Solute effects on dynamics and deformation of emulsion droplets during freezing
Sidhanth Tyagi
Cécile Monteux
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Nacre-like alumina composites reinforced by zirconia particles
Ronan Henry
Hassan Saad
Sandrine Dankic-Cottrino
Sylvain Deville
Sylvain Meille
Journal articles
Toughening mechanisms in nacre-like alumina revealed by in-situ imaging of stress
Hassan Saad
Thierry Douillard
Annie Malchère
Philippe Steyer
Sylvain Meille
Journal articles
Complex Composites Built through Freezing
Sylvain Deville
Antoni Tomsia
Sylvain Meille
Journal articles
Mechanical properties of unidirectional, porous polymer/ceramic composites for biomedical applications
Jordi Seuba
Eric Maire
Jérôme Adrien
Sylvain Meille
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Effect of microstructure heterogeneity on the damage resistance of nacre-like alumina: insights from image-based discrete simulations
Kaoutar Radi
Hassan Saad
David Jauffrès
Sylvain Meille
Thierry Douillard
Journal articles
eCHORD orientation mapping of bio-inspired alumina down to 1 kV
Clément Lafond
T. Douillard
Hassan Saad
Sylvain Deville
Sylvain Meille
Journal articles
Multiple objects interacting with a solidification front
Sidhanth Tyagi
Cécile Monteux
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Objects Interacting with Solidification Fronts: Thermal and Solute Effects
Sidhanth Tyagi
Helene Huynh
Cécile Monteux
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Strength and toughness trade-off optimization of nacre-like ceramic composites
Kaoutar Radi
David Jauffrès
Sylvain Deville
Christophe L. Martin
Journal articles
Determination of interface fracture properties by micro-and macro-scale experiments in nacre-like alumina
Aurélien Doitrand
Ronan Henry
Hassan Saad
Sylvain Deville
Sylvain Meille
Journal articles
Ice-templated porous tungsten and tungsten carbide inspired by natural wood
Yuan Zhang
Guoqi Tan
Da Jiao
Jian Zhang
Shaogang Wang
Journal articles
Enabling near-atomic-scale analysis of frozen water
Ayman A. El-Zoka
Se-Ho Kim
Sylvain Deville
Roger C. Newman
Leigh T. Stephenson
Journal articles
Solute strongly impacts freezing under confinement
Félix Ginot
Théo Lenavetier
Dmytro Dedovets
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Unveiling Cells’ Local Environment during Cryopreservation by Correlative In Situ Spatial and Thermal Analyses
Kankan Qin
Corentin Eschenbrenner
Félix Ginot
Dmytro Dedovets
Thibaud Coradin
Journal articles
Congélation d’émulsions: de la mayonnaise à la métallurgie
Sylvain Deville
Cécile Monteux
Journal articles
Interface failure in nacre-like alumina
Ronan Henry
Hassan Saad
Aurélien Doitrand
Sylvain Deville
Sylvain Meille
Journal articles
Anisotropy effect of bioinspired ceramic/ceramic composites: Can the platelet orientation enhance the mechanical properties at micro- and submicrometric length scale?
N. Abando
H. Saad
M.A. Monclús
Sylvain Deville
J. Molina-Aldareguia
Journal articles
A simple approach to bulk bioinspired tough ceramics
Hassan Saad
Kaoutar Radi
Thierry Douillard
David Jauffres
Christophe L Martin
Journal articles
Nacre-like alumina composites based on heteroaggregation
Mariana Muňoz
Manuella Cerbelaud
Arnaud Videcoq
Hassan Saad
Alexandre Boulle
Journal articles
Wood-like polymeric materials by ice templating
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Elasticity and fracture of brick and mortar materials using discrete element simulations
Kaoutar Radi
David Jauffrès
Sylvain Deville
Christophe L. Martin
Journal articles
Boundary-induced inhomogeneity of particle layers in the solidification of suspensions
Brice Saint-Michel
Marc Georgelin
Sylvain Deville
Alain Pocheau
Journal articles
Advances in Ice-Templated and Freeze-Casted Ceramics
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
The lure of ice templating: recent trends and opportunities for porous materials
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Wall friction and Janssen effect in the solidification of suspensions
Brice Saint-Michel
Marc Georgelin
Sylvain Deville
Alain Pocheau
Journal articles
A temperature-controlled stage for laser scanning confocal microscopy and case studies in chemistry of materials
Dmytro Dedovets
Cécile Monteux
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Multiphase imaging of freezing particle suspensions by confocal microscopy
Dmytro Dedovets
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Synthesis of Functional Ceramic Supports by Ice Templating and Atomic Layer Deposition
Sylvain Deville
Michaela Klotz
Matthieu Weber
Didier Oison
Igor Iatsunskyi
Journal articles
Ice-templated poly(vinylidene fluoride) ferroelectrets
Yan Zhang
Chris R Bowen
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Five-dimensional imaging of freezing emulsions with solute effects
Dmytro Dedovets
Cécile Monteux
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Corrigendum: Strong, tough and stiff bioinspired ceramics from brittle constituents
Florian Bouville
Eric Maire
Sylvain Meille
Bertrand van De Moortèle
Adam J Stevenson
Nature Materials, 2017, 16 (12), pp.1271
Journal articles
Interaction of Multiple Particles with a Solidification Front: From Compacted Particle Layer to Particle Trapping
Brice Saint-Michel
Marc Georgelin
Sylvain Deville
Alain Pocheau
Journal articles
Dynamics and ordering of weakly Brownian particles in directional drying
Cecile Noirjean
Moreno Marcellini
Sylvain Deville
Thomas E. Kodger
Cécile Monteux
Journal articles
Polyproline as a Minimal Antifreeze Protein Mimic That Enhances the Cryopreservation of Cell Monolayers
Ben Graham
Trisha L. Bailey
Joseph R. J. Healey
Moreno Marcellini
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Water/ice phase transition: The role of zirconium acetate, a compound with ice-shaping properties
Moreno Marcellini
Francisco M. Fernandes
Dmytro Dedovets
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Fabrication of ice-templated tubes by rotational freezing: Microstructure, strength, and permeability
Jordi Seuba
Jérôme Leloup
Stephane Richaud
Sylvain Deville
Christian Guizard
Journal articles
The effect of wall thickness distribution on mechanical reliability and strength in unidirectional porous ceramics
J. Seuba
S. Deville
C. Guizard
A. J. Stevenson
Journal articles
A Reliable Method for the Preparation of Multiporous Alumina Monoliths by Ice-Templating
Jérémy Dhainaut
Sylvain Deville
Idris Amirouche
Michaela Klotz
Journal articles
Time-Lapse, in Situ Imaging of Ice Crystal Growth Using Confocal Microscopy
Moreno Marcellini
Cécile Noirjean
Dmytro Dedovets
Juliette Maria
Sylvain Deville
Journal articles
Mapping Ceramics Research and Its Evolution
Sylvain Deville
Adam J. Stevenson
Journal articles
A meta-analysis of the mechanical properties of ice-templated ceramics and metals
Sylvain Deville
Sylvain Meille
Jordi Seuba,
Journal articles