Valérie Gouranton
I am doing my research at l'[UMR IRISA]( and the [Inria Rennes Bretagne Atlantique](, in [Hybrid]( team.
Associate professor at [INSA Rennes](, Hab. (HdR), Computer Science Department.
I am responsible for the Arts, Culture and Heritage transverse art at l'[UMR IRISA](
Keywords : XR, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, 3D interaction, collaboration, Cultural Heritage
Research themes
· Collaborative Virtual Environments Methods and Platforms
· Virtual Reality Methods and Tools for Health, Construction, Arts & Cultural Heritage
Current PhD Students (7)
- Vincent Goupil, 26th November 2020-25th November 2023, defense
- Emilie Hummel, October 2021-
- Mathieu Risy, October 2022-
- Julien Lomet, October 2022-
- Sony Saint-Auret, November 2022-
- Romain Chabbert, October 2023-
- Maxime Dumonteil, October 2023-
Current Projects
- PIA4 DEMOS AIR (leader INSA Rennes) 2022-2025
- Rennes-Métropôle Créativité Croisée BASTET (leader) 2022-2023
- Equipex+ Continuum 2022-2029
- CNPAO (co-leader)
Past PhD Students (14)
- Lysa Gramoli, 2023
- Guillaume Vailland, 2021
- Guillaume Bataille, 2020
- Romain Terrier, 2020
- Flavien Lécuyer, 2020
- Anne-Solène DRIS, 2018
- Gwendal Le Moulec, 2018
- Jean-Baptiste Barreau, 2017
- Guillaume Claude, 2016
- François Lehericey, 2016
- Morgan Le Chénéchal, 2016
- Cédric Fleury, 2012
- Quentin Avril, 2011
- Souley Madougou, 2005
Past Projets
- Interreg ADAPT (member)
- Cominlabs SUNSET (leader INSA Rennes)
- Cominlabs RobotX (leader INSA Rennes)
- Cominlabs S3PM (leader INSA Rennes)
- FUI SIFORAS, PREVIZ (leader INSA Rennes)
- Imag'in CNRS IRMA (leader INSA Rennes)
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Handing Pedagogical Scenarios Back Over To Domain Experts: A Scenario Authoring Model for VR with Pedagogical ObjectivesVISIGRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, GRAPP, Feb 2024, Rome, Italy. pp.1-12
Conference papers
Cool Me Down: Effects of Thermal Feedback on Cognitive Stress in Virtual Reality2024 - Eurohaptics conference, Hiroyuki Kajimoto; Pedro Lopes; Claudio Pacchierotti, Jun 2024, Lille, France. pp.1-7
Conference papers
Virtual Reality for the Preservation and Promotion of Historical Real TennisCGI 2023 - Computer Graphics International, Aug 2023, Shangai, China. pp.1-13
Conference papers
Can You Find Your Way? Comparing Wayfinding Behaviour Between Reality and Virtual RealityICAT-EGVE 2023 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Dec 2023, Dublin, Ireland. pp.1-10
Conference papers
Collaboration in a virtual reality artwork: the experience of co-presence, co-creation and letting goMOCO 2022 - 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing, Jun 2022, Chicago & Virtual, United States
Conference papers
Haptic Rattle: Multi-Modal Rendering of Virtual Objects Inside a Hollow ContainerEuroHaptics 2022 - International conference on Haptics: Science, Technology, Applications, May 2022, Hamburg, Germany. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-06249-0_22⟩
Conference papers
Could you relax in an artistic co-creative virtual reality experience?ICAT-EGVE, joint international conference of the the 32nd International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence & the 27th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments., Nov 2022, Yokohama, Japan. pp.1-9, ⟨10.2312/egve.20221282⟩
Conference papers
Control Your Virtual Agent in its Daily-activities for Long PeriodsPAAMS 2022 - 20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Jul 2022, L'Aquila, Italy. pp.203-216, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-18192-4_17⟩
Conference papers
A BIM-based model to study wayfinding signage using virtual realityWBC 2022 - CIB World Building Congress, Jun 2022, Melbourne, Australia. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1088/1755-1315/1101/9/092028⟩
Conference papers
Cubic Bézier Local Path Planner for Non-holonomic Feasible and Comfortable Path GenerationICRA 2021 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, May 2021, Xian, China. pp.7894-7900
Conference papers
Scenario-based VR Application for Collaborative DesignGRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Feb 2021, Online Streaming, France. pp.237-244, ⟨10.5220/0010268602370244⟩
Conference papers
Interactions avec la sirène de Cagniard-Latour en réalité virtuelleHumanistica 2021 - Colloque de l'Association francophone des humanités numériques, Martin Grandjean; Nicolas Thély, May 2021, Rennes, France. pp.36-38, ⟨10.5281/zenodo.4745006⟩
Conference papers
Managing Mutual Occlusions between Real and Virtual Entities in Virtual RealityGRAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Feb 2021, Online Streaming, France. pp.37-44, ⟨10.5220/0010213800370044⟩
Conference papers
Immersive Volumetric Point Cloud Manipulation for Cultural HeritageICAT-EGVE 2021 - 31th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence (ICAT 2021) and the 26th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (EGVE 2021), Sep 2021, Sankt Augustin, Germany. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Needs Model for an Autonomous Agent during Long-term SimulationsAIVR 2021 - 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, Nov 2021, Taichung, Taiwan. pp.1-5
Conference papers
VR based Power Wheelchair Simulator: Usability Evaluation through a Clinically Validated Task with Regular UsersVR 2021 - IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2021, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.1-8
Conference papers
A Unified Design & Development Framework for Mixed Interactive SystemsVISIGRAPP 2020 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Feb 2020, Valletta, Malta. pp.1-12
Conference papers
Vestibular Feedback on a Virtual Reality Wheelchair Driving Simulator: A Pilot StudyHRI 2020 - ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, Mar 2020, Cambridge, United Kingdom. ⟨10.1145/3319502.3374825⟩
Conference papers
Scenario-based VR Framework for Product DesignVISIGRAPP 2020 - 15th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Feb 2020, Valletta, Malta. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Simulateur de Conduite de Fauteuil Roulant avec Retours Vestibulaires : Une Etude PiloteHandicap 2020 - 11ème Conférence sur les Aides Techniques pour les Personnes en Situation de Handicap, Nov 2020, Paris, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Create by doing - Action sequencing in VRCGI 2019 - Computer Graphics International, Advances in Computer Graphics, Jun 2019, Calgary, Canada. pp.329-335, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-22514-8_27⟩
Conference papers
Training situation awareness through error recognition in an immersive virtual operating roomInternational conference for multi-area simulation ICMASim 2019, Oct 2019, Angers, France. pp.208-216
Conference papers
Expressive potentials of motion capture in the Vis Insita musical performanceNIME 2019 - The International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Jun 2019, Porto Alegre, Brazil. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Evaluation of a Mixed Reality based Method for Archaeological Excavation SupportICAT-EGVE 2019 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence - Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Sep 2019, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-8
Conference papers
User-centered design of a multisensory power wheelchair simulator: towards training and rehabilitation applicationsICORR 2019 - International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Jun 2019, Toronto, Canada. pp.1-6
Conference papers
Expérience de conduite en fauteuil roulant dans une ville virtuelle avec un simulateur multisensoriel conçu selon une approche centrée sur l'utilisateur : une étude de casSOFMER 2019 - 34e congrès de la Société Français de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation, Oct 2019, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Making virtual archeology great again (without scientific compromise)CIPA 2019 - 27th CIPA International Symposium - Documenting the Past for a Better Future, Sep 2019, Ávila, Spain. pp.879-886, ⟨10.5194/isprs-archives-XLII-2-W15-879-2019⟩
Conference papers
Le projet Introspect : archéologie et eXtended Reality (XR)Les Rencontres du Consortium 3D SHS, Florent Laroche; Mehdi Chayani; Xavier Granier; Caroline Delevoie, Dec 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Interactive and Immersive Tools for Point Clouds in ArchaeologyICAT-EGVE 2019 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence - Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Sep 2019, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Authoring AR Interaction by ARICAT-EGVE 2019 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence - Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Sep 2019, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Am I better in VR with a real audience?Advances in Computer Graphics, CGI 2019 - Computer Graphics International, Jun 2019, Calgary, Canada. pp.28-39, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-22514-8_3⟩
Conference papers
Virtual Reality (VR) interactions with multiple interpretations of archaeological artefactsEG GCH 2018 - 16th EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Nov 2018, Vienna, Austria. pp.1-9, ⟨10.2312/gch.20181339⟩
Conference papers
A digital introspection of a mummy catDigital Heritage 2018 - 3rd International Congress & Expo, IEEE, Oct 2018, San francisco, United States. pp.1-8
Conference papers
3D pour l’archéologie : quelles interactions, pour quoi faire ?2019 - Archéologie : imagerie numérique et 3D, Sylvie Eusèbe; Théophane Nicolas; Valérie Gouranton; Ronan Gaugne, Jun 2018, Rennes, France. ⟨10.34692/xvyt-hr49⟩
Conference papers
Lift the veil of the block samples from the Warcq chariot burial with 3D digital technologiesDigital Heritage 2018 - 3rd International Congress & Expo, IEEE, Oct 2018, San Francisco, United States. pp.1-8
Conference papers
INSIDE Interactive and Non-destructive Solution for Introspection in Digital EnvironmentsDigital Heritage 2018 - 3rd International Congress & Expo, IEEE, Oct 2018, San Francisco, United States. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Risk-Hunting Training in Interactive Virtual Environments24th CIB W99 Conference, Aug 2018, Salvador, Brazil. pp.1-8
Conference papers
OpenBIM Based IVE Ontology: an ontological approach to improve interoperability for Virtual Reality Applications35th CIB W78 Conference, Oct 2018, Chicago, United States. pp.1-10
Conference papers
Lift the veil off the block samples from the Warcq chariot burial: CT-scan, photogrammetry, 3D printing and mixed reality3D imaging in Cultural Heritage, Nov 2017, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Haptic Rendering of FEM-based Tearing Simulation using Clusterized Collision DetectionWHC 2017 - IEEE World Haptics Conference, Jun 2017, Munich, Germany. pp.406-411
Conference papers
Méthodes d’introspection numérique pour les objets archéologiquesGMPCA 2017 - XXIème colloque international du Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie, Apr 2017, rennes, France
Conference papers
A multi-modal digital analysis of a mesolithic clavicle : preserving and studying the oldest human bone in Brittany2017 - 3D Imaging in Cultural Heritage Conference, Nov 2017, London, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Post-Mortem Practices in the Mesolithic of Brittany : A Multi-Modal Digital Approach3D Imaging in Cultural Heritage, Nov 2017, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers
AGENT: Automatic Generation of Experimental Protocol RuntimeACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Nov 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference papers
Internal 3D Printing of Intricate Structures6th International Conference on Culturage Heritage - EuroMed 2016, Oct 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus. pp.432-441
Conference papers
Integration concept and model of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) for interactive virtual environments33rd CIB W78 Conference, 2016, Brisbane, Australia
Conference papers
Take-over control paradigms in collaborative virtual environments for trainingACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), 2016, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Étude d'une structure dédiée à la production de données 3D et exploration appliquée à la recherche en archéologie.Journées Informatique et Archéologie de Paris (JIAP) 2016, Jun 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
When the Giant meets the Ant An Asymmetric Approach for Collaborative and Concurrent Object Manipulation in a Multi-Scale Environment3DCVE 2016 : International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments, Mar 2016, Greenville, United States. pp.1 - 4, ⟨10.1109/3DCVE.2016.7563562⟩
Conference papers
Vishnu: Virtual Immersive Support for HelpiNg Users - An Interaction Paradigm for Collaborative Remote Guiding in Mixed Reality3DCVE 2016 : International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments, Mar 2016, Greenville, États-Unis. pp.1 - 5, ⟨10.1109/3DCVE.2016.7563559⟩
Conference papers
Digital and handcrafting processes applied to sound-studies of archaeological bone flutesInternational Conference on Culturage Heritage, EuroMed, 2016, Nicosia, Cyprus. pp.184-195
Conference papers
Virtual Reality Rehearsals for Acting with Visual EffectsInternational Conference on Computer Graphics & Interactive Techniques, 2016, Victoria-BC, Canada. pp.1-8
Conference papers
From Observations to Collaborative Simulation: Application to Surgical Training ICAT-EGVE 2016 - International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Dec 2016, Little Rock, Arkansas, United States
Conference papers
GPU Ray-Traced Collision Detection for Cloth SimulationProceedings of ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, 2015, Pékin, China
Conference papers
Dealing with Frame Cancellation for Stereoscopic Displays in 3D User InterfacesProceedings of 10th IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2015, Arles, France. pp.73 - 80, ⟨10.1109/3DUI.2015.7131729⟩
Conference papers
GPU Ray-Traced Collision Detection: Fine Pipeline ReorganizationProceedings of 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP'15), Mar 2015, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Identifying constants in 3D digital archeology21st Annual Meeting Of The European Association Of Archaeologists, Sep 2015, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Toward an Enhanced Mutual Awareness in Asymmetric CVEProceedings of International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems (CTS 2015), 2015, Atlanta, United States. ⟨10.1109/CTS.2015.7210428⟩
Conference papers
3D Reconstitution of the Loyola Sugar Plantation and Virtual Reality ApplicationsProceedings of Computer Applications & Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, CAA, 2015, Sienna, Italy. pp.117-124
Conference papers
#FIVE : High-Level Components for Developing Collaborative and Interactive Virtual EnvironmentsProceedings of Eighth Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems (SEARIS 2015), conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Mar 2015, Arles, France
Conference papers
Extended version: GPU Ray-Traced Collision Detection for Cloth SimulationProceedings of Journées de l'Association Française de la Réalité Virtuelle, 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Roles in Collaborative Virtual Environments for TrainingProceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments , 2015, Kyoto, Japan. pp.1-8
Conference papers
The Stretchable Arms for Collaborative Remote GuidingProceedings of International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, 2015, Kyoto, Japan. ⟨10.2312/egve.20151322⟩
Conference papers
Versatile Scenario Guidance for Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentsProceedings of 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP'15), Mar 2015, berlin, Germany
Conference papers
La réalité virtuelle au conservatoire numérique du patrimoine archéologique de l’ouestAFRV 2014 - 9es journées de l’association française de réalité virtuelle, augmentée, mixte et d’interaction 3d, Nov 2014, Reims, France
Conference papers
Audio-Visual Attractors for Capturing Attention to the Screens When Walking in CAVE SystemsSonic interaction with a virtual orchestra of factory machinery, IEEE VR, Mar 2014, Minneapolis, United States. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Virtual reality tools for the West Digital Conservatory of Archaeological HeritageVRIC 2014, ACM, Apr 2014, Laval, France. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1145/2617841.2617845⟩
Conference papers
An interaction abstraction model for seamless avatar exchange in CVET2014 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE), IEEE VR, Mar 2014, Minneapolis, United States
Conference papers
Ceramics Fragments Digitization by Photogrammetry, Reconstructions and ApplicationsInternational Conference on Culturage Heritage, EuroMed, 2014, Nov 2014, Lemessos, Cyprus
Conference papers
Sonic interaction with a virtual orchestra of factory machinerySonic Interaction for Virtual Environments, Mar 2014, Minneapolis, United States. pp.1-6
Conference papers
Combination of 3D Scanning, Modeling and Analyzing Methods around the Castle of Coatfrec ReconstitutionInternational Conference on Culturage Heritage, EuroMed, 2014, Nov 2014, Lemessos, Cyprus. pp.418 - 426, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_40⟩
Conference papers
Preservative Approach to Study Encased Archaeological ArtefactsInternational Conference on Culturage Heritage, EuroMed, 2014, Nov 2014, Lemessos, Cyprus. pp.332 - 341, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-13695-0_32⟩
Conference papers
Short Paper: #SEVEN, a Sensor Effector Based Scenarios Model for Driving Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentICAT-EGVE, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence, Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments, Dec 2014, Bremen, Germany. pp.1-4
Conference papers
From 3D Bimanual Toward Distant Collaborative Interaction Techniques: An Awareness Issue2014 International Workshop on Collaborative Virtual Environments (3DCVE), IEEE VR, Mar 2014, Minneapolis, United States. ⟨10.1109/3DCVE.2014.7160929⟩
Conference papers
The West Digital Conservatory of Archaelogical Heritage ProjectDH, 2013, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
New Iterative Ray-Traced Collision Detection Algorithm for GPU ArchitecturesVRST, 2013, Singapore. pp.215-218
Conference papers
Ray-Traced Collision Detection : Interpenetration Control and Multi-GPU Performance5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR - EGVE, 2013, Paris, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Échange de Connaissances entre Utilisateurs et Agents Autonomes dans les EVFCJournées de l'Association Française de la Réalité Virtuelle, 2013, Laval, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Experiencing the past in virtual reality A virtual reality event for the French National Days of Archaeology4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, 2013, Budapest, Hungary. pp.1-6
Conference papers
SODA: A Scalability-Oriented Distributed & Anticipative Model for Collision Detection in Physically-based SimulationsGRAPP, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Feb 2013, Barcelone, Spain. pp.1-10
Conference papers
The Ghost in the Shell Paradigm for Virtual Agents and Users in Collaborative Virtual Environments for TrainingVRIC '13 - Proceedings of the Virtual Reality International Conference: Laval Virtual, Mar 2013, Laval, France. pp.29
Conference papers
The Perceptive Puppet: Seamless Embodiment Exchange Between Real and Virtual Humans in Virtual Environments for TrainingGRAPP, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Feb 2013, Barcelone, Spain. pp.1-6
Conference papers
Fast Collision Culling in Large-Scale Environments Using GPU Mapping FunctionEGPGV 2012 - Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, May 2012, Cagliari, Italy. pp.71-80
Conference papers
Evaluation of Remote Collaborative Manipulation for Scientific Data AnalysisVRST 2012 - 18th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Dec 2012, Toronto, Canada. pp.129-136
Conference papers
Infrastructures immersives ouvertes dans le cadre du projet européen Visionair, exemple de la plateforme ImmersiaLes 3e Journées d'Informatique et Archéologie de Paris, Jun 2012, France
Conference papers
Collaborative Virtual Environments For Training: A Unified Interaction Model For Real Humans And Virtual HumansInternational Conference on Serious Games and Edutainment, 2012, Germany. pp.1-12
Conference papers
Embedding the Features of the Users' Physical Environments to Improve the Feeling of Presence in Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentsCogInfoCom 2012 (3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications), Dec 2012, Kosice, Slovakia
Conference papers
Large-scale immersive reconstitution of a Neolithic corbel domeInternational Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Nov 2012, Brighton, United Kingdom. pp 1-8
Conference papers
Collaboration et interchangeabilité entre humains réels et humains virtuels en Environnement Virtuel de FormationAFRV, Association Française de la Réalité Virtuelle, Oct 2012, Strasbourg, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Dynamic Adaptation of Broad Phase Collision Detection AlgorithmsISVRI, Conjunction with IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), Mar 2011, Singapore. 7p
Conference papers
Collaborative Scientific Visualization: The COLLAVIZ FrameworkJVRC 2010 (2010 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR - EGVE - VEC), Oct 2010, Fellbach, Germany
Conference papers
A Broad Phase Collision Detection Algorithm Adapted to Multi-cores ArchitecturesVRIC 2010 - 12th Virtual Reality International Conference, Apr 2010, Laval, France. pp.95
Conference papers
Synchronization-Free Parallel Collision Detection Pipeline(20th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence), Dec 2010, Adelaide, Australia. pp.1-7
Conference papers
A New Adaptive Data Distribution Model for Consistency Maintenance in Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentsJVRC 2010 (2010 Joint Virtual Reality Conference of EuroVR - EGVE - VEC), Sep 2010, Fellbach, Germany
Conference papers
A Generic Model for Embedding Users' Physical Workspaces into Multi-Scale Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentsICAT 2010 (20th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence), Dec 2010, Adelaide, Australia
Conference papers
Architectures and Mechanisms to Maintain efficiently Consistency in Collaborative Virtual EnvironmentsSEARIS 2010 (IEEE VR 2010 Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems), Mar 2010, Waltham, United States
Conference papers
Adaptability properties of a Collaborative Virtual Environment for TrainingEdutainment, 2009, Banff, Canada. pp 316-327, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-03364-3⟩
Conference papers
Détection de Collision : D'un Algorithme sur Multi-Cœurs à une Nouvelle Dimension dans le Pipeline 3DAFRV, Dec 2009, Lyon, France
Conference papers
New trends in collision detection performanceVRIC, Apr 2009, Laval, France. pp.53
Conference papers
Adaptation in Collaborative Virtual Environments for TrainingEdutainment '09: the 4th International Conference on E-Learning and Games, Aug 2009, Banff, Canada. pp.316-327, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-03364-3_40⟩
Conference papers
Interactive rendering of massive terrains using pc cluster2005, pp.133-141
Conference papers
Flowvr: a middleware for large scale virtual reality applications2004, pp.497-505
Conference papers
A scalable cluster-based parallel simplification framework for height fileds2004, pp.59-65
Conference papers
Softgenlock: active stereo and genlock for pc cluster2003, pp.255-260
Conference papers
Parallelizing pre-rendering computations on a net juggler PC cluster2002
Conference papers
NetJuggler, Running VrJuggler with Multiple Displays on a Commodity Component ClusterMar 2002, pp.1-8
Conference papers
Synchronized tree language revisited and new applicationsApr 2001, pp.1-10
Conference papers
Deriving analysers by folding/unfolding of natural semantics and a case study: slicingSep 1998, pp 115-133
Conference papers
Formal development of static program analysersJun 1997, pp 100-110
Conference papers
Virtual Training for Inexperienced Nursing Students in the Operating Room: Reducing Stress while Enhancing Knowledge and Self-EfficacySoFraSimS 2024 - 12ème congrès de l'Immersion et Sea-mulation, Jun 2024, Brest, France. pp.1-1, 2024
Conference poster
Modeling, Simulation and Training Procedural Skills: User experience and acceptability of a virtual reality simulator for scrub nurses in neurosurgery19th International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), Jan 2019, San Antonio, TX, United States. 36, pp.1, 2019
Conference poster
When the Giant meets the Ant An Asymmetric Approach for Collaborative Object Manipulation3DUI 2016 : 11th IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2016, Greenville, SC, United States. IEEE, pp.273 - 274, 2016, ⟨10.1109/3DUI.2016.7460078⟩
Conference poster
De l’imagerie médicale à la réalité virtuelle pour l’archéologieStéphane Blanc; Mokrane Bouzeghoub; Martina Knoop. L’interdisciplinarité – Voyages au-delà des disciplines, CNRS Editions, pp.316, 2023, 978-2-271-13983-2
Book sections
eXtended Reality for Cultural HeritageHandbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, pp.1405 - 1437, 2022, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-60016-7_48⟩
Book sections
New applicationsVirtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Myths and Realities, chapter 1, wiley, pp.1-71, 2018, 978-1-786-30105-5. ⟨10.1002/9781119341031.ch1⟩
Book sections
Modèles et Outils pour la Production d'Applications de RX, Focus sur le Patrimoine Culturel (HdR)Synthèse d'image et réalité virtuelle [cs.GR]. Université Rennes 1, 2022
Habilitation à diriger des recherches