Molecular-scale view of the interaction of water and ice with organic species of atmospheric interest
Sophie Sobanska
Stéphane Coussan
Michelle Custodio-Castro
Rosana M. Romano
Joëlle Mascetti
réunion plénière du GDR EMIE, Jun 2024, Biarritz (France), France
Conference papers
Evaporation of biogenic organic particle using acoustic levitation
Clara Becote
Pierre-Marie Flaud
Emilie Perraudin
Eric Villenave
Sophie Sobanska
European Aerosol Conference EAC2021, Aug 2021, EN LIGNE, France
Conference papers
Evaporation process of linalool droplet at high relative humidity using acoustic levitation
Clara Becote
Pierre-Marie Flaud
Emilie Perraudin
Eric Villenave
Sophie Sobanska
Atelier commun GDR EMIE - GDR SpecMo, May 2021, Frejus, France
Conference papers
Infrared matrix- isolation and theoretical studies of interactions between CH3I and water
Hanaa Houjeij
Stéphane Coussan
Christian Aupetit
Sonia Taamalli
Florent Louis
Réunion Plénière GDR Edifices moléculaires isolés et environnés, GDR EMIE, 2020, ILE D'OLÉRON, France
Conference papers
Experimental and theoretical study on the capture/desorption of gaseous methyl iodide on sea salt aerosols
Maxime Infuso
Hanaa Houjeij
Céline Toubin
Anne Cecile Gregoire
Gwenaelle Le Bourdon
European Geoscience Union - General Assembly EGU 2020, May 2020, EN LIGNE, France
Conference papers
Influence of O2 on the photochemistry of sulfur organic species – Matrix isolation experiment
S. Seng
L. Tamone
Y. Bava
L. Juncal
Y. Tobon
Goldschmidt 2017, Aug 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
Influence of the photodegradation of NaNO3 single droplets on their hygroscopic properties
S. Seng
F. Guo
T. Ishikawa
M. Moreau
S. Ishizaka
International Conference on Aerosol Cycle, Mar 2017, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Matrix photochemistry of organic sulfur-containing species with atmospheric interest
Y.B. Bava
A.L. Picone
L.M. Tamone
S. Seng
Y. Tobon
CLPT 2016 - Chemistry and Physics at Low Temperatures, Jul 2016, Biarritz, France
Conference papers
Photo-transformation of single NaNO3 particle and influence on their hygroscopic properties
S. Seng
F. Guo
S. Ishikawa
S. Ishizaka
Y. Tobon
European Aerosol Conference, Sep 2016, Tours, France
Conference papers
Photo-transformation de particules de NaNO3 et influence sur leur propriété d’hygroscopicité
S. Seng
M. Moreau
Y. Tobon
S. Sobanska
SON2016 – Workshop de la subdivision Spectroscopie Optique et Neutronique, Jun 2016, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Raman microspectrometry and imaging for a size-resolved metal speciation in environmental samples
S. Sobanska
V. Dappe
M. Moreau
E.A. Stefaniak
International workshop on “Environmental impacts of mining and smelting”, Jan 2015, Orsay, France
Conference papers
Combining microscopy with spectroscopic and chemical methods for tracing the origin of atmospheric fallouts from mining sites
Gaëlle Uzu
Aline Navel
Lorenzo Spadini
Sophie Sobanska
Jean Martins
International workshop on “Environmental impacts of mining and smelting”, Jan 2015, Orsay, France
Conference papers
Phototransformation de particules d'intérêt atmosphérique et influence sur leur propriété d'hygroscopicité
S. Seng
Y. Bava
M. Moreau
L. Picone
R. Romano
Journée des Doctorants IRePSE 2015, Jul 2015, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Photochemistry of individual particles: Evidence of sulfate formation through oxidation of organic sulfur compounds on particle surface
S. Seng
Y. Tobon
C. Raluca
L. Picone
C. George
Pacifichem - Chemistry of Atmospheric Aerosols, Dec 2015, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers
Photo-dégradation de particules atmosphériques contenant des composés organiques soufrés d’origine marine
S. Seng
Y. Bava
L. Juncal
L. Picone
M. Moreau
JFJPC16 - Journées Francophones des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes, Oct 2015, Girone, Espagne
Conference papers
Size-resolved characterization of Pb-rich particles from lead recycling facility and risk assessment
V. Dappe
H. Eom
Xiaojian Li
Eva Schreck
G. Uzu
International Aerosol Conference, Aug 2014, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers
Photo-evolution of individual solid particles of atmospheric interest by in situ Raman microspectrometry
S. Sobanska
D. Siepka
M. Moreau
Y. Tobon
PhotoPAQ - Demonstration of Photocatalytic remediation Processes on Air Quality, Apr 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Phototransformation of NaNO3/NaNO2 solid particles - Confocal Raman microspectrometry study
S. Seng
D. Siepka
M. Moreau
Y. Tobon
S. Sobanska
International Aerosol Conference, Aug 2014, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers
Automated Raman microspectrometry and Raman imaging for single particle characterization
S. Sobanska
Y. Tobon
M. Moreau
V. Dappe
International Aerosol Conference, Aug 2014, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers
Etude de la photo-dégradation des particules organiques/inorganiques d'intérêt atmosphérique
S. Seng
K. Ben Tayeb
L. Picone
R. Romano
M. Moreau
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Foliar transfer of silver nanoparticles in crop plants
C. Larue
H. Castillo-Michel
S. Sobanska
L. Cecillon
S. Bureau
ESRF - X-ray Imaging Parallel Session, Feb 2014, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation de particules formées sous vapeur d'eau dans le système {Mo, Cs, I, Cd, O, H}
E. Assaf
A.C. Gregoire
M. Moreau
C. Volkringer
S. Sobanska
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Characterization of aerosols collected in a mining environment (Oruro, Bolivia) and miners' health
G. Uzu
H. Eom
G. Sarret
Eva Schreck
P. Oliva
International Aerosol Conference, Aug 2014, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers
Photo-evolution of organic/inorganic particles of atmospheric interest using a levitation technique coupled to the Raman microscope
Y. Tobon
S. Seng
M. Moreau
S. Sobanska
J. Barbillat
PhotoPAQ - Demonstration of Photocatalytic remediation Processes on Air Quality, Apr 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Photo transformation de la surface de particules d'intérêt atmosphérique par combinaison de techniques d'imagerie
D. Siepka
S. Seng
L. Picone
R. Romano
N. Nuns
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, Jun 2014, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Contaminations polymétalliques des aérosols de la ville d'Oruro (Andes Boliviennes) via l'utilisation du biomoniteur Tillandsia capillaris, plante épiphyte Andine
A. Calas
G. Uzu
Eva Schreck
S. Sobanska
G. Sarret
Biosurveillance végétale et Fongique de la qualité de l'air, Oct 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Relation entre la composition de particules industrielles et leur transfert dans les feuilles de plantes potagères
V. Dappe
Damien Cuny
B. Hanoune
S. Sobanska
Journées Interdisplinaires de la Qualité de l'Air, Feb 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Transfer of TiO2 NM released from façade coating in crop plants: impact for the plant and mechanisms at the microscopic and molecular scale
C. Larue
M. Castillo
S. Sobanska
L. Cécillon
S. Legros
8th International Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomateriels, Jul 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France
Conference papers
Influence of the epicuticular wax on the foliar metal uptake in the case of Brassica oleracea exposed to industrial atmosphere particles fallouts
V. Dappe
T. Xiong
Eva Schreck
Annabelle Austruy
Camille Dumat
29th International conference for the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Jul 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation des aérosols boliviens en contexte minier
S. Sobanska
P. Oliva
Eva Schreck
A. Calas
F. Barraza
Colloque de restitution EC2CO, May 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Combined use of SEM/EDX, Raman and LA-ICP-MS for determining the compartimentalization and local speciation of lead in vegetable exposed to lead-rich particles
Eva Schreck
V. Dappe
S. Sobanska
D. Nowak
J. Nowak
17th Euroanalysis Conference, Aug 2013, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers
Micro-Raman monitoring of photoevolution and hygroscopicity of single particles by using an environmental acoustic levitation cell
Y. Tobon
M. Moreau
S. Sobanska
J. Barbillat
EAC - European Aerosol Conference, Sep 2013, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Phytotoxicity and bioaccessibility of metals for vegetables exposed to atmosphere fine particles in polluted urban areas
T. Xiong
Annabelle Austruy
V. Dappe
T. Leveque
S. Sobanska
Urban Environmental Pollution 2013 Asian Edition, Nov 2013, Pékin, China
Conference papers
Bioaccessibility and phytotoxicity of metal(loid)s in vegetables in relation with exposure conditions: foliar and/or root uptake
T. Xiong
Annabelle Austruy
V. Dappe
S. Sobanska
Christophe Laplanche
29th International conference for the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Jul 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Raman microspectrometry for environmental sample characterization - From individual particle analysis to vegetable leaf investigation
S. Sobanska
V. Dappe
M. Moreau
Y. Tobon
J. Barbillat
RamanFest 2013 Symposium, May 2013, Lille, France
Conference papers
Development of an environmental levitation cell coupled with Raman micro-spectrometry to probe in-situ physico-chemical processes within atmospheric particles
Y. Tobon
M. Moreau
S. Sobanska
J. Barbillat
RamanFest 2013 Symposium, May 2013, Lille, France
Conference papers
Individual particle characterization to evaluate their potential human health impact
V. Dappe
T.T. Xiong
Eva Schreck
Camille Dumat
M. Moreau
17th Euroanalysis Conference, Aug 2013, Varsovie, Poland
Conference papers
Individual particle characterization to evaluate their potential human health impact
V. Dappe
T. Xiong
Eva Schreck
Camille Dumat
M. Moreau
29th International conference for the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Jul 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Combined use of Raman and ToF-SIMS imaging to investigate lead speciation on vegetable leaves exposed to industrial particles
Eva Schreck
G. Uzu
M. Moreau
N. Nuns
Camille Dumat
37th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, May 2012, Antwerp, Belgium
Conference papers
Environmental dissemination of silver nanoparticles: which impact on crops?
C. Larue
L. Cecillon
H. Castillo-Michel
S. Sobanska
J. Bourguignon
International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials, Nanosafe, Nov 2012, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Combined use of quantitative ED-EPMA, ATR-FT-IR imaging, and Raman microspectrometry for the characterization of individual particles of micrometer size
C.U. Ro
H.J. Jung
H.J. Eom
S. Sobanska
H. Kim
European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Jun 2012, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
From Alzheimers disease to nanodots: 50 years of advances in vibrational spectroscopy
S. Turrell
O. Cristini
C. Kinowski
S. Sobanska
V.T.T. Tran
International Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy of Advance materials and Biological molecules, Aug 2012, Mavelikara, India
Conference papers
Chemistry of iodine and aerosol composition in the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant
M. Gouello
H. Mutelle
F. Cousin
S. Sobanska
E. Blanquet
21st International Conference Nuclear Energy for Europe, Sep 2012, Lubiana, Slovenia
Conference papers
Foliar lead uptake by lettuce exposed to atmospheric fallouts: A combined Raman and ToF-SIMS imaging study for a localized lead speciation
S. Sobanska
G. Uzu
E. Schreck
M. Choël
M. Moreau
12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Sep 2011, Rhodes, Greece
Conference papers
Spéciation et bioaccessibilité de métaux lourds dans une entreprise de recyclage de batteries
J.J. Sauvain
G. Uzu
S. Sobanska
G. Sarret
M. Riediker
Journées Franco-Suisses, Jun 2011, Fribourg, Suisse
Conference papers
Chemistry of iodine and aerosol composition in the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant
M. Gouello
M. Lacoue-Nègre
H. Mutelle
F. Cousin
S. Sobanska
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, May 2011, Nice, France
Conference papers
Influence of metal process micronic and submicronic particles on vegetables quality and ecosystems
Eva Schreck
Yann Foucault
Sophie Sobanska
Géraldine Sarret
Florence Geret
11. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), Jul 2011, Florence, Italy. pp.NC
Conference papers
Combined use of Raman, ToF-SIMS and AFM imaging for characterizing the surface reactivity of sea salts
S. Sobanska
M. Choël
M. Moreau
J. Barbillat
Goldschmidt Conference, Sep 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Etude des processus physico-chimiques de vieillissement de particules d'intérêt atmosphérique
M. Choël
S. Sobanska
M. Moreau
J. Barbillat
Journées Franco-Libanaises Physique & Interfaces, Oct 2011, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Comparison of foliar lead uptake and absorption mechanisms by different plants
E. Schreck
Y. Foucault
S. Sobanska
G. Sarret
R. Bonnard
12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Sep 2011, Rhodes, Greece
Conference papers
Les rayons X comme sonde pour la localisation et la spéciation des métaux et métalloïdes dans les systèmes naturels
G. Sarret
M.-P. Isaure
G. Montes Hernandez
R. Hellmann
N. Menguy
9ème édition Rayons X et Matière, Dec 2011, Tours, France
Conference papers
Chemistry of iodine and aerosol composition in the primary circuit of a nuclear power plant
M. Lacoue-Nègre
H. Mutelle
S. Sobanska
C. Brémard
International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2010, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Imagerie moléculaire du recouvrement d'une surface NaCl(100) par des acides gras
O. Légier
S. Sobanska
M. Choël
J. Barbillat
Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs, Mar 2010, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Single particle analysis of internally mixed carbonaceous and mineral dust aerosols
M. Choël
Karine Deboudt
Pascal Flament
S. Sobanska
International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2010, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers
Characterization of lead-recycling facility emissions at various workplaces using a complementary approach
G. Uzu
S. Sobanska
M. Choël
G. Sarret
P. Pradère
A&WMA International Specialty Conference "Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement", May 2010, Xi'an, China
Conference papers
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD): Detection of systemic insecticides and interactions with pollinators
J.M. Bonmatin
P.A. Marchand
S. Sobanska
M.E. Colin
L.P. Belzunces
7th international conference "Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days", Sep 2010, Lesvos, Greece
Conference papers
Foliar lead uptake by lettuce exposed to atmospheric fallouts: a Raman imaging study
S. Sobanska
G. Uzu
G. Sarret
M. Moreau
M. Choël
7th international conference “Aegean Analytical Chemistry Days”, Oct 2010, Lesvos, Greece
Conference papers
Combined use of SEM/EDX and Raman imaging to characterize the mixing state of mineral dust particles
M. Choël
S. Sobanska
H. Hwang
H. Kim
J. Barbillat
A&WMA International Specialty Conference "Leapfrogging Opportunities for Air Quality Improvement", May 2010, Xi'an, China
Conference papers
Determination of size distribution and chemical composition of fine particulate emissions from cement plants
D. Laffaire
I. Fraboulet
S. Sobanska
K. Tack
E. Fiani
9th International Conference and Exhibition on Emissions Monitoring, Sep 2009, Stresa, Italy
Conference papers
Absorption foliaire des métaux présents dans des particules atmosphériques issues d'une usine de recyclage de batteries : biotest laitue
Gaëlle Uzu
Géraldine Sarret
Roseline Bonnard
Sophie Sobanska
Anne Probst
2èmes Rencontres nationales de la recherche sur les sites et sols pollués, Oct 2009, Paris, France. pp.NC
Conference papers
Spéciation par microspectrométrie Raman d'aérosols susceptibles de se former dans le circuit primaire d'un réacteur nucléaire en cas d'accident grave
M. Lacoue-Nègre
S. Sobanska
H. Mutelle
C. Brémard
24ème Congrès Français sur les Aérosols, Jan 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers
Foliar absorption of metal from a lead-recycling facility by Lactuca Sativa
G. Uzu
S. Sobanska
G. Sarret
Camille Dumat
International Symposium on Mineralogy, Environment and Health, Sep 2009, Marne-la-vallée, France
Conference papers
Speciation of aerosols transported in the primary circuit: a comparative study
M. Lacoue-Nègre
H. Mutelle
F. Cousin
S. Sobanska
C. Brémard
International Conference on Nuclear Energy for New Europe 2009, Sep 2009, Bled, Slovenia
Conference papers
Micro-Raman imaging of nitrate formation on mineral dust
M. Choël
S. Sobanska
D. Petitprez
J. Barbillat
12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Jun 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Mise en évidence de l'absorption foliaire du plomb présent dans des particules atmosphériques par combinaison de techniques spectroscopiques
G. Uzu
S. Sobanska
G. Sarret
M. Choël
P. Pradère
10èmes Journées Francophones des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes, Oct 2009, Ambleteuse, France
Conference papers
Influence of Fatty Acids coatings on the reactivity of NaCl(100) with NO2 under humidity: a laboratory model for marine aerosol chemistry
S. Scolaro
D. Petitprez
S. Sobanska
J. Barbillat
C. Brémard
12th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment, Jun 2009, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Imagerie en microscopie électronique à balayage analytique et microspectrométrie Raman de particules désertiques asiatiques
M. Choël
S. Sobanska
H. Hwang
K. Deboudt
J. Barbillat
10èmes Journées Francophones des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes, Oct 2009, Ambleteuse, France
Conference papers
Foliar contamination of Lactuca Sativa by fallout from a lead-recycling plant
G. Uzu
S. Sobanska
G. Sarret
P. Pradere
Camille Dumat
SETAC Europe 19th Annual Meeting, Jun 2009, Göteborg, Sweden
Conference papers
Spéciation des aérosols transportés dans le circuit primaire d'un réacteur nucléaire en cas d'accident grave : étude comparative
M. Lacoue-Nègre
S. Sobanska
H. Mutelle
F. Cousin
C. Brémard
10èmes Journées Francophones des Jeunes Physico-Chimistes, Oct 2009, Ambleteuse, France
Conference papers
Etude du système Pb(II) / acide protocatéchuique par chimie quantique (DFT/TD-DFT)
E. André
C. Lapouge
J.P. Cornard
S. Sobanska
Etude du système Pb(II) / acide protocatéchuique par chimie quantique (DFT/TD-DFT), Oct 2009, Ambleteuse, France
Conference papers
In situ AFM and confocal Raman microspectrometry combined with chemometric methods for particle imaging
S. Sobanska
J. Rimetz
M. Choël
C. Brémard
J. Barbillat
9th Asia Pacific Microscopy Conference, Nov 2008, Jeju, South Korea
Conference papers
Réactivité de l'aérosol marin à la pollution atmosphérique par NO2. Une étude de laboratoire
S. Scolaro
S. Sobanska
J. Barbillat
J. Laureyns
F. Louis
Journée Interdisciplinaires de la qualité de l'air, Feb 2008, Lille, France
Conference papers
Raman and AFM imaging of marine aerosol particles
J. Barbillat
S. Sobanska
J. Rimetz
S. Scolaro
J. Laureyns
XXIX European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Aug 2008, Opatija, Croatia
Conference papers
Evidence of aerosol pollution formation in marine air masses using automated SEM-EDX and Raman microspectrometry
J. Rimetz-Planchon
S. Sobanska
E. Perdrix
J. Laureyns
K. Deboudt
European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Cinétique d’incorporation du dioxyde d’azote par des surfaces solides de chlorure de sodium et de sulfate d’ammonium
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
Groupe de cinétique et de photochimie en phase gazeuse, Jun 2008, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Industrial lead particles characteristics in relation with their impact on the biosphere, NanoEco, nanoparticles in the environment
G. Uzu
S. Sobanska
Jérôme Silvestre
K. Tack
S. Denys
Implications and Applications, Mar 2008, Ascona, Switzerland
Conference papers
Réactivité hétérogène du dioxyde d’azote sur des particules minérales
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
Journées Interdisciplinaires de la Qualité de l’Air (JIQA), Feb 2008, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Réactivité du dioxyde d'azote sur des particules minérales
C. Aghnatios
S. Sobanska
F. Louis
D. Petitprez
Journée Interdisciplinaires de la qualité de l'air, Feb 2008, Lille, France
Conference papers
Quantitative analysis of mineral dust particles by SEM/EDX
M. Choël
K. Deboudt
S. Sobanska
C.U. Ro
P. Flament
9th Asia-Pacific Microscopy Conference, Nov 2008, Jeju Island, South Korea
Conference papers
Heterogeneous reaction of NaCl(100) with No2: influence of an organic coating
S. Scolaro
C. Brémard
S. Sobanska
J. Barbillat
D. Petitprez
European Aerosol Conference, Aug 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference papers
Heterogeneous interaction of NO2 on mineral particles and aqueous surfaces
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
ECO-NET Meeting, May 2007, Szeged, Hungary
Conference papers
Réactivité Hétérogène du dioxyde d’azote sur des pastilles de chlorure de sodium
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
Groupe de cinétique et de photochimie en phase gazeuse, Jun 2007, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Etude de la composition chimique résolue en taille des PM10 prélevés en zone multi-influencée - Cas de l'agglomération de Dunkerque
J. Rimetz-Planchon
L. Lamaison
L. Alleman
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
Journées Interdisciplinaires de la Qualité de l'Air, Jan 2007, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Chemical interactions and reactions at the interface between aerosol particles covered with fatty acid films and gaseous pollutants
S. Scolaro
S. Sobanska
F. Louis
D. Petitprez
C. Brémard
European Research Course on Atmospherics, Jan 2007, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Heterogeneous atmospheric aerosol chemistry: laboratory studies
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
, ECO-NET Meeting, May 2007, Szeged, Hungary
Conference papers
Heterogeneous interactions of NO2 with solid (NH4)2SO4 surfaces
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
European Aerosol Conference, Sep 2007, Salzburg, Austria
Conference papers
Etudes des interactions du dioxyde d'azote avec des particules de sulfate d'ammonium
Carole Aghnatios
Sophie Sobanska
Florent Louis
Denis Petitprez
Groupe de cinétique et de photochimie en phase gazeuse, May 2006, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Characterization of PM10 collected in a coastal urban atmosphere (Dunkerque, France) using elemental and molecular micro imaging
J. Rimetz
S. Sobanska
J. Laureyns
E. Perdrix
C. Brémard
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and environmental Protection Associations, Sep 2006, Paris-Lille, France
Conference papers
Use of multivariate curve resolution methods in confocal Raman micro-imaging: application to atmospheric aerosol particle chemistry
S. Sobanska
J. Laureyns
C. Brémard
S. Turrell
20th International Conference On Raman Spectroscopy, Aug 2006, Yocohama, Japan
Conference papers
Chemistry of calcite and metal-containing particles in wet conditions as proxies of smelter dust aging. Single particle investigation
G. Falgayrac
S. Sobanska
J. Laureyns
C. Brémard
1st European Chemistry Congress, Aug 2006, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Chemistry of calcite and metal-containing particles in wet conditions as proxies of smelter dust aging. Single particle investigation
G. Falgayrac
S. Sobanska
J. Laureyns
C. Brémard
1st European Chemistry Congress, Aug 2006, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Measuring heterogeneous uptake coefficients of NO2 on solid and liquid (NH4)2SO4 surfaces
C. Aghnatios
S. Sobanska
F. Louis
7th International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2006, Saint Paul, United States
Conference papers
Influences of anthropogenic sources and meteorological parameters on the temporal variations of PM10 in Dunkerque conurbation, France
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
C. Brémard
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and environmental Protection Associations, Sep 2006, Paris-Lille, France
Conference papers
IRENI Air Quality Research Program - Study of the interactions of oxygenated volatile organic compounds with aerosols in a coastal industrial atmosphere (Dunkerque, france)
C. Aghnatios
L. Aimoz
C. Brémard
M. Choël
P. Coddeville
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and environmental Protection Associations, Sep 2006, Paris-Lille, France
Conference papers
Laboratory studies of the heterogeneous reactivity of nitrogen dioxide with ammonium sulfate particles
C. Aghnatios
S. Sobanska
F. Louis
D. Petitprez
19th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics, Jul 2006, Orléans, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation des poussières
S. Sobanska
Journée d'information de la FEDEM, Jun 2006, Lille, France
Conference papers
Size resolved inorganic chemical composition of PM10 in an urban and industrial coastal site
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
C. Brémard
7th International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2006, Saint Paul, United States
Conference papers
The "IRENI" project: an integrated approach for the assessment of industrial aerosol sources in urbanised areas
A. Aboukais
L. Aimoz
L. Alleman
Robin Bocquet
C. Brémard
International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and environmental Protection Associations, Sep 2006, Paris-Lille, France
Conference papers
Use of statistical tools to describe the influence of anthropogenic sources and meteorological parameters on the temporal variations of PM10 in a multi-influenced coastal city
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
C. Brémard
7th International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2006, Saint Paul, United States
Conference papers
Etudes des interactions du dioxyde d'azote avec des particules de sulfate d'ammonium
C. Aghnatios
S. Sobanska
F. Louis
D. Petitprez
Groupe de Cinétique et de Photochimie en Phase Gazeuse, May 2006, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Elemental and molecular micro imaging of urban aerosol particles from a coastal city
J. Rimetz
S. Sobanska
J. Laureyns
E. Perdrix
C. Brémard
7th International Aerosol Conference, Sep 2006, Saint Paul, United States
Conference papers
Inorganic soluble fraction in PM10: use of a denuder filter-pack system in an urban and industrialised coastal site
J. Rimetz
E. Perdrix
S. Sobanska
European Aerosol Conference, 2005, Ghent, Belgium
Conference papers
Interaction de microparticules de PbSO4 et ZnSO4 avec la calcite en milieu hydrique. Application à la chimie atmosphérique
G. Falgayrac
S. Sobanska
C. Brémard
J. Laureyns
2ème Journées Nord - Européenne des jeunes chercheurs, Mar 2005, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France
Conference papers
Raman Imaging a versatile technique to investigate the chemistry at the level of individual particles
S. Sobanska
G. Falgayrac
J. Laureyns
C. Brémard
European Aerosol Conference, EAC, Sep 2004, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers