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Knowledge-Brokering Activities as Enactors of Innovative Constructive Deviance in Open R&D Projects

S. Larif , M. Essid , S. Castellano , I. Khelladi
R&D Management, 2023, ⟨10.1111/radm.12651⟩
Journal articles hal-04434040v1

Cause‐related marketing in pandemic context—The effects of cause‐brand fit and cause‐brand alliance on customer‐based legitimacy and reputation

Sylvaine Castellano , Rossella Sorio , Insaf Khelladi , Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal , Judith Partouche-Sebban
Business ethics, the environment & responsibility, 2023, Special issue, 16 p. ⟨10.1111/beer.12538⟩
Journal articles hal-04144099v1

Guest Editorial: Microfoundations of CSR and Sustainable Performance

S.K. Singh , M. del Giudice , S.C. Cooper , S. Castellano
Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 2023, 30 (1), pp.1-4. ⟨10.1108/CCSM-02-2023-251⟩
Journal articles hal-04458222v1

Why Do People Buy Virtual Clothes?

I. Khelladi , C. Lejealle , S. Rezaee Vessal , S. Castellano , D. Graziano
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2023, ⟨10.1002/cb.2270⟩
Journal articles hal-04433895v1

When cause familiarity leads to positive attitudes toward brands in a cause–brand alliance: a cross-cultural study during the COVID-19 pandemic

Saeedeh Rezaee Vessal , Judith Partouche , Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano , Mehmet Orhan
International Marketing Review, 2023, ⟨10.1108/IMR-12-2021-0385⟩
Journal articles hal-04315667v1

How Did Corporate Responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic Correspond with CSR?

Fabien Martinez , F. Figge , S. Castellano , A. Chakraborty , L. Silva-Gao
Business ethics, the environment & responsibility, 2023, 32 (S3), pp.161-165. ⟨10.1111/beer.12536⟩
Journal articles hal-04458217v1

The Role of Social Intrapreneurship and Serious Games in Generating Social Innovation in the Healthcare Sector

I. Khelladi , S. Castellano , E.C. Vinçotte
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 2023, ⟨10.1108/IJEBR-02-2022-0208⟩
Journal articles hal-04433056v1

The Managerial Implications of Assessing Corporate Social Performance

V. Cillo , S. Castellano , O. Lamotte , L. Ardito , M. del Giudice
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022, 29 (6), pp.1927-1930. ⟨10.1002/csr.2291⟩
Journal articles hal-04452842v1

Work Experience on Algorithm-Based Platforms: The Bright and Dark Sides of Turking

Mehmet A. Orhan , Insaf Khelladi , S. Castellano , Sanjay Singh
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022, 183, ⟨10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121907⟩
Journal articles hal-04300355v1

The Role of Members' Lived Experience in the Evolution of Online Communities toward Online Communities of Practice

C. Lejealle , S. Castellano , I. Khelladi
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2022, 26 (8), pp.1968-1984. ⟨10.1108/JKM-03-2021-0250⟩
Journal articles hal-04452851v1

How Death Anxiety Influences Coping Strategies during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Investigating the Role of Spirituality, National Identity, Lockdown and Trust

J. Partouche-Sebban , S. Rezaee Vessal , R. Sorio , S. Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Journal of Marketing Management, 2021, 37 (17-18), pp.1815-1839. ⟨10.1080/0267257X.2021.2012232⟩
Journal articles hal-04300358v1

The Influence of Geolocated Mobile Coupons on Customer Behavior

Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano , Vincent Dutot , J.-M. Lehu , R.C. Haeb
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 2021, 17 (2), pp.23--39. ⟨10.4018/IJTHI.2021040102⟩
Journal articles hal-04292612v1
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Impact of Self-Leadership and Shared Leadership on the Performance of Virtual R&d Teams

S. Castellano , K. Chandavimol , Insaf Khelladi , Mehmet A. Orhan
Journal of Business Research, 2021, 128, pp.578-586. ⟨10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.12.030⟩
Journal articles hal-04300349v1
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Technology Distraction at Work. Impacts on Self-Regulation and Work Engagement

Mehmet A. Orhan , S. Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , L. Marinelli , F. Monge
Journal of Business Research, 2021, 126, pp.341-349. ⟨10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.12.048⟩
Journal articles hal-04300353v1

Effects of Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns on Consumer Purchase Behavior among French Millennials: A Regulatory Focus Approach

J. Partouche , S. Vessal , I. Khelladi , S. Castellano , G. Sakka
International Marketing Review, 2020, 37 (5), pp.923-943. ⟨10.1108/IMR-12-2018-0348⟩
Journal articles hal-04457140v1

The Smartization of Metropolitan Cities: The Case of Paris

I. Khelladi , S. Castellano , David Kalisz
International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 2020, 16 (4), pp.1301-1325. ⟨10.1007/s11365-020-00691-w⟩
Journal articles hal-04457131v1

Entrepreneurial Intensity and Firm Performance: The Role of Institutional Ambidexterity

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Silvester Ivanaj
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2019, pp.1-10. ⟨10.1109/TEM.2019.2901500⟩
Journal articles hal-02125952v1

Uncovering the role of virtual agents in co-creation contexts – an application to the online wine business

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , J. Charlemagne , J. P. Susini
Management Decision, 2018, 56 (6), pp.1236-1246. ⟨10.1108/MD-04-2017-0444⟩
Journal articles hal-01809949v1

Les déterminants de la confiance de l’internaute dans le contexte d’une collecte de crowdfunding

Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano , A. Bertaud
Innovations - Revue d’économie et de management de l'innovation, 2018, 2 (56), pp.117-140. ⟨10.3917/inno.pr1.0040⟩
Journal articles hal-01809950v1

Integrating Entrepreneurship into the Design Classroom: Case Studies from the Developing World

Constance van Horne , Vincent Dutot , Sylvaine Castellano , Marco Sosa , Lina Ahmad
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2017, 12, pp.56-72. ⟨10.1007/s13132-017-0499-4⟩
Journal articles hal-02525771v1

Signalling Legitimacy in Global Contexts: The Case of Small Wine Producers in Bulgaria

Sylvaine Castellano , Olga Ivanova Ruffo
European Business Review, 2017, 29 (2), pp.243-255. ⟨10.1108/EBR-12-2015-0186⟩
Journal articles hal-01515114v1

Unveiling the sustainable facet of the conventional entrepreneur - A cognitive approach

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Loick Menvielle
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2017, 31 (3), pp.434-450. ⟨10.1504/IJESB.2017.10001363⟩
Journal articles hal-01768896v1

Legitimacy: The missing link in investigating the dynamics of entrepreneurial teams in successful Champagne houses

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2017, 32 (1/2), pp.160-180. ⟨10.1504/IJESB.2017.10002070⟩
Journal articles hal-01768900v1

Reputation, Image, and Social Media as Determinants of e-Reputation: The Case of Digital Natives and Luxury Brands

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 2016, 12 (4), pp.48-64. ⟨10.4018/IJTHI.2016100104⟩
Journal articles hal-01512905v1

Creativity techniques to enhance knowledge transfer within global virtual teams in the context of knowledge-intensive enterprises

Sylvaine Castellano , Philippe Davidson , Insaf Khelladi
Journal of Technology Transfer, 2016, pp.1-14. ⟨10.1007/s10961-016-9509-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01512786v1

How French Wine Producers Use Open Innovation to Gain and Manage Their Legitimacy

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2016, 7 (1), pp.155-171. ⟨10.1007/s13132-015-0332-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01512865v1

Influence du territoire sur la légitimité et le prix: le cas du secteur viti-vinicole français

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine, 2015, 5, pp.801-828. ⟨10.3917/reru.155.0801⟩
Journal articles hal-01507996v1

The Influence of Social Networks on E-Reputation: How Sportspersons Manage the Relationship with Their Online Community

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Amélie Chipaux , C. Kupferminc
International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 2014, 10 (4), pp.65-79. ⟨10.4018/ijthi.2014100105⟩
Journal articles hal-01513997v1

L'impact de la personnalisation basée sur le profil et la localisation sur le comportement du client dans un contexte de téléphonie mobile

Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano , Laurie Limongi
Revue Française du Marketing, 2014, 248, pp.45-60
Journal articles hal-01513998v1

Back to the Future: Adoption and Diffusion of Innovation in Retro Industries

Sylvaine Castellano , Olga Ivanova Ruffo , Adnane Maalaoui , Imen Safraou , Francesco Schiavone
European Journal of Innovation Management, 2013, 16 (4), pp.385-404. ⟨10.1108/EJIM-03-2013-0025⟩
Journal articles hal-01514539v1

L'| entrepreneuriat des seniors

Alain Fayolle , Adnane Maalaoui , Sylvaine Castellano , Mathias Rossi , Imen Safraou
Revue Française de Gestion, 2012, 38 (227), pp.69-80 P
Journal articles hal-02312977v1

L'entrepreneuriat des séniors

A. Maalaoui , A. Fayolle , S. Castellano , M. Rossi , I. Sarfraou
Revue Française de Gestion, 2012, Vol. 38, (n°227,), p. 69-80
Journal articles halshs-01052739v1

Signalling legitimacy for SMEs transition environments - the case of the Bulgarian IT Sector

Olga Ivanova Ruffo , Sylvaine Castellano
Journal for East European Management Studies, 2012, 17 (4), pp.398-422. ⟨10.5771/0949-6181-2012-4-398⟩
Journal articles hal-01514815v1

The prescriptive roles of avatars in the online wine shopping experience

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Rossella Sorio , Vincent Dutot , Justine Charlemagne
10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Jul 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-02453264v1

How Nomad Entrepreneurs contribute in building Dynamic Capabilities in a Global context The case of Flying Winemakers

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Rossella Sorio
1st International Research Workshop on Wine tourism: Challenges and futures perspectives, 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02297865v1

The role of Internet of Things to balance tradition and innovation in the wine industry

Sylvaine Castellano , David Kalisz , Insaf Khelladi
1st International Research Workshop on Wine tourism: Challenges and futures perspectives, 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02297867v1

Le rôle des agents virtuels sur la confiance et l’intention d’achat de vin en ligne

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Rossella Sorio , Vincent Dutot , Justine Charlemagne
Treizième Journée AFM du Marketing Agroalimentaire à Montpellier, Sep 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02511672v1

L’influence des agents virtuels sur le comportement d’achat de vin en ligne

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Justine Charlemagne
International Marketing Trends Conference Luxury Industries Conference, 2017, Londres - Royaume Uni, Région indéterminée
Conference papers hal-01772318v1

From Transgenerational Entrepreneurship to Family Entrepreneurial Heritage. Evidence from French Champagne Houses

Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano
Entrepreneurship Research: Past, Present & Future May 10-12, 2017, Paris France
Conference papers hal-01772339v1

Les déterminants de la confiance de l’internaute dans le contexte d’une collecte de crowdfunding

Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano , Aurore Bertaud
1ère journée d’étude sur le crowdfunding, 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01772329v1

The Influence of Organizational Status on Price and Legitimacy in the Bordeaux Wine Region

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) Conference, 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-01512824v1

The Influence of Organizational Status on Price and Legitimacy in the Bordeaux Wine Region

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Vineyard Data Quantification Society (VDQS) Conference, 2016, Colmar, France
Conference papers hal-01512823v1

The Rise and Fall of Art Nouveau: (De)legitimation Processes in Creative Industries

Amélie Boutinot , Sylvaine Castellano , Olga Ivanova Ruffo
1st ARTEM OCC : ARTEM International Organizational Creativity and Sustainability Conference, 2015, Nancy France
Conference papers hal-01507994v1

An alternative explanation at the disconnection between institutionalization and legitimation: Art Nouveau's Rise and Decline through the Deleuzian Lens

Amélie Boutinot , Sylvaine Castellano , Raffi Duymedjian , Olga Ivanova Ruffo
31st European Group for Organizations (EGOS) Colloquium, 2015, Athènes Greece
Conference papers hal-01508001v1

Understanding the concept of House in organizational studies. The case of Champagne Houses.

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , François-Xavier Marquaire
5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, 2014, Nice France
Conference papers hal-01513919v1

Unveiling the sustainable facet of the conventional entrepreneur - A cognitive approach

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi , Loick Menvielle
Journée Entrepreneuriat & PME : enjeux et perspectives, 2014, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-01513937v1

Comment la légitimité peut-elle expliquer la performance des équipes entrepreneuriales ?

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
1st Development Workshop on Entrepreneurial Teams & Collective Entrepreneurship Research, Jun 2014, Troyes, France
Conference papers hal-01513936v1

La légitimité: le lien manquant pour expliquer la performance des équipes entrepreneuriales?

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Atelier FIRE - ICN Business School, 2014, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01513949v1

Le rôle de l'entrepreneur institutionnel au sein des logiques territoriales : le cas du secteur viti-vinicole français

Sylvaine Castellano , Adnan Maalaoui , Insaf Khelladi
AIMS - 6ème atelier \Stratégies, Espaces et Territoires\", organization="AIMS - 6ème atelier \Stratégies, Espaces et Territoires\, 2013, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-01514497v1

The impact of profile and location-based personalization on customer behavior in a mobile context

Insaf Khelladi , Sylvaine Castellano , Laurie Limongi
Research Day on Digital Business, 2013, Paris France
Conference papers hal-01514498v1

Play it like Beckham! The influence of social networks on e-reputation: The case of sportspeople and their online fan base

Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Anabela Mesquita. Research Paradigms and Contemporary Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction, 3, IGI Global, pp.43-61, 2017, ⟨10.4018/978-1-5225-1868-6.ch003⟩
Book sections hal-01515116v1

Chapitre introductif. L'auto-entrepreneur : origines, débats, implications

Adnan Maalaoui , Sylvaine Castellano , Insaf Khelladi
Adnan MAALAOUI & Sylvaine CASTELLANO. L'AUTOENTREPRENEUR DANS TOUS SES ÉTATS: Une approche transdisciplinaire, L'Harmattan, 2013, 978-2-343-01006-9
Book sections hal-01514499v1