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Stéphane Bila



Conception de cavités et de filtres intégrés à base de nanotubes de carbone alignés verticalement pour applications submillimétriques

Ankit K. Verma , Stéphane Bila , R.-T. Jiang , Chong Wei Tan , Beng Kang Tay
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2024), LEAT, Jun 2024, Antibes - Juan les Pins, France
Conference papers hal-04610052v1

Carbon Nanotube Based Waveguide and Application to Digital Communication in mmW Band

Rong Tao Jiang , Chong Wei Tan , Xing Hai Zhao , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat
2024 54th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Sep 2024, Paris, France. pp.1074-1077, ⟨10.23919/EuMC61614.2024.10732139⟩
Conference papers hal-04764993v1
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Optimal bounds and matching networks of fixed degree for frequency varying impedances

David Martinez Martinez , Adam Cooman , Fabien Seyfert , Martine Olivi , Stéphane Bila
EuCAP 2020 - European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Mar 2020, Copenhague / Online, Denmark
Conference papers hal-03047706v1
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Dynamic Short-Range Sensing Approach using MIMO Radar for Brain Activities Monitoring

Mohammad Ojaroudi , Stéphane Bila
2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.1-5, ⟨10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135454⟩
Conference papers hal-03047710v1
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Multiple Moving Targets Tracking based on Kernel Localization and Group Trackers for Envisioned Functional Microwave Brain Imaging Applications

Mohammad Ojaroudi , Stéphane Bila
2020 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Mar 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.1-5, ⟨10.23919/EuCAP48036.2020.9135553⟩
Conference papers hal-03047716v1

A new dual RF sensor in gas detection and humidity influence

Julien George , Hamida Hallil , Corinne Dejous , Eric Cloutet , Aurélien Perigaud
2020 IEEE SENSORS, Oct 2020, Rotterdam, Netherlands. 4p
Conference papers hal-03088024v1
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Potentialities of Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguides based on Carbon Nanotubes in E-band 1

Phi Long Doan , Emmanuel Pistono , Philippe Coquet , Jianxiong Wang , Florence Podevin
IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM 2020), IEEE, Nov 2020, Linz (en virtuel), Austria
Conference papers hal-03047743v1
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A Novel Machine Learning Approach of Hemorrhage Stroke Detection in Differential Microwave Head Imaging System

Mohammad Ojaroudi , Stéphane Bila , M. Salimitorkamani
2020 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Mar 2020, Copenhaguen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-03047739v1
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Méthode de synthèse pour des multiplexeursà manifold

David Martínez Martínez , Stéphane Bila , Fabien Seyfert , Martine Olivi , Ludovic Carpentier
JNM 2019 - 21èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2019, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-02376985v1
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Synthesis Method for Manifold-Coupled Multiplexers

David Martínez Martínez , Stéphane Bila , Fabien Seyfert , Martine Olivi , Olivier Tantot
EuMC 2019 - 49th European Microwave Conference, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02377002v1

Resonant Frequency-dependent Coupling Elements for the Design of Microwave Filters with Multiple Transmission Zeroes

Ahmad Haidar , Stéphane Bila , Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Hussein Ezzeddine
2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Jul 2019, Bochum, Germany. pp.52-54, ⟨10.1109/IMWS-AMP.2019.8880074⟩
Conference papers hal-02377011v1
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3D Compact High-Q Filter Made of High-Permittivity Ceramic

Yaakoub Dia , Laure Huitema , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot , Nicolas Delhote
European Microwave Conference, Sep 2019, Paris, France. ⟨10.23919/EuMC.2019.8910921⟩
Conference papers hal-02377005v1
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Functional Microwave Imagining System based on Cognitive Scanning for Brain Activities Monitoring: A Feasibility Study

Mohammad Ojaroudi , Stéphane Bila , Philippe Lévêque , Philippe Carré
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Mar 2019, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers hal-02377031v1
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A Novel Approach of Brain Tumor Detection using Miniaturized High-Fidelity UWB Slot Antenna Array

Mohammad Ojaroudi , Stéphane Bila , Mahdi Salimi
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Mar 2019, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers hal-02377024v1

Assembly-free Tunable Resonator on TE011 Mode

Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Delhote , Olivier Tantot , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila
2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Jul 2019, Bochum, Germany. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/IMWS-AMP.2019.8880069⟩
Conference papers hal-02377007v1

Optimisation de formes de circuits hyperfréquences par un paramétrage utilisant des courbes de bézier couplées à une méthode de gradients

Ali Dia , Christophe Durousseau , Cyrille Menudier , Ludovic Carpentier , Olivier Ruatta
XXIèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2019, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-02094287v1

Influence du procédé de fabrication par impression jet d’encre sur les propriétés diélectriques d’un substrat papier photo

Julien George , Aymen Abdelghani , Prince Bahoumina , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila
XXIème Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2019, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-02094230v1

Additive manufacturing applied to microwave filters and antennas up to 60 GHz

Nicolas Delhote , Dominique Baillargeat , Olivier Tantot , Aurélien Perigaud , Serge Verdeyme
International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2018), Jun 2018, Philadelphia, United States
Conference papers hal-01840987v1

Design of Multiband Bandpass Filters with Dispersive Cross-couplings for Improved Selectivity

Ahmad Haidar , Olivier Tantot , Stéphane Bila , Hussein Ezzeddine
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (7th IWMF), ESA/ESTEC - CNES, Apr 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01778625v1

Continuously Tunable X-Band Filter Using a 3D Spiral Ribbon

Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Delhote , Olivier Tantot , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila
Internationnal Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2018), Aug 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers hal-01840986v1

An convex optimization approach to the matching problem: application to the co-conception of antenna filters

Fabien Seyfert , David Martínez Martínez , Gibin Bose , Stéphane Bila
International Microwave Symposium, workshop, Jun 2018, Philadephia, United States
Conference papers hal-02376905v1

[Invited] Theoretical study of CNT based waveguide

Dominique Baillargeat , Tay Beng Kang , Stéphane Bila , Philippe Coquet , Philippe Roux-Levy
Internationnal Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization (NEMO 2018), Aug 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers hal-01840991v1

Miniaturization and Optimization of Multiband Antenna Arrays by Co-Design

David Martinez-Martinez , Johann Sence , Aurélien Perigaud , Fabien Seyfert , Bouchra Frigui
2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), May 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain. pp.1, ⟨10.23919/URSI-AT-RASC.2018.8471353⟩
Conference papers hal-02376949v1

A New Approach of Multi-Parameter UWB Antenna Modeling Based on Knowledge-Based Artificial Neural Network

M. Ojaroudi , Stéphane Bila , François Torres
12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), Apr 2018, London, United Kingdom. 138 (5 pp.)-138 (5 pp.), ⟨10.1049/cp.2018.0497⟩
Conference papers hal-02376854v1

Plastic additive manufacturing for rapid and low-cost prototyping of passive hardware

Etienne Laplanche , Johann Sence , William Feuray , Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (7th IWMF), Apr 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01777590v1

Plasma Discharge as Power-Induced Limiter Element in Waveguide Filters

Kamel Frigui , Laurent Liard , Stéphane Bila , Bertrand Lenoir , Christophe Breuil
2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA), Sep 2018, Västerås, Sweden. pp.1-2, ⟨10.1109/CAMA.2018.8530470⟩
Conference papers hal-02376943v1

Shape Optimization Methods for the Design of Microwave Circuits and Antennas

Ali Dia , Christophe Durousseau , Cyrille Menudier , Ludovic Carpentier , Olivier Ruatta
2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC), May 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain. pp.1-1, ⟨10.23919/URSI-AT-RASC.2018.8471530⟩
Conference papers hal-02376952v1

Design and optimization of multielement antennas and RF circuits for beamforming with a reduced number of RF Front-ends

Cyrille Menudier , Julien Lintignat , Sébastien Mons , Pierre Medrel , Nicolas Delhote
2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on 5G Hardware and System Technologies (IMWS-5G), Aug 2018, Dublin, France. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/IMWS-5G.2018.8484389⟩
Conference papers hal-02376914v1

Bézier Curve Parametrization for Gradient Descent Shape Optimization of Microwave Circuits

Ali Dia , Christophe Durousseau , Cyrille Menudier , Ludovic Carpentier , Olivier Ruatta
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (7th IWMF), European Space Agency (ESA); Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales (CNES), Apr 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01778627v1

Recent development in additive manufacturing of passive hardware and conformal printing

Etienne Laplanche , Anthony Delage , Ahmad Haidar , William Feuray , Johann Sence
European Microwave Conference (EuMW 2018), Sep 2018, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-01840933v1

3D Printed Ku-Band Compact Diplexer

Etienne Laplanche , Olivier Tantot , Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Delhote , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (7th IWMF), Apr 2018, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01777589v1

Gradient Descent Shape Optimization of Microwave Circuits using Bézier Curves Parametrization

Ali Dia , Christophe Durousseau , Cyrille Menudier , Ludovic Carpentier , Olivier Ruatta
2018 48th European Microwave Conference (EuMC), Sep 2018, Madrid, Spain. pp.158-161, ⟨10.23919/EuMC.2018.8541573⟩
Conference papers hal-02376911v1

Bandpass Filter Based on Skeleton-like Monobloc Dielectric Pucks Made by Additive Manufacturing

Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila
European Microwave Conference (EuMW 2018), Sep 2018, Madrid, Spain
Conference papers hal-01778638v1

Multiband Filters with Positive or Negative Dispersive Cross-Couplings

Ahmad Haidar , Hussein Ezzeddine , Johann Sence , Olivier Tantot , Stéphane Bila
International Microwave Symposium (IMS2018), Jun 2018, Philadelphia, United States
Conference papers hal-01840989v1

Continuously Tunable Filter Made by Additive Manufacturing Using a 3D Spiral Ribbon

Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes, Sep 2017, Pavia, Italy
Conference papers hal-01579104v1
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Capacitive microwave sensor for toxic vapor detection in an atmospheric environment

P. Bahoumina , H. Hallil , K Pieper , J L Lachaud , D. Rebière
IEEE Sensors, Oct 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8234281⟩
Conference papers hal-01682987v1

Développement d’un capteur chimique à partir d’un transducteur micro-ondes capacitif flexible innovant et de composites carbonés

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Aymen Abdelghani , Kamel Frigui
XXèmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM), May 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-01521564v1
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Chemical gas sensor based on a novel capacitive microwave flexible transducer and composite polymer carbon nanomaterials

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Aymen Abdelghani , Kamel Frigui
19th Symposium on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS and MOEMS (DTIP 2017), IEEE Conference, May 2017, Bordeaux, France. session - Microfluidics, Bio & Chemical sensors, 4 p., ⟨10.1109/DTIP.2017.7984509⟩
Conference papers hal-01521569v1
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Synthesis Method for Matching Filters

David Martínez Martínez , Fabien Seyfert , Martine Olivi , Stéphane Bila , François Torres
2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Jun 2017, Honololu, United States. pp.1930-1933, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2017.8059040⟩
Conference papers hal-01420636v1

Filtre elliptique 4 pôles par fabrication additive 3D plastique : problématique de la montée en fréquence

Johann Sence , William Feuray , Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote
Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-01504062v1

Evaluation of Metal Coating Techniques up to 66 GHz and their Application to Additively Manufactored Bandpass Filters

William Feuray , Anthony Delage , Aymen Abdelghani , Johann Sence , Olivier Tantot
European Microwave Conference, Oct 2017, Nuremberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01504067v1

Additive manufacturing of microwave antennas up to 60 GHz

Cyrille Menudier , Marc Thevenot , Eric Arnaud , Thierry Monédière , Olivier Tantot
International Conference on ELECTROMAGNETICS IN ADVANCED APPLICATIONS, Sep 2017, Verona, Italy
Conference papers hal-01579127v1

Innovative Materials and Fabrication Process to Develop New RF Components and Concepts

Cyrille Menudier , Marc Thevenot , Laure Huitema , Eric Arnaud , Thierry Monédière
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Mar 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01504068v1

Invited talk: CArbon and Microwave-based Ultrasensitive gas Sensors (CAMUS)

H. Hallil , Corinne Dejous , J.L. Lachaud , D. Rebiere , Q. Zhang
IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Oct 2017, SIngapore, Singapore
Conference papers hal-01719082v1

Capacitive microwave resonator printed on a paper substrate for CNT based gas sensor

Aymen Abdelghani , Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat
International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2017), Jun 2017, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers hal-01521575v1

Evaluation de différents types de métallisation appliqués à et par fabrication additive

William Feuray , Anthony Delage , Aymen Abdelghani , Johann Sence , Olivier Tantot
Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-01504063v1

A Ku-Band diplexer based on 3dB directional couplers made by plastic additive manufacturing

Etienne Laplanche , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote , Aurélien Perigaud , Serge Verdeyme
European Microwave Conference, Oct 2017, Nuremberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01504065v1

Silicon-integrated signal-interference dual-band bandpass filter for GNSS application

Mohammed Adnan Addou , Julien Lintignat , Roberto Gomez-Garcia , Bruno Barelaud , François Torres
2017 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - IMS 2017, Jun 2017, Honololu, United States. pp.1675-1678, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2017.8058962⟩
Conference papers hal-02376803v1

RF and Microwave Filters and Other 3D Passive Components Made by Additive Manufacturing

Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
International Microwave Symposium (IMS2017), Workshop Additive Manufacturing of Radio-Frequency Components, Jun 2017, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers hal-02376798v1

Design of a Hybrid SIW–Microstrip Lossy Filter in LTCC Technology

Aurélien Perigaud , Ahmed Basti , Stéphane Bila , Nicolas Delhote , Dominique Baillargeat
International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes, Sep 2017, Pavia, Italy
Conference papers hal-01579112v1
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VOCs monitoring using microwave capacitive resonator and conductive polymer – MWCNTs nanocomposites for environmental applications

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Aymen Abdelghani , Kamel Frigui
IEEE Nanotechnology Materials and Devices Conference (NMDC), Oct 2017, Singapore, Singapore
Conference papers hal-01719025v1

A dual-mode high-Q tunable filter reconfigured by cavity rotation

Hussein Ezzeddine , Aurélien Perigaud , Stéphane Bila , Nicolas Delhote , Olivier Tantot
2017 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave, and Terahertz Applications (NEMO), May 2017, Seville, Spain. pp.341-343, ⟨10.1109/NEMO.2017.7964280⟩
Conference papers hal-02376774v1

Design of 3D Printed Plastic Modular Filters

Jérémy Saucourt , Nicolas Jolly , Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote
European Microwave Conference, Oct 2016, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01300638v1

Additive manufacturing of ceramics using Stereolithography

Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot , Dominique Baillargeat
International Microwave Symposium, May 2016, San Fransisco, United States
Conference papers hal-01359800v1

Inkjet printed flexible microwave sensor based on carbon materials sensitive layers

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Aymen Abdelghani , Kamel Frigui
8ème Franco-Spanish Workshop IBERNAM-CMC2, Oct 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01393060v1

Packaging of photonic integrated circuit based high-speed coherent transmitter module

Stéphane Bernabé , Benjamin Blampey , André Myko , Alexandre Mottet , B. Charbonnier
IEEE Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC 2016), 2016, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers hal-01315846v1

Polymer-carbon nanotubes composite sensitive film and flexible paper substrate based VOC vapor sensing

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Roman Tasso , Dominique Rebiere
8ème Franco-Spanish workshop IBERNAM-CMC2, Oct 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02376560v1

Plastic and Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Hyperfrequency Passives Components up to Ka band

Johann Sence , William Feuray , Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote
European Microwave Conference, Oct 2016, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01300636v1

Carbon nanomaterial sensitive layer based passive flexible gas sensor

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Carlos Paragua , Kamel Frigui
The 16th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors (IMCS 2016), Jul 2016, Jeju Island, South Korea
Conference papers hal-01393051v1

Tunable filters: solutions provided by mechanical actuation, dielectric components and additive manufacturing

Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot
3rd ESA Workshop on Advanced Flexible Telecom Payloads , Mar 2016, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01278711v1

Methodology to keep the same radiation efficiency while miniaturizing an antenna

Yaakoub Dia , Laure Huitema , Christophe Delaveaud , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2016), 2016, Davos, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-01315816v1

Panorama de composants hyperfréquences 3D réalisés par fabrication additive

Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot , Aurélien Perigaud
Fabrication additive pour l’électronique, Jan 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01315661v1
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Optimized synthesis of a microwave equalizer for matching a high performance small antenna

David Martínez Martínez , Fabien Seyfert , Martine Olivi , Johann Sence , Stéphane Bila
2016 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications, Oct 2016, Syracuse, United States
Conference papers hal-01420641v1

3D printing of microwave passive components by different additive manufacturing technologies

Aurélien Perigaud , Stéphane Bila , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote , Serge Verdeyme
International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Jun 2016, Chengdu, China
Conference papers hal-01389906v1

Lossy resonators as decoupling elements in densely packed arrays

Umair Naeem , M. Shafique , Stéphane Bila
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest (IMS 2016), 2016, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers hal-01315854v1

Free-form method for designing an optimal microwave filter

Pierre Bonnelie , Olivier Ruatta , Satafa Sanogo , Stéphane Bila
International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2016), 2016, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01315808v1

High-speed coherent silicon modulator module using photonic integrated circuits: from circuit design to packaged module

Stéphane Bernabé , Benjamin Blampey , M. Fournier , Ségolène Olivier , André Myko
SPIE Photonics Europe 2016, 2016, Bruxelles, Belgium
Conference papers hal-01315832v1

A Dual-mode Dual-band Bandpass Cavity Filter with Widely Separated Passbands

Aurélien Perigaud , Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote
IEEE International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave and Terahertz Applications (NEMO), Jul 2016, Beijing, China. ⟨10.1109/NEMO.2016.7561662⟩
Conference papers hal-01389909v1

Dispositifs microondes didactiques par impression 3D plastique

Nicolas Jolly , Olivier Tantot , Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila
journées pédagogiques du CNFM, Nov 2016, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-01389905v1

Application of the Aerosol Jet® technology for printed electronic devices including ceramics

Malgorzata Anna Piechowiak , Nicolas Delhote , Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Aymen Abdelghani , Kamel Frigui
Conference papers hal-01300738v1

Réalisation de dispositifs de filtrage passifs à l’aide de technologies de fabrication additive

Johann Sence , Aurélien Perigaud , William Feuray , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote
Journées de Caractérisation Microondes et Matériaux, Mar 2016, Calais, France
Conference papers hal-01273922v1

Ceramic, plastic and metallic additive manufacturing: perspectives for RF passive components

Aurélien Perigaud , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
European Microwave Conference 2016, Oct 2016, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01359799v1

Optimisation de l’efficacité d’un récepteur GPS/Galileo grâce à une approche de co-conception du front-end

Faycel Fezai , David Martinez-Martinez , Johann Sence , Stéphane Bila , François Torres
Journées Electromagnétisme et Guerre Electronique, 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01315882v1

Design of a compact dual-mode routing network

Aurélien Perigaud , Pierre Mazet , Stéphane Bila , Ludovic Carpentier , Jérôme Puech
International Workshop on Microwave Filters , 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01302176v1

Low-profile dual-band circularly polarized microstrip antenna for GNSS applications

Faycel Fezai , A. Nour , Johann Sence , Thierry Monédière , François Torres
European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01302189v1

Advanced filter synthesis

Fabien Seyfert , Stéphane Bila
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (IWMF 2015), Mar 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01290989v1

Dispositifs millimétriques passifs à ondes lentes à base de nanotubes de carbone

Matthieu Cometto , Philippe Coquet , Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Tay Beng Kang
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349593v1

Packaging optimization of an electro-optical modulator for high data-rate communications

Stéphane Samuel Ngoho Moungoho , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Bouchra Frigui , Alexandre Mottet
European Microwave Week, 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01302203v1

Compact dual-band filter in SIW technology for a L band receiver

Aurélien Perigaud , Johann Sence , Faycel Fezai , Stéphane Bila , Thierry Monédière
Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2015 European, 2015, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.765-768, ⟨10.1109/EuMC.2015.7345876⟩
Conference papers hal-01298287v1

Design of a dual band SIW filter for a L band RF receiver

Aurélien Perigaud , Johann Sence , Stéphane Bila , Thierry Monédière , Bernard Jarry
International Workshop on Microwave Filters , 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01302181v1

Miniature ceramic filters for wireless communications front-ends at 60 GHz

Faten Kouki , Marc Thevenot , Stéphane Bila , Nicolas Delhote , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters , 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01302180v1

Packaging tradeoff for high speed device integrations

Benoit Haentjens , Guillaume Desruelles , Chrétien Gérald , Alain Leborgne , Yan Haentjens
International Microelectronics Assembly and Packaging Society , 2015, Orlando, United States
Conference papers hal-01302221v1

Optimisation du packaging d’un modulateur électro-optique

Stéphane Samuel Ngoho Moungoho , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Bouchra Frigui , Delphine Marris-Morini
Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Microélectronique (JNRDM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349585v1

Étude et caractérisation de motifs de CNT imprimés par jet d'encre sur papier pour des structures RF

Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat
Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Microélectronique (JNRDM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349586v1

Compact SIW based multimode filters for future generation wireless front-ends

Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila
European Microwave Week , 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01302212v1

Tunable filters by mechanical actuation

Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Jolly , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
European Microwave Week, Sep 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01280474v1


Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot , Dominique Baillargeat
GdR Ondes - Thales - Journée applications des technologies de fabrication additive aux antennes et circuits hyperfréquences, Thales, Nov 2015, Elancourt, France
Conference papers hal-01280498v1

About radiation efficiency optimizing of a miniaturized antenna

Yaakoub Dia , Laure Huitema , Christophe Delaveaud , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot
9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), Apr 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01278639v1

Application of ceramic additive technologies for radiofrequency components

Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot , Dominique Baillargeat
Sigma-tech days – Additive manufacturing : a new way of thinking about objects design and fabrication, Jun 2015, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-01281187v1

Numerical modelling and characterization of the microwave breakdown in OMUX filters

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Alain Catherinot
IEEE MTT-S Int. Conference on Numerical electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and optimization , 2015, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers hal-01302199v1

Co-design et co-intégration de réseaux d’antennes actives multibandes pour systèmes de radionavigation par satellites

Stéphane Bila
Forum DGA Innovation, 2015, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers hal-01315875v1

Conception d’un dispositif de routage compact

Aurélien Perigaud , Pierre Mazet , Stéphane Bila , Ludovic Carpentier , Jérôme Puech
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349582v1

Study and characterization of CNT Inkjet printed patterns for paper-based RF components

Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat
European Microwave Conference, Sep 2015, Paris, France. ⟨10.1109/EuMC.2015.7345900⟩
Conference papers hal-01293714v1

Shape optimization of planar microwave components

Najib Mahdi , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Christophe Durousseau , Jérôme Puech
IEEE MTT-S Int. Conference on Numerical electromagnetic and multiphysics modeling and optimization , 2015, Ottawa, Canada
Conference papers hal-01302201v1

Experimental verification of microwave breakdown in OMUX filters

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Damien Pacaud
International Workshop on Microwave Filters , 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01302183v1

Carbon nanostructures based RF nanopackaging: Application to 3D interconnect

Beng Kang Tay , Dominique Baillargeat , Philippe Coquet , Stéphane Bila
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2015), Jun 2015, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers hal-01290990v1

Antenne cornet réalisée en impression plastique 3D

Faten Kouki , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot , Olivier Tantot , Nicolas Delhote
Journées Nationales Microondes, Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01273916v1

Technologies additives et les nouveaux matériaux pour les antennes et les circuits en 3D

Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot , Dominique Baillargeat
Assemblée générale 2015 du DGR Ondes, Oct 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01280482v1

Claquage microonde dans un multiplexeur à deux canaux : mesures expérimentales et comparaison aux simulations numériques

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349594v1

Conception d’un filtre bi-bande en technologie SIW pour un système de réception GPS/Galileo

Aurélien Perigaud , Johann Sence , Stéphane Bila , Thierry Monédière , Bernard Jarry
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349583v1

Optimisation du packaging d’un modulateur électro-optique

Stéphane Samuel Ngoho Moungoho , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Bouchra Frigui , Delphine Marris-Morini
Colloque francophone PLUridisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, l’Environnement et l’Electronique , 2015, Limoges, France
Conference papers hal-01302194v1

Réalisation de prototypes de filtres volumiques par impression 3D plastique

Johann Sence , Aurélien Perigaud , Umair Naeem , Nicolas Jolly , William Feuray
Journées Nationales Microondes, Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01273907v1

Ink-jet printed flexible gas sensors based on electromagnetic transduction and carbon materials

Prince Bahoumina , Hamida Hallil , Jean-Luc Lachaud , Corinne Dejous , Dominique Rebiere
IEEE Sensors, 2015, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers hal-01302216v1

Conception d’un capteur de gaz à transduction électromagnétique à base de nanostructures carbonées sur substrat flexible

Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , S. Pacchini
XIXèmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2015), Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01308539v1

Ceramic-based additive technologies for RF applications

Dominique Baillargeat , Nicolas Delhote , Olivier Tantot , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila
European Microwave Week, Special session on Additive manufacturing techniques for RF modules, 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01302133v1

Experimental and numerical study of microwave breakdown in a two-channel output multiplexer

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme
European Microwave Week , 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01302206v1

Miniaturisation d’une antenne à efficacité de rayonnement constante

Yaakoub Dia , Laure Huitema , Christophe Delaveaud , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2015), 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01349590v1

Design of compact multiport filtering devices and subsystems

Stéphane Bila , Aurélien Perigaud , Serge Verdeyme , Marc Thevenot , Thierry Monédière
European Microwave Week, Workshop on Recent Advances in the Synthesis of Microwave Filters and Multiplexers, 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01302140v1

RF Components by Ceramic Additive Technologies: Examples, Fabrication Rules and Optimization Tools

Aurélien Perigaud , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot
Workshop on Additive Manufacturing technologies for space applications, ESA/ESTEC, Oct 2014, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01117032v1

Microwave breakdown in a two-channel output multiplexer: experiments and comparison to numerical simulations

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Damien Pacaud
International Workshop in Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation , 2014, Valence, Spain
Conference papers hal-01302163v1

Design of a compact hybrid filter using microstrip resonators and surface mounted cavities

Ahmed Basti , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Aurélien Perigaud , Leblond Herve
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2014, Tampa Bay, United States
Conference papers hal-01302155v1

An equivalent circuit model of CNT inkjet printed paper-based structures

Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Sébastien Pacchini
European Microwave Conference, Oct 2014, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.1109/EuMC.2014.6986487⟩
Conference papers hal-01293721v1

Inkjet printing and additive technologies for the fabrication of RF components

Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Olivier Tantot , Dominique Baillargeat
International Microwave Symposium, Jun 2014, Tampa, United States
Conference papers hal-01117026v1

Miniature ceramic filter-antenna for wireless communications systems at 60 GHz

Faten Kouki , Marc Thevenot , Stéphane Bila , Nicolas Delhote , Thierry Monédière
European Microwave Week , 2014, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-01302164v1

Co-design and co-integration of multiband active antenna arrays for satellite radionavigation systems

Faycel Fezai , Johann Sence , Stéphane Bila , François Torres , Thierry Monédière
IEEE International Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications (CAMA 2014), Nov 2014, Antibes, France
Conference papers hal-01290988v1

A circuit model of CNT patterns for an inkjet printed paper-based gas sensor

Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Sébastien Pacchini
Sensors Energy harvesting wireless Network & Smart Objects Conference , 2014, Gardanne, France
Conference papers hal-01302167v1

Impact of CNT-film printed on conformal resonator on paper

Sébastien Pacchini , Kamel Frigui , Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Flahaut Emmanuel , Stéphane Bila
Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2014 IEEE MTT-S International, Jun 2014, Tampa Bay, United States
Conference papers hal-01281711v1

Modèle équivalent de nanotubes de carbones imprimés par jet d’encre sur papier

Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Sébastien Pacchini
Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Microélectronique (JNRDM 2014), 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01349578v1

RF Components Based on Advanced Additive Technologies

Nicolas Delhote , Olivier Tantot , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat
1st International Conference on Progress in Additive Manufacturing, May 2014, Singapour, Singapore. ⟨10.3850/978-981-09-0446-3_082⟩
Conference papers hal-01281365v1

Packaging d’un modulateur électro-optique pour les communications à haut débit

Stéphane Samuel Ngoho Moungoho , Kamel Frigui , Bouchra Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Delphine Marris-Morini
Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Microélectronique (JNRDM 2014), 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-01349579v1

Conception d’un diplexeur compact bibande en cavités bimodes

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , Damien Pacaud
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01349574v1

Conception et intégration sur céramique d’une structure filtre-antenne pour les communications haut-débit à 60GHz

Faten Kouki , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot , Nicolas Delhote
Assemblée générale du GdR Ondes, 2013, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-01349577v1

Conception de filtres compacts ultra-sélectifs pour les réseaux de communication domestiques

Aurélien Perigaud , Assia El Hadbi , Stéphane Bila , Jean-Philippe Coupez , Christian Person
JNM 2013 : 18èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00845127v1

CNTs effects on RF resonator printed on paper

Sébastien Pacchini , Kamel Frigui , Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Emmanuel Flahaut , Stéphane Bila
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2013), Jun 2013, Seattle, United States
Conference papers hal-00925242v1

Design of Compact Ultra-selective Filters for Multiradio Front-ends

Aurélien Perigaud , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Assia El Hadbi , Jean-Philippe Coupez
European Microwave Conference, EUMW2013, Oct 2013, Nuremberg, Germany. pp.814-817
Conference papers hal-00914663v1

New Calibration Method for Experimental Study of the Nonlinear Behavior of a Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonator Subject to a High-Power Signal

Lise Catherinot , Stéphane Bila , Matthieu Chatras , Dominique Cros
IEEE IFCS-EFTF, Jul 2013, Czech Republic. pp.20
Conference papers hal-00915826v1

Design of compact and innovative microwave filters and multiplexers for space applications

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , Damien Pacaud
IEEE Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS 2013), Sep 2013, Saïda, Lebanon. ⟨10.1109/MMS.2013.6663112⟩
Conference papers hal-00924936v1

Packaging d'un modulateur électro-optique pour les communications à haut débit

Stéphane Samuel Ngoho Moungoho , Kamel Frigui , Bouchra Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Delphine Marris-Morini
L'assemblée générale : 'INTERFERENCES D'ONDES, Oct 2013, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00936272v1

Interconnexion haute fréquence à base de nanotubes de carbone

Christophe Brun , Ching Chong Yap , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Beng Kang Tay
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01315894v1

Solution pour repousser le seuil de claquage dans les filtres à guide d’ondes

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01349576v1

Conception de filtres à pertes : comparaison de différentes topologies réalisables en technologie planaire

Ahmed Basti , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Laetitia Estagerie , Leblond Herve
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), Paris, mai 2013, 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01349575v1

Conception et intégration sur céramique d'une structure filtre-antenne pour les communications haut-débit à 60 GHZ

Faten Kouki , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot , Nicolas Delhote , Thierry Monédière
JNM 2013, 18ème Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2013, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-00916000v1

Le temps de propagation de groupe dans la synthèse des filtres hyperfréquences

Stéphane Bila , Fabien Seyfert , Hussein Ezzeddine
Rencontres de Technologies Spatiales, 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01315874v1

Optimisation de formes de dispositifs hyperfréquences

Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Najib Mahdi , Serge Verdeyme
Rencontres de Technologies Spatiales, 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01315867v1

CNT's Inks Based RF Resonator on Paper

Sébastien Pacchini , Carlos Alberto Paragua Macuri , Kamel Frigui , Emmanuel Flahaut , Stéphane Bila
7th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Jun 2013, Singapore. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00935674v1

Effet de claquage dans les dispositifs en guide d’ondes

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat
Rencontres de Technologies Spatiales, 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01315861v1

Comparison of two approaches for the design of microstrip lossy filters

Ahmed Basti , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Aurélien Perigaud , Hervé Leblond
European Microwave Week / European Microwave Conference (EuMW / EuMC 13), Oct 2013, Nuremberg, Germany
Conference papers hal-00925247v1

Utilisation de technologies additives céramique pour des applications de télécommunications

Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Olivier Tantot , Serge Verdeyme , Aurélien Perigaud
Animation fabrication additive, CNES, Nov 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01280493v1

Synthèse de dispositifs hyperfréquences optimisés en phase pour des fonctions de filtrage et de multiplexage

Stéphane Bila , Pierre Mazet
Rencontres de Technologies Spatiales, 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01315871v1

Bibliothèque de techniques d’optimisation de formes appliquée à la conception de circuits hyperfréquences

Najib Mahdi , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Serge Verdeyme , Khaled Khoder
Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2013), 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01349573v1

A novel phase control element for the improved design of manifold output multiplexers

Pierre Mazet , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Damien Pacaud , Jérôme Puech
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (IWMF 2012), Oct 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00924993v1

A solution to relax breakdown threshold in waveguide filters

Dominique Baillargeat , Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme
Microwave Conference (EuMC), 2012 42nd European, Oct 2012, Netherlands. pp.1107-1110
Conference papers hal-00922176v1

Design of a compact dual-band diplexer with dual mode cavities

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , Damien Pacaud
European Microwave Week (EuMW), Oct 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00735858v1

Nevanlinna Pick interpolation and multiplexer synthesis

Fabien Seyfert , Martine Olivi , Stéphane Bila , Hussein Ezzeddine
Workshop on Recent Advances of N-port Networks for Space Applications, European Microwave Week / European Microwave Conference, (EuMW / EuMC 12), Oct 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00924886v1

Design of a lossy hairpin filter using resistive cross-couplings

Ahmed Basti , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Laetitia Estagerie , Hervé Leblond
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (IWMF 2012), Oct 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00925002v1

Advanced design of compact microwave diplexers and triplexers for space applications

Hussein Ezzeddine , Pierre Mazet , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (IWMF 2012), Oct 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00925237v1

Technologies for the design of compact high frequencies filters

Nicolas Delhote , Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Aurélien Perigaud
Workshop on Technical and Technological Solutions for the Design of Miniaturized Filters and Multiplexers European Microwave Week / European Microwave Conference (EuMW / EuMC 12), Oct 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00924881v1

Presentation of different technologies of X-band filters for frequency converters application

Lidwine Raynaud , Cécile Caille , Hervé Leblond , Adonis Bikiny , Jean-Louis Cazaux
IEEE 5th International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF 2012, CNES-ESA, Oct 2012, Toulouse, France. pp 13-16
Conference papers hal-00855350v1

Advanced design of compact multiplexers for space applications

Hussein Ezzeddine , Pierre Mazet , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Damien Pacaud
Workshop on Recent Advances of N-port Networks for Space Applications, European Microwave Week / European Microwave Conference (EuMW / EuMC 12), Oct 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00924874v1

Shape optimization library for computer-aided-design of microwave components

Najib Mahdi , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Michel Aubourg , Jérôme Puech
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (IWMF 2012), Oct 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00924940v1

Miniature ceramic horn antenna for a high data rates wireless communications systems at 60GHz

Faten Kouki , Marc Thevenot , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Thierry Chartier
Oral Session 3.1: "Horn Antennas" - Tue.26 June -Toulouse Space Show'12 - International Week on Space Applications - ANTEM 2012, Jun 2012, Toulouse, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/ANTEM.2012.6262388⟩
Conference papers hal-00780505v1

Co-conception et Co-intégration technologique : Quelques exemples de filtres-antennes

Marc Thevenot , Stéphane Bila , Nicolas Delhote , Serge Verdeyme , Thierry Monédière
Atelier " Co-intégration et co-conception de dispositifs RF et hyperfréquences " - Centre de compétence technique "Electromagnétisme et circuits microondes" (CCT ECM) du CNES et groupe thématique "Antennes et circuits" (GT4) du GDR Ondes, May 2012, Toulouse, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00782335v1

Design of highly integrated filters for multiradio front-ends - Application to future wireless home-networking communications

Aurélien Perigaud , El-Hadbi Assia , Jean-François Bernigaud , Stéphane Bila , Jean-Philippe Coupez
International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF2012, Oct 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00914658v1

Microwave breakdown in OMUX filters - Comparison between simulations and experimental results

Kamel Frigui , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters (IWMF 2012), Oct 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00925000v1

Computer aided design and structural optimization for microwave components

Najib Mahdi , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Michel Aubourg , Jérôme Puech
European Microwave Week (EuMW), Oct 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00735801v1

Hybrid EM/circuit modeling for carbon nanotubes based interconnects

Christophe Brun , Pierre Franck , Chin Chong Yap , Dunlin Tan , Edwin Hang Tong Teo
13th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2011, Dec 2011, Singapour, Singapore. pp.Session B-2
Conference papers hal-00684775v1

Plasmon resonances of carbon-nanotube-based dipole antennas for nano-interconnects

Pierre Franck , Christophe Brun , Chin Chong Yap , Dunlin Tan , Edwin Hang Tong Teo
13th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference, EPTC 2011, Dec 2011, Singapour, Singapore. pp.167-170, ⟨10.1109/EPTC.2011.6184408⟩
Conference papers hal-00684785v1

large fractional bandwidth BAW filter

Lise Catherinot , Matthieu Chatras , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Cros , Sylvain Ballandras
MEMSWAVE, Jun 2011, Greece
Conference papers hal-00915844v1

Microwave breakdown in waveguide filters: experiments on five and four-poles filter of OMUX and comparison to numerical simulation

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop in Multipactor, Corona and Passive Intermodulation, MULCOPIM 2011, Sep 2011, Valence, Spain. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00684134v1

Claquage microonde dans les filtres d'OMUX. Validation expérimentale sur des filtres multi-pôles

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
17èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2011, May 2011, Brest, France. Présentation poster - Session 1E-9 - Papier n°151
Conference papers hal-00686023v1

Conception d'un filtre optimisé simultanément en amplitude et en temps de propagation de groupe

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , Damien Pacaud
17èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2011, May 2011, Brest, France. Présentation orale -Session 6D-3 - Papier n°17
Conference papers hal-00685978v1

Techniques d'optimisation de formes pour la conception de filtres hyperfréquences

Najib Mahdi , Khaled Khoder , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Serge Verdeyme
17èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2011, May 2011, Brest, France. Présentation poster - Session 1E-14 - Papier n°45
Conference papers hal-00686401v1

Synthèse de filtres large bande à résonateurs BAW fonctionnant sur des modes de cisaillement

Lise Catherinot , Matthieu Chatras , Laëtitia Rigaudeau-Estagerie , Philippe Monfraix , Thomas Baron
17èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2011, May 2011, Brest, France. Présentation Orale - Session 1B-5 -Papier n°276
Conference papers hal-00684932v1

Multifeed EBG Dual Band Antenna to Feed a Reflector Antenna

Ahmad Kanso , Régis Chantalat , Marc Thevenot , Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila
EuMW2011 - EUROPEAN MICROWAVE WEEK, Oct 2011, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.866 - 869
Conference papers hal-00680759v1

Large Band Pass BAW Filter for Space Applications

Matthieu Chatras , Lise Catherinot , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Cros , Sylvain Ballandras
IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, May 2011, San Francisco - California, United States. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/FCS.2011.5977748⟩
Conference papers hal-00683438v1

Conception et réalisation de diplexeurs compacts en cavités bimodes

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , Damien Pacaud
17èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2011, May 2011, Brest, France. Présentation orale -Session 6D-1- Papier n°18
Conference papers hal-00685959v1

Numerical modeling and experimental characterization of microwave breakdown at atmospheric pressure in waveguide filters

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila
International Workshop on Mechanisms of Vaccum Arcs, MEVARC, Jun 2011, Helsinki, Finland. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00684073v1

EBG dual Band Antenna for multibeam space applications

Ahmad Kanso , Régis Chantalat , Marc Thevenot , Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila
33rd ESA Antenna Workshop on Challenges for space Antenna systems - Session 8 : Mulitple-beam antennas using single or multiple apertures I, Oct 2011, Noordwijk, Netherlands. pp.Session 8
Conference papers hal-00680857v1

Study of carbon nanotube flip-chip methodology for interconnect technology bia electromagnetic and circuit model approach

Christophe Brun , Chin Chong Yap , Dunlin Tan , Edwin Hang Tong Teo , Stéphane Bila
IEEE MTT-S, IMS 2011, Jun 2011, Baltimore, United States. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2011.5972784⟩
Conference papers hal-00683587v1

Modélisation hyperfréquence de nanotubes de carbone appliqués en connectique

Christophe Brun , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Beng Kang Tay
17èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2011, May 2011, Brest, France. Presentation orale - 3B-4 - Papier n°28
Conference papers hal-00684941v1

Synthesis and implementation of dual-mode compact multiplexers

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , Damien Pacaud
Workshop on Recent Achievements in the Synthesis of Microwave Filters and Multiplexers, European Microwave Week / European Microwave Conference, EuMW / EuMC 11, Oct 2011, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00683413v1

Advanced design of micorwave filters and multiplexers

Stéphane Bila , Hussein Ezzeddine , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert
The Asia Pacific Microwave Conference - APMC 2011, Dec 2011, Melbourne Victoria, Australia
Conference papers hal-00683431v1

Advanced design of N-port coupled-resonator networks for space applications

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Damien Pacaud , Laetitia Estagerie
ESA Workshop on Advances and Application of N-port networks for Space Hardware, Nov 2011, Noordwijk, Netherlands. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00684770v1

Numerical modeling and experimental characterization of microwave breakdown in waveguide filters

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Alain Catherinot , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila
Workshop on High Power Effects on Passive Microwave Components, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Jun 2011, Atlanta, Georgia
Conference papers hal-00683054v1

Reflector focal array based on multi-feed EBG antenna for Ka-band space applications

Hassan Chreim , Régis Chantalat , Eric Arnaud , Marc Thevenot , Umair Naeem
IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, URSI 2010, IEEE, Jul 2010, TORONTO, Canada. pp.978-1-4244-4967-5, ⟨10.1109/APS.2010.5561220⟩
Conference papers hal-00481763v1

An overwiew on EM-based computer-aided design techniques for microwave devices

Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Nicolas Delhote , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Advances in modeling and Optimization of High Frequency Structures, Aug 2010, Reykjavik, Ireland
Conference papers hal-00620903v1

Coupling topologies for realizing compact microwave diplexers with dual-mode cavities

Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert , D. Pacaud
Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2010 IEEE MTT-S International, Jun 2010, Anaheim, United States. pp.880 -883, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2010.5517504⟩
Conference papers hal-00663509v1

Three approaches for the realization of a Chebyshev cross-coupled UWB filter

Walid Galal El Dine , Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, IMS 2010, May 2010, Anaheim - Californie, France
Conference papers hal-00618674v1

A compact dual-band filter-antenna subsystem for 802.11 WI-FI applications

Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Marc Thevenot , Thierry Monédière
13 th European Microwave Week 2010, Sep 2010, PARIS, France
Conference papers hal-00481821v1

A simplified methodology for matched filter design with constraints -Filter-antenna subsystem for space application

Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Hassan Chreim , Régis Chantalat
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, IMS 2010, IEEE, May 2010, Anaheim - Californie, United States. pp.978-1-4244-6057-1, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2010.5515669⟩
Conference papers hal-00620621v1

Large bandpass filter synthesis using shear-wave lithium niobate piezoelectric layers

Lise Catherinot , Matthieu Chatras , Sylvain Ballandras , T. Baron , Laëtitia Rigaudeau
European Frequency and Time Forum, EFTF 2010, Apr 2010, Noordwijk, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00618564v1

Design of a multi-feed EBG antenna as a focal array for Ka-band space applications

Hassan Chreim , Régis Chantalat , Eric Arnaud , Marc Thevenot , Umair Naeem
The 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation EUCAP 2010, European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), Apr 2010, Barcelone, Spain. pp.978-84-7653-472-4
Conference papers hal-00481678v1

Optimisation de formes pour la conception de filtres à résonateurs diélectriques

Najib Mahdi , Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat
Journée thématique du GdR Ondes (GT4 : Antennes et Circuits) et des Centres de Compétences Techniques (ECM : Electromagnétisme et Circuits Microondes) du CNES GdR Ondes / CCT ECM, Apr 2010, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00619632v1

Analysis of capabilities to achieve overlapped apertures by using a multi-feed ebg structure loaded by passive filtering functions

Hassan Chreim , Régis Chantalat , Marc Thevenot , Umair Naeem , Stéphane Bila
4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2010, European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP), Apr 2010, Barcelone, Spain. pp.978-847653472-4
Conference papers hal-00620434v1

Topology optimization of microwave filters including dielectric resonators

Ali Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2009, Sep 2009, Rome, Italy. pp.687-690, ⟨10.1109/EUMC.2009.5295945⟩
Conference papers hal-00437464v1

Synthesis of a vertical inter-digital filters

Aurélien Perigaud , D. Kaminsky , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF 2009, Nov 2009, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00437488v1

Realization of a WLAN cross-coupled resonators filter using bonding wires inductors

Walid Galal El Dine , Hussein Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF 2009, Nov 2009, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00437482v1

Synthèse et optimisation d'un filtre à résonateurs BAW pour une application aux fréquences UMTS

Sylvain Giraud , Stéphane Bila , Matthieu Chatras , Dominique Cros , Michel Aubourg
16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2009), May 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.4F-8 Session Affiche
Conference papers hal-00436248v1

Complete BAW filtered CMOS 90nm digital RF signal generator

Axel Flament , Sylvain Giraud , Stéphane Bila , Matthieu Chatras , Antoine Frappé
NEWCAS-TAISA 2009, Jun 2009, Toulouse, France. pp.43-46, ⟨10.1109/NEWCAS.2009.5290423⟩
Conference papers hal-00437424v1

Filter Synthesis using Shear Wave Piezoelectric Layer Resonators

Lise Catherinot , Sylvain Giraud , Matthieu Chatras , S. Ballandras , Laëtitia Rigaudeau
CNES International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF 2009, Nov 2009, Toulouse, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00743236v1

Shape-optimized design of dielectric resonator filters

Ali Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF 2009, Nov 2009, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00437481v1

A tunable bandpass BAW-filter architecture using negative capacitance cicuitry.

C. Tilhac , S. Razafimandimby , A. Cathelin , Stéphane Bila , Valérie Madrangeas
IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium Digest, RFIC 2008, Jun 2009, Atlanta, United States. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358473v1

Claquage microonde dans les filtres d'OMUX. Modélisation numérique et validation expérimentale

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot
16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2009), May 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.4B-7 Session Orale
Conference papers hal-00436414v1

Optimisation de filtres à résonateurs diélectriques par la méthode du gradient topologique

Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2009), May 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.4B-1 Session Orale
Conference papers hal-00436408v1

A level-set method applied to the design of microwave filters

Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
International Microwave Symposium (IMS 2009), Jun 2009, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-00462946v1

Bulk acoustic wave filter synthesis and optimisation for UMTS application

Sylvain Giraud , Stéphane Bila , Matthieu Chatras , Dominique Cros , Michel Aubourg
EFTF-IFCS (European Frequency and Time Forum - International Frequency Control Symposium), Apr 2009, Besançon, France. pp.890-893, ⟨10.1109/FREQ.2009.5168315⟩
Conference papers hal-00436242v1

Synthèse et optimisation d'un filtre à résonateurs BAW pour une application aux fréquences UMTS

Sylvain Giraud , Stéphane Bila , Lise Catherinot , Matthieu Chatras , Dominique Cros
Premier Colloque Francophone sur les Matériaux, les Procédés et l'Environnement, May 2009, Busteni, Roumanie
Conference papers hal-00438324v1

When new needs for satellite payloads meet with new filters architecture and technologies

Hervé Leblond , Jean-François Villemazet , Jean-Louis Cazaux , Damien Pacaud , J.-J. Herren
European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2009, Sep 2009, Rome, Italy. pp.EuMC/EuMIC03-4, ⟨10.1109/EUMC.2009.5296368⟩
Conference papers hal-00437476v1

Mise au point d'une méthodologie de synthèse de filtres hyperfréquences à pertes d'insertion minimales

Abdallah Nasser , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert
16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2009), May 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.4B-3 Session Orale
Conference papers hal-00436411v1

DCS Tx filters using AlN resonators with iridium electrodes

M. Clement , E. Iborra , J. Olivares , N. Rimmer , Sylvain Giraud
Joint IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium / European Frequency and Time Forum, EFTF-IFCS 2009, Apr 2009, Besançon, France
Conference papers hal-00437397v1

Topology optimization applied to the design of microwave filters

Ali Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
ACTEA 2009, Jul 2009, Beyrouth, Lebanon
Conference papers hal-00437436v1

Bulk acoustic wave filter synthesis and optimisation for UMTS application

Sylvain Giraud , Stéphane Bila , Matthieu Chatras , Dominique Cros , Michel Aubourg
EuMW 2009 (European Microwave Week), Sep 2009, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00436128v1

Nonlinear behavior of CRF device at high power level

Loïc Mourot , Pierre Bar , A. Giry , G. Parat , Stéphane Bila
IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems 2009, Jan 2009, San Diego, United States. pp.978-1-4244-2831-1, ⟨10.1109/SMIC.2009.4770504⟩
Conference papers hal-00437388v1

Réalisation et optimisation des dimensions d'un filtre ULB à résonateurs couplés

Walid Galal El Dine , Hilal Ezzeddine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
16èmes Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM 2009), May 2009, Grenoble, France. pp.6B-1 Session Orale
Conference papers hal-00436581v1

Design of a compact microwave duplexer using dual mode

Houcine Ezzedine , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme , Fabien Seyfert
International Workshop on Microwave Filters, IWMF 2009,, Nov 2009, Toulouse, France. pp.Inconnu
Conference papers hal-00743246v1

Design of multiband filters in waveguide technology for space applications.

Abdallah Nasser , V. Lunot , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
Workshop on Design and Implementation Techniques for Multiband Filters IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, IMS 2008, Jun 2008, Atlanta, United States. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358460v1

Topology optimization applied to the design of a dual-mode filter including a dielectric resonator

Hassan Khalil , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Serge Verdeyme
International Microwave Symposium, Jun 2008, Atlanta, United States. pp.1381-1384, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2008.4633035⟩
Conference papers hal-00378184v1

Shape optimization design and ceramic stereo-lithography process dedicated to microwave component manufacturing.

Hassan Khalil , Dominique Baillargeat , Nicolas Delhote , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg
2008 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Dec 2008, Hong-Kong, China. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358597v1

Topology optimization applied to the design of microwave filters

Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics, Sep 2008, Ilmenau, Germany. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358545v1

Co-modelling (EM-circuit) design of microwave and optoelectronic wideband modules

Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Serge Verdeyme
Workshop on High-Speed Electronic Technologies for 100-G Communications IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, IMS 20, Jun 2008, Atlanta, United States. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358465v1

Topology gradient optimization applied to the design of a dual-mode filter including a dielectric resonator.

Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, IMS 2008., Jun 2008, Atlanta, United States. pp.THP1D-03
Conference papers hal-00358124v1

Advanced design of microwave components using shape optimisation and ceramic stereolithography

Nicolas Delhote , Hassan Khalil , Dominique Baillargeat , Michel Aubourg , Stéphane Bila
Microwave Technology and Techniques Workshop, MTTW 2008, May 2008, Noordwijk, Netherlands. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358090v1

Band reject filter in BAW technology.

L. Mourot , P. Bar , Stéphane Bila , G. Parat , P. Ancey
European Microwave Week 2008 (EuMW), Oct 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.EuMC19-1
Conference papers hal-00358587v1

Design of computer experiments : a powerfull tool for the numerical design of BAW filters.

A. Reinhardt , Sylvain Giraud , F. de Crécy , Stéphane Bila , E. Iborra
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS 2008, Nov 2008, Pékin, China. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358591v1

Microwave breakdown in OMUX filters. A 1D and 3D numerical modeling approach.

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot
MULCOPIM'08 (6ème édition), Sep 2008, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers hal-00358574v1

Techniques d'optimisation de forme pour la conception de composants hyperfréquences.

Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme, NUMELEC ., Dec 2008, Liège, Belgique
Conference papers hal-00358596v1

Theoretical investigation of microwave breakdown ignition in OMUX filters. A 3D numerical modeling approach.

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, IMS 2008, Jun 2008, Atlanta, United States. pp.735-738, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2008.4632937⟩
Conference papers hal-00358372v1

Advanced design and Manufacturing of microwave components based on shape optimization and ceramic stereolithography process.

Hassan Khalil , Nicolas Delhote , Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series (IMWS) on Art of Miniaturizing and Microwave Passive Components, Dec 2008, Chengdu, China
Conference papers hal-00349201v1

Baw filters synthesis by comparison of electric and acoustic impedances.

Ji Fan , Matthieu Chatras , Aurelian Crunteanu , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Cros
European Frequency and Time Forum, EFTF 2008, Apr 2008, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00358066v1

Avancées pour les outils d'aide à la conception des dispositifs hyperfréquences : de la synthèse de dimensions à la synthèse de forme.

Stéphane Bila , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme
Workshop sur les outils théoriques et expérimentaux d'aide à la conception des systèmes RF, Salon RF & Hyper Europe 2008., Oct 2008, Paris Nord Villepinte, France. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00358887v1

Design Considerations for the Implanted Antennas.

Alireza Mahanfar , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Serge Verdeyme
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium., Jun 2007, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers hal-00199025v1

Méthodes avancées de conception par l'analyse et l'optimisation.

Mohamad El Zoghbi , Atousa Assadi-Haghi , Hassan Khalil , Stéphane Bila , Christophe Durousseau
Workshop Simulation GLOBALE, WSG 2007., 2007, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-00199173v1

Modélisation 3-D de résonateurs piézoélectriques à onde de volume.

Sylvain Giraud , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Cros
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199351v1

Synthèse de filtres BAW par comparaison d'impédances électrique et acoustique.

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , A. Catherinot
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199356v1

Synthèse de filtres BAW par comparaison d'impédances électrique et acoustique

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00354783v1

Utilisation du gradient topologique pour l'optimisation d'un coupleur 3dB en bande S et Ka.

O. Houbloss , J. Puech , D. Chebance , Michel Aubourg , Stéphane Bila
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199361v1

Modélisation numérique multiphysique en 1D du phénomène de claquage dans les filtres d'OMUX.

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , A. Catherinot
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199359v1

Méthode de synthèse mutuelle basée sur l'optimisation de l'impédance de connexion pour la conception d'un filtre-antenne

Michaël Troubat , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot , Dominique Baillargeat , Thierry Monédière
15ème Journées Nationales Micro-ondes, May 2007, TOULOUSE, France. pp.session Poster2D
Conference papers hal-00158025v1

One dimensional numerical modelling of microwave breakdown in OMUX filters.

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , A. Catherinot
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium., Jun 2007, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers hal-00199003v1

Optimisation par la méthode du gradient topologique pour la conception de composants hyperfréquences.

Hassan Khalil , Atousa Assadi-Haghi , Stéphane Bila , Michel Aubourg , Dominique Baillargeat
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199316v1

Synthèse et conception de filtres multibandes.

Abdallah Nasser , V. Lunot , Fabien Seyfert , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199348v1

Modélisation numérique multiphysique en 1D du phénomène de claquage dans les filters d'OMUX

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot
XVèmes Journées Nationales Micro-Ondes, May 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00285395v1

Approche hybride (EM-circuit-ANN) dédiée à la conception de modules RF.

Mohamad El Zoghbi , Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
XVèmes Journées Nationales Microondes, JNM 2007., May 2007, TOULOUSE, France
Conference papers hal-00199352v1

Synthèse de filtre BAW par comparaison d'impédances électrique et acoustique

Ji Fan , Matthieu Chatras , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Cros
Journée Nationales Micro-ondes, May 2007, France
Conference papers hal-00915957v1

Optimal Synthesis for Multi-Band Microwave Filters.

V. Lunot , Stéphane Bila , Fabien Seyfert
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Jun 2007, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers hal-00198990v1

One dimensional numerical modelling of microwave breakdown in OMUX filters

Kamel Frigui , Dominique Baillargeat , Serge Verdeyme , Stéphane Bila , Alain Catherinot
2007 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Jun 2007, Honolulu, United States. pp.2121-2124, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2007.380307⟩
Conference papers hal-00354788v1

LTCC Technology for Innovative Millimeter Wave Bandpass Filters.

Dominique Baillargeat , Rosine Valois , Paul Ferrand , Laëtitia Rigaudeau , Stéphane Bila
4th ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications, Feb 2006, ESPOO, Finland. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00153293v1

Design of microwave components using topology gradient optimization.

Atousa Assadi-Haghi , O. Houbloss , Stéphane Bila , C. Boichon , Michel Aubourg
European Microwave Conference, EuMC/EuMW, Sep 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00154093v1

Analyse et simulation d'un filtre piézoélectrique pour les communications radiofréquences.

Ji Fan , Matthieu Chatras , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Cros
8ème Congrès Français d'acoustique., 2006, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00069377v1

Topology optimisation of microwave components.

Atousa Assadi-Haghi , O. Houbloss , Stéphane Bila , C. Boichon , Michel Aubourg
Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetics, OIPE 2006., Sep 2006, Sorrento, Italy. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00154407v1

Generalization of en EM optimization method to wide-band filters with unforeseen ciouplings.

Aurélien Perigaud , Didier Kaminsky , Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
International Workshop on Microwave Filters, Oct 2006, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00914641v1

Modélisation 3D de résonateurs piézoélectriques à onde de volume (FBAR).

Sylvain Giraud , Michel Aubourg , Stéphane Bila , Dominique Cros
8ème Congrès Français d'acoustique, 2006, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-00069380v1

Méthodes de conception et technologies des filtres micro-ondes associant des résonateurs couplésFILHYP.

Dominique Baillargeat , Stéphane Bila , Serge Verdeyme
Formation en filtrage hyperfréquence de l'Ecole Doctorale SMIS, Apr 2006, Brest,, France
Conference papers hal-00154435v1

Optimal Connection Impedance for the Design of a Filter-Antenna Subsystem

Michaël Troubat , Stéphane Bila , Marc Thevenot , Dominique Baillargeat , Thierry Monédière
International Workshop on microwave filters, Oct 2006, TOULOUSE, France. pp.INCONNU
Conference papers hal-00156006v1

Chebyshev synthesis for multi-band microwave filters.

Stéphane Bila ,