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Vincent Vandewalle



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An end-to-end data-driven optimisation framework for constrained trajectories

Florent Dewez , Benjamin Guedj , Arthur Talpaert , Vincent Vandewalle
Data-Centric Engineering, 2022, 3, pp.e6. ⟨10.1017/dce.2022.6⟩
Journal articles hal-03024720v1
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Simultaneous semi-parametric estimation of clustering and regression

Matthieu Marbac , Mohammed Sedki , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2022, 31 (2), pp.477-485. ⟨10.1080/10618600.2021.2000872⟩
Journal articles hal-03090573v2

Categorical Functional Data Analysis. The cfda R Package

Cristian Preda , Quentin Grimonprez , Vincent Vandewalle
Mathematics , 2021, 9 (23), pp.31. ⟨10.3390/math9233074⟩
Journal articles hal-03515152v1
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Reject Inference Methods in Credit Scoring

Adrien Ehrhardt , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Heinrich , Sébastien Beben
Journal of Applied Statistics, 2021, 48 (13-15), pp.2734-2754. ⟨10.1080/02664763.2021.1929090⟩
Journal articles hal-03087279v2
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Gaussian Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Based Clustering

Christophe Biernacki , Matthieu Marbac , Vincent Vandewalle
Journal of Classification, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s00357-020-09369-y⟩
Journal articles hal-01949155v3

Multi-Partitions Subspace Clustering

Vincent Vandewalle
Mathematics , 2020, 8 (4), pp.597. ⟨10.3390/math8040597⟩
Journal articles hal-03117603v1
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From industry-wide parameters to aircraft-centric on-flight inference: improving aeronautics performance prediction with machine learning

Florent Dewez , Benjamin Guedj , Vincent Vandewalle
Data-Centric Engineering, 2020, ⟨10.1017/dce.2020.12⟩
Journal articles hal-02570875v1

Estimating the number of usability problems affecting medical devices: modelling the discovery matrix

Vincent Vandewalle , Alexandre Caron , Coralie Delettrez , Renaud Périchon , Sylvia Pelayo
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 2020, 20 (1), ⟨10.1186/s12874-020-01091-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03117742v1
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Circulating proteomic signature of early death in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction

Marie Cuvelliez , Vincent Vandewalle , Maxime Brunin , Olivia Beseme , Audrey Hulot
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, pp.19202. ⟨10.1038/s41598-019-55727-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02414293v2

A tractable Multi-Partitions Clustering

Matthieu Marbac , Vincent Vandewalle
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2018, ⟨10.1016/j.csda.2018.06.013⟩
Journal articles hal-01691417v1
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ClinMine: Optimizing the Management of Patients in Hospital

Clarisse Dhaenens , Julie Jacques , Vincent Vandewalle , Maxence Vandromme , Emmanuel Chazard
Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, 2018, 39 (2), pp.83-92. ⟨10.1016/j.irbm.2017.12.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01692197v1
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Model-based clustering of Gaussian copulas for mixed data

Matthieu Marbac , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 2017, 46 (23), pp.11635-11656. ⟨10.1080/03610926.2016.1277753⟩
Journal articles hal-00987760v4
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Latent class model with conditional dependency per modes to cluster categorical data

Matthieu Marbac , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2016, 10 (2), pp.183-207. ⟨10.1007/s11634-016-0250-1⟩
Journal articles hal-00950112v2
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Model-based clustering for conditionally correlated categorical data

Matthieu Marbac , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
Journal of Classification, 2015, 2 (32), pp.145-175. ⟨10.1007/s00357⟩
Journal articles hal-00787757v3
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Mixture of Gaussians for Distance Estimation with Missing Data

Emil Eirola , Amaury Lendasse , Vincent Vandewalle , Christophe Biernacki
Neurocomputing, 2014, 131, pp.32-42. ⟨10.1016/j.neucom.2013.07.050⟩
Journal articles hal-00921023v2
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A predictive deviance criterion for selecting a generative model in semi-supervised classification

Vincent Vandewalle , Christophe Biernacki , Gilles Celeux , Gérard Govaert
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2013, 64, pp.220-236. ⟨10.1016/j.csda.2013.02.010⟩
Journal articles inria-00516991v1
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Les logiciels et l'enseignement de la statistique dans les départements " Statistique et Informatique Décisionnelle " (STID) des IUT

Gérard Grégoire , François-Xavier Jollois , Jean-François Petiot , Abdellah Qannari , Serge Sabourin
Statistique et Enseignement, 2012, 2 (2), pp.5-24
Journal articles hal-00913110v1
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Statistical tests to compare motif count exceptionalities

Stephane Robin , Sophie Schbath , Vincent Vandewalle
BMC Bioinformatics, 2007, 8, pp.84. ⟨10.1186/1471-2105-8-84⟩
Journal articles hal-01197501v1
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An EM Stopping Rule for Avoiding Degeneracy in Gaussian-based Clustering with Missing Data

Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
SMPS 2024 - International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics, Sep 2024, Salsburg, Austria. pp.27-35, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-65993-5_4⟩
Conference papers hal-04867801v1
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Impact of missing data on mixtures and clustering with illustrations in Biology and Medicine

Christophe Biernacki , Claire Boyer , Gilles Celeux , Julie Josse , Fabien Laporte
SPSR 2023 - The 24th annual Conference of the Romanian Society of Probability and Statistics, Apr 2023, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers hal-04370870v1
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Classification non supervisée des processus d'événements récurrents

Génia Babykina , Vincent Vandewalle
JdS 2023 - 54es Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, Jul 2023, Bruxelles (BEL), France
Conference papers hal-04411145v1
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Clustering: from modeling to visualizing Mapping clusters as spherical Gaussians

Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle , Matthieu Marbac
SFC 2023 - Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Jul 2023, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-04370886v1
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Clinical score building from high-throughput proteomic data

Guillemette Marot , Wilfried Heyse , Vincent Vandewalle , Christophe Bauters , Florence Pinet
ICM/Inria/SCAI workshop “Computational and mathematical approaches for neuroscience”, Jun 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03942723v1
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Clustering of recurrent events data applied to the re-admission of elderly people at hospital

Vincent Vandewalle , Genia Babykina , Jean-Baptiste Beuscart , Jesus A. Carretero Bravo , Fabien Visade
European Conference on Data Analysis 2022, Sep 2022, Naples, Italy
Conference papers hal-03899727v1
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Gaussian Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Based Clustering

Christophe Biernacki , Matthieu Marbac Lourdelle , Vincent Vandewalle
MIMO 2021: Workshop on Mixture Models, Apr 2021, Rouen, France
Conference papers hal-03505667v1
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Support of temporal structure in the statistical analysis of high-throughput proteomic data

Wilfried Heyse , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Amouyel , Guillemette Marot , Christophe Bauters
Journées de Statistique 2021, Jun 2021, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-03525345v1
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Simultaneous semi-parametric estimation of clustering and regression

Matthieu Marbac , Mohammed Sedki , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
52èmes journées de la SFdS, Jun 2021, Nice / Virtual, France. ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2012.14159⟩
Conference papers hal-03515286v1

Identification of patients subtypes based on protein expression for prediction of heart failure after myocardial infarction

Wilfried Heyse , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Amouyel , Guillemette Marot , Christophe Bauters
Printemps de la cardiologie 2021, May 2021, Online, France. pp.213, ⟨10.1016/j.acvdsp.2021.04.159⟩
Conference papers hal-03525354v1
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Impact of Missing Data on Mixtures and Clustering

Christophe Biernacki , Claire Boyer , Gilles Celeux , Julie Josse , Fabien Laporte
MHC2021 - Mixtures, Hidden Markov Models, Clustering, Jun 2021, Orsay, France
Conference papers hal-03505664v1

Proteomic signature for early diagnosis of left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction

Wilfried Heyse , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Amouyel , Guillemette Marot , Christophe Bauters
Printemps de la cardiologie 2020, Oct 2020, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-03124801v1
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Estimation du nombre de problèmes et détermination du nombre de sujets nécessaires dans les études d’utilisabilité : une approche bayésienne

Vincent Vandewalle , Alexandre Caron , Benoît Dervaux
Journées Biostatistiques 2020 - GDR « Statistiques & santé », Oct 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03118164v1

Gaussian Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Based Clustering

Christophe Biernacki , Matthieu Marbac-Lourdelle , Vincent Vandewalle
3rd International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2019), Jun 2019, Taichung, Taiwan
Conference papers hal-02398999v1
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Gaussian Based Visualization of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Based Clustering

Christophe Biernacki , Matthieu Marbac-Lourdelle , Vincent Vandewalle
SPSR 2019, Apr 2019, Bucarest, Romania
Conference papers hal-02400486v1

Supervised multivariate discretization and levels merging for logistic regression

Adrien Ehrhardt , Vincent Vandewalle , Christophe Biernacki , Philippe Heinrich
23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Aug 2018, Iasi, Romania
Conference papers hal-01949128v1
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A tractable multi-partitions clustering

Vincent Vandewalle , Matthieu Marbac
COMPSTAT 2018 - 23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Aug 2018, Iasi, Romania
Conference papers hal-01956922v1
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Clustering spatial functional data

Vincent Vandewalle , Cristian Preda , Sophie Dabo
ERCIM 2018, Dec 2018, Pise, Italy
Conference papers hal-01956923v1

Gaussian-based visualization of Gaussian and non-Gaussian model-based clustering

Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle , Matthieu Marbac
23rd International Conference on Computational Statistics, Aug 2018, Iasi, Romania
Conference papers hal-01949127v1

A targeted multi-partitions clustering

Matthieu Marbac , Christophe Biernacki , Mohammed Sedki , Vincent Vandewalle
The 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018), Dec 2018, Pise, Italy
Conference papers hal-01949111v1
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Réintégration des refusés en Credit Scoring

Adrien Ehrhardt , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Heinrich , Sébastien Beben
49e Journées de Statistique, May 2017, Avignon France
Conference papers hal-01653767v1
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Simultaneous dimension reduction and multi-objective clustering

Vincent Vandewalle
IFCS 2017 - Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies, Aug 2017, Tokyo, Japan. pp.1-29
Conference papers hal-01662271v1
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Mixture Models with Missing data Classication of Satellite Image Time Series

Serge Iovleff , Mathieu Fauvel , Stéphane Girard , Cristian Preda , Vincent Vandewalle
Journées Science des Données MaDICS 2017, Jun 2017, Marseille, France. pp.1-60
Conference papers hal-01649206v1
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Survival analysis with complex covariates: a model-based clustering preprocessing step

Vincent Vandewalle , Christophe Biernacki
IEEE PHM 2017, Jun 2017, Dallas, United States
Conference papers hal-01667588v1
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Model-based variable clustering

Vincent Vandewalle , Thierry Mottet , Matthieu Marbac
CMStatistics/ERCIM 2017 - 10th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Dec 2017, London, United Kingdom. pp.1-19
Conference papers hal-01691421v1
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Dealing with missing data through mixture models

Vincent Vandewalle , Christophe Biernacki
ICB Seminars 2017 - 154th Seminar on ”Statistics and clinical practice”, May 2017, Varsovie, Poland. pp.1-3
Conference papers hal-01667614v1

Pitfalls in Mixtures from the Clustering Angle

Christophe Biernacki , Gwenaelle Castellan , Stephane Chretien , Benjamin Guedj , Vincent Vandewalle
Working Group on Model-Based Clustering Summer Session, Jul 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01419755v1

Clustering categorical functional data Application to medical discharge letters

Vincent Vandewalle , Cristina Cozma , Cristian Preda
8th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Dec 2015, Londres, France
Conference papers hal-01251284v1

An efficient SEM algorithm for Gaussian Mixtures with missing data

Vincent Vandewalle , C Biernacki
8th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Dec 2015, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01242588v1

Model-based clustering of categorical data by relaxing conditional independence

Matthieu Marbac , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
Classification Society Meeting, Mc Master University, Jun 2015, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Conference papers hal-01238334v1
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Sélection prédictive d'un modèle génératif par le critère AICp

Vincent Vandewalle
41èmes Journées de Statistique, SFdS, Bordeaux, 2009, Bordeaux, France, France
Conference papers inria-00386678v1
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A Model-Based Clustering Approach for Chemical Toxicity Assessment Using Cell Painting Data

Mariam Grigoryan , Vincent Vandewalle , David Rouquié
SophI.A Summit 2024 - 7th international AI conference, Nov 2024, Valbonne, France
Conference poster hal-04846860v1
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Proteomic signature for early diagnosis of left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction

Wilfried Heyse , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Amouyel , Guillemette Marot , Christophe Bauters
Printemps de la Cardiologie 2020, Oct 2020, Grenoble / Virtual, France
Conference poster hal-03124837v1

Model-based multivariate discretization for logistic regression

Adrien Ehrhardt , Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle , Philippe Heinrich
Data Science Summer School, Aug 2017, Paris, France. 2017
Conference poster hal-02075126v1
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Simultaneous dimension reduction and multi-objective clustering

Vincent Vandewalle
Statlearn’17, Lyon: 4-7 april 2017, Apr 2017, Lyon, France
Conference poster hal-03183333v1
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Clustering categorical functional data Application to medical discharge letters Medical discharge letters

Vincent Vandewalle , Cristian Preda
Working Group on Model-Based Clustering Summer Session: Paris, July 17-23, 2016, Jul 2016, Paris, France. 2016
Conference poster hal-01424950v1
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Label switching in mixtures

Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle
Working Group on Model-Based Clustering Summer Session: Glasgow, July 17-23, 2011, Jul 2011, Glasgow, United Kingdom, France
Conference poster hal-03183299v1
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Categorical functional data analysis. The cfda R package

Cristian Preda , Quentin Grimonprez , Vincent Vandewalle
The 14th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics, Dec 2021, London, United Kingdom
Documents associated with scientific events hal-03518940v1
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Simultaneous dimension reduction and multi-objective clustering using probabilistic factorial discriminant analysis

Vincent Vandewalle
CMStatistics 2016, Dec 2016, Sevilla, Spain
Documents associated with scientific events hal-01424965v1
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Table ronde : “pourquoi et comment enseigner l’analyse de données massives (big data)”

Chloé Friguet , Frédérique Letué , Vincent Vandewalle
47èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFdS, Jun 2015, Lille, France
Documents associated with scientific events hal-01250812v1
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Clustering spatial functional data

Vincent Vandewalle , Cristian Preda , Sophie Dabo-Niang
J. Mateu and R. Giraldo. Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis : Theory and Methods. Editors: Jorge Mateu, Ramon Giraldo, 1, Wiley, 2021, Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis : Theory and Methods, ⟨10.1002/9781119387916.ch7⟩
Book sections hal-01948934v1
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Estimation et sélection en classification semi-supervisée

Vincent Vandewalle
Mathématiques [math]. Université des Sciences et Technologie de Lille - Lille I, 2009. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00447141v1
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Contribution to model-based clustering of heterogeneous data

Vincent Vandewalle
Statistics [math.ST]. Université de Lille, 2021
Accreditation to supervise research tel-03118189v1