus. Physique, 2014, 15 (2-3), pp.158-175. ⟨10.1016/j.crhy.2013.10.003⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04944590v1

A polarity-driven nanometric luminescence asymmetry in AlN/GaN heterostructures

L. Tizei , S. Meuret , K. March , K. Hestroffer , T. Auzelle
Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 105 (14), pp.143106. ⟨10.1063/1.4897408⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02157158v1

Spatially and spectrally resolved cathodoluminescence with fast electrons: A tool for background subtraction in luminescence intensity second-order correlation measurements applied to subwavelength inhomogeneous diamond nanocrystals

Luiz Henrique Galvão Tizei , Sophie Meuret , Sounderya Nagarajan , François Treussart , Chia-Yi Fang
Physica Status Solidi A (applications and materials science), 2013, 210 (10), pp.2060-2065. ⟨10.1002/pssa.201300044⟩
Article dans une revue hal-04882938v1

Growth mechanism and properties of InGaN insertions in GaN nanowires

Gabriel Tourbot , Catherine Bougerol , Frank Glas , Luiz Fernando Zagonel , Z. Mahfoud
Nanotechnology, 2012, 23, pp.135703. ⟨10.1088/0957-4484/23/13/135703⟩
Article dans une revue hal-00788827v1

Time-Resolved Cathodoluminescence in a Transmission Electron Microscope

Sophie Meuret , Nikolay Cherkashin , L. H. G. Tizei , Yves Auad , Sébastien J. Weber
11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2021), Jul 2021, Warsaw, Poland
Communication dans un congrès hal-04449931v1

Applications of photon bunching in cathodoluminescence

Sophie Meuret
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Volume 215, pp.47-87, 2020, ⟨10.1016/bs.aiep.2020.06.002⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03030663v1

Intensity interferometry experiment: photon bunching in cathodoluminescence

Sophie Meuret
Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics, Volume 215, pp.1-45, 2020, ⟨10.1016/bs.aiep.2020.06.001⟩
Chapitre d'ouvrage hal-03030672v1