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Sophie Martin



Indicateurs de sécurité et de restauration dynamiques

Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin , Olivier Dordan , Xavier Litrico , Patrick Saint-Pierre
Agir en situation d'incertitude, Peter Lang, pp.309-326, 2013
Book sections hal-01221725v1
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Geometric robustness of viability kernels and resilience basins

Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin
Guillaume Deffuant; Nigel Gilbert. Viability and resilience of complex systems: concepts, methods and case studies from ecology and society., Springer, pp.193-218, 2011, Understanding Complex Systems, 978-3642204227. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-20423-4_8⟩
Book sections hal-01286979v1

Travel time tubes regulating transportation traffic

Jean-Pierre Aubin , Sophie Martin
Nonlinear analysis and optimization: II: Optimization, American Mathematical Society, pp.1-25, 2010, Contemporary Mathematics, vol .514, -10 0-8218-4835-6
Book sections hal-02593692v1
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Commitments between managers in order to guarantee viability of a collective installation with different activities

Alice de Lapparent , Sophie Martin , Rodolphe Sabatier
World Conference on Natural Resource Modeling, Resource Modeling Association, Jun 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04594411v1
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Towards Evolutionary Control Laws for Viability Problems

Alberto Tonda , Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin , Giovanni Squillero , Evelyne Lutton
GECCO '23: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Jul 2023, Lisbon Portugal, France. pp.1464-1472, ⟨10.1145/3583131.3590415⟩
Conference papers hal-04230169v1

Assessing the Resilience of Socio-Ecosystems: Coupling Viability Theory and Active Learning with kd-Trees. Application to Bilingual Societies

Isabelle Alvarez , Ricardo Aldama , Sophie Martin , Romain Reuillon
23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI'13, Aug 2013, Beijing, China. pp.2776-2782
Conference papers hal-01216520v1
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Algorithme d'approximation du noyau de viabilité avec procédure de classification

Wei Wei , Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin
RFIA 2012 (Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle), Jan 2012, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00656555v1
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Integration of viability models in a serious game for the management of protected areas

Wei Wei , Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin , Jean-Pierre Briot , Marta de Azevedo Irving
IADIS International Conference Intelligent Systems and Agents 2012 and IADIS European Conference Data Mining 2012, MCCSIS 2012, Jul 2012, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.55-62
Conference papers hal-00781907v1

A Serious Game and Artificial Agents to support Intercultural Participatory Management of Protected Areas for Biodiversity Conservation and Social Inclusion

Jean-Pierre Briot , Marta Irving , Gustavo Melo , Eurico Vasconcelos , Isabelle Alvarez
The Second International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing 2011), Oct 2011, Kyoto, Japan. pp.15-20, ⟨10.1109/Culture-Computing.2011.12⟩
Conference papers hal-01285725v1

Compétition linguistique : stratégies pour favoriser la coexistence durable en présence de bilinguisme

Isabelle Alvarez , Claire Bernard , Sophie Martin , Patrick Saint-Pierre
48ème Colloque de l'Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française 2011, Jul 2011, Schoelcher, France
Conference papers hal-01286976v1
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Indicateurs dynamiques de gestion durable

Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin
23èmes Entretiens Jacques Cartier, "Vulnérabilité et résilience des écosystèmes aquatiques : de l'évaluation à un fonctionnement durable - une utopie ?", Nov 2010, Lyon, France. pp.6-15
Conference papers hal-02594392v1

Describing the Result of a Classifier to the End-User: Geometric-based Sensitivity

Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin , Salma Mesmoudi
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2010, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.835-840, ⟨10.3233/978-1-60750-606-5-835⟩
Conference papers hal-01291271v1

Explaining a Result to the End-User: A Geometric Approach for Classification Problems

Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin
IJCAI Worshop on Explanation-Aware Computing, Jul 2009, Pasadena, California United States. pp.102-109
Conference papers hal-01295296v1

Geometric Analysis of a Capture Basin: Application to cheese ripening process

Salma Mesmoudi , Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin , Mariette Sicard , Pierre-Henri Wuillemin
European Conference on Complex Systems, Sep 2009, Warwick, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01296704v1

Lake eutrophication: Using resilience evaluation to compute sustainable policies

Laetitia Chapel , Sophie Martin , Guillaume Deffuant
10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Sep 2007, AEGEAN, Greece. pp.A-204-211
Conference papers hal-00616850v1
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A Dynamic Programming Approach to Viability Problems

Pierre-Arnaud Coquelin , Sophie Martin , Rémi Munos
IEEE ADPRL, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, Apr 2007, Hawai, United States. pp.178-184
Conference papers inria-00125423v1
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Utiliser des "support vector machines" pour apprendre un noyau de viabilité

Guillaume Deffuant , Sophie Martin , Laëtitia Chapel
MajecSTIC 2005 : Manifestation des Jeunes Chercheurs francophones dans les domaines des STIC, IRISA – IETR – LTSI, Nov 2005, Rennes, France. pp.195-202
Conference papers inria-00000833v1
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Solving viability problems in dynamic games using individual strategies derived from guaranteed viability kernels: Application to an agricultural cooperative model

Sophie Martin , Isabelle Alvarez , François Lavallée
Automatica, 2024, 167, pp.111752. ⟨10.1016/j.automatica.2024.111752⟩
Journal articles hal-04740877v1
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Perennial transitions from market gardening towards mixed fruit tree - vegetable systems

Alice de Lapparent , Rodolphe Sabatier , Raphaël Paut , Sophie Martin
Agricultural Systems, 2023, 207, pp.103635. ⟨10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103635⟩
Journal articles hal-04083754v1
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Viability, efficiency, resilience and equity: using very diverse indicators to deal with uncertainties of future events

Sophie Martin , Katrin Erdlenbruch , Isabelle Alvarez , Sylvie Huet , Charline Smadi
Environmental Science & Policy, 2022, 138, pp.56-75. ⟨10.1016/j.envsci.2022.09.011⟩
Journal articles hal-03807806v1
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Robustness to import declines of three types of European farming systems assessed with a dynamic nitrogen flow model

Corentin Pinsard , Sophie Martin , François Léger , Francesco Accatino
Agricultural Systems, 2021, 193, ⟨10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103215⟩
Journal articles hal-03286683v1

Anticipating shocks in the state space: Characterizing robustness and building increasingly robust evolutions

Sophie Martin , Isabelle Alvarez
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2019, 57 (1), pp.490-509. ⟨10.1137/16M1061175⟩
Journal articles hal-02609308v1
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Some remarks on computational approaches towards sustainable complex agri-food systems

Nathalie Perrot , Hugo de Vries , Evelyne Lutton , Harald G. J. van Mil , Mechthild Donner
Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2016, 48, pp.88-101. ⟨10.1016/j.tifs.2015.10.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01269357v1
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Micro/macro viability analysis of individual-based models: Investigation into the viability of a stylized agricultural cooperative

Sophie Martin , Isabelle Alvarez , Jean-Daniel Kant
Complexity, 2015, 21 (2), pp.276-296. ⟨10.1002/cplx.21604⟩
Journal articles hal-01340599v1
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Coupling geometric analysis and viability theory for system exploration: Application to a living food system

Salma Mesmoudi , Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin , Romain Reuillon , Mariette Sicard
Journal of Process Control, 2014, 24 (12), pp.18-28. ⟨10.1016/j.jprocont.2014.09.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01140004v1
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Sustainability analysis: Viability concepts to consider transient and asymptotical dynamics in socio-ecological tourism-based systems

Wei Wei , Isabelle Alvarez , Sophie Martin
Ecological Modelling, 2013, 251, pp.103-113. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.10.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01170511v1

A viability approach to control food processes: Application to a Camembert cheese ripening process

Mariette Sicard , Nathalie Perrot , Romain Reuillon , Salma Mesmoudi , Isabelle Alvarez
Food Control, 2012, 23 (2), pp.312 - 319. ⟨10.1016/j.foodcont.2011.07.007⟩
Journal articles hal-01004225v1
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Viability and Resilience of Languages in Competition

Laetitia Chapel , Xavier Castelló , Claire Bernard , Guillaume Deffuant , Víctor M. Eguíluz
PLoS ONE, 2010, 5 (1), pp.e8681. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0008681⟩
Journal articles hal-00499485v1

Approximating Viability Kernels With Support Vector Machines

Guillaume Deffuant , Laetitia Chapel , Sophie Martin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2007, 52 (5), pp.933 - 937. ⟨10.1109/TAC.2007.895881⟩
Journal articles hal-00616841v1
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An anti-diffusive scheme for viability problems

Olivier Bokanowski , Sophie Martin , Rémi Munos , Hasnaa Zidani
Applied Numerical Mathematics: an IMACS journal, 2006, 56 (9), pp.1147-1162
Journal articles hal-00112062v2
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La résilience dans les modèles de systèmes écologiques et sociaux

Sophie Martin
Mathématiques [math]. École normale supérieure de Cachan - ENS Cachan, 2005. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00135007v1

Présentation du projet Déduction

Sophie Martin , Jean-Pierre Aubin , Dominique Hervé , Céline Meredieu , François de Coligny
Programme Fédérateur « Agriculture et Développement Durable, 2007, Clermont-Ferrand, France. , 2007
Conference poster hal-02820594v1