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Sylvain Hanneton



Sylvain Hanneton studied in the Ecole Normale Supérieure from 1989 to 1993 and received the Ph.D. degree in Biomathematics from the Pierre et Marie Curie University (Paris), in 1998. He is Assistant Professor in the René Descartes University (Paris) Department of Sport and Movement Sciences, deputy director of the Institut des Sciences du Sport-Santé de Paris (URP 3625, University of Paris). After having been deputy director of the laboratory, he led the technology and adaptation team in Sport-Health; His research interests include learning processes in motor control and perception, and modeling of the neural control of movements. Keywords : perception - motor control - neurosciences - cognitive sciences - biomechanics - interactive systems - artificial intelligence

Research domains

Psychology and behavior Neuroscience Psychology Engineering Sciences [physics] Methodology [stat.ME]


Computer sciences Psychologie Data analysis Statistics Software development Movement sciences Sensors


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Influence of Normal Aging and Multisensory Data Fusion on Cybersickness and Postural Adaptation in Immersive Virtual Reality

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
Sensors, 2023, 23 (23), pp.9414. ⟨10.3390/s23239414⟩
Journal articles hal-04323089v1

Tolerance of immersive head-mounted virtual reality among older nursing home residents

Hajer Rmadi , Pauline Maillot , Romain Artico , Edouard Baudouin , Sylvain Hanneton
Frontiers in Public Health, 2023, 11, ⟨10.3389/fpubh.2023.1163484⟩
Journal articles hal-04323150v1

Relationships between empathy and creativity in collective games: a comparison between handball and sitting ball

Alexandre Oboeuf , Sylvain Hanneton , Emmanuel Fernandes , Joséphine Buffet , Samantha Coquinos
Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1185462⟩
Journal articles hal-04323133v1

Can perception be extended to a “feel of north”? Tests of automaticity with the NaviEar

Christoph Witzel , Annika Lübbert , J. Kevin O’regan , Sylvain Hanneton , Frank Schumann
Adaptive Behavior, 2022, 31 (3), pp.239-264. ⟨10.1177/10597123221130235⟩
Journal articles hal-04323118v1

Improving upper-limb and trunk kinematics by interactive gaming in individuals with chronic stroke: A single-blinded RCT

Maxime Térémetz , Alicia Garcia Alvarez , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami , Nicolas Roche
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 2022, 65 (3), pp.101622. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-04323195v1
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Can perception be extended to a “feel of north”? Tests of automaticity with the NaviEar

Christoph Witzel , Annika Lübbert , J. Kevin O’regan , Sylvain Hanneton , Frank Schumann
Adaptive Behavior, 2022, pp.105971232211302. ⟨10.1177/10597123221130235⟩
Journal articles hal-03846036v1

Quand l’émotion influence la posture chez la personne âgée : exemple du syndrome de désadaptation psychomotrice

Hajer Rmadi , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich , Tom Pujol
Revue de Geriatrie, 2022, 47 (7), pp.329-337
Journal articles hal-03855614v1
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Ears on the Hand: Reaching Three-Dimensional Targets With an Audio-Motor Device

Sylvain Hanneton , Thomas Hoellinger , Vincent Forma , Agnes Roby-Brami , Malika Auvray
Multisensory Research, 2020, 4-5, pp.433-455. ⟨10.1163/22134808-20191436⟩
Journal articles hal-02475383v1
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L’impropréité du corps vivant : de l’énaction capacitaire à son émersion vécue

Marie Agostinucci , Claire Liné , Jonathan Lachal , Gilles Dietrich , Sylvain Hanneton
Intellectica - La revue de l’Association pour la Recherche sur les sciences de la Cognition (ARCo), 2020
Journal articles hal-02956296v1

Modulation of ellipses drawing by sonification

Eric Boyer , Frederic Bevilacqua , Emmanuel Guigon , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnes Roby-Brami
Experimental Brain Research, 2020, 238 (4), pp.1011-1024. ⟨10.1007/s00221-020-05770-6⟩
Journal articles hal-04323206v1
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Modulation of ellipses drawing by sonification

Éric Boyer , Frédéric Bevilacqua , Emmanuel Guigon , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami
Experimental Brain Research, 2020, 238 (4), pp.1011-1024. ⟨10.1007/s00221-020-05770-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02865868v1
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Quand le COVID-19 invite le numérique en psychomotricité. Pratiques et représentations du télésoin

Marie Agostinucci , Sylvain Hanneton , Bernard Andrieu
Recherches & éducations, 2020, Quelle éducation avec la Covid-19, Hors série, ⟨10.4000/rechercheseducations.10213⟩
Journal articles hal-02955828v1
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Approche psychomotrice de l’Être sous contrainte au cours des 24 premières heures d’hospitalisation en UNV-A après un AVC ischémique

Marie Agostinucci , Chantal Dutems-Carpentier , Sylvain Hanneton , Bernard Andrieu
L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 2019, 84 (2), pp.315-322. ⟨10.1016/j.evopsy.2019.03.004⟩
Journal articles hal-02955738v1

De l'énaction à l'émersion : la voie du corps vivant.

Bernard Andrieu , Sylvain Hanneton
Intellectica - La revue de l’Association pour la Recherche sur les sciences de la Cognition (ARCo), 2019
Journal articles hal-03754533v1

Émersion et apprentissage moteur : manifestations neurovégétatives lors de l’adaptation à une perturbation

Cécile Marie , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton
Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, 2018, 2018/1 (99), pp.47-57. ⟨10.1051/sm/2018012⟩
Journal articles hal-01903027v1

Approches spontanées et expressions vocales d’un jeune enfant autiste non verbal en musicothérapie active incluant des couplages voix-gestuelle: étude de cas unique

Rachel Labriet-Barthélémy , Sylvain Hanneton , Zoï Kapoula
Revue française de musicothérapie, 2018, 37 (2)
Journal articles hal-01996421v1
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Which Relevant Information do Preschoolers and Schoolers Perceive and Select for Imitating a Series of walking Movement?

Lazhar Labiadh , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton
Medical & Clinical Research, 2018, 3 (3)
Journal articles hal-01903082v1
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Couplage gestuelle-voix : vers une recherche de doctorat en musicothérapie axée sur la voix, appliquée à l’autisme

Rachel Labriet-Barthélémy , Sylvain Hanneton , Zoï Kapoula
Revue française de musicothérapie, 2017, 36 (2)
Journal articles hal-01690218v1

A strategy of faster movements used by elderly humans to lift objects of increasing weight in ecological context

Thomas Hoellinger , Joseph Mcintyre , Lena Jami , Sylvain Hanneton , Guy Cheron
Neuroscience, 2017, 357, pp.384 - 399. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroscience.2017.04.010⟩
Journal articles hal-01690221v1
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Investigating three types of continuous auditory feedback in visuo-manual tracking

Eric Boyer , Frédéric Bevilacqua , Patrick Susini , Sylvain Hanneton
Experimental Brain Research, 2017, 235 (3), pp.691-701. ⟨10.1007/s00221-016-4827-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01465822v1
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Sensori-Motor Learning with Movement Sonification: Perspectives from Recent Interdisciplinary Studies

Frédéric Bevilacqua , Eric Boyer , Jules Françoise , Olivier O Houix , Patrick Susini
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016, 10, pp.385. ⟨10.3389/fnins.2016.00385⟩
Journal articles hal-01375443v1
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From ear to hand: the role of the auditory-motor loop in pointing to an auditory source.

Eric O Boyer , Bénédicte M Babayan , Frédéric Bevilacqua , Markus Noisternig , Olivier Warusfel
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 2013, 7, pp.26. ⟨10.3389/fncom.2013.00026⟩
Journal articles hal-01050804v1

Low-cost motion sensing of table tennis players for real time feedback

Eric O Boyer , Frédéric Bevilacqua , François Phal , Sylvain Hanneton
International Journal of Table Tennis Sciences, 2013, 8, pp.1-4
Journal articles hal-01106920v1

Direct kinematic modeling of the upper limb during trunk-assisted reaching.

Sylvain Hanneton , Svetlana Dedobbeler , Thomas Hoellinger , Agnes Roby-Brami
Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2011, 27 (3), pp.272-7
Journal articles hal-00616605v1

The Vibe: a versatile vision-to-audition sensory substitution device

Sylvain Hanneton , Malika Auvray , Barthélémy Durette
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, 2010, 7 (4), pp.269-276. ⟨10.1080/11762322.2010.512734⟩
Journal articles hal-00577751v1

Effect of auditory feedback differs according to side of hemiparesis: a comparative pilot study.

Johanna V G Robertson , Thomas Hoellinger , Påvel Lindberg , Djamel Bensmail , Sylvain Hanneton
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2009, 6, pp.45. ⟨10.1186/1743-0003-6-45⟩
Journal articles hal-00526959v1

The trunk as a part of the kinematic chain for arm elevation in healthy subjects and in patients with frozen shoulder.

Fouad Fayad , Sylvain Hanneton , Marie Martine Lefèvre-Colau , Serge Poiraudeau , Michel Revel
Brain Research, 2008, 1191C, pp.107-115. ⟨10.1016/j.brainres.2007.11.046⟩
Journal articles hal-00222100v1

Three-dimensional scapular kinematics and scapulohumeral rhythm in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis or frozen shoulder.

Fouad Fayad , Agnès Roby-Brami , Chadi Yazbeck , Sylvain Hanneton , Marie Martine Lefèvre-Colau
Journal of Biomechanics, 2008, 41 (2), pp.326-332. ⟨10.1016/j.jbiomech.2007.09.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00238560v1

Learning to perceive with a visuo-auditory substitution system: localisation and object recognition with 'the vOICe'.

Malika Auvray , Sylvain Hanneton , J Kevin O'Regan
Perception, 2007, 36 (3), pp.416-30
Journal articles hal-00173589v1
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Shoulder movements during the initial phase of learning manual wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied subjects.

Laurence Roux , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami
Journal of Clinical Biomechanics, 2006, 21, Suppl 1:S45-51. Epub 2005 Nov 7
Journal articles hal-00021098v1

How to extend the elbow with a weak or paralyzed triceps: Control of arm kinematics for aiming in C6-C7 quadriplegic patients.

Gilles Hoffmann , Isabelle Laffont , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami
Neuroscience, 2006, 139, pp.749-65. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroscience.2005.12.018⟩
Journal articles hal-00023603v1

3-D scapular kinematics during arm elevation: Effect of motion velocity.

Fouad Fayad , Gilles Hoffmann , Sylvain Hanneton , Chadi Yazbeck , Marie Martine Lefèvre-Colau
Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 2006, 21 (9), pp.932-941. ⟨10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2006.04.015⟩
Journal articles hal-00105216v1

Shoulder movements during the initial phase of learning manual wheelchair propulsion in able-bodied subjects.

Laurence Roux , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami
Clinical Biomechanics, 2006, 21 Suppl 1, pp.S45-51. ⟨10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2005.09.013⟩
Journal articles hal-00173976v1
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There is something out there: distal attribution in sensory substitution, twenty years later

Malika Auvray , Sylvain Hanneton , Charles Lenay , Kevin O'Regan
Journal of Integrative Neuroscience, 2005, 4 (4), pp.505-21. ⟨10.1142/S0219635205001002⟩
Journal articles hal-00173591v2

Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff During Performance of a Tracking Task Without Visual Feedback

N. Sribunruangrit , C. Marque , C. Lenay , S. Hanneton , O. Gapenne
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2004, 12 (1), pp.131-139. ⟨10.1109/TNSRE.2004.824222⟩
Journal articles hal-02432776v1

Effet de l'âge sur les capacités d'adaptation sensorimotrice et la cybercinétose en réalité virtuelle immersive

Marie-Philippine Séba , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich , Pauline Maillot
Les environnements de l'activité physique et sportive, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Oct 2023, Reims, France
Conference papers hal-04324789v1

Mesures objective et subjective dans l’étude de la cybercinétose et des oscillations posturales en réalité virtuelle : le cas du " VR lock " chez des adultes jeunes et âgés

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
Méthodes Mixtes de Recherche pour l’analyse de l’activité et de l’expérience en Education physique & en Sport, Institut des Sciences du Sport Santé de Paris (URP 3625) - Université Paris Cité, Jun 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04184446v1

The use of virtual reality exposure for the management of fear of falling and postural disorders among older adults: A preliminary study

Hajer Rmadi , Pauline Maillot , Romain Artico , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
19e Congrès International Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS) 2021, Oct 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03825359v1

Effect(s) of a motor interface used to navigate a virtual environment on cybersickness, presence and age

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
19e congrès de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activité Physique Adaptée 2021, Université de Montpellier, Oct 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03813667v1
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SoundGuides: Adapting Continuous Auditory Feedback to Users

Jules Françoise , Olivier Chapuis , Sylvain Hanneton , Frédéric Bevilacqua
CHI 2016 - Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 2016, San Jose, United States. pp.2829--2836, ⟨10.1145/2851581.2892420⟩
Conference papers hal-01317069v1

Touching Sounds: Audio Virtual Surfaces

Eric O Boyer , Lucyle Vandervoorde , Frédéric Bevilacqua , Sylvain Hanneton
SIVE 2015, IEEE 2nd VR Workshop on Sonic Interactions for Virtual Environments, satellite workshop of the IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, Mar 2015, Arles, France
Conference papers hal-01265581v1

Toward the use of augmented auditory feedback for the rehabilitation of arm movements in stroke patients.

Agnès Roby-Brami , Alejandro van Zandt-Escobar , Nathanael Jarrasse , Johanna V.G. Robertson , Norbert Schnell
European Journal of physical and rehabilitation medicine. Vol 50, Supl 1-3,, 2014, Marseille, France. pp.72
Conference papers hal-03161258v1
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Learning Movement Kinematics with a Targeted Sound

Eric O Boyer , Quentin Pyanet , Sylvain Hanneton , Frédéric Bevilacqua
The 10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR), Oct 2013, Marseille, France. pp.218-233
Conference papers hal-01161078v1

Guiding Motion using a Sound Target

Eric O Boyer , Quentin Pyanet , Sylvain Hanneton , Frédéric Bevilacqua
10th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR) Sound, Music and Motion, Sep 2013, Marseille, France. pp.176-189
Conference papers hal-01107072v1

Continuous Sound Feedback in Tracking Tasks

Eric O Boyer , Luis Colin Malagon , Frédéric Bevilacqua , Patrick Susini , Sylvain Hanneton
Multisensory Motor Behavior: Impact of Sound, Oct 2013, Hannover, Allemagne
Conference papers hal-01106967v1

Sonification of the Coordination of Arm Movements

Frédéric Bevilacqua , Alejandro Vanzandt-Escobar , Norbert Schnell , Eric O Boyer , Nicolas Rasamimanana
Multisensory Motor Behavior: Impact of Sound, Oct 2013, Hannover, Allemagne
Conference papers hal-01106966v1
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Coaching the Wii : evaluation of a physical training experiment assisted by a video game

Sylvain Hanneton , Anaïs Varenne
"Haptic, Audio, Visual Environments and Games" (HAVE'09), Nov 2009, Lecco, Italy. pp.55
Conference papers hal-00430880v1
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Comment l'information et le conseil sur les aides techniques contribuent-ils de manière pertinente au processus d'expression des besoins de la personne?

Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami
Audition publique : acquisition d'une aide technique, quels acteurs ? quels processus ?, Mar 2007, Evry, France
Conference papers hal-00203877v1

Etude du couplage audio-moteur chez des sujets valides par un système de capture du mouvement électromagnétique.

Thomas Hoellinger , Johanna Robertson , Agnès Roby-Brami , Sylvain Hanneton
GAMEA 2007 (Groupe d'Analyse du Mouvement chez l'Enfant et l'Adulte), Feb 2007, Bruxelles, Belgique
Conference papers hal-00136142v1
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Biomimetic space-variant sampling in a vision prosthesis improves the user's skill in a localization task

Barthélémy Durette , Lucile Gamond , Sylvain Hanneton , David Alleysson , Jeanny Hérault
CVHI 2007 -5th Conference and Workshop on Assistive Technology for People with Vision and Hearing Impairments, Aug 2007, Granada, Spain. Session 3: Assistive Technology for Independence
Conference papers hal-00172755v1
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Inverse dynamics for 3D upper limb movements : a critical evaluation from electromagnetic 6D data obtained in quadriplegic patients.

Matthieu Maesani , Gilles Dietrich , Gilles Hoffmann , Isabelle Laffont , Sylvain Hanneton
ISB Symposium of 3D movement analysis, 2006, Valenciennes, France
Conference papers hal-00021114v1
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Action for perception : influence of handedness in visuo-auditory sensory substitution

Sylvain Hanneton , Claudia Munoz
Enactive 2006 : Enaction & Complexity, Nov 2006, Montpellier, France. pp.73-74
Conference papers hal-00112621v1
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Analyse cinématique de l'épaule chez des patients hémiparétiques lors de la saisie d'objets pesants.

Svetlana Dedobbeler , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnès Roby-Brami
Entretiens de Garches, Nov 2006, Garches, France
Conference papers hal-00112625v1
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Perception proximale et distale à l'aide du dispositif de Lenay

Sylvain Hanneton , Dounia Taleb-Kachour , Marie-Martine Ramanantsoa , Bianca Hardy , Agnès Roby-Brami
Séminaire PHITECO, Oct 2003, Compiègne, France
Conference papers hal-00079161v1
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Bianca Hardy , Marie-Martine Ramanantsoa , Sylvain Hanneton , Charles Lenay , Olivier Gapenne
ISAC'00, the 6th International Conference on Tactile Aids, Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants, May 2000, Exeter, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-00136147v1
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The visual glove

Catherine Marque , Olivier Gapenne , Sylvain Hanneton , Charles Lenay , Clothilde Vanhoutte
Third International Workshop on Applied Informatics in Biomedicine and Medical Engineering, 1999, Zilina, Slovakia
Conference papers hal-00021129v1

Dynamics of shape recognition through a minimal visuo-tactile sensory substitution interface

Sylvain Hanneton , Olivier Gapenne , Christelle Genouel , Charles Lenay , Catherine Marque
Third international conference on cognitive and neural systems, May 1999, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-00185599v1
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Dynamique de la reconnaissance de caractères via une interface haptique

S. Hanneton , C. Lenay , O. Gapenne , S. Vermandel , C. Marque
ARC'98, 1998, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-00021138v1

Relationship between age, postural balance and cybersickness during repeated exposure to virtual reality

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
Relationship between age, postural balance and cybersickness during repeated exposure to virtual reality, Jun 2022, Caen, France. , 2020
Conference poster hal-03707396v1

Age related postural responses during repeated virtual stimulation: traditional analysis and analysis of the complexity

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
International Society of Posture & Gait Research, Jul 2022, Montréal, Canada. , 2022
Conference poster hal-03707395v1
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Relationship between age, postural balance and cybersickness during repeated exposure to virtual reality

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
Congress on Motion sickness: Theories, models and empirical evidence, Jun 2022, Caen, France. , 2022
Conference poster hal-03776515v1
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Age related postural responses during repeated virtual stimulation: traditional analysis and analysis of the complexity

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich
International Society of Posture & Gait Research, Jul 2022, Montréal, Canada. , 2022
Conference poster hal-03707245v1
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Effet de l'âge sur la tolérance et l'adaptation aux dispositifs de réalité virtuelle

Marie-Philippine Séba , Pauline Maillot , Sylvain Hanneton , Gilles Dietrich , Bernard Andrieu
18ème congrès international de l'Association des Chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives (ACAPS), Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-02956158v1
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Du corps biologique au corps capacitaire

Sylvain Hanneton
Jacqueline Decarpentries; Bernard Andrieu. Le corps capacitaire, hors série, Société Binet-Simon éditions, pp.181:193, 2017, Recherches et Éducations, 1969-0622
Book sections hal-01522358v2
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Learning Movement Kinematics with a Targeted Sound

Eric O Boyer , Quentin Pyanet , Sylvain Hanneton , Frédéric Bevilacqua
Sound, Music, and Motion, 8905, pp.218-233, 2014, Lecture notes in computer science, 978-3-319-12975-4. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-12976-1_14⟩
Book sections hal-01265601v1
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Redondance du membre supérieur et compensation des déficiences motrices

Agnès Roby-Brami , Gilles Hoffmann , Isabelle Laffont , Michelle Combeaud , Sylvain Hanneton
Yann Coello, Séverine Casalis et Christine Moroni. vision, espace et cognition : fonctionnement normal et pathologique, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, pp.143-160, 2005, psychologie
Book sections hal-00079669v1
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Charles Lenay , Olivier Gapenne , Sylvain Hanneton , Catherine Marque , Christelle Genouëlle
Yvette Hatwell; Arlette Streri; Edouard Gentaz. Touching for Knowing, 53, John Benjamins Publishers, pp.275-292, 2004, Advances in Consciousness Research, 9789027251855. ⟨10.1075/aicr.53.22len⟩
Book sections hal-02434266v1
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Sensori-motor Learning in Movement-Sound Interactive Systems: a Review

Eric Boyer , Baptiste Caramiaux , Sylvain Hanneton , Agnes Roby-Brami , Olivier Houix
[Technical Report] STMS - Sciences et Technologies de la Musique et du Son UMR 9912 IRCAM-CNRS-UPMC; ISIR, Université Pierre et Marie Curie UMR CNRS 7222; Laboratoire de Psychologie de la perception UMR CNRS 8242, Université Paris Descartes. 2014
Reports hal-01360123v1