Radiation Monitoring with Radiosensitive Pure-Silica Core Ultra-Low Loss Optical Fiber
Luca Weninger
Adriana Morana
Cosimo Campanella
Jeoffray Vidalot
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Photobleaching Effect on the Sensitivity Calibration at 638 nm of a Phosphorus-Doped Single-Mode Optical Fiber Dosimeter
Fiammetta Fricano
Adriana Morana
Martin Roche
Alberto Facchini
Gilles Mélin
Journal articles
Temperature Effect on the Radioluminescence of Differently doped Silica-based Optical Fibres
Nourdine Kerboub
Diego Di Francesca
Adriana Morana
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Distributed Optical Fiber-based Dosimetry with Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry
J. Perrot
A. Morana
E. Marin
A. Boukenter
Y. Ouerdane
Journal articles
Ce/Gd-codoped sol-gel silica glasses: towards temperature-independent radiation dosimeters
Ismail Zghari
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Adriana Morana
Youcef Ouerdane
Bruno Capoen
Journal articles
Photobleaching Effects on the Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Germanosilicate Optical Fibers at Low Temperature
A. Morana
A. Facchini
M. Roche
H. Boiron
E. Marin
Journal articles
Potential of Germano-phosphosilicate Single Mode Optical Fibers for Dosimetry
Cosimo Campanella
Adriana Morana
Alberto Facchini
Emmanuel Marin
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Characterization of Radiophotoluminescence Dosimeters under X-ray Irradiation at High Doses
Matteo Ferrari
Y. Aguiar
A. Hasan
A. K. Alem
R. García Alía
Journal articles
Distributed Optical Fiber-Based Radiation Detection Using an Ultra-Low-Loss Optical Fiber
Luca Weninger
Adriana Morana
Youcef Ouerdane
Emmanuel Marin
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Online and offline Radiation-Induced Attenuation measurements on FD-7 radiophotoluminescence dosimeters irradiated at high X-ray doses
A. Hasan
Y. Aguiar
R. García Alía
C. Campanella
A. Morana
Journal articles
Overview of the Infrared Radiation Responses of Telecom-grade Single Mode Optical Fibers
A. Dufour
A. Morana
Arnaud Meyer
E. Marin
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
CHARM High-energy Ions for Micro Electronics Reliability Assurance (CHIMERA)
Kacper Bilko
Rubén García Alía
Alessandra Constantino
Andrea Coronetti
Salvatore Danzeca
Journal articles
14 MeV and Atmospheric Neutron Monitoring Through Optical Fiber Dosimeters
M. Roche
D. Lambert
L. Weninger
A. Morana
N. Kerboub
Journal articles
Simulation-assisted Methodology for the Design of Fiber-based Dosimeters for a Variety of Radiation Environments
Damien Lambert
Sylvain Girard
Giovanni Santin
Marc Gaillardin
Adriana Morana
Journal articles
Solar Particle Event Detection with the LUMINA Optical Fiber Dosimeter aboard the International Space Station
Martin Roche
Nicolas Balcon
Florence Clément
Pierrick Cheiney
Adriana Morana
Journal articles
Very High Dose Rate Proton Dosimetry with Radioluminescent Silica-based Optical Fibers
F. Fricano
A. Morana
D. Lambert
C. Hoehr
C. Campanella
Journal articles
Temperature Cycling Effects on Infrared Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Silica-based Optical Fibers
M. Roche
A. Morana
N. Balcon
J. Mekki
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
Mixed-field Radiation Monitoring and Beam Characterisation Through Silicon Diode Detectors
Kacper Bilko
Rubén García Alía
Mario Sacristan Barbero
Sylvain Girard
Ygor Aguiar
Journal articles
Regeneration of Phosphosilicate Optical Fiber Dosimeters operating in the Visible Domain
M. Roche
A. Morana
E. Marin
G. Mélin
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
Influence of Hydrogen on the Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Ge-doped Optical Fibers
A. Morana
M. Roche
E. Marin
A. Boukenter
Y. Ouerdane
Journal articles
Overview of Radiation Effects on Silica-Based Optical Fibers and Fiber Sensors
S. Girard
J. Kuhnhenn
A. Gusarov
A. Morana
P. Paillet
Journal articles
Heavy Ion Energy Deposition and SEE intercomparison within the RADNEXT irradiation facility network
Rubén García Alía
Andrea Coronetti
Kacper Bilko
Matteo Cecchetto
Gerd Datzmann
Journal articles
An interior-points algorithm for color and CCT control of multichannel LED lighting system using a Smart 18-Channel Spectral Sensor
Abdelhak Goudjil
Eric Pigeon
Mathieu Pouliquen
Tomas Menard
Olivier Gehan
Journal articles
An interior-points algorithm for color and CCT control of multichannel LED lighting system using a Smart 18-Channel Spectral Sensor
Abdelhak Goudjil
Eric Pigeon
Mathieu Pouliquen
Tomas Menard
Olivier Gehan
Journal articles
Simulation and Optimization of Optical Fiber Irradiation with X-rays at Different Energies
Arnaud Meyer
Damien Lambert
Adriana Morana
Philippe Paillet
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Mirror-Assisted Radioluminescent Optical Fibers for X-ray Beam Monitoring
Jeoffray Vidalot
Fiammetta Fricano
Adriana Morana
Cosimo Campanella
Damien Lambert
Journal articles
Ultra-large Silicon Diode for Characterising Low-intensity Radiation Environments
Kacper Biłko
Rubén García Alía
Sylvain Girard
Mario Sacristan Barbero
Matteo Cecchetto
Journal articles
Radiation Effects on Si-Photonics-Integrated Passive Devices: Postirradiation Measurements
Imène Reghioua
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Damien Lambert
Jonathan Faugier-Tovar
Journal articles
Combined Photobleaching and Temperature Effects on 1550 nm Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Germanosilicate Optical Fiber
M. Roche
A. Morana
N. Balcon
M. Aubry
V. Carreau
Journal articles
Effects of Measurement Temperature on Radioluminescence Processes in Cerium-Activated Silica Glasses for Dosimetry Applications
Ismail Zghari
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Bruno Capoen
Franck Mady
Mourad Benabdesselam
Journal articles
Watt-level deep-UV subnanosecond laser system based on Nd-doped fiber at 229 nm
Kilian Le Corre
Benoit Cadier
Alexandre Barnini
Raphaël Florentin
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Optimization of Nd-doped LMA fibers for highpower laser emission near 915nm
Raphaël Florentin
Kilian Le Corre
Thierry Robin
Alexandre Barnini
Roopa Prakash
Journal articles
Use of Rayleigh-OFDR to estimate the bias drift induced by quasi-static and homogeneous temperature variation of a free-standing fiber-gyro coil
Hugo Boiron
Jeremie Pillon
Emmanuel Marin
Maxime Rattier
Emmanuelle Peter
Journal articles
Combined Radiation and Temperature Effects on Brillouin-Based Optical Fiber Sensors
Jérémy Perrot
Adriana Morana
Emmanuel Marin
Youcef Ouerdane
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Temperature Dependence of Radiation-Induced Attenuation of a Fluorine-doped Single-Mode Optical Fiber at InfraRed Wavelengths
Adriana Morana
Martin Roche
Cosimo Campanella
Gilles Mélin
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Investigations on Ionizing Dose Deposition in Thin-Layered Devices: Sample-to-Sample Variability and Electronic Equilibrium Dependence
Marc Gaillardin
Damien Lambert
Sylvain Girard
Damien Aubert
Gilles Assaillit
Journal articles
63 MeV Proton Beam Profile Monitoring with Radioluminescent Ce-doped Optical Fiber Sensor
J. Vidalot
A. Morana
O. Duhamel
C. Hoehr
H. El Hamzaoui
Journal articles
Gamma Ray Effects on Multi-Colored Commercial Light-Emitting Diodes at MGy Level
Luca Weninger
Raphaël Clerc
Matteo Ferrari
Adriana Morana
Timothé Allanche
Journal articles
Radiation effects on Brillouin-based Sensors: Feasibility of temperature and strain discrimination using LEAF Single-Mode optical fiber
Jérémy Perrot
Adriana Morana
Emmanuel Marin
Youcef Ouerdane
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Photonics for Harsh Environments: introduction to the special issue
Peter Bermel
Yiquan Wu
Sylvain Girard
Juejun Hu
Journal articles
Radiation Induced Attenuation and Luminescence study in Radioluminescent Optical Fibres
Nourdine Kerboub
Diego Di Francesca
Adriana Morana
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Low radiation dose calibration and theoretical model of an optical fiber dosimeter for the International Space Station
Diego Di Francesca
Nicolas Balcon
Pierrick Cheiney
Enrico Chesta
Florence Clement
Journal articles
Investigation of the Dosimetry Properties of Radioluminescent Nitrogen-doped Tapered Optical Fibers
F. Fricano
R. Vallifuoco
D. Lambert
A. Morana
P. Paillet
Journal articles
Influence of ambient light on the radiation-induced attenuation of germanosilicate optical fibers in the visible and near-infrared domains
Cosimo Campanella
Luca Weninger
Adriana Morana
Arnaud Meyer
Franck Mady
Journal articles
Influence of Adhesive Bonding on the Dynamic and Static Strain Transfers of Fibre Optic Sensors
Chloé Landreau
Adriana Morana
Nicolas Ponthus
Thomas Le Gall
Jacques Charvin
Journal articles
Radiation environment in the Large Hadron Collider during the 2022 restart and related RHA implications
Kacper Biłko
Rubén García Alía
Ygor Aguiar
Salvatore Danzeca
Diego Di Francesca
Journal articles
Reproducibility of Dose Rate Measurements with Radioluminescent Nitrogen-doped Optical Fibers
Fiammetta Fricano
Hugo Boiron
Adriana Morana
Gilles Mélin
Luca Weninger
Journal articles
Moisture-Induced Mechanical Strain in Gyroscope Optical Fiber Coil
Hugo Boiron
Jérémie Pillon
Maxime Rattier
Emmanuel Marin
François Louf
Journal articles
Proton dosimetry using radiation-induced luminescence in micrometer-core germanosilicate optical fibers
Camille Belanger-Champagne
Fiammetta Fricano
Adriana Morana
Damien Lambert
Crystal Penner
Journal articles
Radioluminescence Processes in Cerium-doped Silica Glasses
I. Zghari
H. El Hamzaoui
B. Capoen
Andy Cassez
Géraud Bouwmans
Journal articles
Experimental–Simulation Analysis of a Radiation Tolerant Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier for Space Applications
Alberto Facchini
Adriana Morana
Luciano Mescia
Cosimo Campanella
Md Mizan Kabir Shuvo
Journal articles
Tuning of the Brillouin scattering properties in microstructured optical fibers by liquid infiltration
Ester Catalano
Raffaele Vallifuoco
Luigi Zeni
Alexis Dufour
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Calibration in the Visible and Infrared Domains of Multimode Phosphosilicate Optical Fibers for Dosimetry Applications
Luca Weninger
Cosimo Campanella
Adriana Morana
Fiammetta Fricano
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
CERN Super Proton Synchrotron Radiation Environment and Related Radiation Hardness Assurance Implications
Kacper Biłko
Rubén García Alía
Diego Di Francesca
Ygor Aguiar
Salvatore Danzeca
Journal articles
Functionalized Microstructured Optical Fiber for Magnetic-field Sensing in Radiation Environments
A. Dufour
D. Jamon
E. Marin
S. Neveu
F. Arnould
Journal articles
Phosphosilicate Multimode Optical Fiber for Sensing and Diagnostics at Inertial Confinement Fusion Facilities
Philippe Paillet
Sylvain Girard
Vincent Goiffon
O. Duhamel
Adriana Morana
Journal articles
Temperature Dependence of Radiation Induced Attenuation of Aluminosilicate Optical Fiber
Cosimo Campanella
Vincenzo de Michele
Adriana Morana
Angela Guttilla
Frank Mady
Journal articles
Radiation responses of ultra-low loss pure-silica-core optical fibers in the visible to infrared domains
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Vincenzo de Michele
Cosimo Campanella
Jeoffray Vidalot
Journal articles
Femtosecond direct laser writing of silver clusters in phosphate glasses for x-ray spatially-resolved dosimetry
Joelle Harb
Théo Guérineau
Adriana Morana
Arnaud Meyer
Guillaume Raffy
Journal articles
In-Situ Optical Characterization of Bulk Optical Glasses Under Protons and X-rays
T. Allanche
A. Morana
P. Paillet
O. Duhamel
D. Lambert
Journal articles
Temperature Dependence of Low-Dose Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Germanium-Doped Optical Fiber at Infrared Wavelengths
A. Morana
C. Campanella
M. Aubry
E. Marin
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
Optical fiber-based monitoring of X-ray pulse series from a linear accelerator
Jeoffray Vidalot
Adriana Morana
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Aziz Boukenter
Geraud Bouwmans
Journal articles
In-band pumped Tm,Ho:LiYF$_4$ waveguide laser
Pavel Loiko
Esrom Kifle
Gurvan Brasse
Romain Thouroude
Florent Starecki
Journal articles
Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
J. Bucalossi
J. Achard
O. Agullo
T. Alarcon
L. Allegretti
Journal articles
Towards an Embedded and Distributed Optical Fiber-based Dosimeter for Space Applications
Arnaud Meyer
Adriana Morana
Luca Weninger
Nicolas Balcon
Gilles Melin
Journal articles
Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
J. Bucalossi
J. Achard
O. Agullo
T. Alarcon
L. Allegretti
Journal articles
Fragmented high-energy heavy ion beams for electronics testing
Ruben Garcia Alia
Kacper Bilko
Francesco Cerutti
Andrea Coronetti
Natalia Emriskova
Journal articles
Properties of Gd-Doped Sol-Gel Silica Glass Radioluminescence under Electron Beams
Daniel Söderström
Oskari Timonen
Heikki Kettunen
Risto Kronholm
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Journal articles
Radiation vulnerability of standard and radiation-hardened optical glasses at MGy dose: Towards the design of tolerant optical systems
T. Allanche
C. Muller
P. Paillet
O. Duhamel
V. Goiffon
Journal articles
Toward Confocal Chromatic Sensing in Nuclear Reactors: In Situ Optical Refractive Index Measurements of Bulk Glass
Marion Agoyan
Gary Fourneau
Guy Cheymol
Ayoub Ladaci
Hicham Maskrot
Journal articles
Multiphoton process investigation in silica by UV femtosecond laser
Vincenzo de Michele
Emmanuel Marin
Aziz Boukenter
Marco Cannas
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
J. Bucalossi
J. Achard
O. Agullo
T. Alarcon
L. Allegretti
Journal articles
Optimization of the Radiation Response of Backup Optical Fiber Amplifiers for Space Missions
M. Aubry
A. Morana
A. Laurent
L. Mescia
J. Mekki
Journal articles
X-Ray Radioluminescence in Diversely Doped Multimode Silica-based Optical Fibers
Arnaud Meyer
Adriana Morana
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Bruno Capoen
Geraud Bouwmans
Journal articles
O2 Loaded Germanosilicate Optical Fibers: Experimental In Situ Investigation and Ab Initio Simulation Study of GLPC Evolution under Irradiation
Imene Reghioua
Luigi Giacomazzi
Antonino Alessi
Blaz Winkler
Layla Martin-Samos
Journal articles
Photocycle of point defects in highly- and weakly-germanium doped silica revealed by transient absorption measurements with femtosecond tunable pump
V. de Michele
A. Sciortino
M. Bouet
G. Bouwmans
S. Agnello
Journal articles
Monitoring of Ultra-High Dose Rate Pulsed X-ray Facilities with Radioluminescent Nitrogen-Doped Optical Fiber
Jeoffray Vidalot
Cosimo Campanella
Julien Dachicourt
Claude Marcandella
Olivier Duhamel
Journal articles
Radiation effects on fiber Bragg gratings: Vulnerability and hardening studies
Adriana Morana
Emmanuel Marin
Laurent Lablonde
Thomas Blanchet
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Impact of γ-rays Irradiation on Hybrid TiO2-SiO2 Sol-Gel Films Doped with RHODAMINE 6G
Maxime Royon
Francis Vocanson
Damien Jamon
François Royer
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Photobleaching Effect on Infrared Radiation-Induced Attenuation of Germanosilicate Optical Fibers at MGy dose levels
Cosimo Campanella
Angela Guttilla
Adriana Morana
Vincenzo de Michele
Cyprien Muller
Journal articles
All-Fiber Magneto-Optical Effect Using Nanoparticles Doped Sol-Gel Thin Film Deposited Within Microstructured Fibers
Alexis Dufour
Laure Bsawmaii
Damien Jamon
Emmanuel Marin
Sophie Neveu
Journal articles
Pulsed X‐Ray Radiation Response of Ultralow Loss Pure‐Silica‐Core Optical Fibers
Vincenzo de Michele
Claude Marcandella
Adriana Morana
Cosimo Campanella
Jeoffray Vidalot
Journal articles
Photobleaching Effect on the Radiation‐Induced Attenuation of an Ultralow Loss Optical Fiber at Telecommunication Wavelengths
Cosimo Campanella
Adriana Morana
Vincenzo de Michele
Jeoffray Vidalot
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Multi-Mode Interferometry: Application to TiO2–SiO2 Sol-Gel Waveguide-Based Sensing in the Aerospace Domain
Maxime Royon
Thomas Blanchet
Muhammad Adnan
Damien Jamon
François Royer
Journal articles
Temperature Effect on the Radioluminescence of Cu-, Ce-, and CuCe-Doped Silica-Based Fiber Materials
Nourdine Kerboub
Diego Di Francesca
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Journal articles
Photoluminescence of Point Defects in Silicon Dioxide by Femtosecond Laser Exposure
Vincenzo de Michele
Emmanuel Marin
Aziz Boukenter
Marco Cannas
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Combined Temperature and Radiation Effects on the Gain of Er- and Er–Yb-Doped Fiber Amplifiers
M. Aubry
A. Morana
L. Mescia
J. Mekki
C. Ranger
Journal articles
Investigation by Thermoluminescence of the Ionization and Annealing Processes in Irradiated Ge-doped Silica Fiber Preform.
A. Guttilla
C. Campanella
M. Benabdesselam
A. Morana
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
Operating Temperature Range of Phosphorous-Doped Optical Fiber Dosimeters Exploiting Infrared Radiation-Induced Attenuation
A. Morana
C. Campanella
E. Marin
G. Melin
T. Robin
Journal articles
Radiation Effects on Pure-Silica Multimode Optical Fibers in the Visible and Near-Infrared Domains: Influence of OH Groups
Cosimo Campanella
Vincenzo de Michele
Adriana Morana
Gilles Mélin
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Linearly-polarized pulsed Nd-doped fiber MOPA at 905 nm and frequency conversion to deep-UV at 226 nm
Kilian Le Corre
Thierry Robin
Alexandre Barnini
Louanne Kervella
Pascal Guitton
Journal articles
Near‐IR Radiation‐Induced Attenuation of Aluminosilicate Optical Fibers
Antonino Alessi
Angela Guttilla
Simonpietro Agnello
Camille Sabatier
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Radioluminescence Response of Ce-, Cu-, and Gd-Doped Silica Glasses for Dosimetry of Pulsed Electron Beams
Daniel Söderström
Heikki Kettunen
Adriana Morana
Arto Javanainen
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Ultraviolet-visible light-induced solarisation in silica-based optical fibres for indoor solar applications
Giuseppe Mattia Lo Piccolo
Adriana Morana
Antonino Alessi
Aziz Boukenter
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Structural and optical changes in silica-based optical fibers exposed to high neutron and gamma fluences
A. Morana
G. Cheymol
I. Reghioua
A. Boukenter
M.L. Schlegel
Journal articles
Transient absorption with a femtosecond tunable excitation pump reveals the emission kinetics of color centers in amorphous silica
Vincenzo de Michele
Alice Sciortino
Fabrizio Messina
Marco Cannas
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Performance Analysis of a Prototype High‐Concentration Photovoltaic System Coupled to Silica Optical Fibers
Giuseppe Mattia Lo Piccolo
Adriana Morana
Aziz Boukenter
Sylvain Girard
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Temperature Influence on the Radiation Responses of Erbium‐Doped Fiber Amplifiers
Marine Aubry
Luciano Mescia
Adriana Morana
Thierry Robin
Arnaud Laurent
Journal articles
Distributed temperature and strain fiber-based sensing in radiation environment
C. Sabatier
M. Aubry
L. Mescia
A. Morana
G. Melin
Journal articles
Sol–Gel Waveguide-Based Sensor for Structural Health Monitoring on Large Surfaces in Aerospace Domain
Maxime Royon
Damien Jamon
Thomas Blanchet
François Royer
Francis Vocanson
Journal articles
Mode-locked all-PM Nd-doped fiber laser near 910 nm
Kilian Le Corre
Thierry Robin
Benoit Cadier
Rezki Becheker
Thomas Godin
Journal articles
Investigation of the Incorporation of Cerium Ions in MCVD-Silica Glass Preforms for Remote Optical Fiber Radiation Dosimetry
Monika Cieslikiewicz-Bouet
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Youcef Ouerdane
Rachid Mahiou
Geneviève Chadeyron
Journal articles
Regeneration of Fiber Bragg Gratings and their Responses under X-rays
T. Blanchet
A. Morana
E. Marin
Y. Ouerdane
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
Comparison between the UV and X-ray Photosensitivities of Hybrid TiO2-SiO2 Thin Layers
Maxime Royon
Francis Vocanson
Damien Jamon
Emmanuel Marin
Adriana Morana
Journal articles
Distributed and discrete hydrogen monitoring through optical fiber sensors based on optical frequency domain reflectometry
Serena Rizzolo
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Jean-Yves Michalon
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Atmospheric Neutron Monitoring through Optical Fiber-Based Sensing
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Cornelia Hoehr
Michael Trinczek
Jeoffray Vidalot
Journal articles
Cu/Ce-co-Doped Silica Glass as Radioluminescent Material for Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry
Jessica Bahout
Youcef Ouerdane
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Géraud Bouwmans
Mohamed Bouazaoui
Journal articles
Radiation-Response of Fiber Bragg Gratings at Low Temperatures
A. Morana
S. Girard
E. Marin
L. Lablonde
T. Robin
Journal articles
In-situ regeneration of P-doped optical fiber dosimeter
Gaetano Li Vecchi
Diego Di Francesca
Yacine Kadi
Daniel Ricci
Markus Brugger
Journal articles
Combined Temperature and Radiation Effects on Radiation-Sensitive Single-Mode Optical Fibers
C. Campanella
A. Morana
S. Girard
A. Guttilla
F. Mady
Journal articles
Extreme Radiation Sensitivity of Ultra-Low Loss Pure-Silica-Core Optical Fibers at Low Dose Levels and Infrared Wavelengths
Adriana Morana
Cosimo Campanella
Jeoffray Vidalot
Vincenzo de Michele
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Steady-State X-Ray Radiation-Induced Attenuation in Canonical Optical Fibers
Vincenzo de Michele
Adriana Morana
Cosimo Campanella
Jeoffray Vidalot
Antonino Alessi
Journal articles
Optimized closed-loop algorithm for color control of multichannel LED lighting systems using multispectral sensor
Abdelhak Goudjil
Eric Pigeon
Mathieu Pouliquen
Sylvain Girard
Tomas Menard
Journal articles
Infrared radiation Induced attenuation of radiation sensitive optical fibers: influence of temperature and modal propagation
G. Li Vecchi
D. Di Francesca
C. Sabatier
S. Girard
A. Alessi
Journal articles
Annealing effects on Radiation Hardened CMOS Image Sensors Exposed to Ultra High Total Ionizing Doses
Hugo Dewitte
Serena Rizzolo
Philippe Paillet
Pierre Magnan
Alexandre Le Roch
Journal articles
Transient and Steady-State Radiation Response of Phosphosilicate Optical Fibers: Influence of H 2 Loading
S. Girard
S. Agnello
M. Cannas
M. Gaillardin
E. Marin
Journal articles
Remote measurements of X-rays dose rate using a cerium-doped air-clad optical fiber
Jessica Bahout
Youcef Ouerdane
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Géraud Bouwmans
Mohamed Bouazaoui
Journal articles
Near-IR- and UV-femtosecond laser waveguide inscription in silica glasses
Vincenzo De Michele
Maxime Royon
Emmanuel Marin
Antonino Alessi
Adriana Morana
Journal articles
Qualification and Calibration of Single Mode Phosphosilicate Optical Fiber for Dosimetry at CERN
Diego Di Francesca
Gaetano Li Vecchi
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Imène Reghioua
Journal articles
Optical responses of a copper-activated sol-gel silica glass under low-dose and low-dose rate X-ray exposures
N. Al Helou
H. El Hamzaoui
B. Capoen
G. Bouwmans
A. Cassez
Journal articles
Overview of radiation induced point defects in silica-based optical fibers
Sylvain Girard
Antonino Alessi
Nicolas Richard
Layla Martin-Samos
Vincenzo de Michele
Journal articles
Combined Experimental and Simulation Study of the Fiber Composition Effects on its Brillouin Scattering Signature
Camille Sabatier
Sylvain Girard
Luciano Mescia
Ayoub Ladaci
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Distributed Optical Fiber Sensor Allowing Temperature and Strain Discrimination in Radiation Environments
C. Sabatier
V. Lecoeuche
S. Girard
G. Melin
T. Robin
Journal articles
Study of silica-based intrinsically emitting nanoparticles produced by an excimer laser
Imène Reghioua
Mattia Fanetti
Sylvain Girard
Diego Di Francesca
Simonpietro Agnello
Journal articles
X-ray preconditioning for enhancing refractive index contrast in femtosecond laser photoinscription of embedded waveguides in pure silica
Maxime Royon
Emmanuel Marin
Sylvain Girard
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Investigations of the MGy dose level radiation effects on the photometric budget of a radiation-hardened CMOS-based camera
C. Muller
T. Allanche
P. Paillet
O. Duhamel
V. Goiffon
Journal articles
Radiation Hardness Comparison of CMOS Image Sensor Technologies at High Total Ionizing Dose Levels
S. Rizzolo
V. Goiffon
F. Corbiere
R. Molina
A. Chabane
Journal articles
Radiation and High Temperature Effects on Regenerated Fiber Bragg Grating
Thomas Blanchet
R. Desmarchelier
Adriana Morana
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Radiation Effects on WDM and DWDM Architectures of Pre-Amplifier and Boost-Amplifier
Marine Aubry
Adriana Morana
Cosimo Campanella
Jeoffray Vidalot
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Performances of Radiation-Hardened Single-Ended Raman Distributed Temperature Sensors Using Commercially-Available Fibers
A. Morana
A. Boukenter
Y. Ouerdane
S. Girard
E. Marin
Journal articles
Coupled temperature and γ-radiation effect on silica-based optical fiber strain sensors based on Rayleigh and Brillouin scatterings
A. Piccolo
S. Delepine-Lesoille
M. Landolt
S. Girard
Y. Ouerdane
Journal articles
Distributed detection of hydrogen and deuterium diffusion into a single-mode optical fiber with chirped-pulse phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry
A. Garcia-Ruiz
A. Morana
L. Costa
H. Martins
S. Martin-Lopez
Journal articles
v-P2O5 micro-clustering in P-doped silica studied by a first-principles Raman investigation
Luigi Giacomazzi
L. Martin-Samos
A. Alessi
N. Richard
A. Boukenter
Journal articles
Gd 3+ -doped sol-gel silica glass for remote ionizing radiation dosimetry
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Géraud Bouwmans
Bruno Capoen
Andy Cassez
Rémi Habert
Journal articles
Radiation-Response of Distributed Feedback (DFB) Bragg gratings for space applications
A. Morana
E. Marin
S. Girard
L. Lablonde
E. Pinsard
Journal articles
novel Gd 3+ -doped silica-based optical fiber material for dosimetry in proton therapy
C. Hoehr
A. Morana
Olivier Duhamel
B. Capoen
M. Trinczek
Journal articles
6-MeV Electron Exposure Effects on OFDR-Based Distributed Fiber-Based Sensors
Camille Sabatier
Serena Rizzolo
Adriana Morana
Timothé Allanche
Thierry Robin
Journal articles
Dosimetry Mapping of Mixed Field Radiation Environment through Combined Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing and FLUKA Simulation
Diego Di Francesca
Angelo Infantino
Gaetano Li Vecchi
Sylvain Girard
Antonino Alessi
Journal articles
Validity of the McCumber Theory at High Temperatures in Erbium and Ytterbium-Doped Aluminosilicate Fibers
Ayoub Ladaci
Sylvain Girard
Luciano Mescia
Thierry Robin
Benoit Cadier
Journal articles
Effects of ionizing radiations on the optical properties of ionic copper-activated sol-gel silica glasses
Nissrine Al Helou
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Bruno Capoen
Youcef Ouerdane
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Radiation resistant single-mode fiber with different coatings for sensing in high dose environments
G. Mélin
P. Guitton
R. Montron
T. Gotter
T. Robin
Journal articles
Meta-modeling of ADMS-Urban by dimension reduction and emulation
Vivien Mallet
Anne Tilloy
David Poulet
Sylvain Girard
Fabien Brocheton
Journal articles
Radioluminescence and Optically Stimulated Luminescence Responses of a Cerium-Doped Sol-Gel Silica Glass Under X-Ray Beam Irradiation
Nissrine Al Helou
Hicham El Hamzaoui
B. Capoen
Géraud Bouwmans
Andy Cassez
Journal articles
Radiation hardened high-power Er 3+ /Yb 3+ -codoped fiber amplifiers for free-space optical communications
Ayoub Ladaci
Sylvain Girard
Luciano Mescia
Arnaud Laurent
Carine Ranger
Journal articles
Confocal-micro-luminescence characterization of femtosecond laser irradiated silica and borosilicate glasses
A. Alessi
C. d'Amico
S. Girard
M. Royon
F. Youssef
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2018, 435, pp.251-257. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2018.03.036⟩
Journal articles
Influence of Self-Trapped Holes on the Responses of Fluorine-Doped Multimode Optical Fibers Exposed to Low Fluences of Protons
Sylvain Girard
Philippe Paillet
Michael Trinzcek
Claude Marcandella
Antonino Alessi
Journal articles
Ni-Ion and $\gamma$ -Ray Irradiated Silica-Based Glasses Characterized by Luminescence and Raman Spectroscopies
A. Alessi
S. Girard
M. Raine
M. Fanetti
D. Di Francesca
Journal articles
Test of Fibre Bragg Gratings samples under High Fast Neutrons Fluence
Guy Cheymol
Laurent Remy
Andrei Gusarov
Damien Kinet
P. Mégret
Journal articles
IR femtosecond pulsed laser-based fiber Bragg grating inscription in a photonic crystal fiber using a phase mask and a short focal length lens
Tigran Baghdasaryan
Thomas Geernart
Adriana Morana
Emmanuel Marin
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
X-rays, γ-rays, electrons and protons radiation-induced changes on the lifetimes of Er 3+ and Yb 3+ ions in silica-based optical fibers
Ayoub Ladaci
Sylvain Girard
Luciano Mescia
Thierry Robin
Arnaud Laurent
Journal articles
Temperature-Dependent Modeling of Cladding-Pumped Er3+/Yb3+ - Codoped Fiber Amplifiers for Space Applications
Luciano Mescia
Pietro Bia
Sylvain Girard
Ayoub Ladaci
Michele Alessandro Chiapperino
Journal articles
Distributed Optical Fiber Radiation Sensing in the Proton Synchrotron Booster at CERN
D. Di Francesca
I. Toccafondo
G. Li Vecchi
S. Calderini
S. Girard
Journal articles
Growth and Decay Kinetics of Radiation-Induced Attenuation in Bulk Optical Materials
Sylvain Girard
Timothé Allanche
Philippe Paillet
Vincent Goiffon
Marco van Uffelen
Journal articles
Radiation effects on type I Fiber Bragg Gratings: influence of recoating and irradiation conditions
Thomas Blanchet
Adriana Morana
Guillaume Laffont
Romain Cotillard
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
X-Ray, Proton, and Electron Radiation Effects on Type I Fiber Bragg Gratings
Thomas Blanchet
Adriana Morana
Timothé Allanche
Camille Sabatier
Imène Reghioua
Journal articles
Steady-State Radiation-Induced Effects on the Performances of BOTDA and BOTDR Optical Fiber Sensors
A. Morana
I. Planes
S. Girard
C. Cangialosi
S. Delepine-Lesoille
Journal articles
Structured blue emission in Bismuth doped fibers
Antonino Alessi
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Diego Di Francesca
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Journal articles
Combined Temperature Radiation Effects and Influence of Drawing Conditions on Phosphorous-Doped Optical Fibers
Diego Di Francesca
Sylvain Girard
Simonpietro Agnello
Antonino Alessi
Claude Marcandella
Journal articles
Dependence of the Voids-Fiber Bragg Grating Radiation Response on Temperature, Dose, and Dose Rate
A. Morana
S. Girard
E. Marin
M. Lancry
J. Grelin
Journal articles
Optical absorption spectra of P defects in vitreous silica
Luigi Giacomazzi
L. Martin-Samos
A. Alessi
M. Valant
Krishna Chaitanya Gunturu
Journal articles
Recent advances in radiation-hardened fiber-based technologies for space applications
Sylvain Girard
Adriana Morana
Ayoub Ladaci
Thierry Robin
Luciano Mescia
Journal articles
Vulnerability and Hardening Studies of Optical and Illumination Systems at MGy Dose Levels
T. Allanche
P. Paillet
V. Goiffon
C. Muller
M. van Uffelen
Journal articles
Spectral properties and lifetime of green emission in γ-ray irradiated bismuth-doped silica photonic crystal fibers
A. Alessi
D. Di Francesca
S. Girard
A. Morana
M. Bouazaoui
Journal articles
X-rays, γ-rays and Proton Beam Monitoring with Multimode Nitrogen-doped Optical Fiber
S. Girard
D. Di Francesca
A. Morana
C. Hoehr
P. Paillet
Journal articles
Radiation-Induced Attenuation in Single-Mode Phosphosilicate Optical Fibers for Radiation Detection
D. Di Francesca
G. Li Vecchi
S. Girard
A. Alessi
I. Reghioua
Journal articles
Total Ionizing Dose Effects on a Radiation-Hardened CMOS Image Sensor Demonstrator for ITER Remote Handling
Vincent Goiffon
Serena Rizzolo
Franck Corbière
Sébastien Rolando
Said Bounasser
Journal articles
Radiation-Induced Effects on Fiber Bragg Gratings inscribed in Highly Birefringent Photonic Crystal Fiber
A. Morana
T. Baghdasaryan
S. Girard
E. Marin
T. Geernaert
Journal articles
Study of Fiber Bragg Grating Samples Exposed to High Fast Neutron Fluences
G. Cheymol
L. Remy
A. Gusarov
D. Kinet
P. Megret
Journal articles
Radiation Effects on Aluminosilicate Optical Fibers: Spectral Investigations From the Ultraviolet to Near-Infrared Domains
Antonino Alessi
Angela Guttilla
Sylvain Girard
Simonpietro Agnello
Marco Cannas
Journal articles
Real time monitoring of water level and temperature in storage fuel pools through optical fibre sensors
Serena Rizzolo
Jocelyn Périsse
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
France’s State of the Art Distributed Optical Fibre Sensors Qualified for the Monitoring of the French Underground Repository for High Level and Intermediate Level Long Lived Radioactive Wastes
Sylvie Delepine-Lesoille
Sylvain Girard
M. Landolt
Johan Bertrand
Isabelle Planes
Journal articles
Optimized radiation-hardened erbium doped fiber amplifiers for long space missions
Ayoub Ladaci
Sylvain Girard
Luciano Mescia
Thierry Robin
Arnaud Laurent
Journal articles
Coupled irradiation-temperature effects on induced point defects in germanosilicate optical fibers
Antonino Alessi
S. Agnello
Sylvain Girard
Diego Di Francesca
Imène Reghioua
Journal articles
Photoactivated processes in optical fibers: generation and conversion mechanisms of twofold coordinated Si and Ge atoms
L. Giacomazzi
Layla Martin-Samos
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Radiation Hardened Architecture of a Single-Ended Raman-Based Distributed Temperature Sensor
Diego Di Francesca
Sylvain Girard
I. Planes
A. Cebollada
G. Li Vecchi
Journal articles
Evaluation of Distributed OFDR-Based Sensing Performance in Mixed Neutron/Gamma Radiation Environments
Serena Rizzolo
Aziz Boukenter
Emmanuel Marin
Thierry Robin
Marco Cannas
Journal articles
Analytical Models for Electromagnetic Coupling of an Open Metallic Shield Containing a Loaded Wire
Pierre Bonnet
Amelie Rabat
Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi
Sébastien Girard
Journal articles
Potential of copper- and cerium-doped optical fiber materials for proton beam monitoring
S. Girard
B. Capoen
H. El Hamzaoui
M. Bouazaoui
G. Bouwmans
Journal articles
Gamma Radiation Tests of Radiation-Hardened Fiber Bragg Grating-Based Sensors for Radiation Environments
Jochen Kuhnhenn
U. Weinand
Adriana Morana
Sylvain Girard
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Steady γ-Ray Effects on the Performance of PPP-BOTDA and TW-COTDR Fiber Sensing
Isabelle Planes
Sylvain Girard
Aziz Boukenter
Emmanuel Marin
Sylvie Delepine Lesoille
Journal articles
Brillouin spectroscopy study of the radiation resistance of ferroelectric copolymer filled with Al2O3 and ZnO nanoparticles
Sawsen Rouabah
Brice Vincent
Abdelhafid Chaabi
Didier Rouxel
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Correlations Between Structural and Optical Properties of Peroxy Bridges from First-Principles
Blaz Winkler
Layla Martin-Samos
L. Giacomazzi
Nicolas Richard
Antonino Alessi
Journal articles
Dose Rate Effect Comparison on the Radiation Response of Type I Fiber Bragg Gratings written with UV cw Laser
Adriana Morana
Emmanuel Marin
Sylvain Girard
Claude Marcandella
Philippe Paillet
Journal articles
Radiation Hardening of Digital Color CMOS Camera-on-a-Chip Building Blocks for Multi-MGy Total Ionizing Dose Environments
Vincent Goiffon
Sébastien Rolando
Franck Corbière
Serena Rizzolo
Aziouz Chabane
Journal articles
O2-loading treatment of Ge-doped silica fibers: a radiation hardening process
Diego Di Francesca
S. Agnello
Sylvain Girard
Antonino Alessi
Claude Marcandella
Journal articles
Effect of gamma and neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of Spectralon# porous PTFE
William H. Gourdin
Philip Datte
Wayne Jensen
Hesham Khater
Mark Pearson
Journal articles
Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometer Distributed Sensing Using Microstructured Pure Silica Optical Fibers Under Radiations
S. Rizzolo
A. Boukenter
T. Allanche
J. Périsse
G. Bouwmans
Journal articles
Radiation Characterization of Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Fiber-Based Distributed Sensors
Serena Rizzolo
Camille Sabatier
Aziz Boukenter
Emmanuel Marin
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Cathodoluminescence investigation of Ge-point defects in silica-based optical fibers
Imène Reghioua
Sylvain Girard
Antonino Alessi
Diego Di Francesca
Layla Martin-Samos
Journal articles
Radiation Response of Ce-Codoped Germanosilicate and Phosphosilicate Optical Fibers
Diego Di Francesca
Sylvain Girard
S. Agnello
Antonino Alessi
Claude Marcandella
Journal articles
On-line Characterization of Gamma Radiation Effects on Single-Ended Raman Based Distributed Fiber Optic Sensor
C. Cangialosi
Sylvain Girard
Marco Cannas
Aziz Boukenter
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Cathodoluminescence Characterization of Point Defects in Optical Fibers
Imène Reghioua
Sylvain Girard
Melanie Raine
Antonino Alessi
Diego Di Francesca
Journal articles
Analyse de matériaux composites aléatoires à l'aide d'outils tridimensionnels de simulation électromagnétique
Sébastien Lalléchère
Sébastien Girard
Journal International de Technologie, de l'Innovation, de la Physique, de l'Energie et de l'Environnement , 2016, 2 (1), pp.2. ⟨10.18145/jitipee.v2i1.84.g68⟩
Journal articles
Irradiation campaign in the EOLE critical facility of fiber optic Bragg gratings dedicated to the online temperature measurement in zero power research reactors
Adriana Morana
Frederic Mellier
Guy Cheymol
Christophe Destouches
Jacques Di Salvo
Journal articles
Compaction in optical fibres and fibre Bragg gratings under nuclear reactor high neutron and gamma fluence
Rémy Laurent
Guy Cheymol
Andrei Gusarov
Adriana Morana
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Resonance Raman of oxygen dangling bonds in amorphous silicon dioxide
Diego Di Francesca
Aziz Boukenter
S. Agnello
Antonino Alessi
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Ge-doped silica nanoparticles: production and characterisation
Antonino Alessi
M. Fanetti
S. Agnello
Sylvain Girard
G. Buscarino
Journal articles
Radiation-Hardened Fiber Bragg Grating Based Sensors for Harsh Environments
Adriana Morana
Sylvain Girard
Emmanuel Marin
Jocelyn Périsse
J-S. Genot
Journal articles
Evidence of different red emissions in irradiated germanosilicate materials
Antonino Alessi
Diego Di Francesca
S. Agnello
Sylvain Girard
Marco Cannas
Journal articles
Investigation of Coating Impact on OFDR Optical Remote Fiber-Based Sensors Performances for Their Integration in High Temperature and Radiation Environments
Serena Rizzolo
Emmanuel Marin
Adriana Morana
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Simulation of Single Particle Displacement Damage in Silicon - Part I: Global Approach and Primary Interaction Simulation
Melanie Raine
Antoine Jay
Nicolas Richard
Vincent Goiffon
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Irradiation temperature influence on the in-situ measured radiation induced attenuation of Ge-doped fibers
Antonino Alessi
Diego Di Francesca
Sylvain Girard
S. Agnello
Marco Cannas
Journal articles
Emulation and Sobol' sensitivity analysis of an atmospheric dispersion model applied to the Fukushima nuclear accident
Sylvain Girard
Vivien Mallet
Irène Korsakissok
Anne Mathieu
Journal articles
Sol–gel derived copper-doped silica glass as a sensitive material for X-ray beam dosimetry
Bruno Capoen
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Mohamed Bouazaoui
Youcef Ouerdane
Aziz Boukenter
Journal articles
Cerium-activated sol–gel silica glasses for radiation dosimetry in harsh environment
Hicham El Hamzaoui
Bruno Capoen
Nissrine Al Helou
Géraud Bouwmans
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
A new setup for localized implantation and live-characterization of keV energy multiply charged ions at the nanoscale
S. Guillous
C. Bourin
B. Ban D’etat
A. Benyagoub
A. Cassimi
Journal articles
Radiation Hardened Optical Frequency Domain Reflectometry Distributed Temperature Fiber-Based Sensors
Serena Rizzolo
Emmanuel Marin
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Marco Cannas
Journal articles
Steady state γ-ray radiation effects on Brillouin fiber sensors
C. Cangialosi
Sylvain Girard
Aziz Boukenter
Emmanuel Marin
Marco Cannas
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering, 2015, Proc. SPIE 9634, 24th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, 9634, pp.96344V. ⟨10.1117/12.2194990⟩
Journal articles
Radiation effects on optical frequency domain reflectometry fiber-based sensor
Serena Rizzolo
Emmanuel Marin
Marco Cannas
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Journal articles
Radiated Ultrashort High-Power Electromagnetic Pulses Induce ATP Release in B16F10 Murine Melanoma Cells
S. Macaire
A. Catrain
S. Tortel
J.C. Joly
S. Girard
Journal articles
Ge (2), Ge (1) and Ge-E′ centers in irradiated Ge-doped silica: a first-principles EPR study
L. Giacomazzi
Layla Martin-Samos
Aziz Boukenter
Youcef Ouerdane
Sylvain Girard
Journal articles
Influence of photo-inscription conditions on the radiation-response of fiber Bragg gratings
Adriana Morana
Sylvain Girard
Emmanuel Marin
M. Lancry
Claude Marcandella
Journal articles
Time-dependent sources identification for transmission lines problems
Jaume Benoit
C. Chauvière
P. Bonnet
S. Girard
Journal articles
Investigations on heavy ion induced Single-Event Transients (SETs) in highly-scaled FinFETs
M. Gaillardin
M. Raine
P. Paillet
P. Adell
S. Girard
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 2015, 365, pp.631-635. ⟨10.1016/j.nimb.2015.08.085⟩
Journal articles
Multi-MGy Radiation Hard CMOS Image Sensor: Design, Characterization and X/Gamma Rays Total Ionizing Dose Tests
Vincent Goiffon
Franck Corbière
Sébastien Rolando
Magali Estribeau
Barbara Avon
Journal articles
Gamma and x-ray irradiation effects on different Ge and Ge/F doped optical fibers
Antonino Alessi
Sylvain Girard
Imène Reghioua
M. Fanetti
Diego Di Francesca
Journal articles
Influence of neutron and gamma-ray irradiations on rad-hard optical fiber
Adriana Morana
Sylvain Girard
Marco Cannas
Emmanuel Marin
Claude Marcandella
Journal articles
High Total Ionizing Dose and Temperature Effects on Micro- and Nano-Electronic Devices
M. Gaillardin
Martial Martinez
Sylvain Girard
Vincent Goiffon
Philippe Paillet
Journal articles
On-site Regeneration Technique for Hole-Assisted Optical Fibers Used In Nuclear Facilities
Sylvain Girard
Diego Di Francesca
Aziz Boukenter
Thierry Robin
Emmanuel Marin
Journal articles
Effects of Radiation and Hydrogen-Loading on the Performances of Raman-Distributed Temperature Fiber Sensors
C. Cangialosi
Sylvain Girard
Aziz Boukenter
Marco Cannas
S Delepine Lesoille
Journal articles
Vulnerability of OFDR-based distributed sensors to high γ-ray doses
Serena Rizzolo
Aziz Boukenter
Emmanuel Marin
Marco Cannas
Jocelyn Perisse
Journal articles
Radiation Vulnerability of Fiber Bragg Gratings in Harsh Environments
Adriana Morana
Sylvain Girard
Emmanuel Marin
Claude Marcandella
Serena Rizzolo
Journal articles
Radiation-hard erbium optical fiber and fiber amplifier for both low- and high-dose space missions
Sylvain Girard
A. Laurent
E. Pinsard
T. Robin
B. Cadier
Journal articles