Preferential orientations of FeRh nanomagnets deposited on a BaTiO$_3$ epitaxial thin film
A. Reyes
G. Herrera
Pierre Capiod
D. Le Roy
V. Dupuis
Journal articles
Finite size effects on the metamagnetic phase transition in a thick B2 FeRh nanocluster film
Guillermo Herrera
Anthony Robert
Sara Gonzalez
Patrick Schoeffmann
Alexandre Tamion
Journal articles
Impact of embedded Co nanoparticles on local magnetic properties of L10-FePt films
Charles Paléo
Fabrice Wilhelm
Philippe Ohresser
Edwige Otero
André Dias
Journal articles
Comparison of magnetic anisotropy and structural properties in chemically ordered CoPt and FePt nanoparticles
Alexandre Tamion
Florent Tournus
Nils Blanc
Arnaud Hillion
O Proux
Journal articles
Chemical and magnetic order in mass-selected large FeRh nanomagnets embedded in a carbon matrix
Guillermo Herrera
Anthony Robert
Véronique Dupuis
Nicholas Blanchard
Olivier Boisron
Journal articles
Interplay between local structure and magnetic properties of graded exchange-coupled Co@FePt nanocomposite films
Charles Paleo
Véronique Dupuis
Fabrice Wilhelm
Andrei Rogalev
Olivier Proux
Journal articles
Elaboration of nanomagnet arrays: organization and magnetic properties of mass-selected FePt nanoparticles deposited on epitaxially grown graphene on Ir(111)
Pierre Capiod
Laurent Bardotti
Alexandre Tamion
Olivier Boisron
Clément Albin
Journal articles
Mass-Selected FeCo Clusters Embedded in a Carbon Matrix as Benchmark Nanocatalysts
Véronique Dupuis
Ghassan Khadra
Juan Martín Montejano-Carrizales
Florent Tournus
Faustino Aguilera-Granja
Journal articles
Bottom-up strategies for the assembling of magnetic systems using nanoclusters
Véronique Dupuis
Arnaud Hillion
Anthony Robert
Ophelliam Loiselet
Ghassan Khadra
Journal articles
Arrays of high aspect ratio magnetic microstructures for large trapping throughput in lab-on-chip systems
Samir Mekkaoui
Damien Le Roy
Marie-Charlotte Audry
Joël Lachambre
Véronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Structure and Magnetic Properties of FeCo Clusters: Carbon Environment and Annealing Effects
Ghassan Khadra
Alexandre Tamion
Florent Tournus
Olivier Boisron
Clément Albin
Journal articles
Progressive freezing of interacting spins in isolated finite magnetic ensembles
Kakoli Bhattacharya
Veronique Dupuis
Damien Le Roy
Pritam Deb
Journal articles
From vanishing interaction to superferromagnetic dimerization: Experimental determination of interaction lengths for embedded Co clusters
A. Hillion
A. Tamion
Florent Tournus
C. Albin
Véronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Size effects of the magnetic anisotropy of fcc cobalt nanoparticles embedded in copper
Matthias Hillenkamp
Simón Oyarzún
Nicolas Troc
Julien Ramade
Alexandre Tamion
Journal articles
Anisotropic composite polymer for high magnetic force in microfluidic systems
A.-L. Deman
S. Mekkaoui
D. Dhungana
J.-F. Chateaux
A. Tamion
Journal articles
Ferritin surplus in mouse spleen 14 months after intravenous injection of iron oxide nanoparticles at clinical dose
Alexandre Tamion
Matthias Hillenkamp
Arnaud Hillion
Valentin A. Maraloiu
Ioana D. Vlaicu
Journal articles
Relationships between oral health, dysphagia and undernutrition in hospitalised elderly patients
Philippe Poisson
Thibault Laffond
Sandra Campos
Véronique Dupuis
Isabelle Bourdel-Marchasson
Journal articles
Cubic chemically ordered FeRh and FeCo nanomagnets prepared by mass-selected low-energy cluster-beam deposition: a comparative study
Véronique Dupuis
Anthony Robert
Arnaud Hillion
Ghassan Khadra
Nils Blanc
Journal articles
Anisotropic ferromagnetic polymer: A first step for their implementation in microfluidic systems
Damien Le Roy
Daya Dhungana
Laurence Ourry
Magalie Faivre
Rosaria Ferrigno
Journal articles
Anisotropy evolution of nanoparticles under annealing: Benefits of isothermal remanent magnetization simulation
Florent Tournus
Alexandre Tamion
Arnaud Hillion
Veronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Temperature-Dependent Evolution of the Oxidation States of Cobalt and Platinum in Co1-xPtx Clusters under H2 and CO + H2 Atmospheres
Bing Yang
Ghassan Khadra
Juliette Tuaillon-Combes
Eric C. Tyo
Michael J. Pellin
Journal articles
Intrinsic magnetic properties of bimetallic nanoparticles elaborated by cluster beam deposition
Véronique Dupuis
G. Khadra
A. Hillion
Alexandre Tamion
Juliette Tuaillon-Combes
Journal articles
Interplay between Raman shift and thermal expansion in graphene: temperature-dependent measurements and analysis of substrate corrections
S. Linas
Y. Magnin
B. Poinsot
O. Boisron
D. Förster
Journal articles
Magnetic moments in chemically ordered mass-selected CoPt and FePt clusters
Véronique Dupuis
G. Khadra
S. Linas
A. Hillion
L. Gragnaniello
Journal articles
Size effects in the magnetic anisotropy of embedded cobalt nanoparticles: from shape to surface
Simón Oyarzún
Alexandre Tamion
Florent Tournus
Véronique Dupuis
Matthias Hillenkamp
Journal articles
Anisotropy in FeCo nanoparticles, a first step
G. Khadra
A. Tamion
F. Tournus
Bruno Canut
V. Dupuis
Journal articles
Structure and order in cobalt/platinum-type nanoalloys: from thin films to supported clusters
Pascal Andreazza
Veronique Pierron-Bohnes
Florent Tournus
Caroline Andreazza-Vignolle
Veronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy as a Tool To Resolve the Dimensions of Spherical Core/Shell Nanoparticles
W. H. Doh
V. Papaefthimiou
T. Dintzer
Véronique Dupuis
S. Zafeiratos
Journal articles
Self-organisation of size-selected CoxPt1-x clusters on graphite
Laurent Bardotti
Florent Tournus
Clément Albin
Olivier Boisron
Véronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Behavior of size selected iron-platinum clusters soft landed on carbon nanotubes
Laurent Bardotti
Florent Tournus
Raphaëlle Delagrange
Jean-Michel Benoit
Olivier Pierre-Louis
Journal articles
Giant magnetoresistance in cluster-assembled nanostructures: a quantitative approach
Simón Oyarzún
Artur Domingues Tavares De Sá
Véronique Dupuis
Matthias Hillenkamp
Journal articles
Mixing Patterns and Redox Properties of Iron-Based Alloy Nanoparticles under Oxidation and Reduction Conditions
Vasiliki Papaefthimiou
F. Tournus
A. Hillion
G. Khadra
D. Teschner
Journal articles
Giant Magnetoresistance in cluster-assembled nanostructures: on the influence of inter-particule interactions
Simón Oyarzun
Artur Domingues Tavares de Sa
Juliette Tuaillon-Combes
Alexandre Tamion
Arnaud Hillion
Journal articles
Effect of nonlinear superparamagnetic response on susceptibility curves for nanoparticle assemblies
Florent Tournus
Arnaud Hillion
Alexandre Tamion
Véronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Advanced magnetic anisotropy determination through isothermal remanent magnetization of nanoparticles
A. Hillion
Alexandre Tamion
Florent Tournus
O. Gaier
Edgar Bonet
Journal articles
Low Temperature Ferromagnetism in Chemically Ordered FeRh Nanocrystals
Arnaud Hillion
A. Cavallin
S. Vlaic
Alexandre Tamion
Florent Tournus
Journal articles
Multi-L1(0) Domain CoPt and FePt Nanoparticles Revealed by Electron Microscopy
F. Tournus
K. Sato
T. Epicier
T. J. Konno
V. Dupuis
Journal articles
Specific local relaxation and magnetism in mass-selected CoPt nanoparticles
Véronique Dupuis
Nils Blanc
Luis-Enrique Díaz-Sánchez
Arnaud Hillion
Alexandre Tamion
Journal articles
Element-specific quantitative determination of the local atomic order in CoPt alloy nanoparticles: Experiment and theory
Nils Blanc
L.E. Diaz-Sanchez
Aline Y. Ramos
Florent Tournus
Hélio Tolentino
Journal articles
Finite size effects on structure and magnetism in mass-selected CoPt nanoparticles
Véronique Dupuis
Nils Blanc
Luis E. Diaz-Sanchez
Arnaud Hillion
Alexandre Tamion
Journal articles
Combined fitting of alternative and direct susceptibility curves of assembled nanostructures
A Hillion
Matthias Pauly
A Tamion
F Tournus
Matthias Hillenkamp
Journal articles
Synthesis and magnetic properties of size-selected CoPt nanoparticles
F Tournus
N Blanc
A Tamion
M Hillenkamp
Véronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Coalescence-free L1(0) ordering of embedded CoPt nanoparticles
F. Tournus
N. Blanc
A. Tamion
V. Dupuis
T. Epicier
Journal articles
Nontrivial Redox Behavior of Nanosized Cobalt: New Insights from Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron and Absorption Spectroscopies
Vasiliki Papaefthimiou
Thierry Dintzer
Véronique Dupuis
Alexandre Tamion
Florent Tournus
Journal articles
Measuring the L10 chemical order parameter of a single CoPt nanoparticle smaller than 4 nm
N. Blanc
F. Tournus
V. Dupuis
T. Epicier
Journal articles
Magnetization reversal of a single cobalt cluster using a RF field pulse
A. Tamion
C. Raufast
Edgar Bonet
V. Dupuis
Thierry Fournier
Journal articles
Functional nanostructures from clusters
A. Perez
P. Melinon
V. Dupuis
L. Bardotti
B. Masenelli
Journal articles
Magnetic anisotropy of embedded Co nanoparticles: Influence of the surrounding matrix
Alexandre Tamion
Cécile Raufast
Matthias Hillenkamp
Edgar Bonet
J. Jouanguy
Journal articles
Microwave-Assisted Magnetization Reversal in Individual Isolated Clusters of Cobalt
Cécile Raufast
Alexandre Tamion
Estela Bernstein
Véronique Dupuis
Thierry Fournier
Journal articles
Evidence of L1(0) chemical order in CoPt nanoclusters: Direct observation and magnetic signature
Florent Tournus
Alexandre Tamion
Nils Blanc
Abdelkrim Hannour
Laurent Bardotti
Journal articles
Model predictions and experimental characterization of Co-Pt alloy clusters
Luc Favre
P. Moskovkin
S. Pisov
M. Hou
C. Raufast
Journal articles
Interface effect on the magnetic anisotropy of CoPt clusters
Luc Favre
S. Rohart
C. Raufast
E. Bernstein
Edgar Bonet
Journal articles
Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt mixed clusters
Luc Favre
V. Dupuis
E. Bernstein
P. Melinon
A. Perez
Los Alamos National Laboratory, 2006, pp.1-19
Journal articles
Magnetic anisotropy of Co x Pt 1 − x clusters embedded in a matrix: Influences of the cluster chemical composition and the matrix nature
Luc Favre
S. Rohart
C. Raufast
E. Bernstein
E. Bonet
Journal articles
Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt mixed clusters
Luc Favre
Véronique Dupuis
Estela Bernstein
Patrice Mélinon
Alain Pérez
Journal articles
Structural and magnetic properties of CoPt mixed clusters.
Luc Favre
V. Dupuis
E. Bernstein
P. Melinon
A. Perez
Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 74 (1), pp.014439/1-014439/9
Journal articles
Pure and Mixed Magnetic Clusters Assembled Nanostructures
V. Dupuis
M. Jamet
J. Tuaillon-Combes
Luc Favre
S. Stanescu
Journal articles
Magnetic and structural properties of isolated and assembled clusters
J. Bansmann
S.H. Baker
C. Binns
J.A. Blackman
Jean-Pierre Bucher
Journal articles
Functionalized Cluster-Assembled Magnetic Nanostructures for Applications to high Integration-Density Devices
Luc Favre
A. Perez
V. Dupuis
J. Tuaillon-Combes
L. Bardotti
Journal articles
Optimization of operator and physical parameters for laser welding of dental materials
Caroline Bertrand
Yann Le Petitcorps
Louis Albingre
Véronique Dupuis
Journal articles
Nanostructured thin films from mixed magnetic Co–Ag clusters
Luc Favre
S. Stanescu
V. Dupuis
E Bernstein
T. Epicier
Journal articles
Magnetic assembled nanostructures from pure and mixed Co-based clusters
V. Dupuis
Luc Favre
S. Stanescu
J. Tuaillon-Combes
E. Bernstein
Journal articles
Study of a magnetic cluster/superconducting matrix interface: Co/Nb system
Luc Favre
V. Dupuis
M. Jamet
J. Tuaillon-Combes
P. Mélinon
Journal articles
Micro-SQUID technique for studying the temperature dependence of switching fields of single nanoparticles
Christophe Thirion
Wolfgang Wernsdorfer
M. Jamet
V. Dupuis
P. Melinon
Journal articles
Structural, vibrational and optical properties of silicon cluster assembled films
P. Melinon
P. Keghelian
B. Prevel
V. Dupuis
A. Perez
Journal articles
High sensitivity magnetization measurements of nanoscale cobalt clusters
W. Wernsdorfer
Klaus Hasselbach
A. Benoît
B. Barbara
D. Mailly
Journal articles
Mechanical properties of nanostructured diamond-like carbon films synthesized by low energy cluster beam deposition
Vincent Paillard
P. Melinon
J.P. Perez
V. Dupuis
A. Perez
Nanostructured Materials, 1994, 4, pp.759-767
Journal articles
Magnetic properties of nanostructured thin films of transition metal obtained by low energy cluster beam deposition
V. Dupuis
J. P. Perez
J. Tuaillon
Vincent Paillard
P. Mélinon
Journal articles
Structure et magnétisme de super-réseaux Ru/Mn et MnFeMn/Ru préparés par MBE
V. Dupuis
M. Piecuch
J. Bobo
F. Baudelet
A. Fontaine
Journal articles