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Sylvie Lebrun



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Laser-Induced Damage in Silica Nanofibers in Air and Immersed in Different Liquids in the Nanosecond Regime

Maha Bouhadida , Pierre-Enguerrand Verdier , Sylvie Lebrun
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2021, 33 (17), pp.967-970. ⟨10.1109/LPT.2021.3101438⟩
Journal articles hal-03359750v1
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Long-term optical transmittance measurements of silica nanofibers

Maha Bouhadida , Philippe Delaye , Sylvie Lebrun
Optics Communications, 2021, 500, pp.127336. ⟨10.1016/j.optcom.2021.127336⟩
Journal articles hal-03357339v1
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Continuous-wave generation of photon pairs in silica nanofibers using single-longitudinal- and multilongitudinal-mode pumps

Philippe Delaye , Tao Liu , Ewan Mer , Maha Bouhadida , Sylvie Lebrun
Physical Review A, 2021, 104 (6), pp.063715. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevA.104.063715⟩
Journal articles hal-03537106v1
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Highly efficient and reproducible evanescent Raman converters based on a silica nanofiber immersed in a liquid

Maha Bouhadida , Jean-Charles Beugnot , Philippe Delaye , Kien Phan Huy , Sylvie Lebrun
Applied Physics B - Laser and Optics, 2019, 125 (12), pp.228. ⟨10.1007/s00340-019-7340-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02379006v1
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Efficient Raman converter in the yellow range with high spatial and spectral brightness

Minh Chau Phan Huy , Philippe Delaye , Gilles Pauliat , Sylvie Lebrun
Applied optics, 2018, 57 (24), pp.6892. ⟨10.1364/AO.57.006892⟩
Journal articles hal-02326736v1
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Lowering backward Raman and Brillouin scattering in waveguide Raman wavelength converters

Min Châu Phan Huy , Philippe Delaye , Gilles Pauliat , Nicolas Dubreuil , Frédéric Gérôme
Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications, 2017, 13, pp.31. ⟨10.1186/s41476-017-0059-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01626731v1

Brillouin spectroscopy of optical microfibers and nanofibers

Adrien Godet , Abdoulaye Ndao , Thibaut Sylvestre , Vincent Pecheur , Sylvie Lebrun
Optica, 2017, 4 (10), pp.1232-1238. ⟨10.1364/OPTICA.4.001232⟩
Journal articles hal-01690541v1
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Évaluation des pratiques professionnelles (EPP) en nutrition parentérale au Centre régional de lutte contre le cancer (CRLCC) de Rennes

M. Som , F. Chelle , E. Vauléon , F. Lebrun , C. Bertrand
Nutrition Clinique et Métabolisme, 2016, 30 (3), pp.290--296. ⟨10.1016/j.nupar.2016.08.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01451695v1
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Brillouin light scattering from surface acoustic waves in a sub-wavelength diameter optical fibre

Jean-Charles Beugnot , Sylvie Lebrun , Gilles Pauliat , Hervé Maillotte , Vincent Laude
Nature Communications, 2014, 5, pp.5242 (6). ⟨10.1038/ncomms6242⟩
Journal articles hal-03222008v1

The Holocene drowned reef of Les Saintes plateau as witness of a long-term tectonic subsidence along the Lesser Antilles volcanic arc in Guadeloupe

F. Leclerc , Nathalie Feuillet , Guy Cabioch , C. Deplus , F. Lebrun
Marine Geology, 2014, 355, pp.115 - 135. ⟨10.1016/j.margeo.2014.05.017⟩
Journal articles hal-01496242v1
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First Detection of 56Co Gamma-Ray Lines from Type Ia Supernova (SN 2014J) with INTEGRAL

E. Churazov , R. Sunyaev , J. Isern , Jürgen Knödlseder , P. Jean
Nature, 2014, 512, pp.406-408. ⟨10.1038/nature13672⟩
Journal articles hal-01381949v1
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Design of nanofibres for efficient stimulated Raman scattering in the evanescent field

Liye Shan , Gilles Pauliat , Guillaume Vienne , Limin Tong , Sylvie Lebrun
Journal of the European Optical Society : Rapid publications, 2013, 8, pp.13030
Journal articles hal-00818197v1
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Stimulated Raman scattering in the evanescent field of liquid immersed tapered nanofibers

Liye Shan , Gilles Pauliat , Guillaume Vienne , Limin Tong , Sylvie Lebrun
Applied Physics Letters, 2013, 102, pp.201110. ⟨10.1063/1.4807170⟩
Journal articles hal-00825652v1
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Characterization of self-phase modulation in liquid filled hollow core photonic band gap fibers

Minh-Châu Phan Huy , Alexandre Baron , Sylvie Lebrun , Robert Frey , Philippe Delaye
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2010, 27 (9), pp.1886
Journal articles hal-00505078v3

Optical characterizations of a raman generator based on a hollow core photonic crystal fiber filled with a liquid

Sylvie Lebrun , Christelle Lesvigne-Buy , Philippe Delaye , Robert Frey , Gilles Pauliat
Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials, 2010, 27 (9), pp.1886
Journal articles hal-00572390v1
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High-efficiency single-mode Raman generation in a liquid-filled photonic bandgap fiber

Sylvie Lebrun , Philippe Delaye , Robert Frey , Gérald Roosen
Optics Letters, 2007, 32 (4), pp.337-339
Journal articles hal-00671088v1
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Stimulated Raman scattering in hollow core photonic crystal fibres

Sylvie Lebrun , Philippe Delaye , Gérald Roosen
Annales de Physique, 2007, 32, pp.45-51. ⟨10.1051/anphys:2008005⟩
Journal articles hal-00671077v1
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Stimulated Raman scattering in an ethanol core microstructured optical fiber

Sylvie Yiou , Philippe Delaye , Anne Rouvie , Jordi Chinaud , Robert Frey
Optics Express, 2005, 13 (12), pp.4786-4791
Journal articles hal-00671131v1
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Numerical modelling of a continuous wave Yb:doped bulk crystal laser emitting on a three-level laser transition around 980 nm

Sylvie Yiou , François Balembois , Patrick Georges
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 2005, 22 (3), pp.572-581
Journal articles hal-00686983v1
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Improvement of spatial beam quality of laser sources with an intracavity Bragg grating

Sylvie Yiou , François Balembois , Patrick Georges , Jean-Pierre Huignard
Optics Letters, 2003, 28 (4), pp.242-244
Journal articles hal-00701623v1
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Efficient laser operation of an Yb:S-FAP crystal at 985 nm

Sylvie Yiou , François Balembois , Kathleen Schaffers , Patrick Georges
Applied optics, 2003, 42 (24), pp.4883-4886
Journal articles hal-00701618v1
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Continuous-wave diode-pumped solid-state laser with an intracavity fiber Bragg grating

Sylvie Yiou , Gaëlle Lucas-Leclin , François Balembois , Patrick Georges
Applied optics, 2002, 41 (30), pp.6356-6359
Journal articles hal-00700644v1
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High-power continuous wave diode-pumped Nd:YAlO3 laser emitting on the low-gain 1378-nm and 1385-nm transitions

Sylvie Yiou , François Balembois , Patrick Georges , Alain Brun
Applied optics, 2001, 40 (18), pp.3019-3022
Journal articles hal-00686991v1