Gaseous Environmental Transmission Electron Microscope (ETEM): seeing nanomaterials at work under external stimuli
T. Epicier
KBSI: Korea Basic Science Institute 126-16 Center, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Sep 2023, Seoul, South Korea
Conference papers
Q. Jeangros
M. Bugnet
T. Epicier
C. Frantz
S. Diethelm
18ème Colloque de la SFµ, Jul 2023, Rouen, France
Conference papers
3D in situ and environmental TEM studies of nanomaterials in action
T. Epicier
IMC20, Sep 2023, Busan, South Korea
Conference papers
Liquid Cell and Environmental TEM: Frontier Techniques Applied to Geochemical Interface Reactions
Roland Hellmann
Andrew Lauer
Thierry Epicier
Donovan N. Leonard
17th International Symposium on Water Rock Interaction, AIG, Aug 2023, Sendai (JP), Japan. pp.1-2
Conference papers
Suivi in situ de l’hydruration de nanoparticules Pd et Pd/Au en ETEM
T. Epicier
C. Ndaya-Cibaka
F. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
A. Brioude
3ème réunion plénières de la FRH2, May 2023, Saint Gilles Les Bains, France
Conference papers
Operando analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy
T. Epicier
3ème réunion plénières de la FRH2, May 2023, Saint Gilles Les Bains, France
Conference papers
A Peltier stage cooled sample holder tip for the in situ study of water vapor / liquid equilibrium and the hygroscopic behaviour of aerosols in an ETEM
T. Epicier
E. Ehret
F. Cadete Santos Aires
J. Vas
M. Aouine
FEMS-EUROMAT23, Sep 2023, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Conference papers
Formation and evolution of AuxPd1-x model catalysts under gaseous environments and variable temperature within an ETEM
F. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
B. Domenichini
L. Burel
T. Epicier
18ème Colloque de la SFµ, Jul 2023, Rouen, France
Conference papers
De l’eau sans cellule à membranes dans un ETEM
T. Epicier
E. Ehret
F. Cadete Santos Aires
A. Boreave
M. Riva
ICSM UMR 5257 – CEA / CNRS / UM / ENSCM Site de Marcoule, Bâtiment 426 BP 17171, F-30207 Bagnols sur Cèze Cedex, Nov 2023, Bagnols Sur Cèze, France
Conference papers
Analyse operando d’une pile à combustible modèle par Microscopie Electronique en Transmission Environnementale (ETEM)
Q. Jeangros
M. Bugnet
T. Epicier
M. Duchamp
3ème réunion plénières de la FRH2, May 2023, Saint Gilles Les Bains, France
Conference papers
Unraveling the structure of TlNbOx bronze oxide by atomic STEM and STEM-EDX
M. Aouine
T. Minh Nha Le
Y. Lefkir
S. Reynaud
J. Millet
18ème Colloque de la SFµ, Jul 2023, Rouen, France
Conference papers
Analyse operando d’une pile à combustible modèle par Microscopie
Electronique en Transmission Environnementale (ETEM)
Q. Jeangros
M. Bugnet
T. Epicier
M. Duchamp
3ème réunion plénières de la FRH2, May 2023, Saint Gilles Les Bains, France
Conference papers
In situ ETEM study of water condensation / evaporation and the hygroscopic behavior of aerosols using a Peltier micro-device cooled holder tip
T. Epicier
F. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
M. Aouine
J. Vas
18ème Colloque de la SFµ, Jul 2023, Rouen, France
Conference papers
Following in situ the hydrogenation of Pd and Pd/Au NPs in ETEM
T. Epicier
C. Ndaya-Cibaka
F. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
A. Brioude
3ème réunion plénières de la FRH2, May 2023, Saint Gilles Les Bains, France
Conference papers
Windowless wet Environmental TEM: a dedicated approach for water condensation / evaporation experiments
J. Vas
F.J. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
E. Landrivon
A. Muller
2022 MRS Spring Meeting, May 2022, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers
Intelligent tracking of catalytic nanoparticles trajectories during in situ ETEM experiments
F. Khuram
T. Grenier
C. Ducottet
Thierry Epicier
2022 MRS Spring Meeting, May 2022, Honolulu, United States
Conference papers
Benefits of Nanoscale Operando Experiments in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Devices
Q. Jeangros
Matthieu Bugnet
T. Epicier
C. Frantz
S. Diethelm
Conference papers
A SOFC working in an environmental transmission electron microscope
Q. Jeangros
M. Bugnet
T. Epicier
C. Frantz
S. Diethelm
EFCF 2022: 15th European SOFC & SOE Forum, Jul 2022, Lucerne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Networks of bimetallic AuxPd1-x catalysts: behaviour in presence of gaseous environments and variable temperature within the environmental TEM
F. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
Domenichini B.
L. Burel
T. Epicier
Conférence Or-Nano 2022, Mar 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Condensating water on aerosols within an environmental TEM using an open-cell cryoholder
Francisco José Cadete Santos Aires
Eric Ehret
Joseph Vas
Clément Chatre
Emmanuel Landrivon
French Conference on Catalysis 2022 (FCCAT 3 2022), GECAT (Groupe d'Étude en Catalyse); DivCat (Divisions Catalyse), May 2022, Ronce-les-Bains, France
Conference papers
Model catalysts synthesized by the di-block copolymer inverse micelle method: insights on nanoparticle formation and network stability within the environmental TEM. - VIRTUAL
F.J. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
B. Domenichini
L. Burel
Thierry Epicier
Scientific School for Young Scientists “New catalysts and catalytic processes to solve the challenges of environmentally responsible and resource-saving energy production”, Sep 2021, Tomsk, Russia
Conference papers
On Surface Oxidation Issues Arising During CO Oxidation on a PdAu(110) Surface. An In Situ Study by Complementary Environmental Methods (STM, SXRD, XPS). VIRTUEL
E. Ehret
F.J. Cadete Santos Aires
B. Domenichini
L. Burel
Thierry Epicier
5th International Conference on In-Situ and Correlative Electron Microscopy – CISCEM 2021, Sep 2021, Paris, France
Conference papers
Windowless in situ Water Condensation on NaCl nanocubes in Environmental TEM. - VIRTUEL
F.J. Cadete Santos Aires
E. Ehret
C. Chatre
L. Massin
L. Roiban
Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science 2021. 7th Joint Congress of the Portuguese and Spanish Microscopy Societies, Sep 2021, Braga, Portugal
Conference papers
Self-Organized Bimetallic Catalysts Obtained from Di-Block Copolymer Micellar Solutions: Nanoparticle Formation and Network Stability at High Temperature under Gas Pressure within the Environmental TEM.
E. Ehret
F.J. Cadete Santos Aires
B. Domenichini
L. Burel
Thierry Epicier
Microscopy at the Frontiers of Science 2021. 7th Joint Congress of the Portuguese and Spanish Microscopy Societies, Sep 2021, Braga, Portugal
Conference papers
Arrays of bimetallic nanoparticles obtained by the block copolymer inverse micelle method
E. Ehret
Thierry Epicier
E. Beyou
B. Domenichini
G.V. Mamontov
XVIII International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development", Apr 2021, Tomsk, Russia
Conference papers
Investigation of the Oxidation Reaction of LiFePO 4 Cathode Material using Environmental TEM
Matthieu Bugnet
Thierry Epicier
Martial Duchamp
Nadir Recham
Tristan Lombard
Conference papers
Can the environmental TEM confirm atomistic models of adsorbed molecules at surfaces of solids?
Matthieu Bugnet
Ihor Pershukov
Olivier Matz
Monica Calatayud
Thierry Epicier
Conference papers
Very Fast Acquisition of Tilt series in Environmental TEM Tomography: Tips and Tricks
Thierry Epicier
Thomas Grenier
Hussein Banjak
Voichita Maxim
Siddardha Koneti
XVIème colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies, Société Française des Microscopies (SFµ), Jul 2019, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Apports de la MET et de la microscopie électronique avancée environnementale à l'étude de nanoparticules (multi-)fonctionnelles
Thierry Epicier
5ième atelier du GDRI Nanomateriaux Multifonctionnels Contrôlés, May 2018, Port Argelès, France
Conference papers
2D and Fast 3D in situ study of the calcination and reduction of Pd nanocatalysts supported on Alumina in Environmental Transmission Electron Microscopy (ETEM)
Thierry Epicier
Siddardha Koneti
Lucian Roiban
Anne-Sophie Gay
Amandine Cabiac
Matériaux 2018, Nov 2018, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
PEALD of Pt nanoparticles: towards the development of single electron transistors and flexible strain sensors
Etienne Puyoo
Daniel Thomas
Martine Le Berre
Liviu Militaru
Christophe Malhaire
RAFALD (Réseau des Acteurs Français de l’ALD), Nov 2018, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Calcination of Pd Nanoparticles on Delta Alumina : Ex-situ Analysis versus In-situ Environmental TEM
Siddardha Koneti
Lucian Roiban
Anne-Sophie Gay
Priscilla Avenier
Florent Dalmas
Conference papers
Environmental Transmission Electron Tomography: fast 3D analysis of nano-materials
Siddardha Koneti
Lucian Roiban
Voichita Maxim
Thomas Grenier
Priscilla Avenier
Conference papers
Automatic reconstruction of Nanoparticle Size Distribution assisted by STEM-HAADF imaging
Z. Liu
Nathalie Destouches
Guy Vitrant
Yaya Lefkir
Thierry Epicier
Colloque SEMPA 2016, Mar 2016, Saint Etienne, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation par MET de la région proche de la surface de l’absorbeur dans les cellules solaires à base de Cu(In,Ga)Se2
Eric Gautron
Thomas Lepetit
Nicolas Barreau
Thierry Douillard
Thierry Epicier
2ème journée des utilisateurs du réseau national METSA, Dec 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Ni silicides formation: use of Ge and Pt to study the diffusing species, lateral growth and relaxation mechanisms.
Mike El Kousseifi
Khalid Hoummada
Thierry Epicier
Dominique Mangelinck
2015 IEEE International Interconnect Technology Conference and 2015 IEEE Materials for Advanced Metallization Conference (IITC/MAM), 2015, 345 E 47TH ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017 USA, Unknown Region. pp.257-259
Conference papers
Cartographies d’orientations cristallines obtenues par série d’image ionique: technique iCHORD
Cyril Langlois
Hui Yuan
Thierry Douillard
Bertrand van de Moortèle
Armel Descamps-Mandine
14ème colloque SFµ, Jun 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers
Crystal Orientation Mapping using ion image series: iCHORD
Cyril Langlois
Thierry Douillard
Hui Yuan
Nicholas P. Blanchard
Armel Descamps-Mandine
EUROMAT, Sep 2015, Warsaw, Poland
Conference papers
Mécanismes et conditions d'auto-organisation de nanoparticules métalliques sous excitation plasmonique
N. Destouches
Z. Liu
G. Vitrant
Y. Lefkir
T. Epicier
conférence plénière du GDR NACRE, Sep 2015, Oléron, France
Conference papers
Crystal orientation mapping via ion channeling: an alternative to EBSD
Cyril Langlois
Thierry Douillard
Hui Yuan
Nicholas P. Blanchard
Armel Descamps-Mandine
Microscience Microscopy Congress 2015, Jun 2015, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers
How oxidation and growth of silver nanoparticles compete in TiO2 films when exposed to a moving visible laser.
Z Liu
N. Destouches
G. Vitrant
Thierry Epicier
F. Vocanson
MNO 2014, Nov 2014, Lille, France
Conference papers
Towards the understanding of an industrial process to produce photovoltaic cells : benefits of a multi-techniques approach in a FIB (nano-machining, SEM imaging, 3D tomographic slicing, EDX and EBSD mapping, and TEM slabs preparation)
Nicholas P. Blanchard
Armel Descamps-Mandine
Thierry Douillard
Thierry Epicier
Jean-Claude Ménard
12ème colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies, Jun 2011, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Phase Field Modeling of Carbides precipitation in steels
Julien Boisse
Thierry Epicier
Michel Perez
Euromat 2011, Sep 2011, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Characterization of Carbon/Silicon Ribbon for Photovoltaic Application: Study of Materials and Interfaces
Mathieu Monville
Sylvie Bonnamy
Marco Schowalter
Thierry Douillard
Thierry Epicier
Annual World Conference on Carbon 2009, Jun 2009, Biarritz, France
Conference papers