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Stéphane Cordeau

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Dr Stéphane CORDEAU is a research scientist at INRAE Dijon (FR), UMR Agroécologie since 2012. In 2015-2016, he was an invited visiting scientist at Cornell University, NY, USA. He leads at INRAE researches on the impact of cropping systems on weed communities, their biological regulation both in terms of mechanisms and practical implementation in agroecosystem management. The scientific objectives of his research are two-fold: (i) to understand how weed communities respond to agricultural management over time (i.e. changes in population size, diversity and functional traits) and (ii) to evaluate to what extent biological regulation of weeds can help to reduce reliance on herbicides. He currently leads with Violaine Deytieux the scientific and operational aspects of the agroecological and pesticide-free long-term INRAE CA-SYS experimental platform. He is also member of the scientific committee of the CTPS and Terres Inovia, the technical center for oil and protein crops. He was part of the recent Collective Scientific Expertise (ESCo) named RegulNat (Promoting crop pest control by plant diversification in agricultural landscapes). He was in 2019 the group facilitator nominated by the BAP and PHASE divisions of INRAE through an engagement letter to lead a working group aiming at merging two experimental units at INRAE Rennes (IE PL and UE La Motte), based on a common scientific project. He’s is currently Specialty Chief Editor for Frontiers in Agronomy (Agroecological cropping system section) and associate editor for Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems (formerly American Journal of Alternative Agriculture). He is/was editor of topical special issues, for Agronomy on “Conservation Agriculture and Agroecological Weed Management” and, for Frontiers in Agronomy “Conservation Agriculture: Knowledge Frontiers Around the World”. He is or was co-supervising 5 PhD students over the last 7 years, was member of the PhD Jury (3 PhD students), steering committees (6 PhD students), selection committee for few Research Scientist position at INRAE or in French or international universities (5 positions). He is or was a member of the selection committee for scientific projects (Casdar, ANR Ecophyto Maturation, projet Region, etc.).

