Tunable three-body interactions in driven two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
A. Hammond
L. Lavoine
Thomas Bourdel
Journal articles
Beyond-mean-field effects in Rabi-coupled two-component Bose-Einstein condensate
L Lavoine
A Hammond
A Recati
D S Petrov
Thomas Bourdel
Journal articles
Beyond-mean-field crossover from one dimension to three dimensions in quantum droplets of binary mixtures
L. Lavoine
Thomas Bourdel
Journal articles
Observation of the algebraic localization-delocalization transition in a 1D disordered potential with a bias force
G. Berthet
L. Lavoine
M. K. Parit
A. Brolis
A. Boissé
Journal articles
Two-body collisions in the time-of-flight dynamics of lattice Bose superfluids
Antoine Tenart
Cécile Carcy
Hugo Cayla
Thomas Bourdel
Marco Mancini
Journal articles
Quantitative analysis of losses close to a d -wave open-channel Feshbach resonance in K 39
L. Fouché
A. Boissé
G. Berthet
S. Lepoutre
A. Simoni
Journal articles
Nonlinear scattering of atomic bright solitons in disorder
A Boissé
Gwenaël Berthet
L Fouché
G Salomon
Alain Aspect
Journal articles
Production of strongly bound 39K bright solitons
S Lepoutre
L Fouché
A Boissé
Gwenaël Berthet
G Salomon
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2016, 94 (5), pp.053626
Journal articles
All optical cooling of $^{39}$K to Bose Einstein condensation
G. Salomon
L. Fouché
S. Lepoutre
Alain Aspect
Thomas Bourdel
Journal articles
Gray molasses cooling of $^{39}$K to a high phase-space density
Guillaume Salomon
Lauriane Fouché
Pengjun Wang
Alain Aspect
Philippe Bouyer
Journal articles
Momentum isotropisation in random potential
Thomas Plisson
Thomas Bourdel
Cord A. Mueller
The European Physical Journal. Special Topics, 2013, 217, pp.79-84
Journal articles
Phase diagrams of 2D and 3D disordered Bose gases in the local density approximation
Thomas Bourdel
Journal articles
Effect of disorder close to the superfluid transition in a two-dimensional Bose gas
Baptiste Allard
Thomas Plisson
Markus Holzmann
Guillaume Salomon
Alain Aspect
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2012, 85 (3), pp.033602
Journal articles
Classical and quantum trampoline for ultra-cold atoms, in Quantum phenomena in gravitational field
Thomas Bourdel
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Christian J. Bordé
Alain Aspect
Comptes Rendus. Physique, 2011, 12, pp.779
Journal articles
Regimes of classical transport of cold gases in a two-dimensional anisotropic disorder
Luca Pezzé
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Thomas Bourdel
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Baptiste Allard
Journal articles
Coherence properties of a 2D trapped Bose gas around the superfluid transition
Thomas Plisson
Baptiste Allard
Markus Holzmann
Guillaume Salomon
Alain Aspect
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2011, 84 (9-10), pp.061606(R)
Journal articles
Anisotropic 2D diffusive expansion of ultra-cold atoms in a disordered potential
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Baptiste Allard
Thomas Plisson
Luca Pezzé
Journal articles
A quantum trampoline for ultra-cold atoms
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Christian J. Bordé
Alain Aspect
Thomas Bourdel
Journal articles
A frequency doubled 1534 nm laser system for potassium laser cooling
Guillaume Stern
Baptiste Allard
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Baptiste Battelier
Journal articles
All-optical runaway evaporation to Bose-Einstein condensation
Jean-François Clément
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Robert Nyman
Alain Aspect
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2009, 79 (6), pp.061406(R)
Journal articles
Light-shift tomography in an optical-dipole trap for neutral atoms
Jean-Philippe Brantut
Jean-François Clément
Martin Robert-De-Saint-Vincent
Gaël Varoquaux
Robert Nyman
Journal articles
Limits of sympathetic cooling of fermions by zero temperature bosons due to particle losses
Lincoln D. Carr
Thomas Bourdel
Yvan Castin
Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015], 2004, 69, pp.033603
Journal articles
Measurement of the interaction energy near a Feshbach resonance in a Li Fermi gas
Thomas Bourdel
Julien Cubizolles
Lev Khaykovic
K. M.F. Magalhaes
Servaas J.J.M.F. Kokkelmans
Physical Review Letters, 2003, 91, pp.020402
Journal articles
Formation of a Matter-Wave Bright Soliton
L. Khaykovich
F. Schreck
G. Ferrari
Thomas Bourdel
Julien Cubizolles
Science, 2002, 296, pp.1290
Journal articles
Quasipure Bose-Einstein Condensate Immersed in a Fermi Sea
F. Schreck
Lev Khaykovich
K. Corwin
G. Ferrari
Thomas Bourdel
Physical Review Letters, 2001, 87, pp.080403
Journal articles