In-situ long-term interactions between different concrete formulas and COx claystone in a deep disposal context
Catherine Lerouge
Nicolas Maubec
Guillaume Wille
Christine Flehoc
Catherine Guerrot
Clay conference 2024 : International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung (BGE); Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Nov 2024, Hannover - Germany, Germany
Conference papers
Weathering of the tuffeau building materials under the microscope. Focus on gypsum
Maria Naumenko-Dèzes
Kevin Beck
Guillaume Wille
Wolfram Kloppmann
European Mineralogical Conference 2024, Aug 2024, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Combinaison MEB-EDS / raman confocal pour la caractérisation des géomatériaux
Wille Guillaume
Workshop Spectroscopie et Microscopie du milieu marin, ifremer; WITEC, Feb 2023, Brest (France), France
Conference papers
Selenate uptake by green rust
Sylvain Grangeon
Esra Orucoglu
Jean-Marc Greneche
Eric Bourhis
Fabienne Warmont
Goldschmidt 2023, Jul 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Coupled SEM-EDS-RAMAN: a complementary approach for characterization - application to geomaterials
G Wille
EMAS 2023 - 17th European Workshop on MODERN DEVELOPMENTS AND APPLICATIONS IN MICROBEAM ANALYSIS, European Microbeam Analysis Society, May 2023, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers
ION4RAW: Improving metal recovery in Cu-Pb-Zn-(Au-Ag) ore deposits through inventory of by-products and critical raw materials
Pauline Moreau
Isabelle Duhamel-Achin
Blandine Gourcerol
Philippe Lach
Catherine Lerouge
EGU, https://www.egu22.eu/, May 2022, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
ION4RAW: Inventory of by-products and critical raw materials in the El Porvenir Pb-Zn ore deposit through combined laser ablation ICP-MS, electron microprobe and micro-XRF mapping
Catherine Lerouge
Philippe Lach
Guillaume Wille
Isabelle Duhamel-Achin
Pauline Moreau
European Workshop on Laser Ablation - EWLA 2022, Jul 2022, Bern, Switzerland
Conference papers
Contribution of Image correlation SEM-EDS-Raman to the study of geomaterials: a promising approach
Guillaume Wille
ECASIA 2019 - 18th European Conference on Applications on Surface and Interface Analysis, Institute of Solid State and Materials Research (IFW Dresden); Technical University Dresden (TUD), Sep 2019, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Confocal Raman-in-SEM Imaging: a New Method for 3D Morphology of Asbestos- like Fibers in a Mineral Matrix -Complementarity with SEM-FIB
Guillaume Wille
Didier Lahondère
Ute Schmidt
Jeromine Duron
Rostislav Vana
Microscopy & Microanalysis 2018, Aug 2018, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers
Impact of the presence of a natural biofilm on mobility and reactivity towards tetrachloroethylene (PCE) of NZVI used for nanoremediation.
Marc Crampon
Jennifer Hellal
Caroline Michel
Christophe Mouvet
Guillaume Wille
7th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VII), Jun 2018, Chania, Greece
Conference papers
Analyse de l'interaction biofilm-nanoparticules par des approches microscopiques (fluorescence, MEB, STEM, MET, EDS)
Caroline Michel
Guillaume Wille
Marc Crampon
Louis Jolly
Agnès Burel
8ème Colloque de Réseau National Biofilm (RNB), Dec 2017, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers
A multimodal microcharacterization of trace-elements in defective pearls by SEM-CL, EPMA, µ-XRF and CONFOCAL RAMAN-IN-SEM imaging.
Guillaume Wille
Xavier Bourrat
Yannick Y. Lefrais
Ute Schmidt
EMAS 2017 15th European Workshop and IUMAS-7 Meeting, May 2017, Konstanz, Germany
Conference papers
SEM techniques for the bio- and organo-mineral interface characterisation in environmental science
Guillaume Wille
Caroline Michel
Jennifer Hellal
Annie Richard
A Burel
EMAS 2016, European Microbeam Analysis Society, May 2016, Marcoule, France
Conference papers
Profil d'altération dans les argiles tégulines, Bassin de Paris, France
Catherine Lerouge
Jean-Charles Robinet
Mathieu Debure
Benoît Henry
Nicolas Maubec
25e Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Oct 2016, Caen, France
Conference papers
Analysis of biofilm-nanoparticles interaction using microscopy (fluorescence, MEB, STEM, MET, EDS)
Caroline Michel
Guillaume Wille
Louis Jolly
Annie Richard
Agnès Burel
BIOFILMS 7, Jun 2016, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Couplage d’outils analytiques pour l’étude des géo-matériaux - application à l'étude de la distribution de polluants métalliques dans des sédiments
Guillaume Wille
Nicolas Maubec
Journée scientifique RECAMIA 2015, réseau RECAMIA, Oct 2015, Villeurbanne, France
Conference papers
Couplage d'outils analytiques pour l'étude de la distribution géochimique des éléments Cu et Zn dans les sédiments
Nicolas Maubec
Guillaume Wille
Journées thématiques du GN MEBA, Jul 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers
Nanoparticles and bacterial biofilm interactions in natural waters: Implication for NPs mobility
Patrick Ollivier
Jennifer Hellal
Louis Jolly
Caroline Michel
Guillaume Wille
SETAC North America 36th Annual Meeting, Nov 2015, Salt Lake City, United States
Conference papers
SEM and µ-Raman characterization of electron beam damages on fluor-apatites : Implication for EPMA analysis.
Guillaume Wille
Ida Di Carlo
Abdeltif Lahfid
Conference papers
Role of clay minerals on the carbonate chemistry in a marine clay formation
Catherine Lerouge
Sylvain Grangeon
Martin Mazurek
Guillaume Wille
7th Mid-European Clay Conference 2014, Jun 2014, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Couplage MEB-Raman: un système innovant et performant pour la minéralogie
Nicolas Maubec
Abdeltif Lahfid
Guillaume Wille
Catherine Lerouge
Xavier Bourrat
13ème colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies, Jul 2013, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Controls of Ca/Mg/Fe activity ratios in pore water chemistry models of the Callovian--Oxfordian Clay Formation
Catherine Lerouge
Agnès Vinsot
Sylvain Grangeon
Guillaume Wille
Christine Fléhoc
Conference papers
Relative chronology of deep circulations within the fractured basement of the Upper Rhine Graben
Chrystel Dezayes
Catherine Lerouge
Claire Ramboz
Guillaume Wille
European Geothermal Congress, EGC 2013, Jun 2013, Pise, Italy. 10 p
Conference papers
EBSD et couplage MEB-Raman, 2 techniques complémentaires pour la micro-caractérisation des phases et orientations dans le MEB
Guillaume Wille
Abdeltif Lahfid
Journées pédagogiques GN-MEBA : L'analyse EBSD - Evolutions et exemples d'application, Nov 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Pearls defects evidenced by EPMA, EDS and coupled SEM-μ-Raman spectroscopies.
Guillaume Wille
Xavier Bourrat
Régis Guégan
Bastien Farre
Daniel Chateigner
EMAS 2013 - 13th European Worshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbeam Analysis, May 2013, Porto, Portugal. pp.1
Conference papers
Use of Raman spectroscopy to characterize and distinguish minerals of the alunite supergroup
Nicolas Maubec
Abdeltif Lahfid
Catherine Lerouge
Guillaume Wille
Karine Michel
Geo-Raman Xth Meeting, Jun 2012, Nancy, France. pp.Mineralogy and Gemmology
Conference papers
Dynamics of bacterial biofilms formation on granular activated carbon in aquatic sediments polluted with PCBs
Anne Mercier
Jennifer Hellal
Guillaume Wille
Caroline Michel
Laurence Amalric
14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME14), Aug 2012, Copenhague, France
Conference papers
Couplage MEB-Raman, un outil puissant pour la caractérisation des géomatériaux
Guillaume Wille
Abdeltif Lahfid
Nicolas Maubec
Karine Michel
XVIII° Journées de Spectroscopie Vibrationnelle, Jun 2012, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Quantification et caractérisation de la formation d'un biofilm sur du charbon actif dans des sédiments pollués par des PCB
Anne Mercier
Guillaume Wille
Caroline Michel
Jennifer Hellal
Laurence Amalric
Les biofilms au service des biotechnologies, Jan 2012, Narbonne, France
Conference papers
Coupling SEM and Raman spectroscopy, a powerful tool for geological materials characterisation
Guillaume Wille
Abdeltif Lahfid
Nicolas Maubec
Karine Michel
15th European Microscopy Congress, Sep 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Synchrotron x-ray and electron micro-probe study of contaminated dredged sediments.
Antonine Poitevin
Louis Hennet
Philippe Bataillard
Guillaume Wille
Catherine Lerouge
EUROSOIL 2012 : 4th International Congress of the European Confederation of Soil Science Societies (ECSSS), Jul 2012, Bari, Italy. pp.00
Conference papers
Characterization of mineralogical metal carriers in dredged sediments deposit
Antonine Poitevin
Louis Hennet
Catherine Lerouge
Guillaume Wille
Philippe Bataillard
The Sixth SUITMA International Conference, Oct 2011, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers
Caractérisation par micro-fluorescence X et microsonde électronique des porteurs minéralogiques d'éléments traces dans des sédiments mis en dépôt
Antonine Poitevin
Philippe Bataillard
Louis Hennet
Catherine Lerouge
Guillaume Wille
9ème colloque " Rayons X et Matière ", Nov 2011, Tours, France. pp.00
Conference papers
Comparative EPMA and μ-XRF methods for mapping micro-scale distribution of iodine in biocarbonates of the Callovian-Oxfordian clayey formation at Bure, Eastern part of the Paris Basin
Catherine Lerouge
Francis Claret
M.A. Denecke
Guillaume Wille
G. Falkenberg
12th International Conference on the Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission Products in the Geosphere (Migration '09), Sep 2009, Kennewick, United States. pp.271-277, ⟨10.1016/j.pce.2010.04.003⟩
Conference papers