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Victor Duffort



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Giant coercive-field (H$c$ @ 2K $>$ 17 T) by freezing of magnetic domains in BaFe$_2$(PO$_4$)$_2$

Olivier Mentré , Claire Minaud , Jonas Wolber , Victor Duffort , Alain Pautrat
Solid State Sciences, 2024, 153, pp.107577. ⟨10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2024.107577⟩
Journal articles hal-04785402v1
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All-magnetic slabs and Multiferroism in (Bi2-xO2)(MF4) Aurivillius oxyfluorides, (M= Fe, Ni)

Olivier Mentré , Miguel A Juárez-Rosete , Marie Colmont , Clemens Ritter , François Fauth
Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34 (12), pp.5706-5716. ⟨10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c01213⟩
Journal articles hal-03783310v1
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Direct Nano‐Synthesis Methods Notably Benefit Mg‐Battery Cathode Performance

Lauren E. Blanc , Xiaoqi Sun , Abhinandan Shyamsunder , Victor Duffort , Linda F. Nazar
Small Methods, 2020, Small Methods, pp.2000029. ⟨10.1002/smtd.202000029⟩
Journal articles hal-02537902v1
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The Oxysulfide Ba 5 (VO 2 S 2 ) 2 (S 2 ) 2 Combining Disulfide Channels and Mixed Anion Tetrahedra and its Third Harmonic Generation Properties

Batoul Almoussawi , Marielle Huvé , Valérie Dupray , Simon Clevers , Victor Duffort
Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59 (9), pp.5907-5917. ⟨10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03674⟩
Journal articles hal-02949079v1
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Influence of the strontium content on the performance of La1-xSrxMnO3/Bi1.5Er0.5O3 composite electrodes for low temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Martin Pajot , Victor Duffort , Edouard Capoen , Anne-Sophie Mamede , Rose-Noelle Vannier
Journal of Power Sources, 2020, Journal of Power Sources, 450, pp.227649. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2019.227649⟩
Journal articles hal-02428599v1

Etude du diagramme ternaire Ba(Ce,Sn,Zr)0.8Y0.1Yb0.1O3-δ comme céramiques conductrices des protons pour des piles à combustible et électrolyseurs

Omar Rahmouni , Caroline Pirovano , Giulio Cordaro , Victor Duffort , Martine Trentesaux
4ème REUNION PLENIERES de la Fédération HYDROGEN (FRH2) du CNRS, Oct 2024, La Grande Motte, France
Conference papers hal-04857609v1

Fundamentals and current research trends in Solid Oxides Cells for energy production and conversion

Victor Duffort
Réunion thématique "De la Matière quantique aux matériaux fonctionnels" du GDR MEETICC, Jan 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04301806v1

Préparation par spin coating d’électrolyte bicouche Er0.5Bi1.5O3 sur CGO pour SOFC basse température

Soukaina Mountadir , Victor Duffort , Rose-Noelle Vannier
2ème REUNION PLENIERES de la Fédération HYDROGENE (FRH2) du CNRS, May 2022, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-04303242v1

Low temperature surface composition of LSM and its impact on the oxygen reduction mechanism of ESB/LSM composite electrodes

Victor Duffort , Martin Pajot , Soukaina Mountadir , Edouard Capoen , Anne-Sophie Mamede
23rd conference on Solid State Ionics, Jul 2022, Boston, United States
Conference papers hal-04304315v1

Les électrolytes bi-couche : une solution pour abaisser les températures de fonctionnement des SOFC

Victor Duffort , Martin Pajot , Soukaina Mountadir , Edouard Capoen , Anne-Sophie Mamede
Matériaux 2022, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-04304300v1

Electrochemical behavior of Ca3Co4O9+d composite electrodes prepared by a citrate route with GDC or ESB electrolytes

Martin Pajot , Aurélie Rolle , Fatiha Medjahed , Isabella Vasconcelos Joviano dos Santos , Jean-Philippe Dacquin
22nd conference on Solid State Ionics, 16/06, Jun 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02311527v1

Impact of the Sr-content on nthe performance of ESB-LSM composite electrodes for LT-SOFCs

Martin Pajot , Victor Duffort , Edouard Capoen , Rose-Noelle Vannier
conférence Solid State Ionic en Corée du Sud, Jun 2019, Alpensia, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02311528v1

Synthesis and magnetic properties of α-KBiFe2O5

Victor Duffort , Houria Kabbour , Pascal Roussel , Marielle Huvé , Alain Pautrat
GDR MEETICC Réunion plénière 2019, Jan 2019, Dunkerque, France
Conference papers hal-02333551v1

Cathode Material Screening for SOFC Based on Stabilized Bi2O3 Electrolytes

Victor Duffort , Martin Pajot , Edouard Capoen , Rose-Noelle Vannier
22nd International Conference on Solid State Ionics (SSI-22), Jun 2019, PyeongChang, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02311059v1

Research of innovative SOFC cathode materials

Aurélie Rolle , Caroline Pirovano , Victor Duffort , Edouard Capoen , Rose-Noelle Vannier
22nd International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Jun 2019, PyeongChang, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02311534v1

Electrochemical behavior of Ca3Co4O9+d composite electrodes prepared by a citrate route with GDC or ESB electrolytes

Martin Pajot , Aurélie Rolle , Fatiha Medjahed , Isabella Vasconcelos Joviano dos Santos , Jean-Philippe Dacquin
conférence Solid State Ionic en Corée du Sud, Jun 2019, Alpensia, South Korea
Conference papers hal-02311526v1

Structure and transport properties of a new bismuth chromate

Victor Duffort , Pascal Roussel
7th International Symposium on Structure-Property Relationship in Solid State Materials - SPSSM2018, Jun 2018, Pescara, Italy
Conference papers hal-02311535v1

Elaboration de nouvelles cathodes de piles à combustible de type SOFC à base d’oxyde de bismuth

Martin Pajot , Victor Duffort , Rose-Noelle Vannier
Journées scientifiques de la Division Chimie du Solide de la SCF, Nov 2017, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02311524v1

Elaboration de cathodes innovantes pour pile à combustible à oxide solide (SOFC)

Martin Pajot , Victor Duffort , Edouard Capoen , Romain Jooris , Aurélie Rolle
Rayons X et Matière, Nov 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-02311523v1

Abaissement de la température d’accroche de cathodes innovantes pour piles à combustible à oxyde solide (SOFC) par greffage chimique

Martin Pajot , Victor Duffort , Rose-Noelle Vannier
Rayons X et Matière, Nov 2017, Lille, France
Conference papers hal-02311057v1

Implementation of PDF analysis using a silver microfocus source and its application to the structure resolution of turbostractic sodium layered oxides

Victor Duffort
10 Years IµS Workshop, Jun 2017, Geesthacht, Germany
Conference papers hal-02311529v1

Design of new cathodes for low temperature Bismuth-based Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Martin Pajot , Victor Duffort , Rose-Noelle Vannier
Nord-Ouest européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC), Jun 2017, Caen, France
Conference papers hal-02311072v1