Quantification of C1 inhibitor activity using a chromogenic automated assay: analytical and clinical performances
Yves Renaudineau
Laurent Sailler
Bénédicte Puissant-Lubrano
Journal articles
Editorial from the new editor-in-chief
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
At Early Rheumatoid Arthritis Stage, the Infectious Spectrum Is Driven by Non-Familial Factors and Anti-CCP Immunization
Marina Arleevskaya
Andrej Novikov
Anna Valeeva
Marina Korovina
Igor Serdiuk
Journal articles
Lupus Nephritis Risk Factors and Biomarkers: An Update
Yves Renaudineau
Wesley Brooks
Julie Belliere
Journal articles
Immunological and translational key challenges in systemic lupus erythematosus: A symposium update
Yves Renaudineau
Sylviane Muller
Christian Hedrich
Dominique Chauveau
Julie Bellière
Journal articles
Glucocorticoids selectively affect the memory T cell response to SARS-Cov2 spike in vaccinated and post-infected patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Yves Renaudineau
Chloé Bost
Florence Abravanel
Jacques Izopet
Antoine Blancher
Journal articles
Characteristics of the (Auto)Reactive T Cells in Rheumatoid Arthritis According to the Immune Epitope Database
Caroline Carlé
Yannick Degboe
Adeline Ruyssen-Witrand
Marina Arleevskaya
Cyril Clavel
Journal articles
Low performance of interferon gamma release assay Quantiferon-TB gold coupled or not with Pst1/3/lipoglycan humoral detection to predict Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex disease in a low-burden area
Silvia Martinez-Rivera
Helene Guet-Revillet
Fabrice Herin
Guillaume Martin-Blondel
Marcel Miedouge
Journal articles
Anti-Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies Control Oral Porphyromonas and Aggregatibacter species in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Marina Arleevskaya
Eugenia Boulygina
Regina Larionova
Shamil Validov
Olga Kravtsova
Journal articles
Glucocorticoid use as a cause of non-cellular immune response to SARS-Cov2 Spike in patients with immune system diseases
Yves Renaudineau
Laurent Sailler
Florence Abravanel
Jacques Izopet
Adrien Delourme
Journal articles
Apolipoprotein-A-I for severe COVID-19-induced hyperinflammatory states: A prospective case study
Stanislas Faguer
Arnaud del Bello
Chloé Danet
Yves Renaudineau
Jacques Izopet
Journal articles
Interplay of Environmental, Individual and Genetic Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis Provocation
Marina Arleevskaya
Elena Takha
Sergey Petrov
Gevorg Kazarian
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Lupus band test can be used in combination with anti-chromatin antibodies and complement analysis to predict transition from cutaneous to systemic lupus
Caroline Carlé
Françoise Fortenfant
Marie Tauber
Emilie Tournier
Carle Paul
Journal articles
Identification of altered cell signaling pathways using proteomic profiling in stable and progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Cristina Bagacean
Cristina Adela Iuga
Anne Bordron
Adrian Tempescul
Ioana‐ecaterina Pralea
Journal articles
B. Xavier
Margaux Lafaurie
Emmanuel Treiner
O. Walter
G. Pugnet
Journal articles
Novel T cell interferon gamma release assay (IGRA) using spike recombinant protein for COVID19 vaccine response and Nucleocapsid for SARS-Cov2 response
Yves Renaudineau
Florence Abravanel
Jacques Izopet
Chloé Bost
Emmanuel Treiner
Journal articles
SARS-Cov2 acute and post-active infection in the context of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases
Regina Larionova
K. Byvaltsev
Оlga Kravtsova
Elena Takha
Sergei Petrov
Journal articles
Inflammatory Markers are Quickly Improved by Tocilizumab in Early Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Might Predict Early Response to Interleukin-6 Blockade
Guillermo Carvajal Alegria
Divi Cornec
Yves Renaudineau
Alain Saraux
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Journal articles
Combining multi-antigenic immunodot with indirect immunofluorescence on HEp-2 cells improves the diagnosis of systemic sclerosis
Chloé Bost
Françoise Fortenfant
Antoine Blancher
Grégory Pugnet
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Inflammatory Markers are Quickly Improved by Tocilizumab in Early Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Might Predict Early Response to Interleukin-6 Blockade
Guillermo Carvajal Alegria
Divi Cornec
Yves Renaudineau
Alain Saraux
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Journal articles
An elevated polyclonal free light chain level reflects a strong interferon signature in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases
Eléonore Bettacchioli
Christelle Le Gaffric
Margaux Mazeas
Maria Orietta Borghi
Johan Frostegard
Journal articles
A cytokine network profile delineates a common Th1/Be1 pro‐inflammatory group of patients in four systemic autoimmune diseases
Quentin Simon
Alexis Grasseau
Marina Boudigou
Laëtitia Le Pottier
Eléonore Bettachioli
Journal articles
Editorial: Role of Macrophage MicroRNAs in Inflammatory Diseases and Cancer
Yves Renaudineau
Ioana Berindan-Neagoe
Luminita Aurelia Stanciu
Journal articles
CD5 and B lymphocyte responses: multifaceted effects through multitudes of pathways and channels
Taher Taher
Jonas Bystrom
Olivier Mignen
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Antiphospholipid autoantibody detection is important in all patients with systemic autoimmune diseases
Adrien Marziale
Gael Picart
Salma Nafai
Hubert Galinat
Pier Luigi Meroni
Journal articles
Évaluation de la taille des glandes salivaires majeures dans le syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren primitif : comparaison de l’examen clinique et de l’échographie
Pauline Marteau
Divi Cornec
Maelenn Gouillou
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Dewi Guellec
Journal articles
La pseudo-polyarthrite rhizomélique, beaucoup d’inflammation, peu d’autoimmunité : une étude cas-témoins longitudinale sur des paramètres immunologiques
G. Carvajal Alegria
D. Cornec
Y. Renaudineau
A. Saraux
V. Devauchelle Pensec
Journal articles
Linking genetic variation with epigenetic profiles in Sjögren's syndrome
Pinelopi Arvaniti
Christelle Le Dantec
Amandine Charras
Marina Arleevskaya
Christian Hedrich
Journal articles
The Innate Part of the Adaptive Immune System
Sophie Hillion
Marina Arleevskaya
Patrick Blanco
Anne Bordron
Wesley Brooks
Journal articles
Integrative Analysis Reveals a Molecular Stratification of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases
Guillermo Barturen
Sepideh Babaei
Francesc Català-Moll
Manuel Martínez-Bueno
Zuzanna Makowska
Journal articles
News and meta-analysis regarding anti-Beta 2 glycoprotein I antibodies and their determination
Eléonore Bettacchioli
Salma Nafai
Renaudineau Yves
Journal articles
Apoptotic resistance in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and therapeutic perspectives
Cristina Bagacean
Ciprian Tomuleasa
Adrian Tempescul
Ravnit Grewal
Wesley Brooks
Journal articles
JAK Inhibitors Suppress Innate Epigenetic Reprogramming: a Promise for Patients with Sjögren’s Syndrome
Amandine Charras
Pinelopi Arvaniti
Christelle Le Dantec
Marina Arleevskaya
Kaliopi Zachou
Journal articles
Editorial: Shaping of human immune system and metabolic processes by viruses and microorganisms
Marina I Arleevskaya
Aminov Rustam
Wesley H Brooks
Manukyan Gayane
Yves Renaudineau
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019
Journal articles
Complement System: a Neglected Pathway in Immunotherapy
Anne Bordron
Cristina Bagacean
Adrian Tempescul
Christian Berthou
Eléonore Bettachioli
Journal articles
17p deletion strongly influences rituximab elimination in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Cristina Bagacean
Adrian Tempescul
David Ternant
Anne Banet
Nathalie Douet-Guilbert
Journal articles
Microbiota analysis in rheumatoid arthritis: News and perspectives
Marina I Arleevskaya
Eugenia Boulygina
Wesley H Brooks
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
In seroconverted rheumatoid arthritis patients a multi-reactive anti-herpes IgM profile is associated with disease activity
Regina Larionova
Marina Arleevskaya
Olga Kravtsova
Shamil Validov
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Assessment of major salivary gland size in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: comparison between clinical examination and ultrasonography
Pauline Marteau
Divi Cornec
Maelenn Gouillou
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Dewi Guellec
Journal articles
The Innate Part of the Adaptive Immune System
Sophie Hillion
Marina Arleevskaya
Patrick Blanco
Anne Bordron
Wesley Brooks
Journal articles
Peripheral-blood b-cell subset disturbances in inflammatory joint diseases induced by Tropheryma whipplei
Maëlle Le Goff
Divi Cornec
Dewi Guellec
Thierry Marhadour
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Journal articles
STIM1 at the plasma membrane as a new target in progressive chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Marjolaine Debant
Miguel Burgos
Patrice Hémon
Paul Buscaglia
Tinhinane Fali
Journal articles
JAK Inhibitors and Oxidative Stress Control
Amandine Charras
Pinelopi Arvaniti
Christelle Le Dantec
George Dalekos
Kaliopi Zachou
Journal articles
Toll-Like Receptors, Infections, and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Marina Arleevskaya
R. Larionova
Wesley Brooks
Eléonore Bettacchioli
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Innate B Cells: the Archetype of Protective Immune Cells
Alexis Grasseau
Marina Boudigou
Laëtitia Le Pottier
Nedra Chriti
Divi Cornec
Journal articles
DNA demethylation marks in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: it is time to let the cat out of the bag
Cristina Bagacean
Mihnea Zdrenghea
Christelle Le Dantec
Adrian Tempescul
Christian Berthou
Journal articles
Antiphospholipid antibodies in lupus: an update
Salma Nafai
Bettacchioli Eleonore
Julie Lemerle
Sophie Hillion
Yves Renaudineau
Lupus: open access, 2018
Journal articles
Distinct Mechanisms of Alterations in DNA Methylation/Demethylation Leading to Myelodysplastic Syndromes/Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Cristina Bagacean
Anne Bordron
Tempescul Adrian
Jean Christophe Ianotto
Gaelle Guillerm
Journal articles
Clinical Characteristics of Pruritus in Systemic Sclerosis Vary According to the Autoimmune Subtype.
Greta Gourier
Chloé Théréné
Margaux Mazeas
Claire Abasq-Thomas
Emilie Brenaut
Journal articles
Resistance to complement activation, cell membrane hypersialylation and relapses in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with rituximab and chemotherapy
Anne Bordron
Cristina Bagacean
Audrey Mohr
Adrian Tempescul
Boutahar Bendaoud
Journal articles
Associations between Viral Infection History Symptoms, Granulocyte Reactive Oxygen Species Activity, and Active Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease in Untreated Women at Onset: Results from a Longitudinal Cohort Study of Tatarstan Women
Marina Arleevskaya
Albina Shafigullina
Yulia Filina
Julie Lemerle
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Constitutive calcium entry and cancer: updated views and insights.
Olivier Mignen
Bruno Constantin
Marie Potier-Cartereau
Aubin Penna
Mathieu Gautier
Journal articles
Alterations in DNA methylation/demethylation intermediates predict clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Cristina Bagacean
Adrian Tempescul
Christelle Le Dantec
Anne Bordron
Audrey Mohr
Journal articles
Memory B Cells and Response to Abatacept in Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Pierre Gazeau
Guillermo Carvajal Alegria
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Christophe Jamin
Julie Lemerle
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 2017
Journal articles
Épigénome et syndrome de Gougerot-Sjögren
A. Bordron
A. Charras
C. Le Dantec
Y. Renaudineau
Journal articles
Signature et conséquences des anomalies de méthylation de l’ADN au cours du syndrome sec de Gougerot–Sjögren
A. Charras
C. Le Dantec
O.D. Konsta
C. Bagacean
J.O. Pers
Journal articles
Calcium Signaling: From Normal B Cell Development to Tolerance Breakdown and Autoimmunity.
Patrice Hemon
Yves Renaudineau
Marjolaine Debant
Nelig Le Goux
Sreya Mukherjee
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 2017
Journal articles
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Membrane-Bound STIM1 to Investigate Conformational Changes during STIM1 Activation upon Calcium Release.
Sreya Mukherjee
Aleksandra Karolak
Marjolaine Debant
Paul Buscaglia
Yves Renaudineau
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 2017, 57 (2), pp.335-344
Journal articles
Cell-specific epigenome-wide DNA methylation profile in long-term cultured minor salivary gland epithelial cells from patients with Sjögren's syndrome.
Amandine Charras
Orsia D Konsta
Christelle Le Dantec
Cristina Bagacean
Efstathia K Kapsogeorgou
Journal articles
Combining cytogenetic and epigenetic approaches in chronic lymphocytic leukemia improves prognosis prediction for patients with isolated 13q deletion
Cristina Bagacean
Christelle Le Dantec
Christian Berthou
Adrian Tempescul
Hussam Saad
Journal articles
Correction of abnormal B-cell subset distribution by interleukin-6 receptor blockade in polymyalgia rheumatica.
Guillermo Carvajal Alegria
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Yves Renaudineau
Alain Saraux
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Rheumatology, 2017
Journal articles
Anti-DNA and anti-nucleosome antibodies: an update
Julie Lemerle
Wesley H Brooks
Yves Renaudineau
Lupus: open access, 2017, 2, pp.1-4
Journal articles
Dysregulated Lymphoid Cell Populations in Mouse Models of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Aurélie de Groof
Patrice Hémon
Olivier Mignen
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Edward K Wakeland
Journal articles
Immunophenotyping As a New Tool for Classification and Monitoring of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases.
Yves Renaudineau
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 2017
Journal articles
Intracellular B Lymphocyte Signalling and the Regulation of Humoral Immunity and Autoimmunity.
Taher E Taher
Jonas Bystrom
Voon H Ong
David A Isenberg
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Comparison of 2002 AECG and 2016 ACR/EULAR classification criteria and added value of salivary gland ultrasonography in a patient cohort with suspected primary Sjögren’s syndrome
Maëlle Le Goff
Divi Cornec
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Dewi Guellec
Sebastian Costa
Journal articles
CD5 expression promotes IL-10 production through activation of the MAPK/Erk pathway and upregulation of TRPC1 channels in B lymphocytes.
Soizic Garaud
Taher E Taher
Marjolaine Debant
Miguel Burgos
Sarra Melayah
Cellular and molecular immunology, 2016
Journal articles
Regulatory B lymphocyte functions should be considered in chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Audrey Mohr
Yves Renaudineau
Cristina Bagacean
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Christophe Jamin
OncoImmunology, 2016, 5 (5), pp.e1132977
Journal articles
Les lymphocytes B de leucémie lymphoïde chronique, des lymphocytes B régulateurs qui s’ignorent ?
Audrey Mohr
Yves Renaudineau
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Christophe Jamin
Anne Bordron
Journal articles
Effects of environmental factors and omega-3 fatty acids on rheumatoid arthritis.
Julie Lemerle
Marina I Arleevskaya
W H Brooks
Yves Renaudineau
Annals of Joint, 2016, pp.1-4
Journal articles
Epigenetics: DNA methylation signatures in Sjögren syndrome.
Yves Renaudineau
Esteban Ballestar
Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 2016, 12 (10), pp.565-6
Journal articles
Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: from uncertainties to promises.
Cristina Bagacean
Mihnea Zdrenghea
Adrian Tempescul
Victor Cristea
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Isolated Cardiac Richter Syndrome: a Case Report
Mihnea Zdrenghea
Cristina Bagacean
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre-Yves Salaun
Horia Marin
Annals of Hematology, 2016
Journal articles
Christelle Le Dantec
Amandine Charras
Anne Bordron
Wesley H Brooks
Yves Renaudineau
European Medical Journal, 2016
Journal articles
The active immunological profile in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome is restricted to typically encountered autoantibodies.
Clément Capaldo
Guillermo Carvajal Alegria
Divi Cornec
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Clinical and experimental rheumatology, 2016
Journal articles
Lymphocyte Disturbances in Primary Antiphospholipid Syndrome and Application to Venous Thromboembolism Follow-Up.
Laurent Simonin
Elisabeth Pasquier
Christophe Leroyer
Divi Cornec
Julie Lemerle
Journal articles
Anti-Sm and anti-U1-RNP antibodies: an update.
Julie Lemerle
Yves Renaudineau
Lupus: open access, 2016, 1 (3), pp.1000e104
Journal articles
Efficacy of first-line tocilizumab therapy in early polymyalgia rheumatica: a prospective longitudinal study.
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Jean Marie Berthelot
Divi Cornec
Yves Renaudineau
Thierry Marhadour
Journal articles
Epigenetic modifications affect cytokeratin 19 expression in salivary glands from patients with Sjögren's syndrome.
O.D. Konsta
Amandine Charras
Christelle Le Dantec
E.K. Kapsogeorgou
Anne Bordron
Bulletin- Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie, 2016, 53 (1), pp.1-10
Journal articles
How Rheumatoid Arthritis Can Result from Provocation of the Immune System by Microorganisms and Viruses
Marina I. Arleevskaya
Olga A. Kravtsova
Julie Lemerle
Yves Renaudineau
Anatoly P. Tsibulkin
Journal articles
How herpesviridae combined with other viral infections can trigger and drive rheumatoid arthritis
Marina I Arleevskaya
Olga Kravtsova
Anatoly P. Tsibulkin
Julie Lemerle
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
CD20 negative relapqe of a follicular lymphoma afterc hemoimmunotherapy
Cristina Bagacean
Isabelle Quintin-Roue
Jean-Christophe Ianotto
Yves Renaudineau
Adrian Tempescul
Human & Veterinary Medecine Bioflux, 2015, 7 (4), pp.302-305
Journal articles
Epigénétique et médecine prédictive.
C. Le Dantec
A. Chevailler
Y. Renaudineau
Revue Francophone des Laboratoires, 2015, 473, pp.37-41
Journal articles
Epigenetic modifications in salivary glands from patients with Sjögren's syndrome affect cytokeratin 19 expression.
O D Konsta
A Charras
C Le Dantec
E Kapsogeorgeou
A Bordron
Bulletin- Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie et Odontologie, 2015, 53 (1), pp.e01
Journal articles
Ofatumumab in a chronic lymphocytic leukemia patient with graft versus host disease and relapse after mini-alloBMT.
Laura Urian
Yves Renaudineau
Christan Berthou
Mihnea Zdrenghea
Ljubomir Petrov
Journal of B.U.ON. : official journal of the Balkan Union of Oncology, 2015, 20 (2), pp.668-9
Journal articles
Ofatumumab capacity to deplete B cells from chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is affected by C4 complement exhaustion.
Adrian Tempescul
Cristina Bagacean
Catherine Riou
Boutahar Bendaoud
Sophie Hillion
European Journal of Haematology, 2015, 96 (3), pp.229-35
Journal articles
Abatacept efficacy in rheumatoid arthritis is dependent upon baseline blood B-cell levels.
Pierre Gazeau
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Pierre Pochard
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Alain Saraux
Rheumatology, 2015
Journal articles
Reclassification moléculaire des maladies auto-immunes systémiques pour identifier de nouveaux bio-marqueurs pertinents (Etude PRECISESADS).
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Christophe Jamin
Yves Renaudineau
Divi Cornec
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Bulletin de l'Académie Nationale de Médecine, 2015
Journal articles
Anti-alpha-actinin antibodies are part of the anti-cell membrane antibody spectrum that characterize patients with lupus nephritis.
Guillaume Seret
Felipe Cañas
Laurence Pougnet-Di Costanzo
Catherine Hanrotel-Saliou
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Journal of Autoimmunity, 2015, 61, pp.54-61
Journal articles
Epigenomic revolution in autoimmune diseases
Christelle Le Dantec
Yves Renaudineau
Wesley H Brooks
World Journal of Immunology, 2015, 5 (2), pp.62
Journal articles
Human Endogenous Retrovirus Group E and Its Involvement in Diseases
Christelle Le Dantec
Sophie Vallet
Wesley Brooks
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Au-delà de nos gènes : la révolution de l’épigénétique.
Yves Renaudineau
Revue Francophone des Laboratoires, 2015, 472, pp.27-8
Journal articles
Annexin A2 autoantibodies in thrombosis and autoimmune diseases
Felipe Cañas
Laurent Simonin
Francis Couturaud
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Defective DNA methylation in salivary gland epithelial acini from patients with Sjögren's syndrome is associated with SSB gene expression, anti-SSB/LA detection, and lymphocyte infiltration
O.D. Konsta
C. Le Dantec
A. Charras
D. Cornec
E.K. Kapsogeorgou
Journal articles
Génomique, épigénétique et pathologies
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Diagnostic criteria for autoimmune neutropenia.
Pierre Youinou
Christophe Jamin
Laëtitia Le Pottier
Yves Renaudineau
Sophie Hillion
Journal articles
Salivary gland ultrasonography improves the diagnostic performance of the 2012 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for Sjögren's syndrome.
Divi Cornec
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Thierry Marhadour
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Sylvie Boisramé-Gastrin
Journal articles
Diagnostic accuracy of blood B-cell subset profiling and autoimmunity markers in Sjögren's syndrome.
Divi Cornec
Alain Saraux
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Thierry Marhadour
Journal articles
Level of agreement between 2002 American-European Consensus Group and 2012 American College of Rheumatology classification criteria for Sjogren's syndrome and reasons for discrepancies.
Divi Cornec
Alain Saraux
Béatrice Cochener
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Journal articles
The Differential Diagnosis of Dry Eyes, Dry Mouth, and Parotidomegaly: A Comprehensive Review.
Divi Cornec
Alain Saraux
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Sylvie Boisramé-Gastrin
Journal articles
The contribution of epigenetics in Sjögren's Syndrome.
Orsia D Konsta
Yosra Thabet
Christelle Le Dantec
Wesley H Brooks
Athanasios G Tzioufas
Journal articles
Anti-SLA/LP alone or in combination with anti-Ro52 and fine specificity of anti-Ro52 antibodies in patients with autoimmune hepatitis.
Kalliopi Zachou
Stella Gampeta
Nikolaos K Gatselis
Katerina Oikonomou
John Goulis
Journal articles
Calcium signaling and cell fate: how can Ca (2+)signals contribute to wrong decisions for Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemic B lymphocyte outcome?
Marjolaine Debant
Patrice Hemon
Christophe Brigaudeau
Yves Renaudineau
Olivier Mignen
International Journal of Developmental Biology, 2014, 59 (7-9), pp.379-89
Journal articles
DNA methylation modulates HRES1/p28 expression in B cells from patients with Lupus.
Tinhinane Fali
Christelle Le Dantec
Yosra Thabet
Sandrine Jousse
Catherine Hanrotel
Journal articles
Epigenetics and autoimmune diseases: the X chromosome-nucleolus nexus.
Wesley H Brooks
Yves Renaudineau
Frontiers in Genetics, 2014, 6, pp.22
Journal articles
B cells display an abnormal distribution and an impaired suppressive function in patients with chronic antibody-mediated rejection.
Alexandre Nouël
Isabelle Ségalen
Christophe Jamin
Laurent Doucet
Sophie Caillard
Journal articles
A3.20 The calcium sensor stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) controls regulatory B cell functions and its activity is impaired in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients.
T. Fali
Y. Renaudineau
M. Burgos
E. Bariller
S. Jousse
Journal articles
A8.31 Characterisation of human transitional B-cells though their regulatory functions.
S. Hillion
Q. Simon
C. Jamin
Y. Renaudineau
Jacque-Olivier Pers
Journal articles
An in silico Approach Reveals Associations between Genetic and Epigenetic Factors within Regulatory Elements in B Cells from Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Patients.
Orsia D Konsta
Christelle Le Dantec
Amandine Charras
Wesley H Brooks
Marina I Arleevskaya
Frontiers in Immunology, 2014, 6, pp.437
Journal articles
Homozygous FCGR3A-158F mutation is associated with delayed B-cell depletion following rituximab but with preserved efficacy in a patient with refractory lupus nephri
Guillaume Seret
Catherine Hanrotel-Saliou
Boutahar Bendaoud
Yannick Le Meur
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Aberrant B-lymphocyte responses in lupus: inherent or induced and potential therapeutic targets.
Taher E Taher
Hawzheen A Muhammad
Asad Rahim
Fabian Flores-Borja
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
MicroRNAs and multiple sclerosis: from physiopathology toward therapy.
Ameneh Zare-Shahabadi
Yves Renaudineau
Nima Rezaei
Journal articles
Epigenetic dysregulation in salivary glands from patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome may be ascribed to infiltrating B cells.
Yosra Thabet
Christelle Le Dantec
Ibtissem Ghedira
Valérie Devauchelle
Divi Cornec
Journal articles
B-lymphocyte signalling abnormalities and lupus immunopathology.
Taher E Taher
Hawzheen A Muhammad
Edwige Bariller
Fabian Flores-Borja
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Rationale for treating primary Sjögren's syndrome patients with an anti-CD6 monoclonal antibody (Itolizumab).
Christelle Le Dantec
Ruby Alonso
Tinhinane Fali
Enrique Montero
Valérie Devauchelle
Journal articles
Epigenétique et autoimmunité
Christelle Le Dantec
A. Chevailler
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
B-lymphocytes signalling abnormalities and lupus immunopathology
Taher E Taher
Hawzheen A Muhammad
Edwige Bariller
Fabian Flores-Borja
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Anti-α actinin antibodies as new predictors of response to treatment in autoimmune hepatitis type 1.
K. Zachou
K. Oikonomou
Yves Renaudineau
A. Chauveau
N. Gatselis
Journal articles
Pierre Youinou: when intuition and determination meet autoimmunity
Christophe Jamin
Yves Renaudineau
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Journal articles
Mesangial cell-specific antibodies are central to the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis.
Guillaume Seret
Yannick Le Meur
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre Youinou
Journal articles
Serum markers of infections in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis: evidence of infection burden.
Yinon Shapira
Nancy Agmon-Levin
Yves Renaudineau
Bat Sheva Porat-Katz
Ori Barzilai
Journal articles
Altered patterns of epigenetic changes in systemic lupus erythematosus and auto-antibody production: is there a link?
Yosra Thabet
Felipe Cañas
Ibtissem Ghedira
Pierre Youinou
Rizgar A Mageed
Journal articles
CD5 expression promotes multiple intracellular signaling pathways in B lymphocyte
R.A Mageed
Soizic Garaud
Taher E Taher
Kaushal Parikh
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Journal articles
Identification of patients with indolent B cell lymphoma sensitive to rituximab monotherapy.
Divi Cornec
Adrian Tempescul
Solène Querellou
Pascal Hutin
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Journal articles
Epigenetics and Sjögren's Syndrome
Christelle Le Dantec
Marie-Michèle Varin
Wesley H Brooks
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Pierre Youinou
Journal articles
Epigenetic alterations and autoimmune disease.
Yves Renaudineau
D Beauvillard
M Padelli
W H Brooks
P Youinou
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 2011, 2 (5), pp.258-64
Journal articles
Glomerular antibodies in lupus nephritis.
Catherine Hanrotel-Saliou
Isabelle Segalen
Yannick Le Meur
Pierre Youinou
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
Les auto-anticorps adoptent maintes combinaisons au cours de l'hépatite auto-immune...
Maël Padelli
Pauline Comacle
Jean-Baptiste Nousbaum
Pierre Youinou
Yves Renaudineau
Journal articles
DNA methylation and B-cell autoreactivity.
Soizic Garaud
Pierre Youinou
Yves Renaudineau
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2011, 711, pp.50-60
Journal articles
CD5 promotes IL-10 production in chronic lymphocytic leukemia B cells through STAT3 and NFAT2 activation.
Soizic Garaud
Ahsen Morva
Sébastien Lemoine
Sophie Hillion
Anne Bordron
Journal articles
CD5 expression in B cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Pierre Youinou
Yves Renaudineau
Critical Reviews in Immunology, 2011, 31 (1), pp.31-42
Journal articles
Effects of rituximab therapy on quality of life in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Johanne Morvan
Anne-Christine Rat
Sandrine Jousse-Joulin
Yan Pennec
Clinical and experimental rheumatology, 2011, 29 (1), pp.6-12
Journal articles
Quel est l'intérêt de la recherche des anticorps anti-nucléolaires dans la sclérodermie systémique ?
Pauline Comacle
Maël Padelli
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre Youinou
Immunoanalyse et Biologie Spécialisée, 2011, 26 (4), pp.176-181
Journal articles
Epigenetics and autoimmunity, with special emphasis on methylation.
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre Youinou
Keio journal of medicine, 2011, 60 (1), pp.10-6
Journal articles
Rationale for Targeting CD6 as a Treatment for Autoimmune Diseases.
Ruby Alonso-Ramirez
Séverine Loisel
Caroline Buors
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Enrique Montero
Journal articles
Epigenetics and autoimmunity.
Wesley H Brooks
Christelle Le Dantec
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Pierre Youinou
Yves Renaudineau
Journal of Autoimmunity, 2010, 34 (3), pp.J207-19
Journal articles
The revolution of epigenetics in the field of autoimmunity.
Yves Renaudineau
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 2010, 39 (1), pp.1-2
Journal articles
The Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 ligand, a mediator of B cell survival, is also a marker of lymphoma in primary Sjögren's syndrome.
Gabriel J Tobón
Yves Renaudineau
Sophie Hillion
Divi Cornec
Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec
Arthritis and Rheumatism, 2010, 62 (11), pp.3447-56
Journal articles
Autoreactive B cells and epigenetics.
Yves Renaudineau
Soizic Garaud
Christelle Le Dantec
Ruby Alonso-Ramirez
Capucine Daridon
Clinical Reviews in Allergy and Immunology, 2010, 39 (1), pp.85-94
Journal articles
Aberrant expression of CD6 on B-cell subsets from patients with Sjögren's syndrome.
Ruby Alonso
Caroline Buors
Christelle Le Dantec
Sophie Hillion
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Journal articles
IVIg modulates BCR signaling through CD22 and promotes apoptosis in mature human B lymphocytes.
Jean-François Séïté
Divi Cornec
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre Youinou
Rizgar A Mageed
Journal articles
A comprehensive evaluation of serum autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Nancy Agmon-Levin
Yinon Shapira
Carlo Selmi
Ori Barzilai
Maya Ram
Journal of Autoimmunity, 2010, 34 (1), pp.55-8
Journal articles
Epigenetics in autoimmune disorders: highlights of the 10th Sjögren's syndrome symposium.
Qianjin Lu
Yves Renaudineau
Seunghee Cha
Gabor Ilei
Wesley H Brooks
Autoimmunity Reviews, 2010, 9 (9), pp.627-30
Journal articles
Conference scene: Updating the highlights of Sjögren's syndrome.
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Gabriel J Tobón
Christophe Jamin
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre Youinou
Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 2009, 2 (1), pp.13-20
Journal articles
New ELISA for B cell-activating factor.
Laëtitia Le Pottier
Boutahar Bendaoud
Yves Renaudineau
Pierre Youinou
Jacques-Olivier Pers
Clinical Biochemistry, 2009, pp.1843-51
Journal articles