Yvan Duroc
Yvan Duroc was born in Angouleme, France. He received the Teaching degree 'Agregation' (French national degree) in applied physics in 1995, the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Grenoble Institute of Technology, Grenoble, France, in 2007 and the 'Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches' degree (HDR) from Grenoble University, Grenoble, France, in 2012. He was a Teaching Associate from 1997 to 2009 and an Associate Professor from 2009 to 2013 at Esisar Engineering School. He is currently a Full Professor at the University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France. He is in charge of lectures in signal and image processing, RF and microwave, electronics and embedded systems for the engineer and M.Sc. levels. His current research interests include microwave and applied signal processing with special attention to radio frequency and millimeter wave identification technologies, backscattered modulations, energy harvesting, sensors and antennas. He has published more than 100 papers in peer reviewed journals and international conferences. He is a member of several TPC and serves as expert-reviewer for national and international scientific committees and conferences including IEEE, IET, Cambridge, PIER, Hindawi, Eurasip, URSI. He serves as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Journal on RFID and IEEE Sensors Letters, and he is the founder and Editor in Chief of Wireless Powering journal by ISTE OpenScience. He is the vice-chair of the URSI Commission C, France
Experimental evaluation of the passive RFID Technology in Pulse Wave Mode2022 3RD URSI ATLANTIC AND ASIA PACIFIC RADIO SCIENCE MEETING, May 2023, Gran Canaria, Italy
Conference papers
Exploitation of Harmonic Signals Backscattered by UHF RFID Tags : HRFID ProjectIEEE RFID Technologies and Applications Conference, Sep 2022, Cagliari, Italy
Conference papers
Communications Tag à Tag Passives en RFID UHFURSI 2022 - Journées scientifiques, Mar 2022, Paris, France. pp.54-58
Conference papers
Passive RFID technology in pulse wave modeURSI AT-AP-RASC 2022, May 2022, Gran Canaria, Italy
Conference papers
Transition verticale à faibles pertes entre ligne microruban et guide d'ondes intégré au substrat creux en bande KaJournées Nationales Microondes, Jun 2022, Limoges, France
Conference papers
A Vertical Transition between Microstrip Line and Air-Filled SIW at Ka-bandEuropean Microwave Week, Sep 2022, Milan, Italy. ⟨10.23919/EuMC54642.2022.9924415⟩
Conference papers
UHF RFID tags authentication using differential radar cross sectionURSI AT-AP-RASC 2022, May 2022, Gran Canaria, Italy
Conference papers
Filtre passe-bande d’ordre trois à guide d'ondes intégré au substrat creux multicouche en bande KaJournées Nationales Microondes, Jun 2022, Limoges, France
Conference papers
Passive UHF RFID Yarn For Temperature Sensing ApplicationsRFID-TA 2021 - 11th IEEE international Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, Oct 2021, Dehli, India. pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA53372.2021.9617438⟩
Conference papers
A Waveform Design Methodology for UHF RFID Systems: A Hybrid Simulation ApproachRFID-TA, Oct 2021, Delhi, India. pp.165-168, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA53372.2021.9617383⟩
Conference papers
Characterization of Harmonic Signals Backscattered by Conventional UHF RFID TagsRFID-TA, Oct 2021, Delhi, India. pp.161-164, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA53372.2021.9617403⟩
Conference papers
UHF RFID Voltage Multiplier design from a harmonic communication perspectiveURSI GASS, Aug 2021, Rome, Italy. ⟨10.23919/URSIGASS51995.2021.9560383⟩
Conference papers
Wireless Power Transfer of Passive UHF RFID Uplink in the Case of Tags NetworkRFID-TA, Oct 2021, Delhi, India. pp.124-127, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA53372.2021.9617245⟩
Conference papers
Modulation Depth Enhancement for Randomly Arranged Tags in Passive RFID Tag to Tag CommunicationsRFID-TA 2021 - 11th IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, Oct 2021, Delhi, India. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA53372.2021.9617243⟩
Conference papers
Air-filled substrate integrated waveguide (AFSIW) cavity-backed slot antenna for 5G applicationsIEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS2020), Jul 2020, Montréal, Canada. ⟨10.1109/IEEECONF35879.2020.9329764⟩
Conference papers
Waveform Design for Optimal Wireless Power Transfer Using Evolutionary AlgorithmsInternational Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST 2020), Sep 2020, Bremen, Germany. ⟨10.1109/MOCAST49295.2020.9200277⟩
Conference papers
Theoretical BER Evaluation of Passive RFID Tag-To-Tag Communications2020 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium, Jan 2020, San Antonio, United States. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Time reversal applied to wireless energy transfer5th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials, Mar 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Considerations on the equivalent electric models of a UHF RFID Helical Antenna YarnISSCS 2019 - 14-th International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems, Jul 2019, Iasi, Romania. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/ISSCS.2019.8801787⟩
Conference papers
Time Reversal Applied to Wireless Power TransmissionBIT's 5th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials, Mar 2019, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
Nouveau concept pour la réalisation d'un capteur de température RFID UHF passif exploitant la fonction d'auto-tuning des pucesJNM 2019, May 2019, Caen, France
Conference papers
Capteur d’humidité passif intégré dans un fil textile RFID UHFJNM 2019, May 2019, Caen, France. pp.474-478
Conference papers
Flipping a coin, heads or tails. Flipping and RFID tag on metal, ETSI or FCC UHF RFID frequency bandsInternational Microwave Symposium, Jun 2019, Boston, United States. ⟨10.1109/mwsym.2019.8700808⟩
Conference papers
New Approaches For Augmented UHF RFID Textile YarnRFID-TA, Sep 2019, Pise, Italy. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Conception d'une antenne hélice pour fil textile RFID UHF extensibleJNM 2019, May 2019, Caen, France. pp.865-868
Conference papers
Passive UHF RFID yarn for relative humidity sensing applicationEuCAP 2019 - 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Mar 2019, Krakow, Poland. pp.1-4
Conference papers
Experimental Demonstration of a Passive UHF RFID Communication in Time Reversal and Pulsed Wave ModeRFID-TA, Sep 2019, Pisa, France. pp.58-62, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA.2019.8892062⟩
Conference papers
Simulation Framework for Studying UHF RFID Systems in Pulse Wave ModeRFID-TA, Sep 2019, Pisa, Italy. pp.120-124, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA.2019.8892067⟩
Conference papers
RFID UHF en mode impulsionnel et retournement temporelJNM 2019, May 2019, Caen, France. pp.878-881
Conference papers
On the cooperative exploitation of antenna sensitivity and auto-tuning of UHF RFID chip. Application to temperature sensing2018 IEEE/MTT-S IMS, Jun 2018, Philadelphia, United States. ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2018.8439619⟩
Conference papers
Chipless RFID threshold temperature sensor compliant with UHF and ISM radio frequency bandURSI AT-RASC, May 2018, Iles Canaries, Spain
Conference papers
Design of passive chipless wireless motion sensor using dual polarization effectEUCAP, Mar 2017, Paris, France. ⟨10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928695⟩
Conference papers
Conception d’un tag MMID passif planaireJNM 2017 - 20èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Evaluation des performances des communications tag-to-tag : modélisation et outil de simulationJNM 2017 - 20èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Antenna design for compact RFID sensors dedicated to metallic environments2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Aug 2017, Montreal, Canada. pp.1-3, ⟨10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105333⟩
Conference papers
Simulation framework for performance evaluation of passive RFID tag-to-tag communicationEUCAP, Mar 2017, Paris, France. ⟨10.23919/EuCAP.2017.7928387⟩
Conference papers
Exploitation of Harmonic Signals Generated by the UHF RFID Chips: New Promises for the Radio Frequency Identification TechnologyURSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Aug 2017, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Capteur d’humidité basé sur un guide d’ondes à réseau de fentes en bande VJNM 2017 - 20èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, May 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Antenna Design for Compact RFID Sensors Dedicated to Metallic EnvironmentsURSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Aug 2017, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
La RFID une Technologie Clé au Service de l’HumanitéRadio science for Humanity / Radiosciences au service de l’humanité - Journées scientifiques URSI-France 2017, Feb 2017, Sophia Antipolis, France. pp.64-71
Conference papers
A Humidity Sensor Based on V-band Slotted Waveguide Antenna Array2017 IEEE/MTT-S IMS, Jun 2017, Honolulu, United States. ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2017.8058639⟩
Conference papers
Energy paradigms of augmented tags for the internet of things deploymentACES, Mar 2017, Florence, Italy. ⟨10.23919/ROPACES.2017.7916324⟩
Conference papers
Chipless Wireless Temperature Sensor Based on C-like Scatterer for Standard RFID Reader2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Aug 2017, Montréal, Canada. ⟨10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105026⟩
Conference papers
Exploitation of harmonic signals generated by the UHF RFID chips: New promises for the radio frequency identification technology2017 XXXIInd General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science (URSI GASS), Aug 2017, Montreal, Canada. pp.1-4, ⟨10.23919/URSIGASS.2017.8105137⟩
Conference papers
Tag Augmenté Récupérateur d’Énergie pour Alimentation Autonome d'un Capteur de TempératureJournées Scientifiques de l'URSI-France, Mar 2016, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Intégration Optimisée d’un Récupérateur d’Énergie Additionnel dans un tag RFID UHF passifJournées Scientifiques de l'URSI-France, Mar 2016, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Augmented RFID tags2016 IEEE WiSNet, Jan 2016, Austin, United States. ⟨10.1109/WISNET.2016.7444324⟩
Conference papers
Comparative strategies of exploiting the 3rd harmonic signal energy in passive RFID tags2016 IEEE WPTC, May 2016, Aveiro, Portugal. ⟨10.1109/WPT.2016.7498839⟩
Conference papers
Un modèle computationnel pour simuler des données EEG chez les patients implantés cochléaires : vers le développement de mesures objectivesGRETSI 2015, Sep 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Méthodes de mesure de la surface équivalente radar d’antennes en bande millimétrique pour la caractérisation de transpondeurs MMIDJNM 2015 - 29èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Exploitation of nonlinearities produced by RFID chipsEuropean School on RFID harvesting and sensing, Oct 2015, Valence, France
Conference papers
Toward augmented UHF RFID passive tags2015 1st URSI Atlantic Radio Science Conference (URSI AT-RASC), May 2015, Gran Canaria, Spain. pp.1-1, ⟨10.1109/URSI-AT-RASC.2015.7303025⟩
Conference papers
Antenne guide d’onde à réseau de fentes à haute efficacité pour communications sans fil en bande VJNM 2015 - 29èmes Journées Nationales Microondes, Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Cooperative Integration of Harvesting Sections for Passive RFID CommunicationIEEE International Microwave Symposium, May 2015, Phoenix, United States. ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2015.7166992⟩
Conference papers
Augmented RFID tags: capabilities of RFID chips for energy harvesting at different frequenciesSENSO, Oct 2015, Gardanne, France
Conference papers
Cooperative Harvesting3rd Workshop "Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics" COST IC1301, Sep 2015, Thessalokini, Greece
Conference papers
Toward augmented UHF RFID passive tagsAT-RASC, May 2015, Las Palmas, Spain
Conference papers
Nonlinear behavior and characteristics of RFID chipsIEEE International Microwave Symposium, Microwave Week Workshop, May 2015, Phoenix, United States
Conference papers
Impedance Characterization of UHF RFID IC and Tag Performance9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Apr 2015, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers
Passive UHF RFID backscattering for indoor lighting control2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), Dec 2014, Pune, India. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/INDICON.2014.7030472⟩
Conference papers
Tag-to-Reader Harmonic Link in Passive UHF RFIDInternational Microwave Symposium, Jun 2014, United States
Conference papers
A coupled clinical-experimental approach for estimating real CI stimulation artifactsInternational Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, Oct 2014, Canada
Conference papers
A new concept of UHF RFID tag for metallic object tracking with embedded cavity2014 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), Sep 2014, Tampere, Finland. pp.237-240, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA.2014.6934235⟩
Conference papers
Tag-to-reader harmonic link in passive UHF RFID2014 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium - MTT 2014, Jun 2014, Tampa, United States. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/MWSYM.2014.6848442⟩
Conference papers
Optimum integration of passive UHF RFID tag-rectenna in a single feed dual band antenna2014 XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), Aug 2014, Beijing, China. pp.1-4, ⟨10.1109/URSIGASS.2014.6929450⟩
Conference papers
A New Concept of UHF RFID Tag for Metallic Object Tracking with Embedded CavityIEEE RFID Technologies and Applications, Sep 2014, Finland
Conference papers
Differential Power Calculation to RFID UHF Passive Tags CharacterizationIEEE Brazil RFID, Oct 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conference papers
Passive UHF RFID Backscattering for Indoor Lighting ControlIEEE India Conference, INDICON, Dec 2014, Yashada, India
Conference papers
Non-linear Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting in Passive UHF RFIDURSI Kleinheubacher, Sep 2014, Germany
Conference papers
La RFID au service de l'autonomie et du handicapHandicap 2014, Jun 2014, France
Conference papers
Multi-tone carrier technique for signal recovery from collisions in UHF RFID with multiple acknowledgements in a slotInternational Conference on Emerging Technologies, Dec 2014, Pakistan
Conference papers
Optimum integration of passive UHF RFID tag-rectenna in a single feed dual band antennaURSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Aug 2014, China
Conference papers
Optimizing EEG electrode number and locations for a simple clinical application of ASSR measures: a computational approachInternational Symposium on Objective Measures in Auditory Implants, Oct 2014, Canada
Conference papers
Non-linear Energy Harvesting in passive UHF RFID tag2nd Workshop "Wireless Power Transmission for Sustainable Electronics" COST IC1301, Oct 2014, France
Conference papers
Nonlinearities in UHF RFID systemsWorkshop: hot topics in RFID/NFC, Nov 2014, Valence, France
Conference papers
Antenne RFID UHF pour applications en champ proche et champ lointain18e Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM), May 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Optimization performance for the choice of impedances in the design of passive RFID tagsAntennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications, Sep 2013, Torino, Italy. pp.1349-1352
Conference papers
A Near-Field and Far-Field Antenna for UHF RFID ApplicationsIEEE-APS Conference on Antennas and Propagation for Wireless Communications, Sep 2013, Torino, Italy. pp.1240-1243, ⟨10.1109/APWC.2013.6624932⟩
Conference papers
Performance optimization for the choice of impedances in the design of passive RFID tags2013 IEEE-APS Topical Conference on Antennas and Propagation in Wireless Communications (APWC), Sep 2013, Torino, Italy. pp.1349-1352, ⟨10.1109/APWC.2013.6624938⟩
Conference papers
Modeling of UWB antenna arraysProgress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Aug 2013, Stocklholm, Sweden
Conference papers
Redundant backscattering modulation of passive UHF RFID tagsMicrowave Symposium Digest (IMS), 2013 IEEE MTT-S International, Jun 2013, Unknown, pp.1-3, ⟨10.1109/mwsym.2013.6697566⟩
Conference papers
Redundant Backscattering Modulation from UHF Passive RFID TagsInternational Microwave Symposium, Jun 2013, Seattle, United States
Conference papers
Transferts d'énergie rétrodiffusés dans un réseau de tagsJournées Nationales Microondes, May 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Spectre du signal de backscattering des tags RFID UHF passifsJournées Nationales Microondes, May 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
RFID Air Interface Setup for Power Spectral Density AnalysisIEEE RFID Technologies and Applications, Nov 2012, Nice, France
Conference papers
RFID potential impacts and future evolution for green projectsTerraGreen, Feb 2012, France
Conference papers
New Method Based on RSSI for Passive UHF RFID Localization SystemIEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Jul 2012, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
RFID air interface setup for power spectral density analysis2012 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications (RFID-TA), Nov 2012, Nice, France. pp.193-197, ⟨10.1109/RFID-TA.2012.6404510⟩
Conference papers
Time Method Design for Synthesizing UWB FilterMediterranean Microwave Symposium, Sep 2011, Tunisia
Conference papers
From radiator to signal processing antennaAsia Pacific Microwave Conference, Dec 2011, Australia
Conference papers
Antenne PIFA reconfigurable avec patch de géométrie variable et commandableJournées Nationales Microondes, May 2011, France
Conference papers
The Transform of Geometry in Space and Its Application in Reconfigurable PIFA AntennaEuropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Apr 2011, Italy
Conference papers
From radiator to Signal Processing AntennaAsia-Pacific Microwave Conference 2011, Dec 2011, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference papers
New Technique for Indoor Location Based on RSSI Method Using UHF RFID SystemsMediterranean Microwave Symposium, Sep 2011, Tunisia
Conference papers
New Reconfigurable PIFA Antenna Based on The Transform of Geometry in SpaceProgress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2011), Mar 2011, Morocco. pp
Conference papers
Reconfigurable 8 - Shape PIFA Antenna Using PIN DiodeProgress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Sep 2011, China
Conference papers
Novel Reconfigurable 8 - Shape PIFA Antenna Using PIN DiodeInternational Conference on Advanced Technologies of Communications, Aug 2011, France
Conference papers
Toward system modeling dedicated to frequency reconfigurable antennasURSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Aug 2011, Turkey
Conference papers
Optimization of PIFA Antenna using an auto-embedded genetic algorithmInternational Conference on Communications and Electronics, Aug 2010, France. pp
Conference papers
Design & characterization of an antenna system for UWB-MIMO communications systemsProceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Apr 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Design and characterization of an antenna system for UWB-MIMO communication systemsEuropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2010), Apr 2010, Spain. pp. 1-4
Conference papers
Antennes dédiées à des terminaux portaux optimisés par algorithme génétiqueGdR Ones - Journées Scientifiques du club EEA : "Communications sans fil : nouvelles normes, nouvelles technologies, nouvelles applications", Nov 2010, France. pp
Conference papers
Design and analysis of MIMO antennas for UWB communicationsProceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Apr 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Design &characterization of an antenna system for UWB-MIMO communications systemsAntennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2010 Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on, Apr 2010, Unknown, pp.1-5
Conference papers
Design and analysis of MIMO antennas for UWB communicationsEuropean Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2010), Apr 2010, Spain. pp. 1-4
Conference papers
A Four-Element Ultra Wideband (UWB) Diversity AntennaIEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS2010), Jul 2010, United States. pp. 1-4
Conference papers
System Modeling of the Mutual Coupling of Multiple UWB AntennasIEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APS2010), Jul 2010, United States. pp. 1-4
Conference papers
A novel co-located antennas system for UWB-MIMO applicationsIEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2009), Jan 2009, United States
Conference papers
Design of MIMO antennas for Ultra-Wideband CommunicationsMAnisfestation des JEunes Chercheurs en Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (MajecSTIC 2009), Nov 2009, France. pp
Conference papers
Design of an antenna system for UWB-MIMO communicationsProgress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2009), Aug 2009, Russia
Conference papers
State representation of Ultra-Wideband antennasIEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and 2009 USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting in Charleston (APS&USNC/URSI2009), Jun 2009, United States
Conference papers
Conception et analyse des antennes MIMOS dédiées aux communications ULBRéunion plénière du GdR Ondes, Nov 2009, France. pp
Conference papers
UWB MIMO antenna with reduced mutual coupling2nd COST2100 Workshop jointly organized with COST Action IC0603 ASSIST, May 2009, Spain
Conference papers
Ultra-wideband antennas: Design and modelingCommunications and Electronics, 2008. ICCE 2008. Second International Conference on, Jun 2008, Unknown, France. pp.318-323, ⟨10.1109/cce.2008.4578979⟩
Conference papers
VHDL-AMS modeling of an UWB link radio including antennasIEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS2007), Dec 2007, Morocco. pp. 570-573
Conference papers
Co-design planar antenna for UWBProgress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2006), Mar 2006, United States
Conference papers
Realistic modeling of antennas for ultra wideband systemsIEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS2006), Jan 2006, United States. pp. 347-350
Conference papers
Gerardor de pulsos monociclo para um sistema radio UWBXXII Simposio Brasileiro de telecomunicacoes (SBrT2005), Sep 2005, Campinas, Brazil
Conference papers
A physical model of turbulent fluidsEurographics 1995, Sep 1995, Maastricht, Netherlands. pp.16-29
Conference papers
Non-linearities in passive RFID: third harmonic concept and applicationsWiley-ISTE, 2018, 978-1-786-30226-7
L'essentiel en théorie et traitement du signalEditions Ellipses - Technosup - Les filières technologiques des enseignements supérieurs, pp.216, 2011
Augmented RFID tags: from identification to sensingWireless power transmission for sustainable electronics, 2020, ⟨10.1002/9781119578598.ch8⟩
Book sections
Reconfigurable antennas for cognitive radioMohammad A Matin. Wideband, Multiband, and Smart Reconfigurable Antennas for Modern Wireless Communications, Hershey, Pennsylvania (701 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, Pa., 17033, USA) : IGI Global, 2015, 9781466686465 1466686464. ⟨10.4018/978-1-4666-8645-8.ch009⟩
Book sections
Towards Autonomous Wireless Sensors: RFID and Energy Harvesting SolutionsInternet of Things, Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation, Springer, 2014
Book sections
Chapter 16 "UWB antennas: design and modeling"Boris Lembrikov. Ultra Wideband, Sciyo, 2010
Book sections
RFID communication systemUnited States, Patent n° : US 2015/0288424 A1. 2015
RFID communication systemUnited States, Patent n° : WO2014/072812 A2. 2014
Modélisation des antennes ULB et co-design2006
Other publications
Contribution au développement de modèles orientés système pour les antennes des communications Ultra Large BandeTraitement du signal et de l'image [eess.SP]. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble - INPG, 2007. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩