Synergistic effect of lignin and modified clay on alginate-based composites and their use in slow-release coating formulations for phosphorus fertilizers
Amine Boussetta
Mohamed Ilsouk
Mohammed Lahcini
Abdallah Oukarroum
Youssef Habibi
Journal articles
Allylation of cellulose microfibers for hydrosilylation with various hydrosilanes and hydrosiloxanes, and their application in corn-starch-mimosa tannin (CSMT) adhesive to improve particleboard properties
Nadia Anter
Mohamed-Yassine Guida
Ahlam Chennani
Abdelghani Boussetta
Amine Moubarik
Journal articles
Root acid phosphatases and microbial biomass phosphorus induced Cd tolerance and P acquisition in wheat inoculated with P solubilizing bacteria
Ammar Ibnyasser
Rym Saidi
Wissal Elhaissoufi
Said Khourchi
Meryem Haddine
Journal articles
Multifunctional agricultural inputs based on biochar impregnated with algae residues extracts: Promoting effect on tomato growth
Saloua Fertahi
Doha Elalami
Saida Tayibi
Adnane Bargaz
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Sequential co-processing of olive mill wastewater and organic residues by anaerobic co-digestion and pyrolysis for the generation of bioadsorbent and low-cost media for microalgae cultivation
Doha Elalami
Salma Latique
Saida Tayibi
Anass Oulkhir
Badreddine Drissi
Journal articles
Phosphate bio-solubilization and cadmium tolerance interplay in the root-microbe interface and consequences on root P absorption in wheat
Ibnyasser Ammar
Elhaissoufi Wissal
Haddine Meryem
Saidi Rym
Khourchi Said
Journal articles
Biochemical and techno-functional investigation of argan press-cake proteins foreseeing food application
Noamane Taarji
Karim Lyamlouli
Abdellatif Barakat
Kenichi Tominaga
Hiroko Isoda
Journal articles
Lignin-rich extracts as slow-release coating for phosphorus fertilizers
Saloua Fertahi
Wissal Elhaissoufi
Adnane Bargaz
Francois Touchaleaume
Youssef Habibi
Journal articles
Geographic bioprospection of maize rhizoplane-associated bacteria for consortia construction and impact on plant growth and nutrient uptake under low P availability
Dounia Nkir
Yassine Aallam
Ammar Ibnyasser
Meryem Haddine
Brahim Benbrik
Journal articles
Synthesis and characterization of Zn3V2O8 nanoparticles: mechanism and factors influencing crystal violet photodegradation
Fatin Tagnaouti Moumnani
Khadija Khallouk
Redouan Elkhalfaouy
Dina Moussaid
Oumaima Mertah
Journal articles
Biomass Valorization for Bioenergy Production: Current Techniques, Challenges, and Pathways to Solutions for Sustainable Bioeconomy
Neelu Raina
Santi Chuetor
Doha Elalami
Saida Tayibi
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Feedstock type and pyrolysis temperature of rosemary wastes in a fixed-bed reactor affect the characteristics and application potentials of the bio-chars
Abdelouassia Dira
Abdelhakim Elmouwahidi
Soumaya Khouja
Meryem Boufetacha
Esther Bailón-García
Journal articles
Screening of potential phosphate solubilizing bacteria inoculants should consider the contrast in phosphorus bio-solubilization rate along with plant growth promotion and phosphorus use efficiency
Wissal Elhaissoufi
Ammar Ibnyasser
Meryem Haddine
Youssef Zeroual
Rachid Ghani
Journal articles
Homozygous Missense Variants in FOXI1 and TMPRSS3 Genes Associated with Non-syndromic Deafness in Moroccan Families
Imane Aitraise
Ghita Amalou
Amina Bakhchane
Amale Bousfiha
Houria Abdelghaffar
Journal articles
The current status and challenges of biomass biorefineries in Africa: A critical review and future perspectives for bioeconomy development
Saloua Fertahi
Doha Elalami
Saida Tayibi
Noamane Taarji
Karim Lyamlouli
Journal articles
Facile and Sustainable Synthesis of ZnO Nanoparticles: Effect of Gelling Agents on ZnO Shapes and Their Photocatalytic Performance
Loubna El Faroudi
Latifa Saadi
Abdellatif Barakat
Mohammed Mansori
Karima Abdelouahdi
Journal articles
Improved rock phosphate dissolution from organic acids is driven by nitrate assimilation of bacteria isolated from nitrate and CaCO3-rich soil
Mercedes Garcia-Sanchez
Isabelle Bertrand
Abdellatif Barakat
Youssef Zeroual
Abdallah Oukarroum
Journal articles
High photocatalytic activity and stability of MnV2O6 and Mn2V2O7 synthesized by simple low temperature method for bromophenol blue degradation
Dina Moussaid
Khadija Khallouk
Fatin Tagnaouti Moumnani
Youssef Fahoul
Karim Tanji
Journal articles
Novel pathogenic WHRN variant causing hearing loss in a moroccan family
Imane Aitraise
Ghita Amalou
Salaheddine Redouane
Hicham Charoute
Khalid Snoussi
Journal articles
Mechanosynthezized Zn3V2O8 Mixed Oxide as Efficient Catalyst of Xylose Conversion to Glycolic Acid in Water
Khadija Khallouk
Abderrahim Solhy
Redouan El Khalfaouy
Abdelhak Kherbeche
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Role of biochar in anaerobic microbiome enrichment and methane production enhancement during olive mill wastewater biomethanization
Nozha Abid
Fatma Karray
Imen Kallel
Mariam Slim
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
A Detailed Database of the Chemical Properties and Methane Potential of Biomasses Covering a Large Range of Common Agricultural Biogas Plant Feedstocks
Audrey Lallement
Christine Peyrelasse
Camille Lagnet
Abdellatif Barakat
Blandine Schraauwers
Journal articles
Optimization of photocatalytic parameters using Doehlert experimental design to improve the photodegradation of Orange G
Loubna El Faroudi
Yousra El Jemli
Rkia Zari
Abdellatif Barakat
Mustafa Ismael
Journal articles
Biochar from olive mill solid waste as an eco-friendly adsorbent for the removal of polyphenols from olive mill wastewater
Nozha Abid
Mohamed Ali Masmoudi
Marwa Megdiche
Abdellatif Barakat
Mariam Ellouze
Journal articles
Phosphate bacterial solubilization: A key rhizosphere driving force enabling higher P use efficiency and crop productivity
Wissal Elhaissoufi
Cherki Ghoulam
Abdellatif Barakat
Youssef Zeroual
Adnane Bargaz
Journal articles
Enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of corn stover using twin‐screw extrusion under mild conditions
Doha Elalami
Mouna Aouine
Florian Monlau
Fabienne Guillon
Claire Dumon
Journal articles
Comparison of pretreatment effects on sugar release, energy efficiency and the reuse of effluents
Doha Elalami
Saloua Fertahi
Mouna Aouine
Wafa Benali
Ammar Ibnyasser
Journal articles
Waste-to-energy innovative system: Assessment of integrating anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis technologies
Fanny Caiardi
Jean-Pierre Belaud
Claire Vialle
Florian Monlau
Saida Tayibi
Journal articles
Solution combustion synthesis of β-Cu2V2O7 nanoparticles: photocatalytic degradation of crystal violet under UV and visible light illumination
Dina Moussaid
Khadija Khallouk
Redouan El Khalfaouy
Fatin Tagnaouti Moumnani
Abdelhak Kherbeche
Journal articles
Phosphate solubilizing bacteria can significantly contribute to enhance P availability from polyphosphates and their use efficiency in wheat
Said Khourchi
Wissal Elhaissoufi
Mohamed Loum
Ammar Ibnyasser
Meryem Haddine
Journal articles
Hybrid Alginate–Brushite Beads Easily Catalyze the Knoevenagel Condensation On-Water
Yousra El Jemli
Khadija Khallouk
Salaheddine Lanaya
Mathieu Brulé
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Genetic heterogeneity in GJB2, COL4A3, ATP6V1B1 and EDNRB variants detected among hearing impaired families in Morocco
Imane Aitraise
Ghita Amalou
Amale Bousfiha
Hicham Charoute
Hassan Rouba
Journal articles
Dry chemo-mechanical pretreatment of chickpea straw: Effect and optimization of experimental parameters to improve hydrolysis yields
Mouna Aouine
Doha Elalami
Abdellatif Haggoud
Saad Ibnsouda Koraichi
Laurent Roumeas
Journal articles
Experimental dissolution of biopolymer-coated phosphorus fertilizers applied to a soil surface: Impact on soil pH and P dynamics
Saloua Fertahi
Chiara Pistocchi
Gabrielle Daudin
M'Barek Amjoud
Abdallah Oukarroum
Journal articles
Sulfated Well-Defined Mesoporous Nanostructured Zirconia for Levulinic Acid Esterification
Salaheddine Lanaya
Yousra El Jemli
Khadija Khallouk
Karima Abdelouahdi
Abdellah Hannioui
Journal articles
Exploring Natural Fermented Foods as a Source for New Efficient Thermotolerant Yeasts for the Production of Second-Generation Bioethanol
Mouna Aouine
Doha Elalami
Saad Ibnsouda Koraichi
Abdellatif Haggoud
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Intensive Data and Knowledge-Driven Approach for Sustainability Analysis: Application to Lignocellulosic Waste Valorization Processes
Jean-Pierre Belaud
Nancy Prioux
Claire Vialle
Patrice Buche
Sébastien Destercke
Journal articles
Novel Mutation in AIFM1 Gene Associated with X-Linked Deafness in a Moroccan Family
Soukaina Elrharchi
Zied Riahi
Sara Salime
Hicham Charoute
Lamiae Elkhattabi
Journal articles
Recent trends in organic coating based on biopolymers and biomass for controlled and slow release fertilizers
Saloua Fertahi
Mohamed Ilsouk
Youssef Zeroual
Abdallah Oukarroum
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Synergy of anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis processes for sustainable waste management: A critical review and future perspectives
Saida Tayibi
Florian Monlau
A. Bargaz
R. Jimenez
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Environmental assessment of a multifunctional process coupling anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis
Fanny Caiardi
Jean-Pierre Belaud
Claire Vialle
Florian Monlau
Saida Tayibi
Journal articles
Coupling anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis processes for maximizing energy recovery and soil preservation according to the circular economy concept
Saida Tayibi
Florian Monlau
Frederic Marias
Guillaume Cazaudehore
Nour-Elhouda Fayoud
Journal articles
A homozygous MPZL2 deletion is associated with non syndromic hearing loss in a moroccan family
Ghita Amalou
Crystel Bonnet
Zied Riahi
Aymane Bouzidi
Soukaina Elrharchi
Journal articles
Production and Dry Mechanochemical Activation of Biochars Derived from Moroccan Red Macroalgae Residue and Olive Pomace Biomass for Treating Wastewater: Thermodynamic, Isotherm, and Kinetic Studies
Saida Tayibi
Florian Monlau
Nour-Elhouda Fayoud
Emna Abdeljaoued
Hassane Hannache
Journal articles
Anaerobic digestion and agronomic applications of microalgae for its sustainable valorization
Doha Elalami
Abdallah Oukarroum
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Industrial symbiosis of anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis: Performances and agricultural interest of coupling biochar and liquid digestate
Saida Tayibi
Florian Monlau
Frederic Marias
Nicolas Thevenin
Raquel Jimenez
Journal articles
Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewater Sludge and Alkaline-Pretreated Wheat Straw at Semi-Continuous Pilot Scale: Performances and Energy Assessment
Christine Peyrelasse
Abdellatif Barakat
Camille Lagnet
Prasad Kaparaju
Florian Monlau
Journal articles
Evaluation of rice straw biopowder from alkaline-mechanical pretreatment by hydro-textural approach
Santi Chuetor
Thierry Ruiz
Abdellatif Barakat
Navadol Laosiripojana
Verawat Champreda
Journal articles
Pyrolysis of ficus nitida wood: Determination of kinetic and thermodynamic parameters
A. Tabal
Abdellatif Barakat
A. Aboulkas
K. El Harfi
Journal articles
Optimal parameters and structural composition of bio-oil and biochar from intermediate pyrolysis of red algal biomass
Hassan Bouaik
Amine Tabal
Abdellatif Barakat
Khalifa El Harfi
Adil Aboulkas
Journal articles
Production of Microalgal Slow-Release Fertilizer by Valorizing Liquid Agricultural Digestate: Growth Experiments with Tomatoes
Raquel Jimenez
Giorgos Markou
Saida Tayibi
Abdellatif Barakat
Camille Chapsal
Journal articles
New generation of controlled release phosphorus fertilizers based on biological macromolecules: Effect of formulation properties on phosphorus release
Saloua Fertahi
Isabelle Bertrand
Mohamed Ilsouk
Abdallah Oukarroum
M'Barek Amjoud
Journal articles
Microwave-assisted selective oxidation of sugars to carboxylic acids derivatives in water over zinc-vanadium mixed oxide
Khadija Khallouk
Abderrahim Solhy
Najlae Idrissi
Valérie Flaud
Abdelhak Kherbeche
Journal articles
Evaluation of agronomic properties of digestate from macroalgal residues anaerobic digestion: Impact of pretreatment and co-digestion with waste activated sludge
Doha Elalami
Florian Monlau
Hélène Carrère
Karima Abdelouahdi
Celine Charbonnel
Journal articles
Bibliometric analysis of the evolution of biochar research trends and scientific production
Emna Abdeljaoued
Mathieu Brulé
Saida Tayibi
Dimitris Manolakos
Abdallah Oukarroum
Journal articles
Effect of coupling alkaline pretreatment and sewage sludge co-digestion on methane production and fertilizer potential of digestate
Doha Elalami
Florian Monlau
Hélène Carrère
Karima Abdelouahdi
Abdallah Oukarroum
Journal articles
Further Evidence for the Implication of the MET Gene in Non-Syndromic Autosomal Recessive Deafness
Amale Bousfiha
Zied Riahi
Lamiae Elkhattabi
Amina Bakhchane
Hicham Charoute
Journal articles
Effective Catalytic Delignification and Fractionation of Lignocellulosic Biomass in Water over Zn3V2O8 Mixed Oxide
Khadija Khallouk
Abderrahim Solhy
Abdelhak Kherbeche
Eric Dubreucq
Lamfeddal Kouisni
Journal articles
Controlling the growth of nanosized titania via polymer gelation for photocatalytic applications †
Yousra El Jemli
Yousra El Jemli
Mohammed Mansori
Oscar Gonzalez Diaz
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Mild microwaves, ultrasonic and alkaline pretreatments for improving methane production: Impact on biochemical and structural properties of olive pomace
Doha Elalami
Hélène Carrère
Karima Abdelouahdi
Diana Garcia-Bernet
Jérôme Peydecastaing
Journal articles
The PHENOLEO project or how to separate and add-value to phenolic compounds present in rapeseed and sunflower meals
Oscar Laguna
Sylvain Guyot
Xiaoxi Yu
Laurent Broudiscou
Patrick Chapoutot
Journal articles
Impact of plasticizers on lignin-carrageenan formulation properties and on phosphorus release from a coated TSP fertilizer
Saloua Fertahi
Isabelle Bertrand
Mohamed Ilsouk
Abdallah Oukarroum
M'Barek Amjoud
Journal articles
Contribution to Circular Economy options of mixed agricultural wastes management: Coupling anaerobic digestion with gasification for enhanced energy and material recovery
N. Antoniou
Florian Monlau
Cecilia Sambusiti
E. Ficara
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
One-pot activation and pyrolysis of Moroccan Gelidium sesquipedale red macroalgae residue: production of an efficient adsorbent biochar
Saida Tayibi
Florian Monlau
Nour-Elhouda Fayoud
Abdallah. Oukarroum
Youssef Zeroual
Journal articles
Electrostatic separation for sustainable production of rapeseed oil cake protein concentrate: Effect of mechanical disruption on protein and lignocellulosic fiber separation
S. Kdidi
Guadalupe Vaca Medina
Jérôme Peydecastaing
A. Oukarroum
Nour-Elhouda Fayoud
Journal articles
Focal adhesion clustering drives endothelial cell morphology on patterned surfaces
C. Natale
J. Lafaurie-Janvore
M. Ventre
A. Babataheri
A. Barakat
Journal articles
Influence of Rice Husk and Wood Biomass Properties on the Manufacture of Filaments for Fused Deposition Modeling
Marie-Joo Le Guen
Stefan Hill
Dawn Smith
Beatrix Theobald
Evamaria Gaugler
Journal articles
Comparison of Dry Versus Wet Milling to Improve Bioethanol or Methane Recovery from Solid Anaerobic Digestate
Florian Monlau
Cécilia Sambusiti
Abdellatif Barakat
Journal articles
Properties of Coated Slow-Release Triple Superphosphate (TSP) Fertilizers Based on Lignin and Carrageenan Formulations
Saloua Fertahi
Isabelle Bertrand
M’barek Amjoud
Abdallah Oukarroum
Mohamed Arji
Journal articles
Pretreatment and co-digestion of wastewater sludge for biogas production: Recent research advances and trends
D. Elalami
Hélène Carrère
F. Monlau
K. Abdelouahdi