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Annick Valibouze

Professeure Faculté des Sciences, Sorbonne Université
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Professeure Faculté des Sciences, Sorbonne Université Site personnel :


Calcul Formel Théorie de Galois Constructive Plans d'expériences Systèmes dynamiques discrets en biologie Systèmes d'équations flous Résolution de systèmes algébriques avec symmétries


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Nearest neighbor balanced block designs for autoregressive errors

Mamadou Koné , Annick Valibouze
Metrika, 2021, 84 (3), pp.281-312. ⟨10.1007/s00184-020-00770-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01850854v3
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Computing real solutions of fuzzy polynomial systems

Philippe Aubry , Jérémy Marrez , Annick Valibouze
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2020, 399, pp.55 - 76. ⟨10.1016/j.fss.2020.01.004⟩
Journal articles hal-02457332v1
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Algebraic certification of numerical algorithms computing Lagrange resolvents

Ines Abdeljaoued-Tej , Faiçal Bouazizi , Annick Valibouze
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, 2018, 17 (1), pp.1850007. ⟨10.1142/S021949881850007X⟩
Journal articles hal-00483257v1

Finding solutions of fuzzy polynomial equations systems by an Algebraic method

Marziyeh Boroujeni , Abdolali Basiri , Sajjad Rahmany , Annick Valibouze
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 30 (2), pp.791-800. ⟨10.3233/IFS-151801⟩
Journal articles hal-01317748v1

Computing syzygies over V[X_1,…,X_k], V a valuation domain

Lionel Ducos , Annick Valibouze , Ihsen Yengui
Journal of Algebra, 2015, Computational Section, 425, pp.133-145. ⟨10.1016/j.jalgebra.2014.11.018⟩
Journal articles hal-01072255v1

F4-invariant Algorithm for Computing SAGBI-Gröbner Bases

Marziyeh Boroujeni , Abdolali Basiri , Sajjad Rahmany , Annick Valibouze
Theoretical Computer Science, 2015, 573, pp.54-62. ⟨10.1016/j.tcs.2015.01.045⟩
Journal articles hal-01114025v1

Solving Fuzzy Systems in Dual Form using Wu's Method

Marziyeh Boroujeni , Abdolali Basiri , Sajjad Rahmany , Annick Valibouze
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2015, 17 (3), pp.280-291. ⟨10.1007/s40815-015-0033-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01141203v1

Algebraic Computation of resolvents without extraneous powers

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
European Journal of Combinatorics, 2012, 33 (7), pp.1369-1385. ⟨10.1016/j.ejc.2012.03.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00624447v1

Parallel computation of resolvents by multimodular techniques and decomposition formula

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 2012, 22 (5), pp.1-21. ⟨10.1142/S0218196712500439⟩
Journal articles hal-00694906v1
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Plans en blocs pour la structure de corrélation NNm

Mamadou Koné , Annick Valibouze
Annales de l'ISUP, 2011, 55 (2-3), pp.65-88
Journal articles hal-00589585v2
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Gröbner base of the alternated galoisian ideal

Annick Valibouze
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2011, 46 (4), pp.396-405. ⟨10.1016/j.jsc.2010.10.013⟩
Journal articles hal-00363254v2

Sur les relations entre les racines d'un polynôme

Annick Valibouze
Acta Arithmetica, 2008, 131 (1), pp.1-27. ⟨10.4064/aa131-1-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00407018v1
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Classes Doubles, Idéaux de Galois et Résolvantes

Annick Valibouze
Revue roumaine de mathématiques pures et appliquées, 2007, 52 (1), pp.95--109
Journal articles hal-00556750v1
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Dépendances Algébriques des Zéros de Polynômes et Groupes de Galois

Annick Valibouze
Bulletin mathématique de la Société des Sciences mathématiques de Roumanie, 2005, 48 (96) (1), pp.71--94
Journal articles hal-00556765v1

Une note sur les relations entre les racines d'un polynôme réductible

Sébastien Orange , Guénaël Renault , Annick Valibouze
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications (RAIRO: ITA), 2005, 39 (4), pp.651--659. ⟨10.1051/ita:2005034⟩
Journal articles hal-00556797v1

Computation of the decomposition group of a triangular ideal

Inès Abdeljaouad-Tej , Sébastien Orange , Guénaël Renault , Annick Valibouze
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 2004, 15 (3-4), pp.279--294. ⟨10.1007/s00200-004-0160-x⟩
Journal articles hal-00556814v1

Using Galois ideals for computing relative resolvents

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 2000, 30 (6), pp.635--651. ⟨10.1006/jsco.2000.0376⟩
Journal articles inria-00099277v1
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Etude des relations algébriques entre les racines d'un polynôme d'une variable

Annick Valibouze
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin, 1999, 6 (4), pp.507-535. ⟨10.36045/bbms/1103055579⟩
Journal articles hal-01148792v1

Calculs de résolvantes avec les modules de Cauchy

Nicolas Rennert , Annick Valibouze
Experimental Mathematics, 1999, 8 (4), pp.351-366
Journal articles hal-01148826v1

Lagrange resolvents

Annick Valibouze , Jean-Marie Arnaudiès
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 1996, 117-118, pp.23-40. ⟨10.1016/S0022-4049(97)00003-0⟩
Journal articles hal-01148932v1

Sur I'Arité des Fonctions

Annick Valibouze
European Journal of Combinatorics, 1993, 14 (4), pp.459-372. ⟨10.1006/eujc.1993.1040⟩
Journal articles hal-01672032v1

Separators for Polynomial Dynamic Systems with Linear Complexity

Ines Abdeljaoued-Tej , Alia Benkahla , Ghassen Haddad , Annick Valibouze
Computational Methods in Systems Biology 17th International Conference, CMSB 2019, Sep 2019, Trieste, Italy. pp.373-378, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-31304-3_30⟩
Conference papers hal-02318990v1

The Real Transform: Computing Positive Solutions of Fuzzy Polynomial Systems

Philippe Aubry , Jérémy Marrez , Annick Valibouze
11th International Conference on Fuzzy Computation Theory and Applications, Sep 2019, Vienna, Austria. pp.351-359, ⟨10.5220/0008362403510359⟩
Conference papers hal-02457335v1

Étude et implantation d’une méthode algébrique pour résoudre des systèmes à coefficients flous

Jérémy Marrez , Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
Journées Nationales de Calcul Formel 2018, Jan 2018, Luminy, France
Conference papers hal-02080070v1
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Plans en blocs incomplets : application à la santé

Mamadou Koné , Annick Valibouze
Journées Internationales Analyse Statistique : Théorie et Applications, JIASTA2012, Jun 2012, Oujda, Maroc. pp.113-116
Conference papers hal-00694912v2

La théorie de Galois en Informatique

Annick Valibouze
Colloque "Célébration nationale du bicentenaire d'Evariste Galois", Ville de Bourg-la-Reine; Institut Henri Poincaré, Nov 2011, Bourg-La-reine, France
Conference papers hal-01286075v1

Décomposition et calcul parallèle de la Résolvante de Lagrange

Annick Valibouze , Philippe Aubry
2ème Colloque franco-maghrébin de Calcul formel, Sep 2011, Iles de Kerkennah, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-01282667v1

Modélisation Booléenne de Réseaux TLR

Annick Valibouze , Inès Abdeljaouad , Alia Ben Kahla , A. Mouleh
Workshop "Modèles mathématiques de la dynamique des populations", Apr 2011, Tunis, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-01282668v1

Calcul algébrique efficace de résolvantes relatives

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
Journées Nationales du Calcul Formel 2010, May 2010, Luminy, France
Conference papers hal-01802928v1

Parallel computation of Lagrange resolvents by multi-resolvents

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
Parallel Computer Algebra 2010, Jun 2010, Tambov, Russia. pp.1328-1341
Conference papers hal-00493573v1


Annick Valibouze
Workshop « Groups and languages » en l'honneur d'Antonio Machi, Sep 2010, Rome, Italy
Conference papers hal-00498598v1

Galoisian separators for biological systems

Annick Valibouze , Ines Abdeljaouad , Alia Ben Kahla
Mathematics, algorithms and proofs, MAP'09, Dec 2009, Monastir, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-00455012v1

Calcul du corps des racines d'un polynôme

Annick Valibouze
Premier colloque franco-maghrébin de Calcul formel, May 2008, Iles de Kerkennah, Tunisie
Conference papers hal-00498600v1

L'informatique par le calcul formel

Annick Valibouze , Rémi Legrand
Colloque international ePrep 2008, May 2008, Gif Sur Yvette, France
Conference papers hal-00536281v1

The Hacque method and the complete GI-method for computing the Galois group

Annick Valibouze , Ines Abdeljaouad
Worshop Calcul Formel, May 2003, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-00556816v1


Annick Valibouze , Marc Giusti
Workshop "on Open Source Computer Algebra", May 2002, Lyon, France. pp.ONLINE
Conference papers hal-00556949v1

Computing Galois group

Inès Abdeljaouad , Annick Valibouze
AAECC'13 - 13th International Symposium on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes, Nov 1999, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Conference papers hal-01573966v1

Galois ideals and relative resolvents

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
Workshop on Galois Theory, Jul 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany
Conference papers hal-01574450v1

Using Galois ideals for computing relative resolvents

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
The Fifth International Symposium on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry MEGA'98, M.-F. Roy, Jun 1998, Saint Malo, France
Conference papers hal-01617378v1

Calculs de Groupes de Galois

Annick Valibouze
Colloquium on Numerical Analysis and Computer Science With Applications, 1998, Plodiv, Bulgarie
Conference papers hal-01622246v1

Calcul formel avec Maple

Rémi Legrand , Annick Valibouze
ScienceActive, pp.200, 2008, 978-2-917398-03-6
Books lirmm-00204141v1
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Computation of the Galois Groups of the Resolvent Factors for the Direct and Inverse Galois Problems

Annick Valibouze
G{\'e}rard Cohen and Marc Giusti and Teo Mora. Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 11th International Symposium, AAECC-11 Paris, France, July 17--22, 1995 Proceedings, 948, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.456-468, 1995, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-540-49440-9. ⟨10.1007/3-540-60114-7_36⟩
Book sections hal-01672054v1
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Computing subfields : Reverse of the primitive element problem

Daniel Lazard , Annick Valibouze
Frédéric Eyssette, and André Galligo. Computational Algebraic Geometry (MEGA, Nice, 1992), Birkhäuser Boston, pp.63--176, 1993, Progress in Mathematics 109, 978-1-4612-2752-6. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4612-2752-6_11⟩
Book sections hal-01672218v1
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Résolvantes et fonctions symétriques

Annick Valibouze
Proceedings of the ACM-SIGSAM 1989 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, 74586, ACM, pp.390-399, 1989, 0-89791-325-6. ⟨10.1145/74540.74586⟩
Book sections hal-01672091v1
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Symbolic Computation with Symmetric Polynomials an Extension to Macsyma

Annick Valibouze
Erich Kaltofen and Stephen M. Watt. Computers and Mathematics , Springer-Verlag NY, pp.308-320, 1989, 978-0-387-97019-6
Book sections hal-01672106v1
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Algebraic transformations of polynomial equations, symmetric polynomials and elimination

Marc Giusti , Daniel Lazard , Annick Valibouze
Patrica Gianni. Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: International Symposium ISSAC '88 Rome, Italy, July 4--8, 1988 Proceedings, 358, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.309-314, 1989, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-540-46153-1. ⟨10.1007/3-540-51084-2_30⟩
Book sections hal-01672048v1
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Fonctions symétriques et changements de bases

Annick Valibouze
Davenport, James H. Eurocal '87: European Conference on Computer Algebra Leipzig, GDR, June 2--5, 1987 Proceedings, 378, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp.323-332, 1989, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 978-3-540-48207-9. ⟨10.1007/3-540-51517-8_135⟩
Book sections hal-01672047v1
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A new tools for computing Galois Groups and Galois Ideals

Sebastien Orange , Guénaël Renault , Annick Valibouze
[Research Report] lip6.2006.002, LIP6. 2005
Reports hal-02545692v1
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Corps de décomposition de groupe de Galois PSL(2,7)

Annick Valibouze
[Rapport de recherche] lip6.2005.001, LIP6. 2005
Reports hal-02545672v1
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Corps de décomposition d'un polynôme réductible

Sébastien Orange , Guénaël Renault , Annick Valibouze
[Rapport de recherche] lip6.2003.004, LIP6. 2003
Reports hal-02545651v1
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Généralisation de résultats sur les idéaux de Galois

Annick Valibouze
[Rapport de recherche] lip6.2003.006, LIP6. 2003
Reports hal-02545655v1
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Calcul efficace de corps de décomposition

Sébastien Orange , Guénaël Renault , Annick Valibouze
[Rapport de recherche] lip6.2003.005, LIP6. 2003
Reports hal-02545653v2
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The Hacque method and the complete GI-method for computing the Galois group

Ines Abdeljaouad , Annick Valibouze
[Research Report] lip6.2000.025, LIP6. 2000
Reports hal-02548331v1
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Computing characteristic polynomials associated to some quotient rings

Philippe Aubry , Annick Valibouze
[Research Report] lip6.1998.004, LIP6. 1998
Reports hal-02547709v1
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Construction de l'idéal des relations entre les racines d'un polynôme

Annick Valibouze
[Rapport de recherche] lip6.1997.014, LIP6. 1997
Reports hal-02547598v1
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Annick Valibouze
LITP 95/62, LITP unité associée CNRS 248. 1996
Reports hal-04691124v1
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Résolvantes de Lagrange

Annick Valibouze , Jean-Marie Arnaudiès
LITP 93.61, LITP unité associée CNRS 248. 1993
Reports hal-04695026v1
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Theory of Equations, Lagrange and Galois Theory

Annick Valibouze
Université de Marrakech (1996)
Département de Mathématiques, Université de Pise, Italie (1997), France. 1995, pp.125
Lectures cel-00403452v1