The prescriptive roles of avatars in the online wine shopping experience10th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, Jul 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers
How Nomad Entrepreneurs contribute in building Dynamic Capabilities in a Global context The case of Flying Winemakers1st International Research Workshop on Wine tourism: Challenges and futures perspectives, 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
The role of Internet of Things to balance tradition and innovation in the wine industry1st International Research Workshop on Wine tourism: Challenges and futures perspectives, 2019, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Le rôle des agents virtuels sur la confiance et l’intention d’achat de vin en ligneTreizième Journée AFM du Marketing Agroalimentaire à Montpellier, Sep 2018, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
L’influence des agents virtuels sur le comportement d’achat de vin en ligneInternational Marketing Trends Conference Luxury Industries Conference, 2017, Londres - Royaume Uni, Région indéterminée
Conference papers
From Transgenerational Entrepreneurship to Family Entrepreneurial Heritage. Evidence from French Champagne HousesEntrepreneurship Research: Past, Present & Future May 10-12, 2017, Paris France
Conference papers
Les déterminants de la confiance de l’internaute dans le contexte d’une collecte de crowdfunding1ère journée d’étude sur le crowdfunding, 2017, Paris, France
Conference papers
The Influence of Organizational Status on Price and Legitimacy in the Bordeaux Wine RegionAmerican Association of Wine Economists (AAWE) Conference, 2016, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
The Influence of Organizational Status on Price and Legitimacy in the Bordeaux Wine RegionVineyard Data Quantification Society (VDQS) Conference, 2016, Colmar, France
Conference papers
The Rise and Fall of Art Nouveau: (De)legitimation Processes in Creative Industries1st ARTEM OCC : ARTEM International Organizational Creativity and Sustainability Conference, 2015, Nancy France
Conference papers
An alternative explanation at the disconnection between institutionalization and legitimation: Art Nouveau's Rise and Decline through the Deleuzian Lens31st European Group for Organizations (EGOS) Colloquium, 2015, Athènes Greece
Conference papers
Understanding the concept of House in organizational studies. The case of Champagne Houses.5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management, 2014, Nice France
Conference papers
Unveiling the sustainable facet of the conventional entrepreneur - A cognitive approachJournée Entrepreneuriat & PME : enjeux et perspectives, 2014, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Comment la légitimité peut-elle expliquer la performance des équipes entrepreneuriales ?1st Development Workshop on Entrepreneurial Teams & Collective Entrepreneurship Research, Jun 2014, Troyes, France
Conference papers
La légitimité: le lien manquant pour expliquer la performance des équipes entrepreneuriales?Atelier FIRE - ICN Business School, 2014, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Le rôle de l'entrepreneur institutionnel au sein des logiques territoriales : le cas du secteur viti-vinicole françaisAIMS - 6ème atelier \Stratégies, Espaces et Territoires\", organization="AIMS - 6ème atelier \Stratégies, Espaces et Territoires\, 2013, Rouen, France
Conference papers
The impact of profile and location-based personalization on customer behavior in a mobile contextResearch Day on Digital Business, 2013, Paris France
Conference papers
Play it like Beckham! The influence of social networks on e-reputation: The case of sportspeople and their online fan baseAnabela Mesquita. Research Paradigms and Contemporary Perspectives on Human-Technology Interaction, 3, IGI Global, pp.43-61, 2017, ⟨10.4018/978-1-5225-1868-6.ch003⟩
Book sections
Chapitre introductif. L'auto-entrepreneur : origines, débats, implicationsAdnan MAALAOUI & Sylvaine CASTELLANO. L'AUTOENTREPRENEUR DANS TOUS SES ÉTATS: Une approche transdisciplinaire, L'Harmattan, 2013, 978-2-343-01006-9
Book sections
Le vin sans alcool est-il vraiment du vin ?2021
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Es realmente vino el vino sin alcohol?2021
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Will the world ever accept non-alcoholic wine?2021
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