A Frequency-Domain Spectral-Element Solver for Fluid-Solid Media
Stephen Beller
Stephane Operto
Conference papers
High-Resolution 3D Imaging of Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in the Alps from Full Waveform Inversion of Teleseismic P Waves
Najmieh Mohammadi
Stephen Beller
Vadim Monteiller
Stephane Operto
Conference papers
Recent advances on sparse direct solver using Block Low-Rank and mixed precision for large scale applications
Patrick Amestoy
Olivier Boiteau
Alfredo Buttari
Laure Combe
Florian Faucher
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA24), SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics; Sorbonne Universté, May 2024, Paris, France
Conference papers
Preliminary 3D isotropic full-waveform inversion model of the Alpine lithosphere from assimilation of AlpArray teleseismic body waves
Stephen Beller
Najmieh Mohammadi
Vadim Monteiller
Stephane Operto
Conference papers
3D frequency-domain FWI of full-azimuth/long-offset OBN data - The Gorgon-data FWI case study
Stephane Operto
P. Amestoy
Hossein Aghamiry
Stephen Beller
A. Buttari
Conference papers
3D high-resolution imaging of lithospheric VP, VS, and density structure in the Alps using full-waveform inversion of the teleseismic P waves
Najmieh Mohammadi
Stephen Beller
Vadim Monteiller
Stephane Operto
Conference papers
Simultaneous wavespeed and attenuation reconstruction by complex-valued optimization with adaptive BM3D regularization
H. S. Aghamiry
A. Gholami
S. Operto
Conference papers
From slope tomography to FWI: Is the conventional workflow viable in complex settings?
Serge Sambolian
Stéphane Operto
Alessandra Ribodetti
Laure Combe
Conference papers
Iterative Frequency-Domain Seismic Wave Solvers Based on Multi-Level Domain-Decomposition Preconditioners
P. Jolivet
P. Tournier
S. Operto
Victorita Dolean
Conference papers
Revisiting the hypocenter-velocity problem through a slope tomography inspiration
Serge Sambolian
Stéphane Operto
Alessandra Ribodetti
Jean Virieux
Conference papers
Wavefield inversion for microseismic imaging
H. Aghamiry
A. Gholami
S. Operto
Conference papers
The active North Ligurian domain: new geophysical insight from the SEFASILS cruise
Jean-Xavier Dessa
Marie-Odile Beslier
Laure Schenini
Serge Sambolian
Albane Canva
Conference papers
Seismic exploration of the deep structure and seismogenic faults in the Ligurian Sea by joint MCS and OBS acquisition: preliminary results of the SEFASILS cruise
Jean-Xavier Dessa
Marie-Odile Beslier
Laure Schenini
Nicolas Chamot-Rooke
Nicola Corradi
IMEKO TC-19 International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea (MetroSea 2019), Oct 2019, Genoa, Italy. p.70-75
Conference papers
Implementing bound constraints and hybrid total-variation+Tikhonov regularization in wavefield reconstruction inversion with the alternating direction method of multiplier
S. Operto
H. Aghamiry
A. Gholami
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Mar 2019, HOUSTON, United States. pp.117
Conference papers
Robust ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion with phase retrieval
Hossein Aghamiry
A. Gholami
Stéphane Operto
Conference papers
Joint Estimation of Velocity and Attenuation by Frequency-Domain TV-Regularized Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion,
H. Aghamiry
A. Gholami
S. Operto
Conference papers
On the robustness of l1-regularized ADMM-based wavefield reconstruction inversion against compressed acquisition sampling
H. Aghamiry
A. Gholami
S. Operto
Conference papers
Building Initial Model for FWI From Ultra Long-Offset OBN Data by First-Arrival Traveltime + Slope Tomography
Serge Sambolian
A. Górszczyk
Stéphane Operto
Alessandra Ribodetti
B. Tavakoli F.
Conference papers
On the Parametrization of Slope Tomography: Its Implication on the Velocity-position Coupling
S. Sambolian
S. Operto
A. Ribodetti
B. Tavakoli F.
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Mar 2019, Houston, United States
Conference papers
High resolution seismic imaging in shallow salt environment: preliminary results from the SEFASILS campaign, NS11A-04
Jean-Xavier Dessa
Serge Sambolian
Mohamed Bachir Miguil
Laure Schenini
Stéphane Operto
AGU Fall Meeting, Dec 2019, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Extending the search space of full waveform inversion (FWI) by alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM)
S. Operto
H. Aghamiry
A Gholami
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Mar 2019, Houston, United States. pp.95
Conference papers
Multi-Parameter ADMM-Based Wavefield Reconstruction Inversion in VTI Acoustic Media,
H Aghamiry
A Gholami
S. Operto
Conference papers
Improving Full-Waveform Inversion Based On Wavefield Reconstruction Via Bregman Iterations
H. Aghamiry
A. Gholami
S. Operto
Conference papers
An accurate Eulerian travel-time computation: implication for slope tomography
Jean Virieux
Serge Sambolian
P. Le Bouteiller
Stéphane Operto
Alessandra Ribodetti
Conference papers
Hybrid Tikhonov + total-variation regularization for imaging large-contrast media by full-waveform inversion
H. Aghamiry
S. Operto
A Gholami
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2018, Oct 2018, Anaheim (californie), United States. pp.1253-1257
Conference papers
Parsimonious Slope Tomography Based On Eikonal Solvers and the Adjoint-state Method
Serge Sambolian
Stéphane Operto
Alessandra Ribodetti
B. Tavakoli F.
Jean Virieux
Conference papers
Anisotropic First-arrival Slope and Traveltime Tomography (FASTT)
B. Tavakoli F.
Stéphane Operto
Alessandra Ribodetti
J. Virieux
Serge Sambolian
Conference papers
3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a Parallel BLR multifrontal direct solver
Patrick Amestoy
Romain Brossier
Alfredo Buttari
Jean-Yves L'Excellent
Théo Mary
SEG Annual meeting, Oct 2015, New Orleans, United States. pp.3606-3611
Conference papers
Efficient 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data with sparse block low-rank direct solver: a real data case study from the North Sea
Patrick Amestoy
Romain Brossier
Alfredo Buttari
Jean-Yves L'Excellent
Théo Mary
Conference papers
Pushing the Limits of 3D Frequency-Domain FWI with the 2015/2016 OBN Gorgon Dataset
Stephane Operto
P. Amestoy
Stephen Beller
A. Buttari
Laure Combe
Conference papers
Multi-parameter high-resolution lithospheric imaging by source-independent full-waveform inversion of teleseismic data
Stephen Beller
V. Monteiller
Stephane Operto
Guust Nolet
AGU, 2015, San Fancisco, United States
Conference papers
3D Discontinuous Galerkin Elastic Modeling Based upon a Grid Injection Method
V. Monteiller
Stephen Beller
Laure Combe
Stephane Operto
J. Virieux
Conference papers
Increasing resolution of lithospheric images by full-waveform inversion of teleseismic data
Stephen Beller
V. Monteiller
Stephane Operto
Guust Nolet
A. Paul
AGU, 2015, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
3D Lithospheric Imaging by Time-Domain Full-Waveform Inversion of Teleseismic Body-Waves
Stephen Beller
V. Monteiller
Stephane Operto
Guust Nolet
Laure Combe
AGU, 2014, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Total-Field Technique for 3-D Modeling of Short Period Teleseismic Waves
V. Monteiller
Stephen Beller
Stephane Operto
T. Nissen-Meyer
J. Tago Pacheco
AGU, 2014, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Seismic elastic modeling for seismic imaging
Jean Virieux
Romain Brossier
Stéphanie Chaillat
A. D. Duchkov
Vincent Etienne
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences , Jun 2013, Padoue, Italy
Conference papers
Application of a preconditoned truncated Newton method to full waveform inversion
Romain Brossier
Ludovic Métivier
Stéphane Operto
Jean Virieux
WAVES 2013 - 11th International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Waves, Jun 2013, Tunis, Tunisia
Conference papers
Fast Full Waveform Inversion with Source Encoding and Second Order Optimization Methods
Clara Castellanos Lopez
Ludovic Métivier
Stéphane Operto
Romain Brossier
EAGE 2013 - 75th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2013, London, United Kingdom. pp.We 11 10
Conference papers
3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a Block Low-Rank algebraic multifrontal direct solver
Clément Weisbecker
Patrick Amestoy
Olivier Boiteau
Romain Brossier
Alfredo Buttari
Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting (SEG 2013), Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 2013, Houston, Texas, United States. ⟨10.1190/segam2013-0603.1⟩
Conference papers
Second-order adjoint state methods for Full Waveform Inversion
Ludovic Métivier
Romain Brossier
Stéphane Operto
Jean Virieux
EAGE 2012 - 74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition, Jun 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
Optimization schemes for Full Waveform Inversion: the preconditioned truncated Newton method
Ludovic Métivier
Romain Brossier
Jean Virieux
Stéphane Operto
Conference papers
Applying Gauss-Newton and Exact Newton method to Full Waveform Inversion
Ludovic Métivier
Romain Brossier
Stéphane Operto
Jean Virieux
EAGE 2012 - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, Jun 2012, Copenhaguen, Denmark. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Two-dimensional Anisotropic Visco-elastic Full Waveform Inversion of Wide-aperture 4C OBC Data from the Valhall Field
V. Prieux
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
O.I. Barkved
74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012, Jun 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
Complex structures imaging using Full Waveform Inversion: the benefits of the preconditioned truncated Newton method
Ludovic Métivier
Romain Brossier
Stéphane Operto
Jean Virieux
AGU 2012 - American Geophysical Union's 45th annual Fall Meeting, Dec 2012, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
The truncated Newton method for Full Waveform Inversion
Ludovic Métivier
Romain Brossier
Jean Virieux
Stéphane Operto
SEG 2012, Nov 2012, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers
A multi-scale strategy for handling broadband seismic
J. Virieux
S. Operto
A. Asnaashari
R. Brossier
C. Castellanos
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2011), Sep 2011, San Antonio, United States. pp.4360, ⟨10.1190/1.3513928⟩
Conference papers
Sensitivity Analysis of Full Waveform Inversion in VTI Media
Y. Gholami
A. Ribodetti
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.P371
Conference papers
Seismic Modelling with the Discontinuous Galerkin Finite-element Method - Application to Complex 3D Elastic Media
V. Etienne
J. Virieux
S. Operto
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.G007
Conference papers
Accurate prediction of ground motion using an hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin finite-element method
V. Etienne
E. Chaljub
J. Virieux
S. Operto
Seismological Society of America, 2010, Portland, United States
Conference papers
2D Frequency-domain Seismic Wave Modeling in VTI Media Based on a Hp-adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method
R. Brossier
Y. Gholami
J. Virieux
S. Operto
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.C046
Conference papers
Lithospheric imaging from teleseismic data by frequency-domain elastic full-waveform tomography
D. Pageot
S. Operto
M. Vallée
J. Virieux
R. Brossier
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Workshops and Filedtrips, WS6 3D Full; Waveform Inversion - A game changing the technique, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Robust Frequency-domain Multi-parameter Elastic Full Waveform Inversion
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.G004
Conference papers
Imaging of VTI media by elastic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of global offset data
Y. Gholami
R. Brossier
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2010), 2010, Denver, Colorado, United States
Conference papers
Building starting model for full waveform inversion from wide-aperture data by stereotomography
V. Prieux
S. Operto
G. Lambaré
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2010), Oct 2010, Denver, United States. pp.988, ⟨10.1190/1.3513942⟩
Conference papers
An overview of the SEISCOPE project on frequency-domain Full Waveform Inversion Multiparameter inversion and efficient 3D full-waveform inversion
J. Virieux
S. Operto
Hadj Ben
H. Ali
R. Brossier
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Workshops and Fieldtrips : WS6 3D Full Waveform Inversion - A game changing technique, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Application of 2D acoustic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion to OBC wide-aperture data from the Valhall field
V. Prieux
R. Brossier
J.H. Kommedal
O.I. Barkved
S. Operto
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2010), Oct 2010, Denver, United States. pp.920, ⟨10.1190/1.3513928⟩
Conference papers
Building starting model for full waveform inversion from wide-aperture data by stereotomography
V. Prieux
G. Lambaré
S. Operto
J. Virieux
2nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, WS6 3D Full Waveform Inversion - A game changing the technique?, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Imaging of VTI media from wide-aperture data by frequency-domain full-waveform inversion
Y. Gholami
A. Ribodetti
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition - Workshops and fieldtrips, WS1 Migration Velocity Analysis in Anisotropic Media - What is possible and what is impossible?, 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Full waveform inversion of seismic data for 2D shallow structures imagery - limitations and perspectives
A. Rhomdane
Gilles Grandjean
R. Brossier
S. Operto
Fayçal Rejiba
71th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.P0002
Conference papers
Efficient 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion (FWI) with phase encoding
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
J. Virieux
71th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.P004
Conference papers
Three-dimensional frequency-domain full waveform inversion with phase encoding
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2009), Oct 2009, Houston, United States. pp.2288-2292
Conference papers
Seismic modelling with discontinuous {G}alerkin finite-element method - Application to large scale 3{D} elastic media
V. Etienne
J. Virieux
N. Glingsky
S. Operto
71th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.P131
Conference papers
Full Waveform Inversion of Seismic Data for 2D Shallow Structures Imagery−Limitations and Perspectives
A Romdhane
Gilles Grandjean
R Brossier
S Operto
Fayçal Rejiba
71st EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2009, 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Parallel algebraic hybrid linear solver for frequency domain acoustic wave modeling
Hafedh Ben-Hadj-Ali
Luc Giraud
Azzam Haidar
Stéphane Operto
Jean Virieux
SIAM conference on Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM, Oct 2009, Monterey Bay, United States
Conference papers
A massively parallel time domain discontinuous {G}alerkin method for 3{D} elastic wave modeling
V. Etienne
J. Virieux
S. Operto
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2009), Oct 2009, Houston, United States. pp.2657-2661
Conference papers
Application of acoustic full waveform inversion to the synthetic {V}alhall velocity model
V. Prieux
S. Operto
R. Brossier
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2009), Oct 2009, Houston, United States. pp.2268-2272
Conference papers
Estimating in Situ Rock Properties by Multiparameter Full Waveform Inversion. A Case Study
M. Malinowski
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
EAGE/SEG Research Workshop 2009, Frequency Attenuation and Resolution of Seismic Data, Sep 2009, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Two-dimensional seismic imaging of the Valhall model from OBC data by frequency-domain elastic full-waveform inversion
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2009), Oct 2009, Houston, United States. pp.2293-2297
Conference papers
2D elastic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion for imaging complex onshore structures
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
71th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2009, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.U019
Conference papers
Parsimonious Finite-volume Frequency-domain Method for 2D P-SV-wave Modelling
R. Brossier
Jean Virieux
S. Operto
70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy. pp.Seismic Modelling/VSP
Conference papers
3D frequency-domain full-waveform tomography based on a domain decomposition forward problem
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2008), Nov 2008, Las Vegas, United States. pp.1945-1949
Conference papers
Pushing limits of the 3D acoustic waveform inversion in the frequency domain
H. Ben Hadj Ali
F. Sourbier
V. Etienne
S. Operto
Jean Virieux
EAGE workshop, HPC, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
2D frequency-domain elastic full-waveform inversion using a P0 finite volume forward problem
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2008), Nov 2008, Las Vegas, United States. pp.2016-2020
Conference papers
Accuracy of qP Wave Modeling in Anisotropic Acoustic Media by a Finite-difference Frequency-domain Method
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
Jean Virieux
70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy. pp.Seismic Modelling/VSP
Conference papers
3D calculation of seismic wave interaction with topography and near-surface structures at the LSBB Underground Laboratory, Rustrel, France
E. Maufroy
Stéphane Gaffet
V. Cruz-Atienza
S. Operto
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, Dec 2008, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Seismic imaging for topographic site effect modeling at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB), Rustrel, France
E. Maufroy
S. Operto
V. M. Cruz-Atienza
O. Sardou
G. Sénéchal
iDUST Inter Disciplinary Underground Science and Technology conference, Apr 2008, Apt, France
Conference papers
A 3D Parsimonious Finite-volume Frequency-domain Method for Elastic Wave Modelling
V. Etienne
R. Brossier
Jean Virieux
S. Operto
70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy. pp.Seismic Modelling I
Conference papers
Combining direct and iterative solvers for improving efficiency of solving wave equations when considering multi-sources problems
F. Sourbier
A. Haidar
L. Giraud
R. Brossier
S. Operto
EAGE workshop, HPC, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
2D Seismic Imaging of Elastic Parameters by Frequency Domain Full Waveform Inversion
R. Brossier
J. Virieux
S. Operto
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, Dec 2008, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Frequency-domain Acoustic Wave Modeling Using a Hybrid Direct-iterative Solver Based on a Domain Decomposition Method
F. Sourbier
A. Haidar
L. Giraud
S. Operto
Jean Virieux
70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy. pp.Seismic Modelling/VSP
Conference papers
Frequency-domain full-waveform modeling using a hybrid direct-iterative solver based on a parallel domain decomposition method: A tool for 3D full-waveform inversion?
F. Sourbier
A. Haidar
L. Giraud
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2008), Nov 2008, Las Vegas, United States. pp.2147-2151
Conference papers
3D Acoustic Frequency-domain Full Waveform Tomography (FWT) - An Application on SEG/EAGE Overthrust Velocity Model
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
J. Virieux
F. Sourbier
70th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy. pp.Full Wave Form Inversion
Conference papers
Parsimonious finite-volume frequency-domain method for 2D P-SV-wave modeling
R. Brossier
J. Virieux
S. Operto
EGU General Assembly, Apr 2008, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
A 3D acoustic frequency-domain full waveform tomography (FWT): application to the SEG/EAGE Overthrust model
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
Jean Virieux
F. Sourbier
EAGE workshop, FWI, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Multiparameter Full-Waveform Inversion for Velocity and Attenuation – Refining the Imaging of a Sedimentary Basin
M. Malinowski
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
69th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2007, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.Seismic Migration 3 and Full Waveform Inversion
Conference papers
3D Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation Using a Massively Parallel Direct Solver
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
J. Virieux
P. Amestoy
J.-Y. L'Excellent
69th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2007, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.Full Waveform Seismic Inversion
Conference papers
3D acoustic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion
H. Ben Hadj Ali
S. Operto
J. Virieux
F. Sourbier
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2007), Sep 2007, San Antonio, United States. pp.1730, ⟨10.1190/1.2792827⟩
Conference papers
Viscoacoustic Frequency-Domain Full-Waveform Inversion – Application to Numerical VSP Data
A. Ribodetti
R.-E. Plessix
S. Operto
Jean Virieux
69th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2007, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.Full Waveform Inversion
Conference papers
Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Modeling of Acoustic Wave Propagation in 2D TTI Anisotropic Media
M. Grini
A. Ribodetti
Jean Virieux
S. Operto
69th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2007, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.Seismic Modelling
Conference papers
A massively parallel frequency-domain full-waveform inversion algorithm for imaging acoustic media: Application to a dense OBS data set
Florent Sourbier
Stéphane Operto
Jean Virieux
Patrick Amestoy
Jean-Yves L'Excellent
SEG 2007 - The Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Sep 2007, San Antonio, United States. pp.1893, ⟨10.1190/1.2792860⟩
Conference papers
Finite Volume method for 2D PSV elastodynamic equations in frequency domain with velocity parsimonious formulation
R. Brossier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2007), Sep 2007, San Antonio, United States. pp.2094, ⟨10.1190/1.2792902⟩
Conference papers
Seismic imaging for topographic site effect modeling at the Low Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB), Rustrel, France
E. Maufroy
A. Ribodetti
G. Sénéchal
H. Zeyen
M. Dietrich
4th EGU General Assembly, Apr 2007, Vienne, Austria. pp.A-03807
Conference papers
Mixed-grid finite-difference frequency-domain viscoacoustic modeling in 2D TTI anisotropic media
S. Operto
A. Ribodetti
M. Grini
J. Virieux
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2007), Sep 2007, San Antonio, United States. pp.2099, ⟨10.1190/1.2792903⟩
Conference papers
Integrated Prestack Depth Migration/Inversion and Simulated Annealing Optimization for Structural Model Building
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
W. Agudelo
J. Virieux
68th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2006, Vienne, Austria. pp.Velocity Model Building
Conference papers
Frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of OBS wide-angle seismic data
S. Operto
J. Virieux
J.-X. Dessa
68th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2006, Vienne, Austria. pp.Velocity Model Building 1
Conference papers
Adaptive traveltime tomography using wavelets
M. Delost
S. Operto
J. Virieux
68th EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2006, Vienne, Austria. pp.Velocity Model Building
Conference papers
3D frequency-domain finite-difference modeling of acoustic wave propagation
S. Operto
J. Virieux
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, Dec 2006, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
2D fine-scale imaging of the subduction channel in Gulf of Guayaquil by integrated iterative PSDM and simulated annealing optimization
W. Agudelo
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
J. Virieux
J.-Y. Collot
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2006), Oct 2006, New Orleans, United States. pp.2151, ⟨10.1190/1.2369962⟩
Conference papers
A parallel algorithm for 2D visco-acoustic frequency-domain full-waveform inversion: application to a dense OBS data set
F. Sourbier
S. Operto
J. Virieux
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, Dec 2006, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Gas hydrate bottom-simulating reflector analysis on the Colombia-Ecuador convergent margin from multichannel seismic reflection data by viscoacoustic asymptotic waveform inversion
A. Ribodetti
S. Operto
J. Virieux
J.-Y. Collot
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, Dec 2006, San Francisco, United States
Conference papers
Introducing wavelets in traveltime tomography: Application to foothills
M. Delost
S. Operto
J. Virieux
F. Adler
The Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG 2006), Oct 2006, New Orleans, United States. pp.3403, ⟨10.1190/1.2370240⟩
Conference papers
Exploring the Ecuador-Colombia active margin and inter-plate seismogenic zone
J.-Y. Collot
P. Charvis
Marc-André M-A Gutscher
S. Operto
Sisteur The
Conference papers