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Akram Hakiri
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 166885010
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=hWFrDC4AAAAJ
- ResearcherId : H-5811-2018
- ResearcherId : http://www.researcherid.com/rid/H-5811-2018
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A SDN-based IoT Architecture Framework for Efficient Energy Management in Smart BuildingsGlobal Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Oct 2020, Tunis, Tunisia
Conference papers
A Blockchain Architecture for SDN-enabled Tamper-Resistant IoT NetworksGlobal Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Oct 2020, Tunis, Tunisia
Conference papers
Scalable and Adaptive Software Defined Network Management for Cloud-hosted Group Communication Applications10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing UCC 2017, Dec 2017, Austin, United States. ⟨10.1145/3147213.3147220⟩
Conference papers
Managing Wireless Fog Networks using Software-Defined Networking2017 IEEE/ACS 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Oct 2017, Hammamet, Tunisia. 8p., ⟨10.1109/AICCSA.2017.9⟩
Conference papers
An Autonomous and Dynamic Coordination and Discovery Service for Wide-Area Peer-to-peer Publish/Subscribe11th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems DEBS 2017 , Jun 2017, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Sofware-defined Adaptive Resource Management for Cloud-hosted Group Communication ApplicationsDEBS '17 , Jun 2017, Barcelone, Spain. ⟨10.1145/3093742.3095087⟩
Conference papers
Cyber Foraging and Offloading Framework for Internet of Things 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), Jun 2016, Atlanta, GA, USA, United States. ⟨10.1109/COMPSAC.2016.88⟩
Conference papers
Enabling Software-Defined Networking for Wireless Mesh Networks in Smart Environments15th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2016), Oct 2016, Cambridge, MA, United States. ⟨10.1109/NCA.2016.7778610⟩
Conference papers
Data-Centric Publish/Subscribe Routing Middleware for Realizing Proactive Overlay Software-Defined NetworkingDEBS '16 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems, Jun 2016, Ivrine, United States. ⟨10.1145/2933267.2933314⟩
Conference papers
Rethinking the Design of LR-WPAN IoT Systems with Software-Defined NetworkingDistributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), 2016 International Conference on, May 2016, Washington, DC, USA, United States
Conference papers
Bootstrapping Software Defined Network for Flexible and Dynamic Control Plane ManagementNetwork Softwarization (NetSoft), 2015 1st IEEE Conference on, Apr 2015, Londres, United Kingdom. pp.1-5
Conference papers
A DDS/SDN Based Communication System for Efficient Support of Dynamic Distributed Real-Time Applications2014 IEEE/ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, Oct 2014, Toulouse, France. pp.77 - 84, ⟨10.1109/DS-RT.2014.18⟩
Conference papers
Analyse de solutions pour la mise en oeuvre d'applications DDS sur réseaux grande distanceCFIP 2012, Oct 2012, Anglet, France. pp.105
Conference papers
A Formal Model for the Specification and Analysis of HLA-based Distributed Multimedia Interactive Simulation using Hierarchical Time Stream Petri NetsThe Third International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia, MMEDIA 2011, Apr 2011, Budapest, Portugal. p.23-29
Conference papers
Design of Low Cost PC-based Simulators for Education and Training Purpose Using DDSInternational Conference on Computer as a Tool, EUROCON 2011, Apr 2011, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.103
Conference papers
Controlled Stochastic Petri Net Model for End-to-End Network QoS Provisioning in Middleware-based Multimedia and Real-Time SystemsThe Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS 2011), Apr 2011, Boston, United States. p.118-125
Conference papers
Addressing the Challenge of Distributed Interactive Simulation With Data Distribution Service2010 Euro Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Jul 2010, Ottawa, Canada. 9p
Conference papers
Etude des applications de Simulation Distribuée Interactive et l'algorithme Dead ReckoningCONF EDSYS, May 2010, Toulouse, France. pp.103
Conference papers
Survey study of the QoS Management in Distributed Interactive Simulation Through Dead Reckoning Algorithms2010 Euro Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Jul 2010, Ottawa, Canada. 10p
Conference papers
QoS-enabled ANFIS Dead Reckoning Algorithm for Distributed Interactive SimulationDistributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), 2010 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on, Oct 2010, Fairfax, VA, United States. p.33 - 42, ⟨10.1109/DS-RT.2010.13⟩
Conference papers
Multi-Level Model for Synchronizing Temporal Streams on HLA based Distributed Multimedia Applications Using HTSPNThe Second International Conferences on Advances in Multimedia (MMEDIA 2010), IARIA, Jun 2010, Athens, Greece. ⟨10.1109/MMEDIA.2010.41⟩
Conference papers
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Network for Spatial and Aeronautic SystemsInternational Conference on Telecommunications (IEEE ICT 2010), Apr 2010, Doha, Qatar. 8p
Conference papers
Wireless Field Buses for Aerospace Ground and In-Flight Testing: an ExperimentFET 2009 - Fieldbuses and nEtworks in Industrial & Embedded Systems, May 2009, South Korea. pp.1
Conference papers
Leveraging SDN for The 5G Networks: Trends, Prospects and ChallengesSoftware Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN): Beyond LTE Network Architecture , pp.61-80, 2015, Mobile & Wireless Communications
Book sections
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Network for Spatial and Aeronautic Systems2009
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Architecture de communication à QoS garantie pour la simulation distribuéeArchitectures Matérielles [cs.AR]. Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2012. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩