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Alessandro Garcea
Full Professor - Latin literature and History of texts
Open access
Current affiliations
- 413221
- 56663
- 423106
Researcher identifiers
- IdRef : 063870142
- Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.fr/citations?user=lYbCvTMAAAAJ
Professeur de Littérature latine et histoire des textes
Principal Investigator ERC Advanced Grant LiTeRA - Linguistic Texts of Roman Antiquity. Collecting fragments, sources and lexicon in a digital environment
Directeur adjoint de l’[Institut de Latin](https://lettres.sorbonne-universite.fr/faculte-des-lettres/ufr/lettres/latin) à Sorbonne Université
Directeur adjoint de de l’[École doctorale I (022) Mondes antiques et médiévaux](https://lettres.sorbonne-universite.fr/ecoles-doctorales/mondes-antiques-et-medievaux)
Animateur de l’[Initiative SU Sciences de l’Antiquité (ISAntiq)](https://sciences-antiquite.sorbonne-universite.fr/)
Membre de l’équipe [Rome et ses renaissances (EA 4081)](https://lettres.sorbonne-universite.fr/structures-de-recherche/rome-et-ses-renaissances-art-archeologie-litterature-philosophie)
Membre de la [Scuola Superiore Meridionale (SSM)](http://www.ssm.unina.it/it/)
Membre correspondant de l'[Accademia delle Scienze](https://www.accademiadellescienze.it/member/e35e594b-d30b-465b-96cf-f62d86483971) de Turin
Membre honoraire de l’[Institut Universitaire de France](http://www.iufrance.fr/les-membres-de-liuf/membre/57-alessandro-garcea.html)
### **Coordonnées**
Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Lettres
UFR Latin
1, rue Victor Cousin
75005 Paris
\+ 33 (0) 1 43 18 41 70
### **Spécialités**
- Histoire des théories linguistiques à Rome
- Grammaire, rhétorique et philosophie à Rome
- César, Cicéron, Varron, Aulu-Gelle, grammairiens latins
### **CV et publications**
- [Liste complète des publications dans HAL-SHS Archives ouvertes](https://hal.sorbonne-universite.fr/search/index/?q=%2A&authIdHal_s=alessandrogarcea&sort=producedDate_tdate+desc)
- Site [Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum (CGL)](https://htldb.huma-num.fr/exist/apps/cgl/index.html)
- [Carnet de recherche CGL Corpus Grammaticorum Latinorum](https://cgl.hypotheses.org/)
- [Carnet de recherche Grammatici disiecti](https://gradis.hypotheses.org/)
- [Carnet de recherche Littérature Latine et Histoire des Textes](https://llhdt.hypotheses.org/)
- [Encadrement doctoral (theses.fr)](http://www.theses.fr/063870142)
- [Google Scholar citations](https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lYbCvTMAAAAJ&hl=en)
### Multimédia (youtube etc.)
- XIII Giornata Ghisleriana di Filologia classica (2022) : [L'integrazione dei grecismi in latino all'inizio dell'età imperiale: Plinio il Vecchio e Quintiliano](https://youtu.be/24wN96-XUJM?t=3616)
- [Inaugurazione del 239° Anno Accademico (2021-2022) dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino](https://youtu.be/pmCQ6msUQPA?t=89)
- [Qu'est ce que l'Initiative Sciences de l'Antiquité ?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35n64UmQX0U)
- Actualités Sorbonne Université : [Recherche pluridisciplinaire en Sciences de l'Antiquité](https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/actualites/notre-offre-pedagogique-sur-lantiquite-na-dequivalent-nulle-part-ailleurs)
- Café des sciences 2020 : De l’observation à l’enseignement, pourquoi s’intéresser aux langues anciennes ? ([1re partie](https://www.canal-u.tv/video/umr_8167_cnrs/de_l_observation_a_l_enseignement_pourquoi_s_interesser_aux_langues_anciennes_1ere_partie.58101)) ([2e partie](https://www.canal-u.tv/video/umr_8167_cnrs/de_l_observation_a_l_enseignement_pourquoi_s_interesser_aux_langues_anciennes_2e_partie.58109))
* 2008 Qualification: Full Professor - Language sciences (CNU section 07), Ancient languages and literatures (sect. 08) and Philosophy (sect. 17), National Council of Universities (CNU), France.
* 2007 Habilitation (HDR, highest degree required for supervision of PhD students in France) - Latin studies (dir. C. Lévy), Institute of Latin, Université de Paris IV-Sorbonne, France.
* 2003 Qualification: ‘Maître de Conférences’ (MCF, Assistant Professor) - Ancient languages and literatures (CNU sect. 08), France.
* 2002 PhD (with honours) - Greek, Latin and Byzantine philology and literature (dir. G. Garbarino), Institute of Classical Philology, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy.
* 1998 Master (summa cum laude, publication recommended) - History of Latin language (dir. V. Lomanto), Institute of Classical Philolgy, Università degli Studi di Torino, Italy.
* 2009 – 2013 Full Professor - Latin linguistics, Division of Humanities, Languages and Arts, Université de Lyon 2, France.
* 2003 – 2009 Assistant Professor - Latin language and literature, Division of Humanities, Philosophy, Music, Université de Toulouse 2, France.
* 2024 - Principal Investigator ERC Advanced Grant LiTeRA - Linguistic Texts of Roman Antiquity. Collecting fragments, sources and lexicon in a digital environment
* 2011 – 2016 Junior Member - Institut Universitaire de France, France (75,000€ research funds and a reduction of 2/3 of the statutory teaching duties, granted to about 2% of French academics).
* 2021 – now Correspondent Member - Turin Academy of Sciences (founded in 1757), Italy.
* 2016 – now Honorary Member - Institut Universitaire de France, France.
* 2008 – now Scientific Member - International Society of Friends of Cicero.
* 2021 – now Scientific Board Member - Doctoral school ‘Classical antiquities and their posterity’, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy.
* 2019 – now Director - ‘Sciences de l’Antiquité’ initiative, SU, France.
* 2019 – now Co-Director (with C. Roche-Hawley) - School of Ancient languages (courses on about 30 different languages in the ancient worlds), SU, France.
* 2018 – now Member - Register of Expert Peer Reviewers for Italian Scientific Evaluation (REPRISE), Italy.
* 2018 – now Co-Director - Doctoral school ‘Ancient and medieval worlds’, SU, France.
* 2018 – now Co-Director - Institute of Latin, SU, France.
* 2017 – now Scientific Board Member - Doctoral school ‘Literary and Historical Sciences in the Digital Age’, Università di Cassino, Italy.
* 2017 – now Member - Faculty Committee, SU, France.
* 2013 – now Member - Department Committee, SU, France.
* 2022 – now Academic Board Member - Scuola Superiore Meridionale, Archeology and ancient Mediterranean cultures, Italy (Institute of higher doctoral training, founded in 2018).
* 2013 – now Latin literature and History of texts, History of Latin language (Archaic and Vulgar Latin), Classical Latin authors (BA and MA, including a research seminar open to PhD students, 192 hours per year), SU, France.
* 2009 – 2013 Latin linguistics and literature (BA and MA, 192 hours per year), Université de Lyon 2, France.
* 2003 – 2009 Latin language and literature (BA and MA, 192 hours per year), Université de Toulouse 2, France.
Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Lettres
UFR Latin
1, rue Victor Cousin
75005 Paris
+ 33 (0) 1 43 18 41 70
Research domains
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Priscien. Grammaire. Livres VIII. Le verbeJ. Vrin, Histoire des doctrines de l'Antiquité classique (LVIII), pp.376, 2023, 978-2-7116-3132-2
Ars et commentarius. La grammaire dans le commentaire de Servius à VirgileBrepols, Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum (XIV), pp.324, 2022, 978-2-503-59375-3
Tout César. Discours, traités, correspondance et commentairesRobert Laffont, 2020, Bouquins, 978-2-221-19273-3
Priscien. Grammaire Livres XI, XII, XIII - Les hybrides (Participe, Pronom)J. Vrin, Histoire des doctrines de l'Antiquité classique (LIV), pp.345, 2020, 978-2-7116-2987-9
Latin in Byzantium I. Late Antiquity and BeyondBrepols, Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum (XII), pp.564, 2019, 978-2-503-58492-8
Priscien. Grammaire Livre XVIII - Syntaxe, 2J. Vrin, Histoire des doctrines de l'Antiquité classique (XLIX), pp.553, 2017, 978-2-7116-2773-8
Fragments d'érudition. Servius et le savoir antiqueOlms, Spudasmata (168), pp.535, 2016, 978-3-487-15433-6
Polyphonia Romana. Hommages à Fréderique BivilleOlms, Spudasmata (155.1-2), pp.502, 2013
Priscien. Grammaire Livres XIV – XV – XVI. Les invariablesJ. Vrin, Histoire des doctrines de l’antiquité classique (XLIV), pp.328, 2013, 978-2-7116-2500-0
Caesar's De Analogia. Edition, Translation, and CommentaryOxford University Press, pp.xiv+304, 2012, 978-0-19-960397-8. ⟨10.1093/actrade/9780199603978.book.1⟩
Priscien. Grammaire Livre XVII. Syntaxe IJ. Vrin, Histoire des doctrines de l’antiquité classique (XLI), pp.352, 2010, 978-2-7116-2304-4
Cicerone in esilio: l'epistolario e le passioniGeorg Olms Verlag, Spudasmata (103), pp.viii+323, 2005, 4-487-12831-4
Colloquia absentium. Studi sulla comunicazione epistolare in CiceroneRosenberg & Sellier, pp.176, 2003, 88-7011-905-x
Georges. Dizionario Enciclopedico Latino-ItalianoKarl Ernst Georges; Ferruccio Calonghi. Rosenberg & Sellier, pp.lxxi+1602, 2002
Nota a Cledonio, fonte della dottrina pliniana sui pronomiDoctissimus antiquitatis perscrutator. Studi latini in onore di Mario De Nonno, Res Publica Litterarum Quaderni (2), Roma TrE-Press, pp.344-354, 2024, 979-12-5977-294-7
Book sections
Nigidius Figulus’ Linguistic Thought. Sources and Problems of InterpretationKatharina Volk. Nigidius Figulus. Roman Polymath, Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition (47), Brill, pp.98-116, 2024, 978-90-04-69080-6
Book sections
L’integrazione dei grecismi in latino all’inizio dell’età imperiale: Plinio il Vecchio e QuintilianoFabio Gasti; Andrea Pizzotti. La lingua greca nella tradizione grammaticale latina, Echo (41), Il Castello edizioni, pp.25-41, 2023, 978-88-6572-222-0
Book sections
Anonymous Grammatical Scholarship: Insights from an Annotated Juvenal Codex from EgyptAdam Gitner. Roman Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity. Guardians of a Changing Language, Oxford University Press, pp.143-166, 2023, 9780197611975. ⟨10.1093/oso/9780197611975.001.0001⟩
Book sections
Charisius 1,15 and 17 revisited: The use and adaptation of PlinyClaudio Giammona; Michela Rosellini; Elena Spangenberg Yanes. Latin Grammarians Forum 2021, Collectanea Grammatica Latina 18 (Supplementum 1), Weidmann, pp.41-99, 2023, 978-3-615-00456-4
Book sections
Views on ‘Early Latin’ in Grammatical TextsJames N. Adams; Anna Chahoud; Giuseppe Pezzini. Early Latin. Constructs, Diversity, Reception, Cambridge University Press, pp.527-548, 2023, 978-1-108-47658-4. ⟨10.1017/9781108671132⟩
Book sections
Ars et commentarius. Pour une étude de la grammaire dans le commentaire virgilien de ServiusAlessandro Garcea; Daniel Vallat. Ars et commentarius. La grammaire dans le commentaire de Servius à Virgile, Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum (XIV), Brepols, pp.7-12, 2022
Book sections
Note al De auguriis di CiceroneFrancesca Piccioni; Matteo Stefani. Munusculum per Pinuccia Magnaldi, Hellenica (97), Edizioni dell'Orso, pp.249-261, 2021, 978-88-3613-172-3
Book sections
Latin in Byzantium: Different forms of Linguistic ContactAlessandro Garcea; Michela Rosellini; Luigi Silvano. Latin in Byzantium I. Late Antiquity and Beyond, Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum (XII), Brepols, pp.43-70, 2019
Book sections
Latin in Byzantium I. Late Antiquity and Beyond. PrefaceAlessandro Garcea; Michela Rosellini; Luigi Silvano. Latin in Byzantium I. Late Antiquity and Beyond, Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum (XII), Brepols, pp.7-9, 2019
Book sections
Nec ignara philosophiae: Imperial Logic and Grammar in the Light of Gellius’ Noctes AtticaeSophie Aubert-Baillot; Charles Guérin; Sébastien Morlet. La philosophie des non-philosophes dans l’Empire romain du Iᵉʳ au IIIᵉ siècle, Orient & Méditerranée (32), De Boccard, pp.219-235, 2019, 978-2-7018-0546-7
Book sections
Nigidius Figulus’ Naturalism: Between Grammar and PhilosophyGiuseppe Pezzini; Barnaby Taylor. Language and Nature in the Classical Roman World, Cambridge University Press, pp.79-102, 2019, 978-1-108-48066-6. ⟨10.1017/9781108671972⟩
Book sections
Cornificius, Varro and the quadripertita ratioSwiggers, Pierre. Language, Grammar, and Erudition: From Antiquity to Modern Times. A collection of papers in honour of Alfons Wouters, Orbis supplementa (44), Peeters, pp.247-256, 2018, 978-90-429-3422-1
Book sections
GrammarScott McGill; Edward J. Watts. A Companion to Late Antique Literature, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World, Wiley-Blackwell, pp.451-470, 2018, 9781118830345
Book sections
Analogia, DeSander Goldberg. Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford Univerity Press, 2017, ⟨10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.401⟩
Book sections
L’académicien Dion dans le De lingua Latina de Varron : un témoignage négligéPerrine Galand; Ermanno Malaspina. Vérité et apparence. Mélanges en l’honneur de Carlos Lévy offerts par ses amis et ses disciples, Latinitates (VIII), Brepols, pp.165-176, 2016, 978-2-503-54936-1
Book sections
Érudition et grammaire antiques : quelques remarques liminairesAlessandro Garcea; Marie-Karine Lhommé; Daniel Vallat. Fragments d'érudition. Servius et le savoir antique, Spudasmata (168), Olms, pp.7-14, 2016
Book sections
Gli schemata dianoeas di Carisio: un unicum tra grammatica, retorica e letteraturaRolando Ferri; Anna Zago. The Latin of the Grammarians. Reflections about Language in the Roman World, Corpus Christianorum. Lingua Patrum (VIII), Brepols, pp.145-166, 2016, 978-2-503-56627-6
Book sections
Grammatici disiecti: continuità e discontinuità del pensiero linguistico antico nella nuova edizione in corso dei frammenti grammaticali latiniSilvana Rocca. Latina Didaxis XXXI. Atti del Convegno, Ledizioni, pp.9-27, 2016, 978-88-6705-599-9
Book sections
Il criterio della definitezza nell'Ars breuiata di AgostinoElena Pistolesi; Rosa Pugliese; Barbara Gili Fivela. Parole, gesti, interpretazioni. Studi linguistici per Carla Bazzanella, Neuropaideia (7), Aracne, pp.349-361, 2015, 978-88-548-8407-7
Book sections
Hortensius dans le Brutus : une polémique rhétorique sous forme d'éloge funèbreSophie Aubert-Baillot; Charles Guérin. Le Brutus de Cicéron. Rhétorique, politique et histoire culturelle, Mnemosyne Supplements (371), Brill, pp.141-160, 2014, 978-90-04-27448-8
Book sections
Etymology (‘etumologίa’), Ancient Theories ofGeorgios K. Giannakis. Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, Brill, pp.579-582, 2014
Book sections
Le traité De figuris numerorum de PriscienAlessandro Garcea; Marie-Karine Lhommé; Daniel Vallat. Polyphonia Romana. Hommages à Frédérique Biville, Spudasmata (155.2), Olms, pp.769-779, 2013, 978-3-487-15087-1
Book sections
PraeterpropterFrédérique Biville; Marie-Karine Lhommé; Daniel Vallat. Latin Vulgaire – Latin Tardif IX, Collection de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée 49 (Série linguistique et philologique 8), Presses de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée, pp.561-571, 2012, 978-2-35668-030-3
Book sections
Tria uerba. Numeri e approssimazione in latinoAndrea Balbo; Federica Bessone; Ermanno Malaspina. Tanti affetti in tal momento. Studi in onore di Giovanna Garbarino, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011, 978-88-6274-308-2
Book sections
Entre conventionnalisme et naturalisme : le problème du nombre chez César et chez VarronN.N. Kazansky; V.I. Mazhuga; I.P. Medvedev; L.G. Stepanova; P. Swiggers; A. Wouters. Ancient Grammar and its Posterior Tradition, Orbis supplementa (36), Peeters, pp.145-161, 2011, 978-90-429-2576-2
Book sections
Un genre mineur : la lettre grammaticaleMarc Baratin; Carlos Lévy; Régine Utard; Anne Videau. Stylus : la parole dans ses formes. Mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Jacqueline Dangel, Rencontres (11), Garnier, pp.163-176, 2010, 978-2-8124-0196-1
Book sections
La politica linguistica di Cesare : origine e funzione del De analogiaEdoardo Bona; Michele Curnis. Linguaggi del potere, poteri del linguaggio, Culture antiche, studi e testi (23), Edizioni dell'Orso, pp.289-298, 2010, 978-88-6274-190-3
Book sections
Aulu-Gelle, Probus et le problème de la traduction des textes poétiquesBernard Bortolussi; Madeleine Keller; Sophie Minon; Lyliane Sznajder. Traduire, transposer, transmettre dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, Picard, pp.17-26, 2009, 978-2-7084-0838-8
Book sections
Substance et accidents dans la grammaire de PriscienMarc Baratin; Bernard Colombat; Louis Holtz. Priscien : Transmission et refondation de la grammaire, de l'Antiquité aux Modernes, Studia artistarum (21), Brepols, pp.125-138, 2009, 978-2-503-53074-1
Book sections
Due passioni dell'incertezza: paura e speranza nelle orazioni ciceronianeGianna Petrone; Alfredo Casamento. Lo spettacolo della giustizia: le orazioni di Cicerone, Leuconoe (10), Flaccovio, pp.199-212, 2007, 88-7804-415-6
Book sections
Saint Augustin, les uniuoca et l'ambiguïté universelle des motsClaude Moussy; Anna Orlandini. L'ambiguïté en Grèce et à Rome. Approche linguistique, Lingua Latina (10), Presses Universitaires de Paris Sorbonne, pp.39-48, 2007, 978-2-84050-507-5
Book sections
Prière et silence : quelques considérations autour de Saint Augustin, De Magistro 2Jean-François Cottier. La prière en latin. De l'Antiquité au XVIᵉ siècle. Formes, évolutions, significations, Collection d'études médiévales de Nice (6), Brepols, pp.157-176, 2007, 978-2-503-51832-9
Book sections
César et les paramètres de l'analogieLouis Basset; Frédérique Biville; Bernard Colombat; Pierre Swiggers; Alfons Wouters. Bilinguisme et terminologie grammaticale gréco-latine, Orbis supplementa (27), Peeters, pp.339-357, 2007, 978-90-429-1907-5
Book sections
Wahrheit und Sprachgebrauch: Zur Wiederverwendung zweier sprachwissenschaftlicher Begriffe zwischen Grammatik, Rhetorik und Philosophie in RomStephanos Matthaios; Peter Schmitter. Linguistische und epistemologische Konzepte - diachron, Nodus publikationen, pp.37-60, 2007, 978-3-89323-294-9
Book sections
Cicéron hors de Rome: les passions et l’identité de l’exiléPerrine Galand-Hallyn; Carlos Lévy. Vivre pour soi, vivre pour la cité de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance, Rome et ses Renaissances, Presses universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne, pp.223-232, 2006, 2-84050-446-4
Book sections
La morphologie nominale d'après le De analogia de CésarGualtiero Calboli. Latina Lingua! Proceedings of the Twelfth International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Papers on Grammar (IX.1), Herder, pp.71-79, 2005, Papers on Grammar, 88-89670-00-2
Book sections
Aulus Gellius and Fronto on Loan Words and Literary Models: Their Evaluation of LaberiusLeofranc Holford-Strevens; Amiel Vardi. The Worlds of Aulus Gellius, Oxford University Press, pp.41-64, 2004, 0-19-926482-1
Book sections
Le langage des émotions dans les lettres d’exil de CicéronLéon Nadjo; Élisabeth Gavoille. Epistulae antiquae III. Actes du IIIᵉ Colloque international "L’épistolaire antique et ses prolongements européens", Peeters, pp.153-167, 2004, 90-429-1509-9
Book sections
Rispondere con ordine alle lettere: una funzione di quod nell’epistolario di CiceroneAlessandro Garcea. Colloquia absentium. Studi sulla comunicazione epistolare in Cicerone, Rosenberg & Sellier, pp.73-99, 2003, 88-7011-905-x
Book sections
PresentazioneAlessandro Garcea. Colloquia absentium. Studi sulla comunicazione epistolare in Cicerone, Rosenberg & Sellier, pp.7-11, 2003, 88-7011-905-x
Book sections
Gellio, il bilinguismo greco-latino e i nomi dei coloriRenato Oniga. Il plurilinguismo nella tradizione letteraria latina, Lingue, Culture e testi (6), Il Calamo, pp.173-198, 2003, 88-88039-57-0
Book sections
L’interaction épistolaire entre dialogue in absentia et in praesentia chez CicéronA. Machtelt Bolkestein; Caroline H. Kroon; Harm Pinkster; Wim Remmelink; Rodie Risselada. Theory and Description in Latin Linguistics. Selected Papers from the Eleventh International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, Amsterdam Studies in Classical Philology (10), Gieben, pp.123-138, 2002, 90-5063-358-7
Book sections
Le passioni presso gli antichi: un percorso attraverso le Tusculanae disputationes di CiceroneCarla Bazzanella; Pietro Kobau. Passioni, emozioni, affetti, Dynamie, McGraw-Hill, pp.1-18, 2002, 88-386-3748-2
Book sections
Dialogo ed emozioni nell’epistolario ciceronianoCarla Bazzanella. Sul dialogo. Contesti e forme di interazione verbale, Guerini, pp.209-220, 2002, 88-8335-309-9
Book sections