Species identification of fish shoals using coupled split-beam and multibeam echosounders and two scuba-diving observational methods
Viviane David
Anne Mouget
Pierre Thiriet
Corentin Minart
Yannick Perrot
Journal articles
Accurately predicting rare and poorly detectable species habitat for spatial protection
Sophie Elliott
Gaspard Dubost
Etienne Rivot
Anthony Acou
Vincent Toison
Journal articles
Testing novel methods for short-term forecasting of European glass eel recruitment
Mathilde Bénézech
Hilaire Drouineau
Anthony Acou
Agnes Bardonnet
Clarisse Boulenger
Journal articles
Corrigendum to “Quantifying larval dispersal portfolio in seabass nurseries using otolith chemical signatures” [Mar. Environ. Res. 196 (2024) 106426]
Nils Teichert
Anthony Acou
Hélène Tabouret
Anne Lizé
Françoise Daverat
Journal articles
Hydro-morphological features and functional structure of fish assemblages mediate species isotopic niches in estuaries
Nils Teichert
Anne Lizé
Mario Lepage
Henrique Cabral
Thomas Trancart
Journal articles
Quantifying larval dispersal portfolio in seabass nurseries using otolith chemical signatures
Nils Teichert
Hélène Tabouret
Anne Lizé
Françoise Daverat
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
The South Pacific: a unique geological and oceanographic region of freshwater island-oasis habitats for anguillid eel population interactions
Michael Miller
Pierre Sasal
Robert Schabetsberger
Mari Kuroki
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Biogeographical snapshot of life-history traits of European silver eels: insights from otolith microchemistry
Nils Teichert
Bastien Bourillon
Kyoko Suzuki
Anthony Acou
Alexandre Carpentier
Journal articles
Isotopic niches of diadromous fishes inform on interspecific competition in an obstructed catchment
Anne Lizé
Nils Teichert
Jean-Marc Roussel
Anthony Acou
Éric Feunteun
Journal articles
Decoupling carry-over effects from environment in fish nursery grounds
Nils Teichert
Anne Lizé
Henrique Cabral
Anthony Acou
Thomas Trancart
Journal articles
Fisheries-dependent and -Independent data used to model the distribution of diadromous fish at-sea
Sophie A.M. Elliott
Noémie Deleys
Laurent Beaulaton
Etienne Rivot
Elodie Réveillac
Journal articles
Modelling the distribution of rare and data-poor diadromous fish at sea for protected area management
Sophie A M Elliott
Anthony Acou
Laurent Beaulaton
Jérôme Guitton
Elodie Réveillac
Journal articles
Modelling the distribution of vulnerable skate from fisheries dependent data using imperfect detection
Amaëlle Bisch
Sophie A M Elliott
Alexandre Carpentier
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
A possible strong impact of tidal power plant on silver eels' migration
Thomas Trancart
Nils Teichert
Jézabel Lamoureux
Elouana Gharnit
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Anthropogenic Contaminants Shape the Fitness of the Endangered European Eel: A Machine Learning Approach
Bastien Bourillon
Eric Feunteun
Anthony Acou
Thomas Trancart
Nils Teichert
Journal articles
A multi-approach study to reveal eel life-history traits in an obstructed catchment before dam removal
Nils Teichert
Anne Lizé
Hélène Tabouret
Claudia Gerard
Gilles Bareille
Journal articles
Modelling past migrations to determine efficient management rules favouring silver eel escapement from a large regulated Floodplain Lake
Jacques Bourgeaux
Nils Teichert
Jean-Marc Gillier
Valentin Danet
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Population genetics reveals divergent lineages and ongoing hybridization in a declining migratory fish species complex
Quentin Rougemont
Charles Perrier
Anne-Laure Besnard
Isabelle Lebel
Yann Abdallah
Journal articles
An innovative sampling protocol for fish species identification methods in shallow waters: towed diver, towed video and stereoscopic camera system
Corentin Minart
Viviane David
Anne Mouget
Patrice Brehmer
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Species identification of fish shoals combining multibeam and split-beam echosounders with visual observations from diving [résumé]
Viviane David
Corentin Minart
Anne Mouget
Yannick Perrot
Pierre Thiriet
ICES Scientifics Reports , 2022, 4 (54), pp.45-46
Journal articles
European flounder foraging movements in an estuarine nursery seascape inferred from otolith microchemistry and stable isotopes
Nils Teichert
Anne Lizé
Hélène Tabouret
Jean-Marc Roussel
Gilles Bareille
Journal articles
Molecular detection of the swim bladder parasite Anguillicola crassus (Nematoda) in fecal samples of the endangered European eel Anguilla anguilla
Thibaut Jousseaume
Jean-Marc Roussel
Laurent Beaulaton
Agnes Bardonnet
Elisabeth Faliex
Journal articles
Insights from a multibeam echosounder to survey pelagic fish shoals and their spatio-temporal distribution in ultra-shallow waters
Viviane David
Anne Mouget
Yannick Perrot
Loïc Le Goff
Pierre Thiriet
Journal articles
Effect of environmental parameters on acoustic characterisation of pelagic biocenoses in ultra-shallow (5-30 m) coastal areas
Anne Mouget
Viviane David
Anthony Acou
Eric Feunteun
Pierre Thiriet
Journal articles
Shedding light on the river and sea lamprey in western European marine waters
Sophie A. M. Elliott
Noémie Deleys
Etienne Rivot
Anthony Acou
Elodie Réveillac
Journal articles
Microbial functional structure and stable isotopic variation of leptocephali across three current zones in the western South Pacific
Leopold Ghinter
Christine Dupuy
Michael J Miller
Alexandre Carpentier
Christel Lefrançois
Journal articles
Assessment of the quality of European silver eels and tentative approach to trace the origin of contaminants - An European overview
Bastien Bourillon
Anthony Acou
Thomas Trancart
Claude Belpaire
Adrian Covaci
Journal articles
Towards transferability in fish migration models: A generic operational tool for predicting silver eel migration in rivers
Nils Teichert
Stéphane Tetard
Thomas Trancart
Eric de Oliveira
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Corrigendum to "Distribution of anguillid leptocephali and possible spawning areas in the South Pacific Ocean" [Progr. Oceanogr. 180 (2020) 102234]
Mari Kuroki
Michael J. Miller
Eric Feunteun
Pierre Sasal
Timothy Pikering
Journal articles
When "safe" dams kill: analyzing combination of impacts of overflow dams on the migration of silver eels
Thomas Trancart
Alexandre Carpentier
Anthony Acou
Fabien Charrier
Virgile Mazel
Journal articles
Distribution of anguillid leptocephali and possible spawning areas in the South Pacific Ocean
Mari Kuroki
Michael J Miller
Eric Feunteun
Pierre Sasal
Timothy Pikering
Journal articles
Resolving the trade-off between silver eel escapement and hydropower generation with simple decision rules for turbine shutdown
Nils Teichert
Stéphane Tétard
Thomas Trancart
Eric Feunteun
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Behaviour of endangered European eels in proximity to a dam during downstream migration: Novel insights using high accuracy 3D acoustic telemetry
T Trancart
A Carpentier
A Acou
V Danet
S Elliott
Journal articles
Silver eel downstream migration in the River Rhine, route choice, and its impacts on escapement: A 6-year telemetry study in a highly anthropized system
Thomas Trancart
Stéphane Tétard
Anthony Acou
Eric Feunteun
Frédéric Schaeffer
Journal articles
High genetic diversity and lack of pronounced population structure in five species of sympatric Pacific eels
Chrysoula Gubili
Robert Schabetsberger
Christine Poellabauer
Becky Bates
Rosa M Wagstaff
Journal articles
Migration behaviour and escapement of European silver eels from a large lake and wetland system subject to water level management (Grand‐Lieu Lake, France): New insights from regulated acoustic telemetry data
Thomas Trancart
Eric Feunteun
Valentin Danet
Alexandre Carpentier
Virgile Mazel
Journal articles
Metazoan parasite communities in Alosa alosa (Linnaeus, 1758) and Alosa fallax (Lac,pSde, 1803) (Clupeidae) from North-East Atlantic coastal waters and connected rivers
Claudia Gérard
Maxime Hervé
Mélanie Gay
Odile Bourgau
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Difference in factors explaining growth rate variability in European eel subpopulations: the possible role of habitat carrying capacity
Clarisse Boulenger
Alain J. Crivelli
Fabien Charrier
Jean-Marc Roussel
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Spatial distribution and impact of the gill-parasitic Mazocraes alosae (Herman, 1782) (Monogenea Polyopisthocotylea) on Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) (Clupeidae)
Claudia Gérard
Maxime Hervé
Elodie Réveillac
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Difference in responses of two coastal species to fluctuating salinities and temperatures: Potential modification of specific distribution areas in the context of global change
Thomas Trancart
Eric Feunteun
Christel Lefrançois
Anthony Acou
Christophe Boinet
Journal articles
Factors determining survival of European eels in two unexploited sub-populations
Clarisse Boulenger
Anthony Acou
Olivier Gimenez
Fabien Charrier
Julien Tremblay
Journal articles
Empirical observations of the spawning migration of European eels: The long and dangerous road to the Sargasso Sea
David Righton
Håkan Westerberg
Eric Feunteun
Finn Økland
Patrick Gargan
Journal articles
Disrupted downstream migration behaviour of European silver eels (Anguilla anguilla, L.) in an obstructed river
Marc L. Besson
Thomas Trancart
Anthony Acou
Fabien Charrier
Virgile Mazel
Journal articles
Pre-release processes influencing short-term mortality of glass eels in the French eel (Anguilla anguilla, Linnaeus 1758) stocking programme
Q. Josset
T. Trancart
V. Mazel
F. Charrier
L. Frotté
Journal articles
Length-weight relationships of the silver European eel, Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758), across its geographic range
C. Boulenger
Anthony Acou
T. Trancart
A. Crivelli
E. Feunteun
Journal articles
The effect of thermal shock during diel vertical migration on the energy required for oceanic migration of the European silver eel
Thomas Trancart
C. Tudorache
G.E.E.J.M. van den Thillart
A. Acou
A Carpentier
Journal articles
Modeling marine shad distribution using data from french bycatch fishery surveys
Thomas Trancart
S Rochette
Anthony Acou
Emilien Lasne
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Migration behaviour of silver eels (Anguilla anguilla) in a large estuary of Western Europe inferred from acoustic telemetry
Elise Bultel
Emilien Lasne
Anthony Acou
Julien Guillaudeau
Christine Bertier
Journal articles
Forecasting animal migration using SARIMAX: an efficient means of reducing silver eel mortality caused by turbines
T Trancart
Anthony Acou
E de Oliveira
E Feunteun
Journal articles
Influence of introduced vs. native parasites on the body condition of migrant silver eels
Claudia Gerard
Thomas Trancart
Elsa Amilhat
Elisabeth Faliex
Laure Virag
Journal articles
Fitness consequences of individual specialisation in resource use and trophic morphology in European eels
Julien Cucherousset
Anthony Acou
Simon Blanchet
J. Robert Britton
William Beaumont
Journal articles
Comparison of reproductive traits between two salt-marsh wolf spiders (Araneae, Lycosidae) under different habitat suitability conditions
Charlène Puzin
Anthony Acou
Dries Bonte
Julien Pétillon
Journal articles
Habitat carrying capacity is reached for the European eel in a small coastal catchment: evidence and implications for managing eel stocks
A. Acou
Etienne Rivot
J.A. van Gils
A. Legault
F. Ysnel
Journal articles
Impact of toxic cyanobacteria on gastropods and microcystin accumulation in a eutrophic lake (Grand-Lieu, France) with special reference to Physa (= Physella) acuta
Emilie Lance
Luc Brient
Alexandre Carpentier
Anthony Acou
Loic Marion
Journal articles
Plant invasion phenomenon enhances reproduction performance in an endangered spider.
J. Pétillon
C. Puzin
A. Acou
Yannick Outreman
Journal articles
Environmental determinism of year-to-year recruitment variability of European eel Anguilla anguilla in a small coastal catchment, the Fremur, north-west France
Anthony Acou
A. Legault
P. Laffaille
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Effects of commercial fishing and predation by cormorants on the Anguilla anguilla stock of a shallow eutrophic lake.
Alexandre Carpentier
Loic Marion
Jean-Marc Paillisson
Anthony Acou
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Influence of toxic cyanobacteria on community structure and microcystin accumulation of freshwater molluscs.
Claudia Gerard
Virginie Poullain
Emilie Lance
Anthony Acou
Luc Brient
Journal articles
Concepts for characterizing spawning biomass of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in catchments
Tony Robinet
A. Acou
P. Boury
Eric Feunteun
Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment, 2008, 57 (4), pp.201-211
Journal articles
European eel distribution and body condition in a river floodplain: effect of longitudinal and lateral connectivity
Emilien Lasne
A. Acou
A. Vila-Gispert
P. Laffaille
Journal articles
Migration pattern of silver eel (Anguilla anguilla, L.) in an obstructed river system
A. Acou
P. Laffaille
A. Legault
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Evidence of silver eels contamination by microcystin-LR at the onset of the seaward migration: what consequences for breeding potential ?
Anthony Acou
Tony Robinet
Emilie Lance
Claudia Gerard
Béatrice Mounaix
Journal articles
Patterns of silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) sex ratio in a catchment
Pascal Laffaille
Anthony Acou
Jérôme Guillouët
Béatrice Mounaix
Antoine Legault
Journal articles
Error in ocular index measurements in European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.)
Anthony Acou
G. Poizat
A.‐j. Crivelli
Journal articles
The yellow European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) may adopt a sedentary lifestyle in inland freshwaters
Pascal Laffaille
Anthony Acou
Jérôme Guillouët
Journal articles
Towards a standardized characterization of the potentially migrating silver European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)
Anthony Acou
Pauline Boury
Pascal Laffaille
Alain Jean Crivelli
Eric Feunteun
Journal articles
Temporal changes in European eel, Anguilla anguilla, stocks in a small catchment after installation of fish passes
Pascal Laffaille
Anthony Acou
Jérôme Guillouët
Antoine Legault
Journal articles
Silvering of female eels (Anguilla anguilla) in two sub-populations of the Rhône delta
Anthony Acou
F. Lefebvre
P. Contournet
G. Poizat
J. Panfili
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 2003, 368, pp.55-68. ⟨10.1051/kmae:2003036⟩
Journal articles
Suivi de la migration d'avalaison des anguilles par une conduite de débit réservé
A. Legault
Anthony Acou
J. Guillouët
E. Feunteun
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 2003, 368, pp.43-54. ⟨10.1051/kmae:2003035⟩
Journal articles
Recruitment of glass eels (Anguilla anguilla) on the french mediterranean coast: A comparative analysis of biometric and pigmentation characteristics during the 1974-75 and 2000-01 sampling seasons
Fabrice Lefebvre
E. Sergent
Anthony Acou
R. Lecomte-Finiger
A. Crivelli
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 2003, 368, pp.85-96. ⟨10.1051/kmae:2003038⟩
Journal articles
Spatial organisation of European eel ( Anguilla anguilla L.) in a small catchment
P Laffaille
E Feunteun
A Baisez
T Robinet
Anthony Acou
Journal articles
Anthony Acou
Fabrice Lefebvre
P. Contournet
G. Poizat
J. Panfili
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 2003, 368, pp.55-68. ⟨10.1051/kmae:2003036⟩
Journal articles
Anguillicolosis among silver eels: A 2-year survey in 4 habitats from Camargue (Rhône delta, south of France)
Fabrice Lefebvre
Anthony Acou
G. Poizat
A. Crivelli
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 2003, 368, pp.97-108. ⟨10.1051/kmae:2003039⟩
Journal articles
European eel (Anguilla anguilla): prediction of spawner escapement from continental population parameters
Eric Feunteun
Anthony Acou
Pascal Laffaille
Antoine Legault
Journal articles
Spatial distribution of an eel population (Anguilla anguilla L.) in a small coastal catchment of northern Brittany (France). Consequences of hydraulic works
E. Feunteun
Anthony Acou
J. Guillouët
P. Laffaille
A. Legault
BFPP. Bulletin français de la pêche et de la protection des milieux aquatiques [Bulletin francais de la pêche et de la pisciculture], 1998, 349, pp.129-139. ⟨10.1051/kmae:1998038⟩
Journal articles