Xavier Bouju
Xavier Bouju September 2020
date of birth January 28, 1967
citizenship French
office Centre d'élaboration des matériaux et d'études structurales (CEMES) – Nanosciences group (GNS)
29, rue Jeanne-Marvig, BP 94347, F-31055 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
+33 (0)56225 -7812 (tel), -7999 (fax)
xavier.bouju@cemes.fr – http://www.cemes.fr/bouju
career since 2013 Research director 2nd class – CNRS at CEMES-GNS (Toulouse)
01.2002 Research scientist 1st class – CNRS at CEMES-GNS (Toulouse)
01.1999 Research scientist 1st class – CNRS at Molecular physics laboratory (Besançon, France)
01.1996 Research scientist 2nd class – CNRS at Molecular physics laboratory (Besançon, France)
01.1995 Postdoctoral research associate, University N.D. Paix (Namur, Belgium)
education habilitation 2009, HDR, University of Toulouse III (Toulouse, France)
grad 1993, Ph.D. in Physics, University of Franche-Comté (Besançon, France)
publications 76 works in international journals and refereed books
& 81 papers for general audience
presentations 1 scientific expert report (prospective and recommendation)
3 book and book chapters
19 invited talks at universities or research centers
145 abstracts in conferences, workshops, or schools (29 upon invitation)
keywords nanosciences, single molecule, self-assembly, molecular adsorption, simulations and modelling, molecular mechanics and dynamics, molecular, manipulation, molecular machines, STM, AFM, surface science.
Conferences 2018 Colloquium in EMRS conference (Strasbourg) - National tournament Olympiades de physique (Toulouse).
organization 2016 Mini-colloquium in 15es Journées de la matière condensée (Bordeaux)
and On-surface synthesis symposium (Paris).
2015 Inter-academique selection Olympiades de physique (Toulouse).
2012 French International workshop Molecular and low dimensional systems
(Toulouse, France).
2010 French-Japanese workshop on Nanomaterials (Toulouse, France)
2009 J3N, ANR/C'Nano (Toulouse, France).
2008-2010 NanoSpain (Braga (P) 2008, Zaragoza (E) 2009, Malaga (E) 2010.
2008 NanoSWEC, (Bordeaux, France).
2007 Molecular machines & Switches, Frontiers meeting (Toulouse, France)
2006 National condensed matter conference SFP – JMC10 (Toulouse, France)
2003-2005,2014 Nanosciences and local probes – CNRS school - Local microscopies forum(La Grande Motte, Ax les Thermes, Anglet, Montauban, France)
projects 2020-2023 EUR NanoX Stefe
2013-2017 EU/IP PAMS, ANR Nanofluidyn
2010-2014 ANR/PNano ICMADS
2010-2013 EU/STREP Artist and ANR/PNano Automol.
2011-2012 SUDOE INTERREG IVB Train2 (manager for French partnership).
2009-2012 ANR/PNano MolSiC (coordinator) and ANR/Cosinus, Samson.
2004-2008 NOE, Frontiers (contact person, workpackage manager)
2005-2008 IP, PicoInside (workpackage manager)
2004-2007 STREP, NanoMan (contact person)
2001-2007 Bilateral projects: PAI Alliance (UK), Volubilis (Morocco), Tournesol (Belgium)
expertise since 2019 Expert Hcéres (High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education)
2017-2019 President of a National Research Agency (ANR) committee (Physics)
2009-2016 Committee member for the ANR: Program Nano P3N and P2N (2009-2013) and General Great Challenges Défi7 (2015-2016).
2011-2016 Evaluator-expert for the NMP-FP7 program and M-era.Net program
since 2006 Expert at the Observatory for Micro and Nanotechnologies – OMNT.
since 2005 Expert at Evaluator-expert for NCN, FNRS, MI-CNRS, C'Nano IdF, Univ. Montpellier, CR Franche-Comté, Univ. Cath. Louvain, Ohio Univ.
2006 Report for Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) Nanotechnologies for spatial techniques.
other activities since 2019 President of Scientific council of the EUR NanoX
2016-2018 Deputy-Director of the Labex NEXT
since 2015 President of Midi-Pyrénées section of SFP
since 2010 Member of Scientific Publications GT2 of IUPAP
since 2004 Member of Publications group of SFP
since 2003 Head member of Midi-Pyrénées section of SFP
2011-2014 Member of Conseil d'administration of SFP
2003-2008 Secretary of Midi-Pyrénées section of SFP
2001-2009 Head member of PAMO division of SFP
since 1999 Member of various commissions of CEMES-CNRS lab, Univ. Toulouse, Univ. Franche-Comté, Univ. Bourgogne
since 1996 Referee for 26 journals and reviews
From Early Prototypes to On-Surface Drivable Single Molecule Nano-vehiclesSingle Molecule Mechanics on a Surface, Springer International Publishing, pp.59-82, 2023, Advances in Atom and Single Molecule Machines, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-16930-4_4⟩
Book sections